- Are you interested in working with children?
- Would you like to gain knowledge about the education of young children, the role of preschool teachers, and the status of preschools in the Icelandic education system?
This programme is both theoretical and vocational and includes student placements.
Students will learn about:
- democratic preschool education with a focus on social justice, engagement, social skills and play
- self-directed play as the main way that young children learn
- how to foster children’s creativity
- systematic language stimulation in preschools
- how the design of a space can create diverse opportunities for learning and play
- creative thinking and philosophical discussions with children
- artistic expression in preschools
- how observation and experiments in outdoor spaces can create diverse learning opportunities
- learning at the intersections between preschool, compulsory school and afterschool care
Icelandic matriculation examination (stúdentspróf: school leaving examination after four years of upper secondary school) or an equivalent examination.
The baccalaureate degree requires 180 credits. After completing a teacher education programme at an Icelandic university, a teacher should have reached a level of competence in Icelandic that corresponds to a minimum of C1 according to the Common European Framework of References for Languages (CEFR).
Programme structure
Check below to see how the programme is structured.
- First year
- Fall
- The Preschool as a educational institution
- Academic writing and critical reading
- Language development in preschool
- The local environment as a source for learning
- Spring 1
- Music in early childhood
- Science and art workshop
- Visual arts for young children
- Movement and dramatic expression, inside and outside
- Preschool Education II _Play, communication and documentation
The Preschool as a educational institution (LSS101G)
The main aims of the course are that students gain knowledge about, and insight into the role and position of the preschool in the Icelandic educational system, how different ideology, visions and attitudes are embedded in the goals and methods in preschool education, the role of preschool teachers in children‘s learning.
It is an introductory course in preschool education where the emphasis is on presenting the educational role and the professional workplace of preschool teachers. The fundamental view is that children are entitled to challenging projects and opportunities to participate in society which is based on equality and democratic participation. Among the issues that are addressed are:
- law on preschools, fundamental pillars of education and the curriculum framework
- policy and ideology of preschool practice
- role and practice theory of preschool teachers
- children‘s play and learning based environment
- structure and practice methods in preschools
- cooperation between parents and preschools
- food culture - the relationship of environmental issues, nutrition and health
Lectures, seminars, and assignment work, both individual and team work.
Academic writing and critical reading (ÍET102G)
The main objective of the course is to prepare students for reading, writing and communicating academic texts.
The course will cover various types of scholarly material and its representation. Students will familiarize themselves with different aspects of academic writing and learn to distinguish between different genres. Students will be trained in independent and critical reading of different texts. Copyright, plagiarism, and fake news will also be discussed.
Students will acquire skills in working with academic texts, such as abstracts and summaries and in using sources when writing their own texts. They will also receive instructions in making bibliographies and using citation systems. Students will also be trained in using source material in their own writing and distinguish between their own voice and the source.
Language development in preschool (LSS108G)
In this course, the focus is on the encouragement and support of language development among preschool-age children in Iceland with different needs. The acquisition and the development of the Icelandic language will be discussed: phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, lexicon, and pragmatics. Icelandic as a second language is an important subject matter and how to best support the language development of multilingual preschool children. The students will be introduced to various methods to encourage and support language development in a diverse group of preschool children, such as listening, oral communication, vocabulary, understanding of language, phonological awareness, reading children´s literature, storytelling, oral narratives, and narrative proficiency. Emergent literacy is one of the course’s subject matters as well as how best to foster language development through school-home connections.
The local environment as a source for learning (LSS105G)
The emphasis is on that students realise how they can use children's local environment as a source for learning about science and mathematics. The importance of children's outdoor learning and children's motion for their health and development is stressed and how teachers can integrate these into children's education. Students will investigate different approaches to scaffold children's learning of mammals, small animals, plants, water, air, forms, number, and volume in their local environment.
Music in early childhood (LSS210G, LSS211G, LSS212G)
This course introduces students to scholarly writings and research on children’s musical development and teaches current methods in music education for early childhood. The readings of the course are on the current knowledge about the effects of music from birth and through the first years of life. Students learn practial approaches to organising and leading musical sessions in preschools.
Science and art workshop (LSS210G, LSS211G, LSS212G)
The course will promote an understanding of how physical and natural science, multimedia, creative thinking and communication can be integrated and interwoven into daily work and play within preschools, through research and experimentation. It will also introduce ideas on how to work with subject material from within natural sciences; such as light, colour, electricity, magnets, the interaction between the earth, sun and moon, day and night and the seasons, and explore how research, work practices, multimedia and visual art can be connected. We will be exploring ways of promoting an understanding of how teachers can introduce and be literate in natural science, technology and multimedia through creative thought and their practices. Special attention will be placed on how child orientated experiments, digital technology and visual art can be interlinked through play as a way of expression.
Visual arts for young children (LSS210G, LSS211G, LSS212G)
In this course students get acquainted with academic writings about drawing development of children and basic methods and material used in their art education.
Diverse methods of visual arts will be introduced and students will work with two- and three dimensional material. Emphasis is on independent working methods of students.
The course will be mainly tought in three or four on-site sessions for all students.
Movement and dramatic expression, inside and outside (LSS202G)
This course introduces methods of dramatic expression related to caring, trust and feelings of security in children, as a mechanism to bolster tolerance, friendship and expression.
Preschool Education II _Play, communication and documentation (LSS206G)
The main emphases in the course are different ideas and perspectives on children's play. Theories on play and influences in early childhood education will be explored. Emphasis will be placed on studies of children's communication in play, children's culture and relationships. This involves the view that children's learning takes place through their interaction in the social context and ttheir right to influence the learning environment. Documentations of children's learning in play as well as preschool teacher's role and curriculum will be addressed.
The course has a two week (4Ve) practice placement in a cooperating preschool. During the practice placement, students are expected to take part in the daily activities of the preschool, as well as working on practice placement assignments.
- Second year
- Fall
- Toddlers in preschool
- Sustainability, nature and arts
- Psychology of Development and Learning
- Integration and creative approach in teaching
- Spring 1
- Preschool Education III - Curriculum, professionalism and equality
- Creative thinking and philosophical discussion
- Children´s literature – Literature for young children
- Literacy and literacy learning
Toddlers in preschool (LSS306G)
In the course, children‘s (1-3 years) perspectives, development, and learning in preschool will be addressed, and how children create their communities through playful actions will be discussed. The transition from home to preschool where communication between preschool teachers, children, and parents is in focus. Organization of the learning environment, care, play material, and preschool teacher‘s views and how it creates conditions for how children are supported in their play and peer relationships will be addressed. The value of creative work such as music and crafts with young children and how subject areas in the curriculum are interwoven in the preschool work will also be looked into.
Sustainability, nature and arts (LSS309G)
The emphasis in the course is on sustainability and sustainability education involving children’s participation in society and their learning about nature in connection to sustainability education. Children’s ideas about the body will be discussed and how it can be connected to their health and wellbeing, as well as biodiversity and how organisms are connected to each other and nature. The importance and purpose of sustainability education will be stressed as well as how man is responsible for many environmental problems and how we can solve these problems among others in the light of the UN sustainability goals. Different strategies of value in sustainability education will be introduced.
Emphasis will be on nature perception and aesthetics and how to work with nature and sustainability in visual arts with children. How to work with the subject of the course in acting will be discussed, such as in; role-playing games, traditional games and spinning, i.e. processing of perceptions, experiences, feelings and ideas in creativity and play.
Psychology of Development and Learning (KME301G)
The course will aim to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the developmental changes that take place from birth through adolescence.
The course will cover a broad range of developmental changes during different phases of childhood and adolescence, and theories that describe and explain those changes. Theories of cognitive development, emotional and social development, the development of self, and moral development will be discussed. The approaches of behaviourism and ecological theory will also be highlighted. The origins and nature of individual differences, continuity and discontinuity of development, as well as plasticity of development will be discussed. The interaction between development and learning, motivation, parenting practices, culture, and different social environments will be addressed. A strong emphasis will be placed on the importance of understanding child development when working with children in applied settings.
The course will consist of lectures and recitations. Students' will have a chance to discuss the topics of the course and deepen their understanding of the age group they plan to focus on during their studies and work.
Integration and creative approach in teaching (GKY102G)
The main focus of the course will be on the teaching of natural and social sciences and how these subjects can be integrated through the Storyline approach. Special issues and tasks will be chosen within nature and social sciences and integrated with other subject areas. Teaching material, equipment and teaching environment that supports learning and teaching will be explored and appropriate assessment methods will be introduced and discussed. Students will learn to apply information technology tools and a creative approach in teaching and learning.
Preschool Education III - Curriculum, professionalism and equality (LSS408G)
The course aims to provide students’ knowledge of the main trends and ideology that influence policy making, curriculum development and evaluation in preschools today, knowledge and ability to promote equality in preschool as well as to reflect on their views attitude and how they affect their daily practice.
The course discusses ideological trends that affect Preschool Education and how they appear in policy making (national curriculum guidelines), pedagogy, planning and assessment in preschools. Also factors shaping teachers professionalism and role, are discussed, focusing on the fundamental pillars, ethics and equality. Concurrently, emphasis is placed on students developing critical thinking on issues in preschool, reflect on their own views and assess how they affect their practice theory.
Students participate in preschools activities paralleled with their assignments for two weeks of the semester, 30 hours per week
Creative thinking and philosophical discussion (LSS410G)
The main objective of the course is to introuduce students to basic features of creative and critical thnking, in particular how such thinking can be undertaken in a group. The possibilities of using dialogue as a method in teaching and research will be explored. The approach of the course will be based on ideas of philosophy for children, but it will be adapted to work with both children at preschool age.
Children´s literature – Literature for young children (LSS207G)
- Children's literature as a literary field; characteristics and literary concepts.
- Cultural and artistic assessment of a variety of children's books with special emphasis on recent books and selected themes.
- Children´s books as an important part of youth culture and common cultural awareness.
- Children´s books as a foundation for experience, creation, expression and communication.
- The value of literature in children's education.
- Children´s books in elementary school: reading for pleasure, reading and literacy, writing and written expression, life skills and ethics.
- Children´s books regarding multicultural issues and equality.
- The relationship between children's literature with other forms of literature and art.
Literacy and literacy learning (KME204G)
The central objective of this course is to provide students with an insight in the development of language and literacy during the primary school years and introduce them to leading practices in the instruction of reading and writing during primary school.
The main topics include linguistic prerequisites of literacy, problems of second language learning, current theories of the developmental of reading, writing and reading comprehension, reading difficulties and effective ways of promoting literacy skills. Along with theoretical considerations we will examine teaching materials and methods used in Icelandic schools.
At the end of the course, students are supposed to have theoretical and practical knowledge to be able to provide their future students with motivation and support in reading and writing througout their school years.
- Third year
- Fall
- Transition from preschool to primary school
- Educational research
- Equality in education
- Learning and Teaching Mathematics
- Spring 1
- Teaching reading and writing in the first years of primary school.
- Creative mathematics learning
- Inclusive preschool education
- Final project
Transition from preschool to primary school (KME502G)
Topics in the course are transitions and continuity between preschool, primary school, and leisure-time centers. From the perspectives of children, teachers, and parents. Continuity in children's learning will be addressed and emphasis placed on teaching diverse approaches that involve children's participation, such as play, Project approach, play with unit blocks, and philosophical discussion with children. In addition, transition to school programs will be examined.
Educational research (KME501G)
The course is designed to expose students with two main perspectives on educational research. On the one hand methodology related to data collection and data analysis, on the other hand reading and discussing educational research conducted by others. In all sections of the course an emphasis is placed on knowing and understanding concepts and ideas from educational research; students read about them, discuss and apply them in tasks connected to quantitative, qualitative and mixed research methods. They also discuss and apply concepts related to action research.
The course comprises lectures, discourse, student presentations and field-related assignments.
Equality in education (KME304G)
The course will cover equality and how gender, racism, disability, queerness, and intersectionality are used to understand and organize school work. Legislation on equality and equality education will also be presented and how they can be used to understand and manage the teaching of younger children and preschool activities. Special emphasis is placed on enabling students in the course to analyze learning environments, methods, materials, and play in preschools, during recess, and school sports from a multifaceted equality perspective. The National Curriculum for Preschool and Primary Schools forms the basis of the course, and the fundamental viewpoint will be that education about equality involves a critical examination of prevailing ideas in society. Furthermore, preschool teachers and teachers should be able to teach children and young people to analyze the circumstances that lead to some discrimination and the privileges of others. |
Learning and Teaching Mathematics (SNU101G)
In the course teacher students are introduced to the main goals of teaching mathematics in compulsory schools. The emphasis is both on content and the process of teaching and learning.
Emphasis is put on problem solving and inquiry based approach to learning and teaching. The teacher students will study how different approaches in teaching affect learning. Consideration is given to the role of the teacher and competances to be expected.
Students use ICT in their own learning and in connection with the teaching of mathematics.
Teaching reading and writing in the first years of primary school. (GKY401G, GKY601G)
The course places a strong emphasis on deepening student teachers' knowledge of reading instruction in the five main components of reading education: phonological and phonemic awareness, decoding, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension, as well as writing. Students will gain an understanding of the teacher's responsibility and role in children's reading education. The course covers the prerequisites for reading education, evidence-based teaching methods related to reading instruction, and reading difficulties. It also addresses how the fundamental elements of reading—phonological awareness, decoding, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension/listening comprehension, and writing—intertwine to promote reader confidence and fluency. Emphasis is placed on the importance of early intervention and teaching students at risk of reading difficulties.
The course discusses how a reading-promoting and creative learning environment, targeted instruction, and appropriate learning materials can enhance reading interest and ability. It will cover the collaboration between homes and schools regarding children's reading education, parental involvement in reading training, and the importance of providing information and support to families. Various assessment tools in reading instruction will be introduced, including formative assessment, preventive assessment (screening), and diagnostic tests, and the necessary links between teaching and assessment will be explained. The teacher's responsibility and role in reading instruction for diverse student groups will be examined, taking into account individual differences and methods aimed at helping students achieve the best possible reading proficiency.
The fieldwork component of the course (4 ECTS) takes place in partner schools of the School of Education and corresponds to two weeks in the field, 6 hours a day
Creative mathematics learning (GKY401G, GKY601G)
The aim of the course is to cover the main concepts in mathematics learning in primary school. Students explore what it means to do mathematics and developing understanding in mathematics. They learn to plan mathematics teaching in problem based environment using information technology and plan assessment into instruction.
Inclusive preschool education (LSS606G)
The focus in the course is on diveristy and inclusion in Early childhood Education. Inclusive pedagogy in preschool conneceted to human rights, ecuality and social justice. Collaboration between the preschool and Child-support Services and social workers.
The student´s participate and work on special assignments in two weeks field-work in preschool.
Final project (LSS606L)
The bachelor thesis for a B.Ed. degree in Preschool Education is a 10-credit written assignment completed under the guidance of a supervisor. The thesis work is undertaken towards the end of the undergraduate studies and aims to deepen the student's understanding of:
- a specific subject matter and its connection to their field of study (discipline and specialization)
- the subject matter must be relevant for the field of early childhood education and care
- Fall
- LSS101GThe Preschool as a educational institutionMandatory (required) course5A mandatory (required) course for the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse Description
The main aims of the course are that students gain knowledge about, and insight into the role and position of the preschool in the Icelandic educational system, how different ideology, visions and attitudes are embedded in the goals and methods in preschool education, the role of preschool teachers in children‘s learning.
It is an introductory course in preschool education where the emphasis is on presenting the educational role and the professional workplace of preschool teachers. The fundamental view is that children are entitled to challenging projects and opportunities to participate in society which is based on equality and democratic participation. Among the issues that are addressed are:- law on preschools, fundamental pillars of education and the curriculum framework
- policy and ideology of preschool practice
- role and practice theory of preschool teachers
- children‘s play and learning based environment
- structure and practice methods in preschools
- cooperation between parents and preschools
- food culture - the relationship of environmental issues, nutrition and health
Lectures, seminars, and assignment work, both individual and team work.Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classÍET102GAcademic writing and critical readingMandatory (required) course5A mandatory (required) course for the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe main objective of the course is to prepare students for reading, writing and communicating academic texts.
The course will cover various types of scholarly material and its representation. Students will familiarize themselves with different aspects of academic writing and learn to distinguish between different genres. Students will be trained in independent and critical reading of different texts. Copyright, plagiarism, and fake news will also be discussed.
Students will acquire skills in working with academic texts, such as abstracts and summaries and in using sources when writing their own texts. They will also receive instructions in making bibliographies and using citation systems. Students will also be trained in using source material in their own writing and distinguish between their own voice and the source.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesLSS108GLanguage development in preschoolMandatory (required) course10A mandatory (required) course for the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionSubjects:
In this course, the focus is on the encouragement and support of language development among preschool-age children in Iceland with different needs. The acquisition and the development of the Icelandic language will be discussed: phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, lexicon, and pragmatics. Icelandic as a second language is an important subject matter and how to best support the language development of multilingual preschool children. The students will be introduced to various methods to encourage and support language development in a diverse group of preschool children, such as listening, oral communication, vocabulary, understanding of language, phonological awareness, reading children´s literature, storytelling, oral narratives, and narrative proficiency. Emergent literacy is one of the course’s subject matters as well as how best to foster language development through school-home connections.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classLSS105GThe local environment as a source for learningMandatory (required) course10A mandatory (required) course for the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe emphasis is on that students realise how they can use children's local environment as a source for learning about science and mathematics. The importance of children's outdoor learning and children's motion for their health and development is stressed and how teachers can integrate these into children's education. Students will investigate different approaches to scaffold children's learning of mammals, small animals, plants, water, air, forms, number, and volume in their local environment.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in class- Spring 2
LSS210G, LSS211G, LSS212GMusic in early childhoodRestricted elective course5Restricted elective course, conditions apply5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThis course introduces students to scholarly writings and research on children’s musical development and teaches current methods in music education for early childhood. The readings of the course are on the current knowledge about the effects of music from birth and through the first years of life. Students learn practial approaches to organising and leading musical sessions in preschools.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classLSS210G, LSS211G, LSS212GScience and art workshopRestricted elective course5Restricted elective course, conditions apply5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe course will promote an understanding of how physical and natural science, multimedia, creative thinking and communication can be integrated and interwoven into daily work and play within preschools, through research and experimentation. It will also introduce ideas on how to work with subject material from within natural sciences; such as light, colour, electricity, magnets, the interaction between the earth, sun and moon, day and night and the seasons, and explore how research, work practices, multimedia and visual art can be connected. We will be exploring ways of promoting an understanding of how teachers can introduce and be literate in natural science, technology and multimedia through creative thought and their practices. Special attention will be placed on how child orientated experiments, digital technology and visual art can be interlinked through play as a way of expression.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classLSS210G, LSS211G, LSS212GVisual arts for young childrenRestricted elective course5Restricted elective course, conditions apply5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionIn this course students get acquainted with academic writings about drawing development of children and basic methods and material used in their art education.
Diverse methods of visual arts will be introduced and students will work with two- and three dimensional material. Emphasis is on independent working methods of students.
The course will be mainly tought in three or four on-site sessions for all students.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classLSS202GMovement and dramatic expression, inside and outsideMandatory (required) course10A mandatory (required) course for the programme10 ECTS, credits2 fieldwork creditsCourse DescriptionThis course introduces methods of dramatic expression related to caring, trust and feelings of security in children, as a mechanism to bolster tolerance, friendship and expression.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classLSS206GPreschool Education II _Play, communication and documentationMandatory (required) course10A mandatory (required) course for the programme10 ECTS, credits4 fieldwork creditsCourse DescriptionThe main emphases in the course are different ideas and perspectives on children's play. Theories on play and influences in early childhood education will be explored. Emphasis will be placed on studies of children's communication in play, children's culture and relationships. This involves the view that children's learning takes place through their interaction in the social context and ttheir right to influence the learning environment. Documentations of children's learning in play as well as preschool teacher's role and curriculum will be addressed.
The course has a two week (4Ve) practice placement in a cooperating preschool. During the practice placement, students are expected to take part in the daily activities of the preschool, as well as working on practice placement assignments.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in class- Fall
- LSS306GToddlers in preschoolMandatory (required) course5A mandatory (required) course for the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse Description
In the course, children‘s (1-3 years) perspectives, development, and learning in preschool will be addressed, and how children create their communities through playful actions will be discussed. The transition from home to preschool where communication between preschool teachers, children, and parents is in focus. Organization of the learning environment, care, play material, and preschool teacher‘s views and how it creates conditions for how children are supported in their play and peer relationships will be addressed. The value of creative work such as music and crafts with young children and how subject areas in the curriculum are interwoven in the preschool work will also be looked into.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classLSS309GSustainability, nature and artsMandatory (required) course5A mandatory (required) course for the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe emphasis in the course is on sustainability and sustainability education involving children’s participation in society and their learning about nature in connection to sustainability education. Children’s ideas about the body will be discussed and how it can be connected to their health and wellbeing, as well as biodiversity and how organisms are connected to each other and nature. The importance and purpose of sustainability education will be stressed as well as how man is responsible for many environmental problems and how we can solve these problems among others in the light of the UN sustainability goals. Different strategies of value in sustainability education will be introduced.
Emphasis will be on nature perception and aesthetics and how to work with nature and sustainability in visual arts with children. How to work with the subject of the course in acting will be discussed, such as in; role-playing games, traditional games and spinning, i.e. processing of perceptions, experiences, feelings and ideas in creativity and play.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classKME301GPsychology of Development and LearningMandatory (required) course10A mandatory (required) course for the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe course will aim to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the developmental changes that take place from birth through adolescence.
The course will cover a broad range of developmental changes during different phases of childhood and adolescence, and theories that describe and explain those changes. Theories of cognitive development, emotional and social development, the development of self, and moral development will be discussed. The approaches of behaviourism and ecological theory will also be highlighted. The origins and nature of individual differences, continuity and discontinuity of development, as well as plasticity of development will be discussed. The interaction between development and learning, motivation, parenting practices, culture, and different social environments will be addressed. A strong emphasis will be placed on the importance of understanding child development when working with children in applied settings.Procedure:
The course will consist of lectures and recitations. Students' will have a chance to discuss the topics of the course and deepen their understanding of the age group they plan to focus on during their studies and work.Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classGKY102GIntegration and creative approach in teachingMandatory (required) course10A mandatory (required) course for the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe main focus of the course will be on the teaching of natural and social sciences and how these subjects can be integrated through the Storyline approach. Special issues and tasks will be chosen within nature and social sciences and integrated with other subject areas. Teaching material, equipment and teaching environment that supports learning and teaching will be explored and appropriate assessment methods will be introduced and discussed. Students will learn to apply information technology tools and a creative approach in teaching and learning.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in class- Spring 2
LSS408GPreschool Education III - Curriculum, professionalism and equalityMandatory (required) course10A mandatory (required) course for the programme10 ECTS, credits4 fieldwork creditsCourse DescriptionThe course aims to provide students’ knowledge of the main trends and ideology that influence policy making, curriculum development and evaluation in preschools today, knowledge and ability to promote equality in preschool as well as to reflect on their views attitude and how they affect their daily practice.
The course discusses ideological trends that affect Preschool Education and how they appear in policy making (national curriculum guidelines), pedagogy, planning and assessment in preschools. Also factors shaping teachers professionalism and role, are discussed, focusing on the fundamental pillars, ethics and equality. Concurrently, emphasis is placed on students developing critical thinking on issues in preschool, reflect on their own views and assess how they affect their practice theory.
Students participate in preschools activities paralleled with their assignments for two weeks of the semester, 30 hours per week
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classLSS410GCreative thinking and philosophical discussionMandatory (required) course5A mandatory (required) course for the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe main objective of the course is to introuduce students to basic features of creative and critical thnking, in particular how such thinking can be undertaken in a group. The possibilities of using dialogue as a method in teaching and research will be explored. The approach of the course will be based on ideas of philosophy for children, but it will be adapted to work with both children at preschool age.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classLSS207GChildren´s literature – Literature for young childrenMandatory (required) course5A mandatory (required) course for the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse Description- Children's literature as a literary field; characteristics and literary concepts.
- Cultural and artistic assessment of a variety of children's books with special emphasis on recent books and selected themes.
- Children´s books as an important part of youth culture and common cultural awareness.
- Children´s books as a foundation for experience, creation, expression and communication.
- The value of literature in children's education.
- Children´s books in elementary school: reading for pleasure, reading and literacy, writing and written expression, life skills and ethics.
- Children´s books regarding multicultural issues and equality.
- The relationship between children's literature with other forms of literature and art.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classKME204GLiteracy and literacy learningMandatory (required) course5A mandatory (required) course for the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe central objective of this course is to provide students with an insight in the development of language and literacy during the primary school years and introduce them to leading practices in the instruction of reading and writing during primary school.
The main topics include linguistic prerequisites of literacy, problems of second language learning, current theories of the developmental of reading, writing and reading comprehension, reading difficulties and effective ways of promoting literacy skills. Along with theoretical considerations we will examine teaching materials and methods used in Icelandic schools.
At the end of the course, students are supposed to have theoretical and practical knowledge to be able to provide their future students with motivation and support in reading and writing througout their school years.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in class- Fall
- KME502GTransition from preschool to primary schoolMandatory (required) course10A mandatory (required) course for the programme10 ECTS, credits2 fieldwork creditsCourse Description
Topics in the course are transitions and continuity between preschool, primary school, and leisure-time centers. From the perspectives of children, teachers, and parents. Continuity in children's learning will be addressed and emphasis placed on teaching diverse approaches that involve children's participation, such as play, Project approach, play with unit blocks, and philosophical discussion with children. In addition, transition to school programs will be examined.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classKME501GEducational researchMandatory (required) course10A mandatory (required) course for the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe course is designed to expose students with two main perspectives on educational research. On the one hand methodology related to data collection and data analysis, on the other hand reading and discussing educational research conducted by others. In all sections of the course an emphasis is placed on knowing and understanding concepts and ideas from educational research; students read about them, discuss and apply them in tasks connected to quantitative, qualitative and mixed research methods. They also discuss and apply concepts related to action research.
The course comprises lectures, discourse, student presentations and field-related assignments.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classKME304GEquality in educationMandatory (required) course5A mandatory (required) course for the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe course will cover equality and how gender, racism, disability, queerness, and intersectionality are used to understand and organize school work. Legislation on equality and equality education will also be presented and how they can be used to understand and manage the teaching of younger children and preschool activities. Special emphasis is placed on enabling students in the course to analyze learning environments, methods, materials, and play in preschools, during recess, and school sports from a multifaceted equality perspective.
The National Curriculum for Preschool and Primary Schools forms the basis of the course, and the fundamental viewpoint will be that education about equality involves a critical examination of prevailing ideas in society. Furthermore, preschool teachers and teachers should be able to teach children and young people to analyze the circumstances that lead to some discrimination and the privileges of others.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningThe course is taught if the specified conditions are metPrerequisitesAttendance required in classSNU101GLearning and Teaching MathematicsMandatory (required) course5A mandatory (required) course for the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionIn the course teacher students are introduced to the main goals of teaching mathematics in compulsory schools. The emphasis is both on content and the process of teaching and learning.
Emphasis is put on problem solving and inquiry based approach to learning and teaching. The teacher students will study how different approaches in teaching affect learning. Consideration is given to the role of the teacher and competances to be expected.
Students use ICT in their own learning and in connection with the teaching of mathematics.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in class- Spring 2
GKY401G, GKY601GTeaching reading and writing in the first years of primary school.Restricted elective course10Restricted elective course, conditions apply10 ECTS, credits4 fieldwork creditsCourse DescriptionThe course places a strong emphasis on deepening student teachers' knowledge of reading instruction in the five main components of reading education: phonological and phonemic awareness, decoding, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension, as well as writing. Students will gain an understanding of the teacher's responsibility and role in children's reading education. The course covers the prerequisites for reading education, evidence-based teaching methods related to reading instruction, and reading difficulties. It also addresses how the fundamental elements of reading—phonological awareness, decoding, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension/listening comprehension, and writing—intertwine to promote reader confidence and fluency. Emphasis is placed on the importance of early intervention and teaching students at risk of reading difficulties.
The course discusses how a reading-promoting and creative learning environment, targeted instruction, and appropriate learning materials can enhance reading interest and ability. It will cover the collaboration between homes and schools regarding children's reading education, parental involvement in reading training, and the importance of providing information and support to families. Various assessment tools in reading instruction will be introduced, including formative assessment, preventive assessment (screening), and diagnostic tests, and the necessary links between teaching and assessment will be explained. The teacher's responsibility and role in reading instruction for diverse student groups will be examined, taking into account individual differences and methods aimed at helping students achieve the best possible reading proficiency.
The fieldwork component of the course (4 ECTS) takes place in partner schools of the School of Education and corresponds to two weeks in the field, 6 hours a day
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classGKY401G, GKY601GCreative mathematics learningRestricted elective course10Restricted elective course, conditions apply10 ECTS, credits4 fieldwork creditsCourse DescriptionThe aim of the course is to cover the main concepts in mathematics learning in primary school. Students explore what it means to do mathematics and developing understanding in mathematics. They learn to plan mathematics teaching in problem based environment using information technology and plan assessment into instruction.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classLSS606GInclusive preschool educationMandatory (required) course10A mandatory (required) course for the programme10 ECTS, credits4 fieldwork creditsCourse DescriptionThe focus in the course is on diveristy and inclusion in Early childhood Education. Inclusive pedagogy in preschool conneceted to human rights, ecuality and social justice. Collaboration between the preschool and Child-support Services and social workers.
The student´s participate and work on special assignments in two weeks field-work in preschool.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classLSS606LFinal projectMandatory (required) course0A mandatory (required) course for the programme0 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe bachelor thesis for a B.Ed. degree in Preschool Education is a 10-credit written assignment completed under the guidance of a supervisor. The thesis work is undertaken towards the end of the undergraduate studies and aims to deepen the student's understanding of:
- a specific subject matter and its connection to their field of study (discipline and specialization)
- the subject matter must be relevant for the field of early childhood education and care
Self-studyPrerequisitesPart of the total project/thesis creditsSecond year- Fall
- LSS101GThe Preschool as a educational institutionMandatory (required) course5A mandatory (required) course for the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse Description
The main aims of the course are that students gain knowledge about, and insight into the role and position of the preschool in the Icelandic educational system, how different ideology, visions and attitudes are embedded in the goals and methods in preschool education, the role of preschool teachers in children‘s learning.
It is an introductory course in preschool education where the emphasis is on presenting the educational role and the professional workplace of preschool teachers. The fundamental view is that children are entitled to challenging projects and opportunities to participate in society which is based on equality and democratic participation. Among the issues that are addressed are:- law on preschools, fundamental pillars of education and the curriculum framework
- policy and ideology of preschool practice
- role and practice theory of preschool teachers
- children‘s play and learning based environment
- structure and practice methods in preschools
- cooperation between parents and preschools
- food culture - the relationship of environmental issues, nutrition and health
Lectures, seminars, and assignment work, both individual and team work.Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classÍET102GAcademic writing and critical readingMandatory (required) course5A mandatory (required) course for the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe main objective of the course is to prepare students for reading, writing and communicating academic texts.
The course will cover various types of scholarly material and its representation. Students will familiarize themselves with different aspects of academic writing and learn to distinguish between different genres. Students will be trained in independent and critical reading of different texts. Copyright, plagiarism, and fake news will also be discussed.
Students will acquire skills in working with academic texts, such as abstracts and summaries and in using sources when writing their own texts. They will also receive instructions in making bibliographies and using citation systems. Students will also be trained in using source material in their own writing and distinguish between their own voice and the source.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesLSS108GLanguage development in preschoolMandatory (required) course10A mandatory (required) course for the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionSubjects:
In this course, the focus is on the encouragement and support of language development among preschool-age children in Iceland with different needs. The acquisition and the development of the Icelandic language will be discussed: phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, lexicon, and pragmatics. Icelandic as a second language is an important subject matter and how to best support the language development of multilingual preschool children. The students will be introduced to various methods to encourage and support language development in a diverse group of preschool children, such as listening, oral communication, vocabulary, understanding of language, phonological awareness, reading children´s literature, storytelling, oral narratives, and narrative proficiency. Emergent literacy is one of the course’s subject matters as well as how best to foster language development through school-home connections.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classLSS105GThe local environment as a source for learningMandatory (required) course10A mandatory (required) course for the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe emphasis is on that students realise how they can use children's local environment as a source for learning about science and mathematics. The importance of children's outdoor learning and children's motion for their health and development is stressed and how teachers can integrate these into children's education. Students will investigate different approaches to scaffold children's learning of mammals, small animals, plants, water, air, forms, number, and volume in their local environment.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in class- Spring 2
LSS210G, LSS211G, LSS212GMusic in early childhoodRestricted elective course5Restricted elective course, conditions apply5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThis course introduces students to scholarly writings and research on children’s musical development and teaches current methods in music education for early childhood. The readings of the course are on the current knowledge about the effects of music from birth and through the first years of life. Students learn practial approaches to organising and leading musical sessions in preschools.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classLSS210G, LSS211G, LSS212GScience and art workshopRestricted elective course5Restricted elective course, conditions apply5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe course will promote an understanding of how physical and natural science, multimedia, creative thinking and communication can be integrated and interwoven into daily work and play within preschools, through research and experimentation. It will also introduce ideas on how to work with subject material from within natural sciences; such as light, colour, electricity, magnets, the interaction between the earth, sun and moon, day and night and the seasons, and explore how research, work practices, multimedia and visual art can be connected. We will be exploring ways of promoting an understanding of how teachers can introduce and be literate in natural science, technology and multimedia through creative thought and their practices. Special attention will be placed on how child orientated experiments, digital technology and visual art can be interlinked through play as a way of expression.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classLSS210G, LSS211G, LSS212GVisual arts for young childrenRestricted elective course5Restricted elective course, conditions apply5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionIn this course students get acquainted with academic writings about drawing development of children and basic methods and material used in their art education.
Diverse methods of visual arts will be introduced and students will work with two- and three dimensional material. Emphasis is on independent working methods of students.
The course will be mainly tought in three or four on-site sessions for all students.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classLSS202GMovement and dramatic expression, inside and outsideMandatory (required) course10A mandatory (required) course for the programme10 ECTS, credits2 fieldwork creditsCourse DescriptionThis course introduces methods of dramatic expression related to caring, trust and feelings of security in children, as a mechanism to bolster tolerance, friendship and expression.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classLSS206GPreschool Education II _Play, communication and documentationMandatory (required) course10A mandatory (required) course for the programme10 ECTS, credits4 fieldwork creditsCourse DescriptionThe main emphases in the course are different ideas and perspectives on children's play. Theories on play and influences in early childhood education will be explored. Emphasis will be placed on studies of children's communication in play, children's culture and relationships. This involves the view that children's learning takes place through their interaction in the social context and ttheir right to influence the learning environment. Documentations of children's learning in play as well as preschool teacher's role and curriculum will be addressed.
The course has a two week (4Ve) practice placement in a cooperating preschool. During the practice placement, students are expected to take part in the daily activities of the preschool, as well as working on practice placement assignments.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in class- Fall
- LSS306GToddlers in preschoolMandatory (required) course5A mandatory (required) course for the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse Description
In the course, children‘s (1-3 years) perspectives, development, and learning in preschool will be addressed, and how children create their communities through playful actions will be discussed. The transition from home to preschool where communication between preschool teachers, children, and parents is in focus. Organization of the learning environment, care, play material, and preschool teacher‘s views and how it creates conditions for how children are supported in their play and peer relationships will be addressed. The value of creative work such as music and crafts with young children and how subject areas in the curriculum are interwoven in the preschool work will also be looked into.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classLSS309GSustainability, nature and artsMandatory (required) course5A mandatory (required) course for the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe emphasis in the course is on sustainability and sustainability education involving children’s participation in society and their learning about nature in connection to sustainability education. Children’s ideas about the body will be discussed and how it can be connected to their health and wellbeing, as well as biodiversity and how organisms are connected to each other and nature. The importance and purpose of sustainability education will be stressed as well as how man is responsible for many environmental problems and how we can solve these problems among others in the light of the UN sustainability goals. Different strategies of value in sustainability education will be introduced.
Emphasis will be on nature perception and aesthetics and how to work with nature and sustainability in visual arts with children. How to work with the subject of the course in acting will be discussed, such as in; role-playing games, traditional games and spinning, i.e. processing of perceptions, experiences, feelings and ideas in creativity and play.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classKME301GPsychology of Development and LearningMandatory (required) course10A mandatory (required) course for the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe course will aim to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the developmental changes that take place from birth through adolescence.
The course will cover a broad range of developmental changes during different phases of childhood and adolescence, and theories that describe and explain those changes. Theories of cognitive development, emotional and social development, the development of self, and moral development will be discussed. The approaches of behaviourism and ecological theory will also be highlighted. The origins and nature of individual differences, continuity and discontinuity of development, as well as plasticity of development will be discussed. The interaction between development and learning, motivation, parenting practices, culture, and different social environments will be addressed. A strong emphasis will be placed on the importance of understanding child development when working with children in applied settings.Procedure:
The course will consist of lectures and recitations. Students' will have a chance to discuss the topics of the course and deepen their understanding of the age group they plan to focus on during their studies and work.Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classGKY102GIntegration and creative approach in teachingMandatory (required) course10A mandatory (required) course for the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe main focus of the course will be on the teaching of natural and social sciences and how these subjects can be integrated through the Storyline approach. Special issues and tasks will be chosen within nature and social sciences and integrated with other subject areas. Teaching material, equipment and teaching environment that supports learning and teaching will be explored and appropriate assessment methods will be introduced and discussed. Students will learn to apply information technology tools and a creative approach in teaching and learning.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in class- Spring 2
LSS408GPreschool Education III - Curriculum, professionalism and equalityMandatory (required) course10A mandatory (required) course for the programme10 ECTS, credits4 fieldwork creditsCourse DescriptionThe course aims to provide students’ knowledge of the main trends and ideology that influence policy making, curriculum development and evaluation in preschools today, knowledge and ability to promote equality in preschool as well as to reflect on their views attitude and how they affect their daily practice.
The course discusses ideological trends that affect Preschool Education and how they appear in policy making (national curriculum guidelines), pedagogy, planning and assessment in preschools. Also factors shaping teachers professionalism and role, are discussed, focusing on the fundamental pillars, ethics and equality. Concurrently, emphasis is placed on students developing critical thinking on issues in preschool, reflect on their own views and assess how they affect their practice theory.
Students participate in preschools activities paralleled with their assignments for two weeks of the semester, 30 hours per week
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classLSS410GCreative thinking and philosophical discussionMandatory (required) course5A mandatory (required) course for the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe main objective of the course is to introuduce students to basic features of creative and critical thnking, in particular how such thinking can be undertaken in a group. The possibilities of using dialogue as a method in teaching and research will be explored. The approach of the course will be based on ideas of philosophy for children, but it will be adapted to work with both children at preschool age.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classLSS207GChildren´s literature – Literature for young childrenMandatory (required) course5A mandatory (required) course for the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse Description- Children's literature as a literary field; characteristics and literary concepts.
- Cultural and artistic assessment of a variety of children's books with special emphasis on recent books and selected themes.
- Children´s books as an important part of youth culture and common cultural awareness.
- Children´s books as a foundation for experience, creation, expression and communication.
- The value of literature in children's education.
- Children´s books in elementary school: reading for pleasure, reading and literacy, writing and written expression, life skills and ethics.
- Children´s books regarding multicultural issues and equality.
- The relationship between children's literature with other forms of literature and art.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classKME204GLiteracy and literacy learningMandatory (required) course5A mandatory (required) course for the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe central objective of this course is to provide students with an insight in the development of language and literacy during the primary school years and introduce them to leading practices in the instruction of reading and writing during primary school.
The main topics include linguistic prerequisites of literacy, problems of second language learning, current theories of the developmental of reading, writing and reading comprehension, reading difficulties and effective ways of promoting literacy skills. Along with theoretical considerations we will examine teaching materials and methods used in Icelandic schools.
At the end of the course, students are supposed to have theoretical and practical knowledge to be able to provide their future students with motivation and support in reading and writing througout their school years.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in class- Fall
- KME502GTransition from preschool to primary schoolMandatory (required) course10A mandatory (required) course for the programme10 ECTS, credits2 fieldwork creditsCourse Description
Topics in the course are transitions and continuity between preschool, primary school, and leisure-time centers. From the perspectives of children, teachers, and parents. Continuity in children's learning will be addressed and emphasis placed on teaching diverse approaches that involve children's participation, such as play, Project approach, play with unit blocks, and philosophical discussion with children. In addition, transition to school programs will be examined.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classKME501GEducational researchMandatory (required) course10A mandatory (required) course for the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe course is designed to expose students with two main perspectives on educational research. On the one hand methodology related to data collection and data analysis, on the other hand reading and discussing educational research conducted by others. In all sections of the course an emphasis is placed on knowing and understanding concepts and ideas from educational research; students read about them, discuss and apply them in tasks connected to quantitative, qualitative and mixed research methods. They also discuss and apply concepts related to action research.
The course comprises lectures, discourse, student presentations and field-related assignments.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classKME304GEquality in educationMandatory (required) course5A mandatory (required) course for the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe course will cover equality and how gender, racism, disability, queerness, and intersectionality are used to understand and organize school work. Legislation on equality and equality education will also be presented and how they can be used to understand and manage the teaching of younger children and preschool activities. Special emphasis is placed on enabling students in the course to analyze learning environments, methods, materials, and play in preschools, during recess, and school sports from a multifaceted equality perspective.
The National Curriculum for Preschool and Primary Schools forms the basis of the course, and the fundamental viewpoint will be that education about equality involves a critical examination of prevailing ideas in society. Furthermore, preschool teachers and teachers should be able to teach children and young people to analyze the circumstances that lead to some discrimination and the privileges of others.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningThe course is taught if the specified conditions are metPrerequisitesAttendance required in classSNU101GLearning and Teaching MathematicsMandatory (required) course5A mandatory (required) course for the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionIn the course teacher students are introduced to the main goals of teaching mathematics in compulsory schools. The emphasis is both on content and the process of teaching and learning.
Emphasis is put on problem solving and inquiry based approach to learning and teaching. The teacher students will study how different approaches in teaching affect learning. Consideration is given to the role of the teacher and competances to be expected.
Students use ICT in their own learning and in connection with the teaching of mathematics.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in class- Spring 2
GKY401G, GKY601GTeaching reading and writing in the first years of primary school.Restricted elective course10Restricted elective course, conditions apply10 ECTS, credits4 fieldwork creditsCourse DescriptionThe course places a strong emphasis on deepening student teachers' knowledge of reading instruction in the five main components of reading education: phonological and phonemic awareness, decoding, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension, as well as writing. Students will gain an understanding of the teacher's responsibility and role in children's reading education. The course covers the prerequisites for reading education, evidence-based teaching methods related to reading instruction, and reading difficulties. It also addresses how the fundamental elements of reading—phonological awareness, decoding, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension/listening comprehension, and writing—intertwine to promote reader confidence and fluency. Emphasis is placed on the importance of early intervention and teaching students at risk of reading difficulties.
The course discusses how a reading-promoting and creative learning environment, targeted instruction, and appropriate learning materials can enhance reading interest and ability. It will cover the collaboration between homes and schools regarding children's reading education, parental involvement in reading training, and the importance of providing information and support to families. Various assessment tools in reading instruction will be introduced, including formative assessment, preventive assessment (screening), and diagnostic tests, and the necessary links between teaching and assessment will be explained. The teacher's responsibility and role in reading instruction for diverse student groups will be examined, taking into account individual differences and methods aimed at helping students achieve the best possible reading proficiency.
The fieldwork component of the course (4 ECTS) takes place in partner schools of the School of Education and corresponds to two weeks in the field, 6 hours a day
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classGKY401G, GKY601GCreative mathematics learningRestricted elective course10Restricted elective course, conditions apply10 ECTS, credits4 fieldwork creditsCourse DescriptionThe aim of the course is to cover the main concepts in mathematics learning in primary school. Students explore what it means to do mathematics and developing understanding in mathematics. They learn to plan mathematics teaching in problem based environment using information technology and plan assessment into instruction.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classLSS606GInclusive preschool educationMandatory (required) course10A mandatory (required) course for the programme10 ECTS, credits4 fieldwork creditsCourse DescriptionThe focus in the course is on diveristy and inclusion in Early childhood Education. Inclusive pedagogy in preschool conneceted to human rights, ecuality and social justice. Collaboration between the preschool and Child-support Services and social workers.
The student´s participate and work on special assignments in two weeks field-work in preschool.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classLSS606LFinal projectMandatory (required) course0A mandatory (required) course for the programme0 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe bachelor thesis for a B.Ed. degree in Preschool Education is a 10-credit written assignment completed under the guidance of a supervisor. The thesis work is undertaken towards the end of the undergraduate studies and aims to deepen the student's understanding of:
- a specific subject matter and its connection to their field of study (discipline and specialization)
- the subject matter must be relevant for the field of early childhood education and care
Self-studyPrerequisitesPart of the total project/thesis creditsThird year- Fall
- LSS101GThe Preschool as a educational institutionMandatory (required) course5A mandatory (required) course for the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse Description
The main aims of the course are that students gain knowledge about, and insight into the role and position of the preschool in the Icelandic educational system, how different ideology, visions and attitudes are embedded in the goals and methods in preschool education, the role of preschool teachers in children‘s learning.
It is an introductory course in preschool education where the emphasis is on presenting the educational role and the professional workplace of preschool teachers. The fundamental view is that children are entitled to challenging projects and opportunities to participate in society which is based on equality and democratic participation. Among the issues that are addressed are:- law on preschools, fundamental pillars of education and the curriculum framework
- policy and ideology of preschool practice
- role and practice theory of preschool teachers
- children‘s play and learning based environment
- structure and practice methods in preschools
- cooperation between parents and preschools
- food culture - the relationship of environmental issues, nutrition and health
Lectures, seminars, and assignment work, both individual and team work.Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classÍET102GAcademic writing and critical readingMandatory (required) course5A mandatory (required) course for the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe main objective of the course is to prepare students for reading, writing and communicating academic texts.
The course will cover various types of scholarly material and its representation. Students will familiarize themselves with different aspects of academic writing and learn to distinguish between different genres. Students will be trained in independent and critical reading of different texts. Copyright, plagiarism, and fake news will also be discussed.
Students will acquire skills in working with academic texts, such as abstracts and summaries and in using sources when writing their own texts. They will also receive instructions in making bibliographies and using citation systems. Students will also be trained in using source material in their own writing and distinguish between their own voice and the source.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesLSS108GLanguage development in preschoolMandatory (required) course10A mandatory (required) course for the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionSubjects:
In this course, the focus is on the encouragement and support of language development among preschool-age children in Iceland with different needs. The acquisition and the development of the Icelandic language will be discussed: phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, lexicon, and pragmatics. Icelandic as a second language is an important subject matter and how to best support the language development of multilingual preschool children. The students will be introduced to various methods to encourage and support language development in a diverse group of preschool children, such as listening, oral communication, vocabulary, understanding of language, phonological awareness, reading children´s literature, storytelling, oral narratives, and narrative proficiency. Emergent literacy is one of the course’s subject matters as well as how best to foster language development through school-home connections.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classLSS105GThe local environment as a source for learningMandatory (required) course10A mandatory (required) course for the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe emphasis is on that students realise how they can use children's local environment as a source for learning about science and mathematics. The importance of children's outdoor learning and children's motion for their health and development is stressed and how teachers can integrate these into children's education. Students will investigate different approaches to scaffold children's learning of mammals, small animals, plants, water, air, forms, number, and volume in their local environment.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in class- Spring 2
LSS210G, LSS211G, LSS212GMusic in early childhoodRestricted elective course5Restricted elective course, conditions apply5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThis course introduces students to scholarly writings and research on children’s musical development and teaches current methods in music education for early childhood. The readings of the course are on the current knowledge about the effects of music from birth and through the first years of life. Students learn practial approaches to organising and leading musical sessions in preschools.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classLSS210G, LSS211G, LSS212GScience and art workshopRestricted elective course5Restricted elective course, conditions apply5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe course will promote an understanding of how physical and natural science, multimedia, creative thinking and communication can be integrated and interwoven into daily work and play within preschools, through research and experimentation. It will also introduce ideas on how to work with subject material from within natural sciences; such as light, colour, electricity, magnets, the interaction between the earth, sun and moon, day and night and the seasons, and explore how research, work practices, multimedia and visual art can be connected. We will be exploring ways of promoting an understanding of how teachers can introduce and be literate in natural science, technology and multimedia through creative thought and their practices. Special attention will be placed on how child orientated experiments, digital technology and visual art can be interlinked through play as a way of expression.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classLSS210G, LSS211G, LSS212GVisual arts for young childrenRestricted elective course5Restricted elective course, conditions apply5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionIn this course students get acquainted with academic writings about drawing development of children and basic methods and material used in their art education.
Diverse methods of visual arts will be introduced and students will work with two- and three dimensional material. Emphasis is on independent working methods of students.
The course will be mainly tought in three or four on-site sessions for all students.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classLSS202GMovement and dramatic expression, inside and outsideMandatory (required) course10A mandatory (required) course for the programme10 ECTS, credits2 fieldwork creditsCourse DescriptionThis course introduces methods of dramatic expression related to caring, trust and feelings of security in children, as a mechanism to bolster tolerance, friendship and expression.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classLSS206GPreschool Education II _Play, communication and documentationMandatory (required) course10A mandatory (required) course for the programme10 ECTS, credits4 fieldwork creditsCourse DescriptionThe main emphases in the course are different ideas and perspectives on children's play. Theories on play and influences in early childhood education will be explored. Emphasis will be placed on studies of children's communication in play, children's culture and relationships. This involves the view that children's learning takes place through their interaction in the social context and ttheir right to influence the learning environment. Documentations of children's learning in play as well as preschool teacher's role and curriculum will be addressed.
The course has a two week (4Ve) practice placement in a cooperating preschool. During the practice placement, students are expected to take part in the daily activities of the preschool, as well as working on practice placement assignments.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in class- Fall
- LSS306GToddlers in preschoolMandatory (required) course5A mandatory (required) course for the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse Description
In the course, children‘s (1-3 years) perspectives, development, and learning in preschool will be addressed, and how children create their communities through playful actions will be discussed. The transition from home to preschool where communication between preschool teachers, children, and parents is in focus. Organization of the learning environment, care, play material, and preschool teacher‘s views and how it creates conditions for how children are supported in their play and peer relationships will be addressed. The value of creative work such as music and crafts with young children and how subject areas in the curriculum are interwoven in the preschool work will also be looked into.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classLSS309GSustainability, nature and artsMandatory (required) course5A mandatory (required) course for the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe emphasis in the course is on sustainability and sustainability education involving children’s participation in society and their learning about nature in connection to sustainability education. Children’s ideas about the body will be discussed and how it can be connected to their health and wellbeing, as well as biodiversity and how organisms are connected to each other and nature. The importance and purpose of sustainability education will be stressed as well as how man is responsible for many environmental problems and how we can solve these problems among others in the light of the UN sustainability goals. Different strategies of value in sustainability education will be introduced.
Emphasis will be on nature perception and aesthetics and how to work with nature and sustainability in visual arts with children. How to work with the subject of the course in acting will be discussed, such as in; role-playing games, traditional games and spinning, i.e. processing of perceptions, experiences, feelings and ideas in creativity and play.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classKME301GPsychology of Development and LearningMandatory (required) course10A mandatory (required) course for the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe course will aim to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the developmental changes that take place from birth through adolescence.
The course will cover a broad range of developmental changes during different phases of childhood and adolescence, and theories that describe and explain those changes. Theories of cognitive development, emotional and social development, the development of self, and moral development will be discussed. The approaches of behaviourism and ecological theory will also be highlighted. The origins and nature of individual differences, continuity and discontinuity of development, as well as plasticity of development will be discussed. The interaction between development and learning, motivation, parenting practices, culture, and different social environments will be addressed. A strong emphasis will be placed on the importance of understanding child development when working with children in applied settings.Procedure:
The course will consist of lectures and recitations. Students' will have a chance to discuss the topics of the course and deepen their understanding of the age group they plan to focus on during their studies and work.Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classGKY102GIntegration and creative approach in teachingMandatory (required) course10A mandatory (required) course for the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe main focus of the course will be on the teaching of natural and social sciences and how these subjects can be integrated through the Storyline approach. Special issues and tasks will be chosen within nature and social sciences and integrated with other subject areas. Teaching material, equipment and teaching environment that supports learning and teaching will be explored and appropriate assessment methods will be introduced and discussed. Students will learn to apply information technology tools and a creative approach in teaching and learning.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in class- Spring 2
LSS408GPreschool Education III - Curriculum, professionalism and equalityMandatory (required) course10A mandatory (required) course for the programme10 ECTS, credits4 fieldwork creditsCourse DescriptionThe course aims to provide students’ knowledge of the main trends and ideology that influence policy making, curriculum development and evaluation in preschools today, knowledge and ability to promote equality in preschool as well as to reflect on their views attitude and how they affect their daily practice.
The course discusses ideological trends that affect Preschool Education and how they appear in policy making (national curriculum guidelines), pedagogy, planning and assessment in preschools. Also factors shaping teachers professionalism and role, are discussed, focusing on the fundamental pillars, ethics and equality. Concurrently, emphasis is placed on students developing critical thinking on issues in preschool, reflect on their own views and assess how they affect their practice theory.
Students participate in preschools activities paralleled with their assignments for two weeks of the semester, 30 hours per week
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classLSS410GCreative thinking and philosophical discussionMandatory (required) course5A mandatory (required) course for the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe main objective of the course is to introuduce students to basic features of creative and critical thnking, in particular how such thinking can be undertaken in a group. The possibilities of using dialogue as a method in teaching and research will be explored. The approach of the course will be based on ideas of philosophy for children, but it will be adapted to work with both children at preschool age.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classLSS207GChildren´s literature – Literature for young childrenMandatory (required) course5A mandatory (required) course for the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse Description- Children's literature as a literary field; characteristics and literary concepts.
- Cultural and artistic assessment of a variety of children's books with special emphasis on recent books and selected themes.
- Children´s books as an important part of youth culture and common cultural awareness.
- Children´s books as a foundation for experience, creation, expression and communication.
- The value of literature in children's education.
- Children´s books in elementary school: reading for pleasure, reading and literacy, writing and written expression, life skills and ethics.
- Children´s books regarding multicultural issues and equality.
- The relationship between children's literature with other forms of literature and art.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classKME204GLiteracy and literacy learningMandatory (required) course5A mandatory (required) course for the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe central objective of this course is to provide students with an insight in the development of language and literacy during the primary school years and introduce them to leading practices in the instruction of reading and writing during primary school.
The main topics include linguistic prerequisites of literacy, problems of second language learning, current theories of the developmental of reading, writing and reading comprehension, reading difficulties and effective ways of promoting literacy skills. Along with theoretical considerations we will examine teaching materials and methods used in Icelandic schools.
At the end of the course, students are supposed to have theoretical and practical knowledge to be able to provide their future students with motivation and support in reading and writing througout their school years.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in class- Fall
- KME502GTransition from preschool to primary schoolMandatory (required) course10A mandatory (required) course for the programme10 ECTS, credits2 fieldwork creditsCourse Description
Topics in the course are transitions and continuity between preschool, primary school, and leisure-time centers. From the perspectives of children, teachers, and parents. Continuity in children's learning will be addressed and emphasis placed on teaching diverse approaches that involve children's participation, such as play, Project approach, play with unit blocks, and philosophical discussion with children. In addition, transition to school programs will be examined.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classKME501GEducational researchMandatory (required) course10A mandatory (required) course for the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe course is designed to expose students with two main perspectives on educational research. On the one hand methodology related to data collection and data analysis, on the other hand reading and discussing educational research conducted by others. In all sections of the course an emphasis is placed on knowing and understanding concepts and ideas from educational research; students read about them, discuss and apply them in tasks connected to quantitative, qualitative and mixed research methods. They also discuss and apply concepts related to action research.
The course comprises lectures, discourse, student presentations and field-related assignments.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classKME304GEquality in educationMandatory (required) course5A mandatory (required) course for the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe course will cover equality and how gender, racism, disability, queerness, and intersectionality are used to understand and organize school work. Legislation on equality and equality education will also be presented and how they can be used to understand and manage the teaching of younger children and preschool activities. Special emphasis is placed on enabling students in the course to analyze learning environments, methods, materials, and play in preschools, during recess, and school sports from a multifaceted equality perspective.
The National Curriculum for Preschool and Primary Schools forms the basis of the course, and the fundamental viewpoint will be that education about equality involves a critical examination of prevailing ideas in society. Furthermore, preschool teachers and teachers should be able to teach children and young people to analyze the circumstances that lead to some discrimination and the privileges of others.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningThe course is taught if the specified conditions are metPrerequisitesAttendance required in classSNU101GLearning and Teaching MathematicsMandatory (required) course5A mandatory (required) course for the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionIn the course teacher students are introduced to the main goals of teaching mathematics in compulsory schools. The emphasis is both on content and the process of teaching and learning.
Emphasis is put on problem solving and inquiry based approach to learning and teaching. The teacher students will study how different approaches in teaching affect learning. Consideration is given to the role of the teacher and competances to be expected.
Students use ICT in their own learning and in connection with the teaching of mathematics.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in class- Spring 2
GKY401G, GKY601GTeaching reading and writing in the first years of primary school.Restricted elective course10Restricted elective course, conditions apply10 ECTS, credits4 fieldwork creditsCourse DescriptionThe course places a strong emphasis on deepening student teachers' knowledge of reading instruction in the five main components of reading education: phonological and phonemic awareness, decoding, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension, as well as writing. Students will gain an understanding of the teacher's responsibility and role in children's reading education. The course covers the prerequisites for reading education, evidence-based teaching methods related to reading instruction, and reading difficulties. It also addresses how the fundamental elements of reading—phonological awareness, decoding, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension/listening comprehension, and writing—intertwine to promote reader confidence and fluency. Emphasis is placed on the importance of early intervention and teaching students at risk of reading difficulties.
The course discusses how a reading-promoting and creative learning environment, targeted instruction, and appropriate learning materials can enhance reading interest and ability. It will cover the collaboration between homes and schools regarding children's reading education, parental involvement in reading training, and the importance of providing information and support to families. Various assessment tools in reading instruction will be introduced, including formative assessment, preventive assessment (screening), and diagnostic tests, and the necessary links between teaching and assessment will be explained. The teacher's responsibility and role in reading instruction for diverse student groups will be examined, taking into account individual differences and methods aimed at helping students achieve the best possible reading proficiency.
The fieldwork component of the course (4 ECTS) takes place in partner schools of the School of Education and corresponds to two weeks in the field, 6 hours a day
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classGKY401G, GKY601GCreative mathematics learningRestricted elective course10Restricted elective course, conditions apply10 ECTS, credits4 fieldwork creditsCourse DescriptionThe aim of the course is to cover the main concepts in mathematics learning in primary school. Students explore what it means to do mathematics and developing understanding in mathematics. They learn to plan mathematics teaching in problem based environment using information technology and plan assessment into instruction.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classLSS606GInclusive preschool educationMandatory (required) course10A mandatory (required) course for the programme10 ECTS, credits4 fieldwork creditsCourse DescriptionThe focus in the course is on diveristy and inclusion in Early childhood Education. Inclusive pedagogy in preschool conneceted to human rights, ecuality and social justice. Collaboration between the preschool and Child-support Services and social workers.
The student´s participate and work on special assignments in two weeks field-work in preschool.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classLSS606LFinal projectMandatory (required) course0A mandatory (required) course for the programme0 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe bachelor thesis for a B.Ed. degree in Preschool Education is a 10-credit written assignment completed under the guidance of a supervisor. The thesis work is undertaken towards the end of the undergraduate studies and aims to deepen the student's understanding of:
- a specific subject matter and its connection to their field of study (discipline and specialization)
- the subject matter must be relevant for the field of early childhood education and care
Self-studyPrerequisitesPart of the total project/thesis credits