
You can learn more about over 400 undergraduate and graduate programmes at the 2025 University Open Day, which will be held on 1 March from 12 pm to 3 pm. Anyone who is interested can come and visit the UI campus, speak to instructors and students from specific programmes and find out more about the University and the services available to students.

All seven Icelandic universities are involved in the University Open Day, which is now long established as an unmissable event for everyone thinking about going to university. The Open Day is a great opportunity to talk to people working and studying in Icelandic universities about all aspects of your future plans for higher education. 

The UI schools will be based in four buildings: Gróska, Askja, the University Centre and the Main Building:

  • School of Health Sciences: Gróska
  • School of Engineering and Natural Sciences: Askja 
  • School of Social Sciences: University Centre, 2nd floor
  • School of Education: University Centre, 2nd floor
  • School of Humanities: Main Building, 2nd floor

Find out where you can learn about individual programmes and see a map of the University campus on the UI website.

Learn about services at UI and other universities

As well as representatives of specific UI programmes, staff from the UI Student Counselling Centre, International Division and Student Registration will be on the 2nd floor of the University Centre to help you find out about the wide range of student services at the University of Iceland. Representatives from the Student Council will also be on hand to answer any questions about student rights or the social side of higher education. Representatives from Icelandic Student Services will be there to provide information about Student Housing, preschools and other services.

You can also find out about programmes at other universities on the UI campus. Hólar University College will be stationed on the 2nd floor of the University Centre and the University of Akureyri and the Agricultural University of Iceland will be on the 1st floor, together with Bifröst University, the Iceland University of the Arts along with Keilir´s  Academy for Preliminary Studies. To learn about programmes at Reykjavík University, visit their campus in Öskjuhlíð. The Iceland University of the Arts will also be on their own premises at Stakkahlíð.

Hopp will be running a special offer for University Open Day guests. Customers who park in the special Hopp parking spaces at Gróska, UI, RU or IUA at Stakkahlíð will not be charged for their journey!

For more information about the Open Day at UI, see the UI website.


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