- Are you interested in the nature of reality?
- Are you curious about the relationship between mind and matter?
- Do you want to tackle diverse projects under the guidance of Iceland's leading philosophers?
- Do you enjoy reasoning and logic?
- Do you want a diverse selection of courses that suit your interests?
- Do you want to open up future opportunities in challenging careers?
This is a 180 ECTS BA programme that takes 3 years to complete, based on full-time study.
Students take general and historical introductory courses, four courses in the major branches of philosophy, several elective courses in specialised areas of philosophy and at least two seminars, as well as writing a BA thesis.
Course topics include:
- Ancient philosophy
- Critical thinking
- Politics and society
- Logic
- Ethics
- Modern philosophy
- Epistemology
- Philosophy of art
- Feminist philosophy
- Political philosophy
- Medieval philosophy
The major branches of philosophy
Are generally considered to be four:
- Metaphysics, which examines the nature of reality and objects in the world. What is the difference between body and spirit? What is the relationship between mind and matter? What is the nature of causality, of time? Is there an ultimate rationale behind life and the world?
- Ethics, which examines the basis of ethical behaviour. Is there an objective way to determine right and wrong, good and bad? What is good will? How should I live my life?
- Epistemology, which examines the nature of knowledge. What is truth? Can we know anything for certain? What is the relationship between opinions and knowledge?
- Logic, which examines the rules and principles of thought. How is it possible to distinguish valid arguments from invalid arguments? What are logical conclusions?
The objective of the philosophy BA programme is to provide students with a good foundation in philosophy:
- general knowledge of the history of Western philosophy
- systematic insight into the major branches of philosophy
- deeper understanding of certain specialisations, periods, movements, authors or topics in historical and modern philosophy
- the ability to think critically, read carefully and clearly explain and rationalise their views verbally and in writing
Programme options
120 ECTS major in philosophy, taken alongside a 60 ECTS minor in another subject.
Students take general and historical introductory courses, four courses in the major branches of philosophy, several elective courses in specialised areas of philosophy and one seminar, as well as writing a BA thesis. They must also take a 60 ECTS minor in another subject.
60 ECTS minor in philosophy, taken alongside a 120 ECTS major in another subject.
Students take one general and two historical introductory courses, two elective courses in the major branches of philosophy and one elective course in a specialised areas of philosophy. They must also take a 120 ECTS major in another subject.
Specialisms in philosophy
- Political philosophy examines the nature and basis of the state and its justification. What is justice? What is just government? Why does the state have a monopoly on force?
- Aesthetics examines the nature of art and beauty. Is beauty subjective or objective? Is there an objective way to measure beauty? What role do the arts play in society? What is a work of art?
- Religious philosophy examines the existence of God and humankind's relationship with God. Is it possible to prove the existence of God? Can God be completely good when evil exists in the world?
- The philosophy of science is concerned with the basic premises and methods of the natural and social sciences and the humanities. The philosophy of science examines, for example, attempts in the social sciences and humanities to adopt the methods of the physical sciences. Can science be objective and what does it mean for something to be 'scientifically proven'?
- Jurisprudence examines the ethical foundation and societal role of law. What are laws? Why should laws be enforced? Why are people obliged to follow laws that disadvantage them?
- Philosophy of mind is about exploring the reality of consciousness. What does consciousness entail? Can thought be explained as chemical processes in the brain?
- Philosophy of language is about exploring the boundaries between language and the world. What is the relationship between a word and that which the word denotes? What is the nature of communication?
- Social philosophy explores the relationship between individuals and institutions in society and the ethical questions that arise in that context.
- Feminist philosophy explores the ways that men have shaped philosophical thinking over the ages and women's attempts to reassess and reshape philosophy in the light of more feminine values. Feminist philosophy examines e.g. ethics, philosophy of science and epistemology with the aim of ensuring that philosophy better reflects the worlds of both men and women.
- Existentialism explores human existence, based on the idea that it can only be explained and understand in the context of personal experiences and decisions.
Icelandic matriculation examination (stúdentspróf) or equivalent qualification. Further information can be found in article 18, regulation on admission requirements for undergraduate study no. 331/2022.
A major in Philosophy for 180 ECTS requires the student to complete all mandatory courses (80 ECTS), at least two seminars along with the related assignments (20 ECTS) and at least 50 ECTS elective courses and seminars in Philosophy.(HSP-number). Students generally complete a BA thesis in Philosophy (10 ECTS), but may instead take elective courses in philosophy (10 ECTS). Students may take a maximum of 20 ECTS in other courses at the University of Iceland.
Programme structure
Check below to see how the programme is structured.
This programme does not offer specialisations.
- First year
- Fall
- Introduction to Philosophy
- Ancient Philosophy
- Critical Thinking
- Politics and Society
- Spring 1
- Logic
- Ethics
- Modern Philosophy
Introduction to Philosophy (HSP103G)
This course discusses the question "What is Philosophy?" and the relationship of philosophy to science, art, religion and politics. We will read both classical and contemporary philosophy texts to study the different methods and problems of philosophy.
Ancient Philosophy (HSP104G)
The course has three main goals:
- First, that students understand the subject matters of ancient Western philosophy, its historical development and social conditions.
- Second, that they learn to read and analyse philosophical texts from antiquity and use them to address contemporary problems.
- Third, that they become capable in writing philosophical texts based on readings from ancient philosophy.
Our emphasis will be in reading whole works in Icelandic translations, with special focus on Plato's Republic, and in class we try to analyse the main theories and arguments in the texts. The students work alone and in groups at solving specific tasks under the guidance of the teacher but a significant part of the course is devoted to reciprocal support among the students in solving problems.
The first class will be held Tuesday 31 August. There we will read through the study programme, learning outcomes and course assessment and students get the first written assignment. On three occasions (Friday afternoons) we host peer review exercises where students read and assess each other’s work. Participation in these exercises is an important part of the course assessment.
Icelandic translations can be bought with 25% discount at the store of the Icelandic Literary Society (by Hagatorg). It should be noted that some of the works are also used in other philosophy courses. It should also be easy to approach the texts in public libraries.
Critical Thinking (HSP105G)
The aim of this course is to show students the importance of critical thinking by introducing its main concepts and methods as well as different understandings of the notion. Furthermore, the aim is to train students in critical thinking and argumentation, both in a philosophical and an everyday context. Special emphasis will be placed on analysing arguments. Common fallacies and stratagems will be discussed, with the aim of learning how to detect and avoid them. The relationship between critical thinking and ethics will be thoroughly examined.
The teaching involves both lectures and discussion sessions. Assignments will primarily be aimed at practical tasks relevant to everyday experiences.
Politics and Society (HSP107G)
In this course, we discuss a few selected contemporary issues in the field of social and political philosophy. We will discuss and analyse key concepts of relevance for a good society, such as liberty, equality, justice and democracy with a special reference to Icelandic society.
Logic (HSP201G)
Students will be introduced to the basics of philosophical and formal logic. The course focuses on propositional logic (truth-functional logic) and quantified logic (first-order logic). Additionally, a brief survey of informal logic will be given at the beginning of the course, and philosophical questions concerning the nature and status of logic will be addressed toward the end of the course.
Ethics (HSP202G)
This course provides an overview of three principal moral theories: Aristotle's virtue ethics as presented in his Nichomachean Ethics, Kant's deontoloical ethics as presented in his Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals and John Stuart Mill's rule ethics as presented in his Utilitarianism.
Modern Philosophy (HSP203G)
A survey of Western philosophy in the 17th and 18th Centuries, with emphasis on selected topics in the epistomology and metaphysics of the period, based upon a close reading and comparison of primary texts. Descartes, Hume and Kant are the principal authors discussed.
The teaching involves both lectures and discussions. Lectures will give an exposition of the subject and/or of its main topics. Discussions will adress more specific topics or questions.
- Second year
- Fall
- Introduction to the Philosophy of Science
- Philosophy of Art
- 19th & 20th Century History of Ideas
- Epistemology
- Ancient Philosophical Texts
- Not taught this semesterThe World of Ancient Greece: History and Society
- Latin I: Beginner's Course
- Ancient Greek I: Beginner's Course
- Not taught this semesterIntruduction to Classical Studies
- Greek Tragedy
- Philosophy of education and history of ideas
- Spring 1
- Seminar: Pioneers of Philosophical Embodied Thinking
- Direct study in seminar: Pioneers of Philosophical Embodied Thinking
- Seminar; John Stuart Mill
- Direct study in seminar: John Stuart Mill
- Film and Philosophy
- Contemporary Political Philosophy
- Bioethics and Ethics of Medicine
- Metaphysics
- Latin II: A Selection of Latin Texts
- Ancient Greek II
- Medieval Latin
- Culture and Dissent
Introduction to the Philosophy of Science (HSP318G)
In this course we will consider many of the most prominent problems in the philosophy of science of the 20th and 21st century. How are scientific theories confirmed by experiments and observations? What is it for something to be a law of nature? Why should we trust scientific research more than other methods for obtaining knowledge? Is scientific research value-laden? And what is involved in the claim that science is objective?
Philosophy of Art (HSP310G)
The course aims to give a brief survey of selected topics in the philosophy of art; to introduce students to particular discussions, questions, theories and arguments in the philosophy of art through selected readings, both historical and contemporary; and to enable students to discuss topics related to aesthetics.
19th & 20th Century History of Ideas (HSP321G)
In this course, 19th and 20th century ideas that had fundamental effects on Western philosophy and intellectual history, will be examined. These are socially transformative ideas such as freedom, secularism, equality, resistance, the relation between the individual and society, ideas concerning existence and the soul, oppression, injustice, the national state and capitalism. Perhaps last but not least ideas about history, time and evolution of humanity and the planet.
Each week a new thinker or idea that transformed Western intellectual history is introduced and engaged with. Thinkers such as G.W.F. Hegel, Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud, Rosa Luxembourg and Emma Goldman are analysed and influential isms such as phenomenology, neoliberalism or postructuralism. The aim is to read these thinkers and isms in accordance with the zeitgeist of the historical period they belong to (to the extent that we, people in the 21st century can “read” zeitgeists of older periods). At the same time the aim is to dig deep into original texts and to acquire multi-dimensional understanding of the ideas. Important part of the course is also to look at these themes in relation to the present times and the issues happening at the moment in Western societies and all around the globe.
Epistemology (HSP304G)
In this course we will discuss and ask about the nature of knowledge and tackle problems that relate to knowledge. Why is knowledge important? Is understanding more important than knowledge? What is the difference between knowledge and true belief? What kind of justification is needed to change true belief into knowledge? Is is possible to investigate knowledge like digestion, i.e. with the methods of the natural sciences, or can we only approach it from within, i.e. by investigating our own consciousness? Can we trust the opinions of others? What conditions must be met to do people justice, irrespective of sex, race, age, gender etc? We will mainly read texts from the 20th and 21st century and use the methods of analytic philosophy in reading and analysing philosophical texts.
Ancient Philosophical Texts (KLM307G)
This course studies select philosophical texts. This time we will read the Laws Plato. The Laws are Plato’s longest dialogue as well as his last. It discusses political philosophy albeit in a different spirit from that of Plato’s older dialogue the Republic. In this course we will shed light on the political philosophy contained in the Laws and seek to place it in a wider Platonic context.
Knowledge of Greek and Latin is not required, but students of Classics may choose to work on a supervised independent study project (5 ECTS or 10 ECTS) centered on an original text in connection to the course. The supervised independent study projects which are available to students with reading knowledge of Ancient Greek and Latin are intended to strengthen their proficiency in Ancient Greek and/or Latin and train them in the reading of original texts.
The World of Ancient Greece: History and Society (KLM115G)
This course is an introduction to the history of Ancient Greek civilization, with an emphasis on Ancient Greek culture and world view, from earliest times to the Roman period.
Latin I: Beginner's Course (KLM101G)
This course is a beginner’s course in Latin. No prior knowledge of Latin is assumed at the outset. It introduces the basics of Latin grammar and syntax. Chosen passages will be read in Latin, translated and thoroughly analysed. Teaching consists of 24 lectures on particular aspects of the Latin language and assigned readings.
This course is taught in Icelandic but students can get permission of the instructor to complete assignments and exams in English.
Ancient Greek I: Beginner's Course (KLM102G)
This course is a beginner’s course in Ancient Greek. It introduces the basics of grammar and syntax of the Attic dialect. No prior knowledge of Greek is assumed at the outset. Reading knowledge of Ancient Greek will be prioritized and chosen passages will be read in Greek, translated and thoroughly analysed. Teaching consists of both lectures on particular aspects of the Greek language and assigned readings. It is essential that students read the assigned materials before each lecture.
This course is taught in Icelandic but students can get permission of the instructor to complete assignments and exams in English.
Intruduction to Classical Studies (KLM103G)
The course is an introduction to Classical Studies. It will deal with the history of the discipline as well as its subject matter and methods: Students will be introduced to classical philology and the various branches of Classical Studies, such as the history, literature, and philosophy of classical antiquity. The course will, moreover, address issues concerning the use of sources, methodology, and conventions in Classics. Students will be introduced to major resources. Knowledge of the classical languages is not required.
Greek Tragedy (KLM107G)
Obstinance, pride and treachery can have disastrous consequences, nevermind matricide, patricide and incest. Sometimes it almost seems like fate is in charge and fate can be very ironic. All of this is quite familiar from Greek tragedy.
This course introduces the student to Greek tragedy as a genre. Students will read a number of Greek tragedies in (Icelandic) translation and will become familiar with both the form and content of Greek tragedies. Various aspects of the genre will be discussed, including interactions of mortals and immortals in Greek tragedy, fate and responsibility, gender issues, Greek self-identity and respresentation of the foreign.
Knowledge of Ancient Greek is not required, but students who are able to read Greek will be asked to submit a translation assignment.
Philosophy of education and history of ideas (UME304G)
The main objective of this course is to prepare students for a critical approach to ideas and methods in pedagogy and education. Students will be introduced to the main ideas that have shaped schools and education in the western tradition and made able to locate contemporary currents in an ideological context. The main objective of this course is to prepare students for a critical approach to ideas and methods in pedagogy and education. Students will be introduced to the main ideas that have shaped schools and education in the western tradition and made able to locate contemporary currents in an ideological context.
The course is organized around three basic topics: (i) The human being as a rational, sentient and ethical being, (i) the aims of education and (iii) freedom and democracy. Among the philosophers and educational theorists discussed in the course are Plato, Rousseau, Kant, Dewey, Key, Neill and Freire.
Seminar: Pioneers of Philosophical Embodied Thinking (HSP440M, HSP441M)
Philosophical thinking extends beyond mere critical, analytical, and logical reasoning. The mind is extended, embodied, embedded and ecological. Each mind is a manifestation of vast interactions environments, individually creative and intuitive. This seminar delves into the pioneers of embodied thinking within the modern to contemporary history of philosophy (from Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Husserl, Merleau-Ponty, Dewey, James, Beauvoir, Arendt, Weil to Irigaray, Varela, Petitmengin, Gendlin, Noë and Tuana). Besides exploring, philosophies of embodied thinking, a special emphasis is on introducing methodologies derived from these philosophies, and to engage in practices. The objective of these methodologies is to become more aware of the rich backgrounds of lived experience participating in any idea and understanding. Engaging the embodied and ecological dimension of thinking strengthens students in their independent philosophical approach and fosters collaborative skills of understanding thinking together.
The seminar will include a weekend training workshop.
Direct study in seminar: Pioneers of Philosophical Embodied Thinking (HSP440M, HSP441M)
Direct study in seminar: Pioneers of Philosophical Embodied Thinking. Students must finish related seminar to finish the direct study.
Seminar; John Stuart Mill (HSP444M, HSP445M)
In the seminar we will consider Mill´s lifelong struggle against dogmatism and how it informs his conception of logic, ethics, religion and social philosophy. We will give anti-dogmatic readings of some of his major works including On Liberty, Utilitarianism, The Subjection of Women and System of Logic.
Direct study in seminar: John Stuart Mill (HSP444M, HSP445M)
Direct study in seminar: Philosophical Progress. Students must finish related seminar to finish the direct study.
Film and Philosophy (HSP410G)
This seminar will consider both philosophical questions about movies (e.g. "What is a movie?") and philosophical questions raised in movies (e.g. "What is real?", "What is a marriage?").
The course is taught in English.
Contemporary Political Philosophy (HSP417G)
In this course, some of the main themes in contemporary political philosophy will be discussed. Special emphasis will be laid on the egalitarian liberalism of John Rawls and that criticized from the perspectives of libertarianism, communitarianism, feminism, discourse democratic theory and post-structuralism.
Bioethics and Ethics of Medicine (HSP823M)
A discussion of some controversial issues in the field of bioethics, in particular those relating to developments in genetics and their possible effects upon medical services and health care policy.
Metaphysics (HSP416G)
This course is dedicated to various issues in contemporary metaphysics as well as the history of metaphysics in the 20th and 21st centuries. Topics covered include personal identity; free will; realism, anti-realism, and nominalism; natural kinds and fictional characters; possible worlds; the relation between language and world; and the relation between mind and body. Furthermore, topics in social ontology will be introduced, such as the metaphysics of gender and race.
Latin II: A Selection of Latin Texts (KLM201G)
The course follows and continues KLM101G Latin I. Its main purpose is to reinforce the students knowledge and understanding og Latin grammar and syntax and enhance their reading comprehension. It is, moreover, supposed to introduce important authors of Classical Latin. A selection of Latin texts by various authors will be read. Students will read and prepare texts in the original language to be read and translated in class. Texts will be discussed with a view to grammar, syntax and style, and contextualized when required.
This course is taught in Icelandic, but students may submit assignments and complete exams in English.
Ancient Greek II (KLM202G)
The course is a continuation of KLM102G Ancient Greek I. The first part of the course resumes coverage of grammar and syntax of Ancient Greek (Attic) where Ancient Greek I left off. During the second half of the course, students will read select Ancient Greek texts.
Students can get permission of the instructor to complete assignments and exams in English.
Medieval Latin (KLM203G)
In this course we will read selections from medieval literature broadly conceived (from the end og the 4th century to the beginning of the 16th century): poetry and historiography, philosophy and theology. Texts will be analysed grammatically and discussed materially as needed.
The course will be taught in Icelandic, but students whose native language is not Icelandic may complete assignments and exams in English.
Culture and Dissent (MFR703M)
The course deals with interconnections between political radicalism, culture, tradition and power. We will focus on contemporary representations of dissent in particular, look at the discourse of democracy and cultural difference, reactions to and criticism of protest in the Western political tradition and dissent in more repressive political systems. The role of intellectuals and writers will be explored as well as the function of artistic expression and design in transforming cultural and social environments. We will also discuss media and social media discourse in connection with an attempt to understand the various and sometimes contradictory objectives of public institutions. A few points of conflict will be discussed that to some extent expose fundamental conflicts in liberal democratic societies such as questions about the wisdom and ignorance of publics, reactions to climate change, inequality, extreme poverty and war. Finally corruption and power will be discussed as well as social and cultural expression, the possibilities and limitations of freedom of speech, the use and abuse of information, disinformation, secrecy, fake and “fake news”.
- Third year
- Fall
- Introduction to the Philosophy of Science
- Philosophy of Art
- 19th & 20th Century History of Ideas
- Ancient Philosophical Texts
- Not taught this semesterThe World of Ancient Greece: History and Society
- Latin I: Beginner's Course
- Ancient Greek I: Beginner's Course
- Not taught this semesterIntruduction to Classical Studies
- Greek Tragedy
- Philosophy of education and history of ideas
- Project in Ethics of Nature
- Seminar: Philosophy of peace and conflict in historical context
- Direct study in seminar: Philosophy of peace and conflict in historical context
- Not taught this semesterSeminar: Humanity and dehumanization
- Not taught this semesterDirect study in seminar: Humanity and dehumanization
- BA thesis in Philosophy
- Ethics of nature
- Current ethical issues
- Spring 1
- Seminar: Pioneers of Philosophical Embodied Thinking
- Direct study in seminar: Pioneers of Philosophical Embodied Thinking
- Seminar; John Stuart Mill
- Direct study in seminar: John Stuart Mill
- Film and Philosophy
- Contemporary Political Philosophy
- Bioethics and Ethics of Medicine
- Latin II: A Selection of Latin Texts
- Ancient Greek II
- Medieval Latin
- Culture and Dissent
- BA thesis in Philosophy
Introduction to the Philosophy of Science (HSP318G)
In this course we will consider many of the most prominent problems in the philosophy of science of the 20th and 21st century. How are scientific theories confirmed by experiments and observations? What is it for something to be a law of nature? Why should we trust scientific research more than other methods for obtaining knowledge? Is scientific research value-laden? And what is involved in the claim that science is objective?
Philosophy of Art (HSP310G)
The course aims to give a brief survey of selected topics in the philosophy of art; to introduce students to particular discussions, questions, theories and arguments in the philosophy of art through selected readings, both historical and contemporary; and to enable students to discuss topics related to aesthetics.
19th & 20th Century History of Ideas (HSP321G)
In this course, 19th and 20th century ideas that had fundamental effects on Western philosophy and intellectual history, will be examined. These are socially transformative ideas such as freedom, secularism, equality, resistance, the relation between the individual and society, ideas concerning existence and the soul, oppression, injustice, the national state and capitalism. Perhaps last but not least ideas about history, time and evolution of humanity and the planet.
Each week a new thinker or idea that transformed Western intellectual history is introduced and engaged with. Thinkers such as G.W.F. Hegel, Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud, Rosa Luxembourg and Emma Goldman are analysed and influential isms such as phenomenology, neoliberalism or postructuralism. The aim is to read these thinkers and isms in accordance with the zeitgeist of the historical period they belong to (to the extent that we, people in the 21st century can “read” zeitgeists of older periods). At the same time the aim is to dig deep into original texts and to acquire multi-dimensional understanding of the ideas. Important part of the course is also to look at these themes in relation to the present times and the issues happening at the moment in Western societies and all around the globe.
Ancient Philosophical Texts (KLM307G)
This course studies select philosophical texts. This time we will read the Laws Plato. The Laws are Plato’s longest dialogue as well as his last. It discusses political philosophy albeit in a different spirit from that of Plato’s older dialogue the Republic. In this course we will shed light on the political philosophy contained in the Laws and seek to place it in a wider Platonic context.
Knowledge of Greek and Latin is not required, but students of Classics may choose to work on a supervised independent study project (5 ECTS or 10 ECTS) centered on an original text in connection to the course. The supervised independent study projects which are available to students with reading knowledge of Ancient Greek and Latin are intended to strengthen their proficiency in Ancient Greek and/or Latin and train them in the reading of original texts.
The World of Ancient Greece: History and Society (KLM115G)
This course is an introduction to the history of Ancient Greek civilization, with an emphasis on Ancient Greek culture and world view, from earliest times to the Roman period.
Latin I: Beginner's Course (KLM101G)
This course is a beginner’s course in Latin. No prior knowledge of Latin is assumed at the outset. It introduces the basics of Latin grammar and syntax. Chosen passages will be read in Latin, translated and thoroughly analysed. Teaching consists of 24 lectures on particular aspects of the Latin language and assigned readings.
This course is taught in Icelandic but students can get permission of the instructor to complete assignments and exams in English.
Ancient Greek I: Beginner's Course (KLM102G)
This course is a beginner’s course in Ancient Greek. It introduces the basics of grammar and syntax of the Attic dialect. No prior knowledge of Greek is assumed at the outset. Reading knowledge of Ancient Greek will be prioritized and chosen passages will be read in Greek, translated and thoroughly analysed. Teaching consists of both lectures on particular aspects of the Greek language and assigned readings. It is essential that students read the assigned materials before each lecture.
This course is taught in Icelandic but students can get permission of the instructor to complete assignments and exams in English.
Intruduction to Classical Studies (KLM103G)
The course is an introduction to Classical Studies. It will deal with the history of the discipline as well as its subject matter and methods: Students will be introduced to classical philology and the various branches of Classical Studies, such as the history, literature, and philosophy of classical antiquity. The course will, moreover, address issues concerning the use of sources, methodology, and conventions in Classics. Students will be introduced to major resources. Knowledge of the classical languages is not required.
Greek Tragedy (KLM107G)
Obstinance, pride and treachery can have disastrous consequences, nevermind matricide, patricide and incest. Sometimes it almost seems like fate is in charge and fate can be very ironic. All of this is quite familiar from Greek tragedy.
This course introduces the student to Greek tragedy as a genre. Students will read a number of Greek tragedies in (Icelandic) translation and will become familiar with both the form and content of Greek tragedies. Various aspects of the genre will be discussed, including interactions of mortals and immortals in Greek tragedy, fate and responsibility, gender issues, Greek self-identity and respresentation of the foreign.
Knowledge of Ancient Greek is not required, but students who are able to read Greek will be asked to submit a translation assignment.
Philosophy of education and history of ideas (UME304G)
The main objective of this course is to prepare students for a critical approach to ideas and methods in pedagogy and education. Students will be introduced to the main ideas that have shaped schools and education in the western tradition and made able to locate contemporary currents in an ideological context. The main objective of this course is to prepare students for a critical approach to ideas and methods in pedagogy and education. Students will be introduced to the main ideas that have shaped schools and education in the western tradition and made able to locate contemporary currents in an ideological context.
The course is organized around three basic topics: (i) The human being as a rational, sentient and ethical being, (i) the aims of education and (iii) freedom and democracy. Among the philosophers and educational theorists discussed in the course are Plato, Rousseau, Kant, Dewey, Key, Neill and Freire.
Project in Ethics of Nature (HSP725M)
An individual project on the ethics of nature.
Seminar: Philosophy of peace and conflict in historical context (HSP541M, HSP542M)
The course focuses on philosophical themes in the history of ideas concerning peace and conflict. The concept of peace will be scrutinised according to how it has been framed within various political discourses and ideologies, such as de-colonialism, internationalism, nationalism, feminism, socialism, liberalism and capitalism. A specific focus will be on the gendered ideas about peace and war as well as philosophical discussions concerning the justification of methods of resistance, such as the use of violence in liberation struggles. We will read works by, among others, Immanuel Kant, Frantz Fanon, Elin Wägner, Hannah Arendt, Mahatma Gandhi and Carol Gilligan.
Direct study in seminar: Philosophy of peace and conflict in historical context (HSP541M, HSP542M)
Direct study in seminar: Philosophy of peace and conflict in historical context. Students must finish related seminar to finish the direct study.
Seminar: Humanity and dehumanization (HSP539M, HSP540M)
Humans have long been concerned with their own humanity, whether we call it human nature, the meaning of being human, or something else. Why do we consider it so important to be able to demarcate humanity and separate humans from non-humans? Should the emphasis perhaps be on something else? In this seminar we will consider several possible definitions of humanity, theories about them, and different approaches from the history of philosophy. We also consider another aspect, dehumanization, which involves the exclusion of individuals or groups from human society, often with horrendous results. Readings will include philosophical texts from different historical periods but the main emphasis will be on recent texts. Ideas about humanity, dehumanization, and the demarcation of humanity will be put in context with various aspects of social justice.
Direct study in seminar: Humanity and dehumanization (HSP539M, HSP540M)
Direct study in seminar: Humanity and dehumanization. Students must finish related seminar to finish the direct study.
BA thesis in Philosophy (HSP261L)
The BA dissertation in philosophy is intended to develop the student's ability to examine a chosen philosophical subject or work and to write about it in accepted scholarly fashion. The dissertation is written under the supervision of a member of the regular philosophy teaching staff. Students apply electronically for a supervisor, using a specific form. Further information on the BA dissertation in philosophy is available on the website of the Faculty of Philosophy, History, and Archaeology.
Ethics of nature (HSP722M)
The course deals with the connection between Man and Nature from the viewpoint of Moral Philosophy. It discusses the main proponents of and theories within Environmental Ethics and describes the roots of differing views of Nature, as well as different ethical orientations, i.e. anthropocentric, ecocentric, and biocentric positions. The course also deals with the integration of environmental and developmental issues, and with the connection between environmentalism and democracy. Amongst central issues discussed are the following: Can Ethics provide guidance in the solution of environmental problems?, What type of beings are worthy of moral considerability?, Can natural phenomena possess intrinsic value?, Do animals have rights?, Is there any fundanmental difference in men's and women's relations to Nature?, and, What is the ethical basis of sustainable development?
Current ethical issues (HSP723M)
The focus of this course is the application of ethics to pressing problems and debates in contemporary society. Possible methods for solving ethical dilemmas, both on an individual and social basis, are discussed. The selection of topics may change from year to year, but possible topics include free speech, the status of refugees, animal rights, poverty and economic inequality, gender discrimination, racial discrimination, environmental issues, and various issues in health care. The relation between theoretical and applied ethics is discussed. While instruction includes lectures, student participation in discussion is greatly emphasized.
Seminar: Pioneers of Philosophical Embodied Thinking (HSP440M, HSP441M)
Philosophical thinking extends beyond mere critical, analytical, and logical reasoning. The mind is extended, embodied, embedded and ecological. Each mind is a manifestation of vast interactions environments, individually creative and intuitive. This seminar delves into the pioneers of embodied thinking within the modern to contemporary history of philosophy (from Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Husserl, Merleau-Ponty, Dewey, James, Beauvoir, Arendt, Weil to Irigaray, Varela, Petitmengin, Gendlin, Noë and Tuana). Besides exploring, philosophies of embodied thinking, a special emphasis is on introducing methodologies derived from these philosophies, and to engage in practices. The objective of these methodologies is to become more aware of the rich backgrounds of lived experience participating in any idea and understanding. Engaging the embodied and ecological dimension of thinking strengthens students in their independent philosophical approach and fosters collaborative skills of understanding thinking together.
The seminar will include a weekend training workshop.
Direct study in seminar: Pioneers of Philosophical Embodied Thinking (HSP440M, HSP441M)
Direct study in seminar: Pioneers of Philosophical Embodied Thinking. Students must finish related seminar to finish the direct study.
Seminar; John Stuart Mill (HSP444M, HSP445M)
In the seminar we will consider Mill´s lifelong struggle against dogmatism and how it informs his conception of logic, ethics, religion and social philosophy. We will give anti-dogmatic readings of some of his major works including On Liberty, Utilitarianism, The Subjection of Women and System of Logic.
Direct study in seminar: John Stuart Mill (HSP444M, HSP445M)
Direct study in seminar: Philosophical Progress. Students must finish related seminar to finish the direct study.
Film and Philosophy (HSP410G)
This seminar will consider both philosophical questions about movies (e.g. "What is a movie?") and philosophical questions raised in movies (e.g. "What is real?", "What is a marriage?").
The course is taught in English.
Contemporary Political Philosophy (HSP417G)
In this course, some of the main themes in contemporary political philosophy will be discussed. Special emphasis will be laid on the egalitarian liberalism of John Rawls and that criticized from the perspectives of libertarianism, communitarianism, feminism, discourse democratic theory and post-structuralism.
Bioethics and Ethics of Medicine (HSP823M)
A discussion of some controversial issues in the field of bioethics, in particular those relating to developments in genetics and their possible effects upon medical services and health care policy.
Latin II: A Selection of Latin Texts (KLM201G)
The course follows and continues KLM101G Latin I. Its main purpose is to reinforce the students knowledge and understanding og Latin grammar and syntax and enhance their reading comprehension. It is, moreover, supposed to introduce important authors of Classical Latin. A selection of Latin texts by various authors will be read. Students will read and prepare texts in the original language to be read and translated in class. Texts will be discussed with a view to grammar, syntax and style, and contextualized when required.
This course is taught in Icelandic, but students may submit assignments and complete exams in English.
Ancient Greek II (KLM202G)
The course is a continuation of KLM102G Ancient Greek I. The first part of the course resumes coverage of grammar and syntax of Ancient Greek (Attic) where Ancient Greek I left off. During the second half of the course, students will read select Ancient Greek texts.
Students can get permission of the instructor to complete assignments and exams in English.
Medieval Latin (KLM203G)
In this course we will read selections from medieval literature broadly conceived (from the end og the 4th century to the beginning of the 16th century): poetry and historiography, philosophy and theology. Texts will be analysed grammatically and discussed materially as needed.
The course will be taught in Icelandic, but students whose native language is not Icelandic may complete assignments and exams in English.
Culture and Dissent (MFR703M)
The course deals with interconnections between political radicalism, culture, tradition and power. We will focus on contemporary representations of dissent in particular, look at the discourse of democracy and cultural difference, reactions to and criticism of protest in the Western political tradition and dissent in more repressive political systems. The role of intellectuals and writers will be explored as well as the function of artistic expression and design in transforming cultural and social environments. We will also discuss media and social media discourse in connection with an attempt to understand the various and sometimes contradictory objectives of public institutions. A few points of conflict will be discussed that to some extent expose fundamental conflicts in liberal democratic societies such as questions about the wisdom and ignorance of publics, reactions to climate change, inequality, extreme poverty and war. Finally corruption and power will be discussed as well as social and cultural expression, the possibilities and limitations of freedom of speech, the use and abuse of information, disinformation, secrecy, fake and “fake news”.
BA thesis in Philosophy (HSP261L)
The BA dissertation in philosophy is intended to develop the student's ability to examine a chosen philosophical subject or work and to write about it in accepted scholarly fashion. The dissertation is written under the supervision of a member of the regular philosophy teaching staff. Students apply electronically for a supervisor, using a specific form. Further information on the BA dissertation in philosophy is available on the website of the Faculty of Philosophy, History, and Archaeology.
- Fall
- HSP103GIntroduction to PhilosophyMandatory (required) course10A mandatory (required) course for the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse Description
This course discusses the question "What is Philosophy?" and the relationship of philosophy to science, art, religion and politics. We will read both classical and contemporary philosophy texts to study the different methods and problems of philosophy.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesHSP104GAncient PhilosophyMandatory (required) course10A mandatory (required) course for the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe course has three main goals:
- First, that students understand the subject matters of ancient Western philosophy, its historical development and social conditions.
- Second, that they learn to read and analyse philosophical texts from antiquity and use them to address contemporary problems.
- Third, that they become capable in writing philosophical texts based on readings from ancient philosophy.
Our emphasis will be in reading whole works in Icelandic translations, with special focus on Plato's Republic, and in class we try to analyse the main theories and arguments in the texts. The students work alone and in groups at solving specific tasks under the guidance of the teacher but a significant part of the course is devoted to reciprocal support among the students in solving problems.
The first class will be held Tuesday 31 August. There we will read through the study programme, learning outcomes and course assessment and students get the first written assignment. On three occasions (Friday afternoons) we host peer review exercises where students read and assess each other’s work. Participation in these exercises is an important part of the course assessment.
Icelandic translations can be bought with 25% discount at the store of the Icelandic Literary Society (by Hagatorg). It should be noted that some of the works are also used in other philosophy courses. It should also be easy to approach the texts in public libraries.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesHSP105GCritical ThinkingMandatory (required) course5A mandatory (required) course for the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe aim of this course is to show students the importance of critical thinking by introducing its main concepts and methods as well as different understandings of the notion. Furthermore, the aim is to train students in critical thinking and argumentation, both in a philosophical and an everyday context. Special emphasis will be placed on analysing arguments. Common fallacies and stratagems will be discussed, with the aim of learning how to detect and avoid them. The relationship between critical thinking and ethics will be thoroughly examined.
The teaching involves both lectures and discussion sessions. Assignments will primarily be aimed at practical tasks relevant to everyday experiences.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesCourse taught first half of the semesterHSP107GPolitics and SocietyMandatory (required) course5A mandatory (required) course for the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionIn this course, we discuss a few selected contemporary issues in the field of social and political philosophy. We will discuss and analyse key concepts of relevance for a good society, such as liberty, equality, justice and democracy with a special reference to Icelandic society.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesCourse taught second half of the semester- Spring 2
HSP201GLogicMandatory (required) course10A mandatory (required) course for the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionStudents will be introduced to the basics of philosophical and formal logic. The course focuses on propositional logic (truth-functional logic) and quantified logic (first-order logic). Additionally, a brief survey of informal logic will be given at the beginning of the course, and philosophical questions concerning the nature and status of logic will be addressed toward the end of the course.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesHSP202GEthicsMandatory (required) course10A mandatory (required) course for the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThis course provides an overview of three principal moral theories: Aristotle's virtue ethics as presented in his Nichomachean Ethics, Kant's deontoloical ethics as presented in his Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals and John Stuart Mill's rule ethics as presented in his Utilitarianism.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesHSP203GModern PhilosophyMandatory (required) course10A mandatory (required) course for the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionDescription
A survey of Western philosophy in the 17th and 18th Centuries, with emphasis on selected topics in the epistomology and metaphysics of the period, based upon a close reading and comparison of primary texts. Descartes, Hume and Kant are the principal authors discussed.Teaching
The teaching involves both lectures and discussions. Lectures will give an exposition of the subject and/or of its main topics. Discussions will adress more specific topics or questions.Face-to-face learningPrerequisites- Fall
- HSP318GIntroduction to the Philosophy of ScienceRestricted elective course5Restricted elective course, conditions apply5 ECTS, creditsCourse Description
In this course we will consider many of the most prominent problems in the philosophy of science of the 20th and 21st century. How are scientific theories confirmed by experiments and observations? What is it for something to be a law of nature? Why should we trust scientific research more than other methods for obtaining knowledge? Is scientific research value-laden? And what is involved in the claim that science is objective?
PrerequisitesHSP310GPhilosophy of ArtRestricted elective course5Restricted elective course, conditions apply5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe course aims to give a brief survey of selected topics in the philosophy of art; to introduce students to particular discussions, questions, theories and arguments in the philosophy of art through selected readings, both historical and contemporary; and to enable students to discuss topics related to aesthetics.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesHSP321G19th & 20th Century History of IdeasRestricted elective course10Restricted elective course, conditions apply10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionIn this course, 19th and 20th century ideas that had fundamental effects on Western philosophy and intellectual history, will be examined. These are socially transformative ideas such as freedom, secularism, equality, resistance, the relation between the individual and society, ideas concerning existence and the soul, oppression, injustice, the national state and capitalism. Perhaps last but not least ideas about history, time and evolution of humanity and the planet.
Each week a new thinker or idea that transformed Western intellectual history is introduced and engaged with. Thinkers such as G.W.F. Hegel, Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud, Rosa Luxembourg and Emma Goldman are analysed and influential isms such as phenomenology, neoliberalism or postructuralism. The aim is to read these thinkers and isms in accordance with the zeitgeist of the historical period they belong to (to the extent that we, people in the 21st century can “read” zeitgeists of older periods). At the same time the aim is to dig deep into original texts and to acquire multi-dimensional understanding of the ideas. Important part of the course is also to look at these themes in relation to the present times and the issues happening at the moment in Western societies and all around the globe.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesHSP304GEpistemologyMandatory (required) course10A mandatory (required) course for the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionIn this course we will discuss and ask about the nature of knowledge and tackle problems that relate to knowledge. Why is knowledge important? Is understanding more important than knowledge? What is the difference between knowledge and true belief? What kind of justification is needed to change true belief into knowledge? Is is possible to investigate knowledge like digestion, i.e. with the methods of the natural sciences, or can we only approach it from within, i.e. by investigating our own consciousness? Can we trust the opinions of others? What conditions must be met to do people justice, irrespective of sex, race, age, gender etc? We will mainly read texts from the 20th and 21st century and use the methods of analytic philosophy in reading and analysing philosophical texts.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesKLM307GAncient Philosophical TextsElective course5Free elective course within the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThis course studies select philosophical texts. This time we will read the Laws Plato. The Laws are Plato’s longest dialogue as well as his last. It discusses political philosophy albeit in a different spirit from that of Plato’s older dialogue the Republic. In this course we will shed light on the political philosophy contained in the Laws and seek to place it in a wider Platonic context.
Knowledge of Greek and Latin is not required, but students of Classics may choose to work on a supervised independent study project (5 ECTS or 10 ECTS) centered on an original text in connection to the course. The supervised independent study projects which are available to students with reading knowledge of Ancient Greek and Latin are intended to strengthen their proficiency in Ancient Greek and/or Latin and train them in the reading of original texts.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesNot taught this semesterKLM115GThe World of Ancient Greece: History and SocietyElective course10Free elective course within the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThis course is an introduction to the history of Ancient Greek civilization, with an emphasis on Ancient Greek culture and world view, from earliest times to the Roman period.
PrerequisitesKLM101GLatin I: Beginner's CourseElective course10Free elective course within the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThis course is a beginner’s course in Latin. No prior knowledge of Latin is assumed at the outset. It introduces the basics of Latin grammar and syntax. Chosen passages will be read in Latin, translated and thoroughly analysed. Teaching consists of 24 lectures on particular aspects of the Latin language and assigned readings.
This course is taught in Icelandic but students can get permission of the instructor to complete assignments and exams in English.Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesKLM102GAncient Greek I: Beginner's CourseElective course10Free elective course within the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThis course is a beginner’s course in Ancient Greek. It introduces the basics of grammar and syntax of the Attic dialect. No prior knowledge of Greek is assumed at the outset. Reading knowledge of Ancient Greek will be prioritized and chosen passages will be read in Greek, translated and thoroughly analysed. Teaching consists of both lectures on particular aspects of the Greek language and assigned readings. It is essential that students read the assigned materials before each lecture.
This course is taught in Icelandic but students can get permission of the instructor to complete assignments and exams in English.Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesNot taught this semesterKLM103GIntruduction to Classical StudiesElective course10Free elective course within the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe course is an introduction to Classical Studies. It will deal with the history of the discipline as well as its subject matter and methods: Students will be introduced to classical philology and the various branches of Classical Studies, such as the history, literature, and philosophy of classical antiquity. The course will, moreover, address issues concerning the use of sources, methodology, and conventions in Classics. Students will be introduced to major resources. Knowledge of the classical languages is not required.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesCourse DescriptionObstinance, pride and treachery can have disastrous consequences, nevermind matricide, patricide and incest. Sometimes it almost seems like fate is in charge and fate can be very ironic. All of this is quite familiar from Greek tragedy.
This course introduces the student to Greek tragedy as a genre. Students will read a number of Greek tragedies in (Icelandic) translation and will become familiar with both the form and content of Greek tragedies. Various aspects of the genre will be discussed, including interactions of mortals and immortals in Greek tragedy, fate and responsibility, gender issues, Greek self-identity and respresentation of the foreign.
Knowledge of Ancient Greek is not required, but students who are able to read Greek will be asked to submit a translation assignment.
PrerequisitesUME304GPhilosophy of education and history of ideasElective course10Free elective course within the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe main objective of this course is to prepare students for a critical approach to ideas and methods in pedagogy and education. Students will be introduced to the main ideas that have shaped schools and education in the western tradition and made able to locate contemporary currents in an ideological context. The main objective of this course is to prepare students for a critical approach to ideas and methods in pedagogy and education. Students will be introduced to the main ideas that have shaped schools and education in the western tradition and made able to locate contemporary currents in an ideological context.
The course is organized around three basic topics: (i) The human being as a rational, sentient and ethical being, (i) the aims of education and (iii) freedom and democracy. Among the philosophers and educational theorists discussed in the course are Plato, Rousseau, Kant, Dewey, Key, Neill and Freire.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisites- Spring 2
HSP440M, HSP441MSeminar: Pioneers of Philosophical Embodied ThinkingRestricted elective course5Restricted elective course, conditions apply5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionPhilosophical thinking extends beyond mere critical, analytical, and logical reasoning. The mind is extended, embodied, embedded and ecological. Each mind is a manifestation of vast interactions environments, individually creative and intuitive. This seminar delves into the pioneers of embodied thinking within the modern to contemporary history of philosophy (from Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Husserl, Merleau-Ponty, Dewey, James, Beauvoir, Arendt, Weil to Irigaray, Varela, Petitmengin, Gendlin, Noë and Tuana). Besides exploring, philosophies of embodied thinking, a special emphasis is on introducing methodologies derived from these philosophies, and to engage in practices. The objective of these methodologies is to become more aware of the rich backgrounds of lived experience participating in any idea and understanding. Engaging the embodied and ecological dimension of thinking strengthens students in their independent philosophical approach and fosters collaborative skills of understanding thinking together.
The seminar will include a weekend training workshop.Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesHSP440M, HSP441MDirect study in seminar: Pioneers of Philosophical Embodied ThinkingRestricted elective course5Restricted elective course, conditions apply5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionDirect study in seminar: Pioneers of Philosophical Embodied Thinking. Students must finish related seminar to finish the direct study.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesHSP444M, HSP445MSeminar; John Stuart MillRestricted elective course5Restricted elective course, conditions apply5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionIn the seminar we will consider Mill´s lifelong struggle against dogmatism and how it informs his conception of logic, ethics, religion and social philosophy. We will give anti-dogmatic readings of some of his major works including On Liberty, Utilitarianism, The Subjection of Women and System of Logic.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesHSP444M, HSP445MDirect study in seminar: John Stuart MillRestricted elective course5Restricted elective course, conditions apply5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionDirect study in seminar: Philosophical Progress. Students must finish related seminar to finish the direct study.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesHSP410GFilm and PhilosophyRestricted elective course10Restricted elective course, conditions apply10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThis seminar will consider both philosophical questions about movies (e.g. "What is a movie?") and philosophical questions raised in movies (e.g. "What is real?", "What is a marriage?").
The course is taught in English.
PrerequisitesHSP417GContemporary Political PhilosophyRestricted elective course5Restricted elective course, conditions apply5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionIn this course, some of the main themes in contemporary political philosophy will be discussed. Special emphasis will be laid on the egalitarian liberalism of John Rawls and that criticized from the perspectives of libertarianism, communitarianism, feminism, discourse democratic theory and post-structuralism.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesHSP823MBioethics and Ethics of MedicineRestricted elective course6Restricted elective course, conditions apply6 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionA discussion of some controversial issues in the field of bioethics, in particular those relating to developments in genetics and their possible effects upon medical services and health care policy.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesHSP416GMetaphysicsMandatory (required) course10A mandatory (required) course for the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThis course is dedicated to various issues in contemporary metaphysics as well as the history of metaphysics in the 20th and 21st centuries. Topics covered include personal identity; free will; realism, anti-realism, and nominalism; natural kinds and fictional characters; possible worlds; the relation between language and world; and the relation between mind and body. Furthermore, topics in social ontology will be introduced, such as the metaphysics of gender and race.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesKLM201GLatin II: A Selection of Latin TextsElective course10Free elective course within the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe course follows and continues KLM101G Latin I. Its main purpose is to reinforce the students knowledge and understanding og Latin grammar and syntax and enhance their reading comprehension. It is, moreover, supposed to introduce important authors of Classical Latin. A selection of Latin texts by various authors will be read. Students will read and prepare texts in the original language to be read and translated in class. Texts will be discussed with a view to grammar, syntax and style, and contextualized when required.
This course is taught in Icelandic, but students may submit assignments and complete exams in English.Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesCourse DescriptionThe course is a continuation of KLM102G Ancient Greek I. The first part of the course resumes coverage of grammar and syntax of Ancient Greek (Attic) where Ancient Greek I left off. During the second half of the course, students will read select Ancient Greek texts.
Students can get permission of the instructor to complete assignments and exams in English.Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesCourse DescriptionIn this course we will read selections from medieval literature broadly conceived (from the end og the 4th century to the beginning of the 16th century): poetry and historiography, philosophy and theology. Texts will be analysed grammatically and discussed materially as needed.
The course will be taught in Icelandic, but students whose native language is not Icelandic may complete assignments and exams in English.
PrerequisitesMFR703MCulture and DissentElective course10Free elective course within the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe course deals with interconnections between political radicalism, culture, tradition and power. We will focus on contemporary representations of dissent in particular, look at the discourse of democracy and cultural difference, reactions to and criticism of protest in the Western political tradition and dissent in more repressive political systems. The role of intellectuals and writers will be explored as well as the function of artistic expression and design in transforming cultural and social environments. We will also discuss media and social media discourse in connection with an attempt to understand the various and sometimes contradictory objectives of public institutions. A few points of conflict will be discussed that to some extent expose fundamental conflicts in liberal democratic societies such as questions about the wisdom and ignorance of publics, reactions to climate change, inequality, extreme poverty and war. Finally corruption and power will be discussed as well as social and cultural expression, the possibilities and limitations of freedom of speech, the use and abuse of information, disinformation, secrecy, fake and “fake news”.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisites- Fall
- HSP318GIntroduction to the Philosophy of ScienceRestricted elective course5Restricted elective course, conditions apply5 ECTS, creditsCourse Description
In this course we will consider many of the most prominent problems in the philosophy of science of the 20th and 21st century. How are scientific theories confirmed by experiments and observations? What is it for something to be a law of nature? Why should we trust scientific research more than other methods for obtaining knowledge? Is scientific research value-laden? And what is involved in the claim that science is objective?
PrerequisitesHSP310GPhilosophy of ArtRestricted elective course5Restricted elective course, conditions apply5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe course aims to give a brief survey of selected topics in the philosophy of art; to introduce students to particular discussions, questions, theories and arguments in the philosophy of art through selected readings, both historical and contemporary; and to enable students to discuss topics related to aesthetics.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesHSP321G19th & 20th Century History of IdeasRestricted elective course10Restricted elective course, conditions apply10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionIn this course, 19th and 20th century ideas that had fundamental effects on Western philosophy and intellectual history, will be examined. These are socially transformative ideas such as freedom, secularism, equality, resistance, the relation between the individual and society, ideas concerning existence and the soul, oppression, injustice, the national state and capitalism. Perhaps last but not least ideas about history, time and evolution of humanity and the planet.
Each week a new thinker or idea that transformed Western intellectual history is introduced and engaged with. Thinkers such as G.W.F. Hegel, Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud, Rosa Luxembourg and Emma Goldman are analysed and influential isms such as phenomenology, neoliberalism or postructuralism. The aim is to read these thinkers and isms in accordance with the zeitgeist of the historical period they belong to (to the extent that we, people in the 21st century can “read” zeitgeists of older periods). At the same time the aim is to dig deep into original texts and to acquire multi-dimensional understanding of the ideas. Important part of the course is also to look at these themes in relation to the present times and the issues happening at the moment in Western societies and all around the globe.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesKLM307GAncient Philosophical TextsElective course5Free elective course within the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThis course studies select philosophical texts. This time we will read the Laws Plato. The Laws are Plato’s longest dialogue as well as his last. It discusses political philosophy albeit in a different spirit from that of Plato’s older dialogue the Republic. In this course we will shed light on the political philosophy contained in the Laws and seek to place it in a wider Platonic context.
Knowledge of Greek and Latin is not required, but students of Classics may choose to work on a supervised independent study project (5 ECTS or 10 ECTS) centered on an original text in connection to the course. The supervised independent study projects which are available to students with reading knowledge of Ancient Greek and Latin are intended to strengthen their proficiency in Ancient Greek and/or Latin and train them in the reading of original texts.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesNot taught this semesterKLM115GThe World of Ancient Greece: History and SocietyElective course10Free elective course within the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThis course is an introduction to the history of Ancient Greek civilization, with an emphasis on Ancient Greek culture and world view, from earliest times to the Roman period.
PrerequisitesKLM101GLatin I: Beginner's CourseElective course10Free elective course within the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThis course is a beginner’s course in Latin. No prior knowledge of Latin is assumed at the outset. It introduces the basics of Latin grammar and syntax. Chosen passages will be read in Latin, translated and thoroughly analysed. Teaching consists of 24 lectures on particular aspects of the Latin language and assigned readings.
This course is taught in Icelandic but students can get permission of the instructor to complete assignments and exams in English.Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesKLM102GAncient Greek I: Beginner's CourseElective course10Free elective course within the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThis course is a beginner’s course in Ancient Greek. It introduces the basics of grammar and syntax of the Attic dialect. No prior knowledge of Greek is assumed at the outset. Reading knowledge of Ancient Greek will be prioritized and chosen passages will be read in Greek, translated and thoroughly analysed. Teaching consists of both lectures on particular aspects of the Greek language and assigned readings. It is essential that students read the assigned materials before each lecture.
This course is taught in Icelandic but students can get permission of the instructor to complete assignments and exams in English.Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesNot taught this semesterKLM103GIntruduction to Classical StudiesElective course10Free elective course within the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe course is an introduction to Classical Studies. It will deal with the history of the discipline as well as its subject matter and methods: Students will be introduced to classical philology and the various branches of Classical Studies, such as the history, literature, and philosophy of classical antiquity. The course will, moreover, address issues concerning the use of sources, methodology, and conventions in Classics. Students will be introduced to major resources. Knowledge of the classical languages is not required.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesCourse DescriptionObstinance, pride and treachery can have disastrous consequences, nevermind matricide, patricide and incest. Sometimes it almost seems like fate is in charge and fate can be very ironic. All of this is quite familiar from Greek tragedy.
This course introduces the student to Greek tragedy as a genre. Students will read a number of Greek tragedies in (Icelandic) translation and will become familiar with both the form and content of Greek tragedies. Various aspects of the genre will be discussed, including interactions of mortals and immortals in Greek tragedy, fate and responsibility, gender issues, Greek self-identity and respresentation of the foreign.
Knowledge of Ancient Greek is not required, but students who are able to read Greek will be asked to submit a translation assignment.
PrerequisitesUME304GPhilosophy of education and history of ideasElective course10Free elective course within the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe main objective of this course is to prepare students for a critical approach to ideas and methods in pedagogy and education. Students will be introduced to the main ideas that have shaped schools and education in the western tradition and made able to locate contemporary currents in an ideological context. The main objective of this course is to prepare students for a critical approach to ideas and methods in pedagogy and education. Students will be introduced to the main ideas that have shaped schools and education in the western tradition and made able to locate contemporary currents in an ideological context.
The course is organized around three basic topics: (i) The human being as a rational, sentient and ethical being, (i) the aims of education and (iii) freedom and democracy. Among the philosophers and educational theorists discussed in the course are Plato, Rousseau, Kant, Dewey, Key, Neill and Freire.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesHSP725MProject in Ethics of NatureRestricted elective course4Restricted elective course, conditions apply4 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionAn individual project on the ethics of nature.
PrerequisitesHSP541M, HSP542MSeminar: Philosophy of peace and conflict in historical contextRestricted elective course5Restricted elective course, conditions apply5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe course focuses on philosophical themes in the history of ideas concerning peace and conflict. The concept of peace will be scrutinised according to how it has been framed within various political discourses and ideologies, such as de-colonialism, internationalism, nationalism, feminism, socialism, liberalism and capitalism. A specific focus will be on the gendered ideas about peace and war as well as philosophical discussions concerning the justification of methods of resistance, such as the use of violence in liberation struggles. We will read works by, among others, Immanuel Kant, Frantz Fanon, Elin Wägner, Hannah Arendt, Mahatma Gandhi and Carol Gilligan.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesHSP541M, HSP542MDirect study in seminar: Philosophy of peace and conflict in historical contextRestricted elective course5Restricted elective course, conditions apply5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionDirect study in seminar: Philosophy of peace and conflict in historical context. Students must finish related seminar to finish the direct study.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesNot taught this semesterHSP539M, HSP540MSeminar: Humanity and dehumanizationRestricted elective course5Restricted elective course, conditions apply5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionHumans have long been concerned with their own humanity, whether we call it human nature, the meaning of being human, or something else. Why do we consider it so important to be able to demarcate humanity and separate humans from non-humans? Should the emphasis perhaps be on something else? In this seminar we will consider several possible definitions of humanity, theories about them, and different approaches from the history of philosophy. We also consider another aspect, dehumanization, which involves the exclusion of individuals or groups from human society, often with horrendous results. Readings will include philosophical texts from different historical periods but the main emphasis will be on recent texts. Ideas about humanity, dehumanization, and the demarcation of humanity will be put in context with various aspects of social justice.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesNot taught this semesterHSP539M, HSP540MDirect study in seminar: Humanity and dehumanizationRestricted elective course5Restricted elective course, conditions apply5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionDirect study in seminar: Humanity and dehumanization. Students must finish related seminar to finish the direct study.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesHSP261LBA thesis in PhilosophyRestricted elective course0Restricted elective course, conditions apply0 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe BA dissertation in philosophy is intended to develop the student's ability to examine a chosen philosophical subject or work and to write about it in accepted scholarly fashion. The dissertation is written under the supervision of a member of the regular philosophy teaching staff. Students apply electronically for a supervisor, using a specific form. Further information on the BA dissertation in philosophy is available on the website of the Faculty of Philosophy, History, and Archaeology.
PrerequisitesPart of the total project/thesis creditsHSP722MEthics of natureRestricted elective course6Restricted elective course, conditions apply6 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe course deals with the connection between Man and Nature from the viewpoint of Moral Philosophy. It discusses the main proponents of and theories within Environmental Ethics and describes the roots of differing views of Nature, as well as different ethical orientations, i.e. anthropocentric, ecocentric, and biocentric positions. The course also deals with the integration of environmental and developmental issues, and with the connection between environmentalism and democracy. Amongst central issues discussed are the following: Can Ethics provide guidance in the solution of environmental problems?, What type of beings are worthy of moral considerability?, Can natural phenomena possess intrinsic value?, Do animals have rights?, Is there any fundanmental difference in men's and women's relations to Nature?, and, What is the ethical basis of sustainable development?
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesHSP723MCurrent ethical issuesRestricted elective course10Restricted elective course, conditions apply10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe focus of this course is the application of ethics to pressing problems and debates in contemporary society. Possible methods for solving ethical dilemmas, both on an individual and social basis, are discussed. The selection of topics may change from year to year, but possible topics include free speech, the status of refugees, animal rights, poverty and economic inequality, gender discrimination, racial discrimination, environmental issues, and various issues in health care. The relation between theoretical and applied ethics is discussed. While instruction includes lectures, student participation in discussion is greatly emphasized.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisites- Spring 2
HSP440M, HSP441MSeminar: Pioneers of Philosophical Embodied ThinkingRestricted elective course5Restricted elective course, conditions apply5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionPhilosophical thinking extends beyond mere critical, analytical, and logical reasoning. The mind is extended, embodied, embedded and ecological. Each mind is a manifestation of vast interactions environments, individually creative and intuitive. This seminar delves into the pioneers of embodied thinking within the modern to contemporary history of philosophy (from Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Husserl, Merleau-Ponty, Dewey, James, Beauvoir, Arendt, Weil to Irigaray, Varela, Petitmengin, Gendlin, Noë and Tuana). Besides exploring, philosophies of embodied thinking, a special emphasis is on introducing methodologies derived from these philosophies, and to engage in practices. The objective of these methodologies is to become more aware of the rich backgrounds of lived experience participating in any idea and understanding. Engaging the embodied and ecological dimension of thinking strengthens students in their independent philosophical approach and fosters collaborative skills of understanding thinking together.
The seminar will include a weekend training workshop.Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesHSP440M, HSP441MDirect study in seminar: Pioneers of Philosophical Embodied ThinkingRestricted elective course5Restricted elective course, conditions apply5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionDirect study in seminar: Pioneers of Philosophical Embodied Thinking. Students must finish related seminar to finish the direct study.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesHSP444M, HSP445MSeminar; John Stuart MillRestricted elective course5Restricted elective course, conditions apply5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionIn the seminar we will consider Mill´s lifelong struggle against dogmatism and how it informs his conception of logic, ethics, religion and social philosophy. We will give anti-dogmatic readings of some of his major works including On Liberty, Utilitarianism, The Subjection of Women and System of Logic.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesHSP444M, HSP445MDirect study in seminar: John Stuart MillRestricted elective course5Restricted elective course, conditions apply5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionDirect study in seminar: Philosophical Progress. Students must finish related seminar to finish the direct study.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesHSP410GFilm and PhilosophyRestricted elective course10Restricted elective course, conditions apply10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThis seminar will consider both philosophical questions about movies (e.g. "What is a movie?") and philosophical questions raised in movies (e.g. "What is real?", "What is a marriage?").
The course is taught in English.
PrerequisitesHSP417GContemporary Political PhilosophyRestricted elective course5Restricted elective course, conditions apply5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionIn this course, some of the main themes in contemporary political philosophy will be discussed. Special emphasis will be laid on the egalitarian liberalism of John Rawls and that criticized from the perspectives of libertarianism, communitarianism, feminism, discourse democratic theory and post-structuralism.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesHSP823MBioethics and Ethics of MedicineRestricted elective course6Restricted elective course, conditions apply6 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionA discussion of some controversial issues in the field of bioethics, in particular those relating to developments in genetics and their possible effects upon medical services and health care policy.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesKLM201GLatin II: A Selection of Latin TextsElective course10Free elective course within the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe course follows and continues KLM101G Latin I. Its main purpose is to reinforce the students knowledge and understanding og Latin grammar and syntax and enhance their reading comprehension. It is, moreover, supposed to introduce important authors of Classical Latin. A selection of Latin texts by various authors will be read. Students will read and prepare texts in the original language to be read and translated in class. Texts will be discussed with a view to grammar, syntax and style, and contextualized when required.
This course is taught in Icelandic, but students may submit assignments and complete exams in English.Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesCourse DescriptionThe course is a continuation of KLM102G Ancient Greek I. The first part of the course resumes coverage of grammar and syntax of Ancient Greek (Attic) where Ancient Greek I left off. During the second half of the course, students will read select Ancient Greek texts.
Students can get permission of the instructor to complete assignments and exams in English.Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesCourse DescriptionIn this course we will read selections from medieval literature broadly conceived (from the end og the 4th century to the beginning of the 16th century): poetry and historiography, philosophy and theology. Texts will be analysed grammatically and discussed materially as needed.
The course will be taught in Icelandic, but students whose native language is not Icelandic may complete assignments and exams in English.
PrerequisitesMFR703MCulture and DissentElective course10Free elective course within the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe course deals with interconnections between political radicalism, culture, tradition and power. We will focus on contemporary representations of dissent in particular, look at the discourse of democracy and cultural difference, reactions to and criticism of protest in the Western political tradition and dissent in more repressive political systems. The role of intellectuals and writers will be explored as well as the function of artistic expression and design in transforming cultural and social environments. We will also discuss media and social media discourse in connection with an attempt to understand the various and sometimes contradictory objectives of public institutions. A few points of conflict will be discussed that to some extent expose fundamental conflicts in liberal democratic societies such as questions about the wisdom and ignorance of publics, reactions to climate change, inequality, extreme poverty and war. Finally corruption and power will be discussed as well as social and cultural expression, the possibilities and limitations of freedom of speech, the use and abuse of information, disinformation, secrecy, fake and “fake news”.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesHSP261LBA thesis in PhilosophyRestricted elective course0Restricted elective course, conditions apply0 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe BA dissertation in philosophy is intended to develop the student's ability to examine a chosen philosophical subject or work and to write about it in accepted scholarly fashion. The dissertation is written under the supervision of a member of the regular philosophy teaching staff. Students apply electronically for a supervisor, using a specific form. Further information on the BA dissertation in philosophy is available on the website of the Faculty of Philosophy, History, and Archaeology.
PrerequisitesPart of the total project/thesis creditsSecond year- Fall
- HSP103GIntroduction to PhilosophyMandatory (required) course10A mandatory (required) course for the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse Description
This course discusses the question "What is Philosophy?" and the relationship of philosophy to science, art, religion and politics. We will read both classical and contemporary philosophy texts to study the different methods and problems of philosophy.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesHSP104GAncient PhilosophyMandatory (required) course10A mandatory (required) course for the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe course has three main goals:
- First, that students understand the subject matters of ancient Western philosophy, its historical development and social conditions.
- Second, that they learn to read and analyse philosophical texts from antiquity and use them to address contemporary problems.
- Third, that they become capable in writing philosophical texts based on readings from ancient philosophy.
Our emphasis will be in reading whole works in Icelandic translations, with special focus on Plato's Republic, and in class we try to analyse the main theories and arguments in the texts. The students work alone and in groups at solving specific tasks under the guidance of the teacher but a significant part of the course is devoted to reciprocal support among the students in solving problems.
The first class will be held Tuesday 31 August. There we will read through the study programme, learning outcomes and course assessment and students get the first written assignment. On three occasions (Friday afternoons) we host peer review exercises where students read and assess each other’s work. Participation in these exercises is an important part of the course assessment.
Icelandic translations can be bought with 25% discount at the store of the Icelandic Literary Society (by Hagatorg). It should be noted that some of the works are also used in other philosophy courses. It should also be easy to approach the texts in public libraries.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesHSP105GCritical ThinkingMandatory (required) course5A mandatory (required) course for the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe aim of this course is to show students the importance of critical thinking by introducing its main concepts and methods as well as different understandings of the notion. Furthermore, the aim is to train students in critical thinking and argumentation, both in a philosophical and an everyday context. Special emphasis will be placed on analysing arguments. Common fallacies and stratagems will be discussed, with the aim of learning how to detect and avoid them. The relationship between critical thinking and ethics will be thoroughly examined.
The teaching involves both lectures and discussion sessions. Assignments will primarily be aimed at practical tasks relevant to everyday experiences.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesCourse taught first half of the semesterHSP107GPolitics and SocietyMandatory (required) course5A mandatory (required) course for the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionIn this course, we discuss a few selected contemporary issues in the field of social and political philosophy. We will discuss and analyse key concepts of relevance for a good society, such as liberty, equality, justice and democracy with a special reference to Icelandic society.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesCourse taught second half of the semester- Spring 2
HSP201GLogicMandatory (required) course10A mandatory (required) course for the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionStudents will be introduced to the basics of philosophical and formal logic. The course focuses on propositional logic (truth-functional logic) and quantified logic (first-order logic). Additionally, a brief survey of informal logic will be given at the beginning of the course, and philosophical questions concerning the nature and status of logic will be addressed toward the end of the course.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesHSP202GEthicsMandatory (required) course10A mandatory (required) course for the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThis course provides an overview of three principal moral theories: Aristotle's virtue ethics as presented in his Nichomachean Ethics, Kant's deontoloical ethics as presented in his Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals and John Stuart Mill's rule ethics as presented in his Utilitarianism.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesHSP203GModern PhilosophyMandatory (required) course10A mandatory (required) course for the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionDescription
A survey of Western philosophy in the 17th and 18th Centuries, with emphasis on selected topics in the epistomology and metaphysics of the period, based upon a close reading and comparison of primary texts. Descartes, Hume and Kant are the principal authors discussed.Teaching
The teaching involves both lectures and discussions. Lectures will give an exposition of the subject and/or of its main topics. Discussions will adress more specific topics or questions.Face-to-face learningPrerequisites- Fall
- HSP318GIntroduction to the Philosophy of ScienceRestricted elective course5Restricted elective course, conditions apply5 ECTS, creditsCourse Description
In this course we will consider many of the most prominent problems in the philosophy of science of the 20th and 21st century. How are scientific theories confirmed by experiments and observations? What is it for something to be a law of nature? Why should we trust scientific research more than other methods for obtaining knowledge? Is scientific research value-laden? And what is involved in the claim that science is objective?
PrerequisitesHSP310GPhilosophy of ArtRestricted elective course5Restricted elective course, conditions apply5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe course aims to give a brief survey of selected topics in the philosophy of art; to introduce students to particular discussions, questions, theories and arguments in the philosophy of art through selected readings, both historical and contemporary; and to enable students to discuss topics related to aesthetics.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesHSP321G19th & 20th Century History of IdeasRestricted elective course10Restricted elective course, conditions apply10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionIn this course, 19th and 20th century ideas that had fundamental effects on Western philosophy and intellectual history, will be examined. These are socially transformative ideas such as freedom, secularism, equality, resistance, the relation between the individual and society, ideas concerning existence and the soul, oppression, injustice, the national state and capitalism. Perhaps last but not least ideas about history, time and evolution of humanity and the planet.
Each week a new thinker or idea that transformed Western intellectual history is introduced and engaged with. Thinkers such as G.W.F. Hegel, Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud, Rosa Luxembourg and Emma Goldman are analysed and influential isms such as phenomenology, neoliberalism or postructuralism. The aim is to read these thinkers and isms in accordance with the zeitgeist of the historical period they belong to (to the extent that we, people in the 21st century can “read” zeitgeists of older periods). At the same time the aim is to dig deep into original texts and to acquire multi-dimensional understanding of the ideas. Important part of the course is also to look at these themes in relation to the present times and the issues happening at the moment in Western societies and all around the globe.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesHSP304GEpistemologyMandatory (required) course10A mandatory (required) course for the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionIn this course we will discuss and ask about the nature of knowledge and tackle problems that relate to knowledge. Why is knowledge important? Is understanding more important than knowledge? What is the difference between knowledge and true belief? What kind of justification is needed to change true belief into knowledge? Is is possible to investigate knowledge like digestion, i.e. with the methods of the natural sciences, or can we only approach it from within, i.e. by investigating our own consciousness? Can we trust the opinions of others? What conditions must be met to do people justice, irrespective of sex, race, age, gender etc? We will mainly read texts from the 20th and 21st century and use the methods of analytic philosophy in reading and analysing philosophical texts.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesKLM307GAncient Philosophical TextsElective course5Free elective course within the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThis course studies select philosophical texts. This time we will read the Laws Plato. The Laws are Plato’s longest dialogue as well as his last. It discusses political philosophy albeit in a different spirit from that of Plato’s older dialogue the Republic. In this course we will shed light on the political philosophy contained in the Laws and seek to place it in a wider Platonic context.
Knowledge of Greek and Latin is not required, but students of Classics may choose to work on a supervised independent study project (5 ECTS or 10 ECTS) centered on an original text in connection to the course. The supervised independent study projects which are available to students with reading knowledge of Ancient Greek and Latin are intended to strengthen their proficiency in Ancient Greek and/or Latin and train them in the reading of original texts.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesNot taught this semesterKLM115GThe World of Ancient Greece: History and SocietyElective course10Free elective course within the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThis course is an introduction to the history of Ancient Greek civilization, with an emphasis on Ancient Greek culture and world view, from earliest times to the Roman period.
PrerequisitesKLM101GLatin I: Beginner's CourseElective course10Free elective course within the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThis course is a beginner’s course in Latin. No prior knowledge of Latin is assumed at the outset. It introduces the basics of Latin grammar and syntax. Chosen passages will be read in Latin, translated and thoroughly analysed. Teaching consists of 24 lectures on particular aspects of the Latin language and assigned readings.
This course is taught in Icelandic but students can get permission of the instructor to complete assignments and exams in English.Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesKLM102GAncient Greek I: Beginner's CourseElective course10Free elective course within the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThis course is a beginner’s course in Ancient Greek. It introduces the basics of grammar and syntax of the Attic dialect. No prior knowledge of Greek is assumed at the outset. Reading knowledge of Ancient Greek will be prioritized and chosen passages will be read in Greek, translated and thoroughly analysed. Teaching consists of both lectures on particular aspects of the Greek language and assigned readings. It is essential that students read the assigned materials before each lecture.
This course is taught in Icelandic but students can get permission of the instructor to complete assignments and exams in English.Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesNot taught this semesterKLM103GIntruduction to Classical StudiesElective course10Free elective course within the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe course is an introduction to Classical Studies. It will deal with the history of the discipline as well as its subject matter and methods: Students will be introduced to classical philology and the various branches of Classical Studies, such as the history, literature, and philosophy of classical antiquity. The course will, moreover, address issues concerning the use of sources, methodology, and conventions in Classics. Students will be introduced to major resources. Knowledge of the classical languages is not required.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesCourse DescriptionObstinance, pride and treachery can have disastrous consequences, nevermind matricide, patricide and incest. Sometimes it almost seems like fate is in charge and fate can be very ironic. All of this is quite familiar from Greek tragedy.
This course introduces the student to Greek tragedy as a genre. Students will read a number of Greek tragedies in (Icelandic) translation and will become familiar with both the form and content of Greek tragedies. Various aspects of the genre will be discussed, including interactions of mortals and immortals in Greek tragedy, fate and responsibility, gender issues, Greek self-identity and respresentation of the foreign.
Knowledge of Ancient Greek is not required, but students who are able to read Greek will be asked to submit a translation assignment.
PrerequisitesUME304GPhilosophy of education and history of ideasElective course10Free elective course within the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe main objective of this course is to prepare students for a critical approach to ideas and methods in pedagogy and education. Students will be introduced to the main ideas that have shaped schools and education in the western tradition and made able to locate contemporary currents in an ideological context. The main objective of this course is to prepare students for a critical approach to ideas and methods in pedagogy and education. Students will be introduced to the main ideas that have shaped schools and education in the western tradition and made able to locate contemporary currents in an ideological context.
The course is organized around three basic topics: (i) The human being as a rational, sentient and ethical being, (i) the aims of education and (iii) freedom and democracy. Among the philosophers and educational theorists discussed in the course are Plato, Rousseau, Kant, Dewey, Key, Neill and Freire.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisites- Spring 2
HSP440M, HSP441MSeminar: Pioneers of Philosophical Embodied ThinkingRestricted elective course5Restricted elective course, conditions apply5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionPhilosophical thinking extends beyond mere critical, analytical, and logical reasoning. The mind is extended, embodied, embedded and ecological. Each mind is a manifestation of vast interactions environments, individually creative and intuitive. This seminar delves into the pioneers of embodied thinking within the modern to contemporary history of philosophy (from Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Husserl, Merleau-Ponty, Dewey, James, Beauvoir, Arendt, Weil to Irigaray, Varela, Petitmengin, Gendlin, Noë and Tuana). Besides exploring, philosophies of embodied thinking, a special emphasis is on introducing methodologies derived from these philosophies, and to engage in practices. The objective of these methodologies is to become more aware of the rich backgrounds of lived experience participating in any idea and understanding. Engaging the embodied and ecological dimension of thinking strengthens students in their independent philosophical approach and fosters collaborative skills of understanding thinking together.
The seminar will include a weekend training workshop.Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesHSP440M, HSP441MDirect study in seminar: Pioneers of Philosophical Embodied ThinkingRestricted elective course5Restricted elective course, conditions apply5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionDirect study in seminar: Pioneers of Philosophical Embodied Thinking. Students must finish related seminar to finish the direct study.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesHSP444M, HSP445MSeminar; John Stuart MillRestricted elective course5Restricted elective course, conditions apply5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionIn the seminar we will consider Mill´s lifelong struggle against dogmatism and how it informs his conception of logic, ethics, religion and social philosophy. We will give anti-dogmatic readings of some of his major works including On Liberty, Utilitarianism, The Subjection of Women and System of Logic.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesHSP444M, HSP445MDirect study in seminar: John Stuart MillRestricted elective course5Restricted elective course, conditions apply5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionDirect study in seminar: Philosophical Progress. Students must finish related seminar to finish the direct study.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesHSP410GFilm and PhilosophyRestricted elective course10Restricted elective course, conditions apply10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThis seminar will consider both philosophical questions about movies (e.g. "What is a movie?") and philosophical questions raised in movies (e.g. "What is real?", "What is a marriage?").
The course is taught in English.
PrerequisitesHSP417GContemporary Political PhilosophyRestricted elective course5Restricted elective course, conditions apply5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionIn this course, some of the main themes in contemporary political philosophy will be discussed. Special emphasis will be laid on the egalitarian liberalism of John Rawls and that criticized from the perspectives of libertarianism, communitarianism, feminism, discourse democratic theory and post-structuralism.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesHSP823MBioethics and Ethics of MedicineRestricted elective course6Restricted elective course, conditions apply6 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionA discussion of some controversial issues in the field of bioethics, in particular those relating to developments in genetics and their possible effects upon medical services and health care policy.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesHSP416GMetaphysicsMandatory (required) course10A mandatory (required) course for the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThis course is dedicated to various issues in contemporary metaphysics as well as the history of metaphysics in the 20th and 21st centuries. Topics covered include personal identity; free will; realism, anti-realism, and nominalism; natural kinds and fictional characters; possible worlds; the relation between language and world; and the relation between mind and body. Furthermore, topics in social ontology will be introduced, such as the metaphysics of gender and race.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesKLM201GLatin II: A Selection of Latin TextsElective course10Free elective course within the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe course follows and continues KLM101G Latin I. Its main purpose is to reinforce the students knowledge and understanding og Latin grammar and syntax and enhance their reading comprehension. It is, moreover, supposed to introduce important authors of Classical Latin. A selection of Latin texts by various authors will be read. Students will read and prepare texts in the original language to be read and translated in class. Texts will be discussed with a view to grammar, syntax and style, and contextualized when required.
This course is taught in Icelandic, but students may submit assignments and complete exams in English.Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesCourse DescriptionThe course is a continuation of KLM102G Ancient Greek I. The first part of the course resumes coverage of grammar and syntax of Ancient Greek (Attic) where Ancient Greek I left off. During the second half of the course, students will read select Ancient Greek texts.
Students can get permission of the instructor to complete assignments and exams in English.Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesCourse DescriptionIn this course we will read selections from medieval literature broadly conceived (from the end og the 4th century to the beginning of the 16th century): poetry and historiography, philosophy and theology. Texts will be analysed grammatically and discussed materially as needed.
The course will be taught in Icelandic, but students whose native language is not Icelandic may complete assignments and exams in English.
PrerequisitesMFR703MCulture and DissentElective course10Free elective course within the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe course deals with interconnections between political radicalism, culture, tradition and power. We will focus on contemporary representations of dissent in particular, look at the discourse of democracy and cultural difference, reactions to and criticism of protest in the Western political tradition and dissent in more repressive political systems. The role of intellectuals and writers will be explored as well as the function of artistic expression and design in transforming cultural and social environments. We will also discuss media and social media discourse in connection with an attempt to understand the various and sometimes contradictory objectives of public institutions. A few points of conflict will be discussed that to some extent expose fundamental conflicts in liberal democratic societies such as questions about the wisdom and ignorance of publics, reactions to climate change, inequality, extreme poverty and war. Finally corruption and power will be discussed as well as social and cultural expression, the possibilities and limitations of freedom of speech, the use and abuse of information, disinformation, secrecy, fake and “fake news”.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisites- Fall
- HSP318GIntroduction to the Philosophy of ScienceRestricted elective course5Restricted elective course, conditions apply5 ECTS, creditsCourse Description
In this course we will consider many of the most prominent problems in the philosophy of science of the 20th and 21st century. How are scientific theories confirmed by experiments and observations? What is it for something to be a law of nature? Why should we trust scientific research more than other methods for obtaining knowledge? Is scientific research value-laden? And what is involved in the claim that science is objective?
PrerequisitesHSP310GPhilosophy of ArtRestricted elective course5Restricted elective course, conditions apply5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe course aims to give a brief survey of selected topics in the philosophy of art; to introduce students to particular discussions, questions, theories and arguments in the philosophy of art through selected readings, both historical and contemporary; and to enable students to discuss topics related to aesthetics.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesHSP321G19th & 20th Century History of IdeasRestricted elective course10Restricted elective course, conditions apply10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionIn this course, 19th and 20th century ideas that had fundamental effects on Western philosophy and intellectual history, will be examined. These are socially transformative ideas such as freedom, secularism, equality, resistance, the relation between the individual and society, ideas concerning existence and the soul, oppression, injustice, the national state and capitalism. Perhaps last but not least ideas about history, time and evolution of humanity and the planet.
Each week a new thinker or idea that transformed Western intellectual history is introduced and engaged with. Thinkers such as G.W.F. Hegel, Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud, Rosa Luxembourg and Emma Goldman are analysed and influential isms such as phenomenology, neoliberalism or postructuralism. The aim is to read these thinkers and isms in accordance with the zeitgeist of the historical period they belong to (to the extent that we, people in the 21st century can “read” zeitgeists of older periods). At the same time the aim is to dig deep into original texts and to acquire multi-dimensional understanding of the ideas. Important part of the course is also to look at these themes in relation to the present times and the issues happening at the moment in Western societies and all around the globe.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesKLM307GAncient Philosophical TextsElective course5Free elective course within the programme5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThis course studies select philosophical texts. This time we will read the Laws Plato. The Laws are Plato’s longest dialogue as well as his last. It discusses political philosophy albeit in a different spirit from that of Plato’s older dialogue the Republic. In this course we will shed light on the political philosophy contained in the Laws and seek to place it in a wider Platonic context.
Knowledge of Greek and Latin is not required, but students of Classics may choose to work on a supervised independent study project (5 ECTS or 10 ECTS) centered on an original text in connection to the course. The supervised independent study projects which are available to students with reading knowledge of Ancient Greek and Latin are intended to strengthen their proficiency in Ancient Greek and/or Latin and train them in the reading of original texts.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesNot taught this semesterKLM115GThe World of Ancient Greece: History and SocietyElective course10Free elective course within the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThis course is an introduction to the history of Ancient Greek civilization, with an emphasis on Ancient Greek culture and world view, from earliest times to the Roman period.
PrerequisitesKLM101GLatin I: Beginner's CourseElective course10Free elective course within the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThis course is a beginner’s course in Latin. No prior knowledge of Latin is assumed at the outset. It introduces the basics of Latin grammar and syntax. Chosen passages will be read in Latin, translated and thoroughly analysed. Teaching consists of 24 lectures on particular aspects of the Latin language and assigned readings.
This course is taught in Icelandic but students can get permission of the instructor to complete assignments and exams in English.Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesKLM102GAncient Greek I: Beginner's CourseElective course10Free elective course within the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThis course is a beginner’s course in Ancient Greek. It introduces the basics of grammar and syntax of the Attic dialect. No prior knowledge of Greek is assumed at the outset. Reading knowledge of Ancient Greek will be prioritized and chosen passages will be read in Greek, translated and thoroughly analysed. Teaching consists of both lectures on particular aspects of the Greek language and assigned readings. It is essential that students read the assigned materials before each lecture.
This course is taught in Icelandic but students can get permission of the instructor to complete assignments and exams in English.Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesNot taught this semesterKLM103GIntruduction to Classical StudiesElective course10Free elective course within the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe course is an introduction to Classical Studies. It will deal with the history of the discipline as well as its subject matter and methods: Students will be introduced to classical philology and the various branches of Classical Studies, such as the history, literature, and philosophy of classical antiquity. The course will, moreover, address issues concerning the use of sources, methodology, and conventions in Classics. Students will be introduced to major resources. Knowledge of the classical languages is not required.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesCourse DescriptionObstinance, pride and treachery can have disastrous consequences, nevermind matricide, patricide and incest. Sometimes it almost seems like fate is in charge and fate can be very ironic. All of this is quite familiar from Greek tragedy.
This course introduces the student to Greek tragedy as a genre. Students will read a number of Greek tragedies in (Icelandic) translation and will become familiar with both the form and content of Greek tragedies. Various aspects of the genre will be discussed, including interactions of mortals and immortals in Greek tragedy, fate and responsibility, gender issues, Greek self-identity and respresentation of the foreign.
Knowledge of Ancient Greek is not required, but students who are able to read Greek will be asked to submit a translation assignment.
PrerequisitesUME304GPhilosophy of education and history of ideasElective course10Free elective course within the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe main objective of this course is to prepare students for a critical approach to ideas and methods in pedagogy and education. Students will be introduced to the main ideas that have shaped schools and education in the western tradition and made able to locate contemporary currents in an ideological context. The main objective of this course is to prepare students for a critical approach to ideas and methods in pedagogy and education. Students will be introduced to the main ideas that have shaped schools and education in the western tradition and made able to locate contemporary currents in an ideological context.
The course is organized around three basic topics: (i) The human being as a rational, sentient and ethical being, (i) the aims of education and (iii) freedom and democracy. Among the philosophers and educational theorists discussed in the course are Plato, Rousseau, Kant, Dewey, Key, Neill and Freire.
Face-to-face learningDistance learningPrerequisitesHSP725MProject in Ethics of NatureRestricted elective course4Restricted elective course, conditions apply4 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionAn individual project on the ethics of nature.
PrerequisitesHSP541M, HSP542MSeminar: Philosophy of peace and conflict in historical contextRestricted elective course5Restricted elective course, conditions apply5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe course focuses on philosophical themes in the history of ideas concerning peace and conflict. The concept of peace will be scrutinised according to how it has been framed within various political discourses and ideologies, such as de-colonialism, internationalism, nationalism, feminism, socialism, liberalism and capitalism. A specific focus will be on the gendered ideas about peace and war as well as philosophical discussions concerning the justification of methods of resistance, such as the use of violence in liberation struggles. We will read works by, among others, Immanuel Kant, Frantz Fanon, Elin Wägner, Hannah Arendt, Mahatma Gandhi and Carol Gilligan.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesHSP541M, HSP542MDirect study in seminar: Philosophy of peace and conflict in historical contextRestricted elective course5Restricted elective course, conditions apply5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionDirect study in seminar: Philosophy of peace and conflict in historical context. Students must finish related seminar to finish the direct study.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesNot taught this semesterHSP539M, HSP540MSeminar: Humanity and dehumanizationRestricted elective course5Restricted elective course, conditions apply5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionHumans have long been concerned with their own humanity, whether we call it human nature, the meaning of being human, or something else. Why do we consider it so important to be able to demarcate humanity and separate humans from non-humans? Should the emphasis perhaps be on something else? In this seminar we will consider several possible definitions of humanity, theories about them, and different approaches from the history of philosophy. We also consider another aspect, dehumanization, which involves the exclusion of individuals or groups from human society, often with horrendous results. Readings will include philosophical texts from different historical periods but the main emphasis will be on recent texts. Ideas about humanity, dehumanization, and the demarcation of humanity will be put in context with various aspects of social justice.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesNot taught this semesterHSP539M, HSP540MDirect study in seminar: Humanity and dehumanizationRestricted elective course5Restricted elective course, conditions apply5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionDirect study in seminar: Humanity and dehumanization. Students must finish related seminar to finish the direct study.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesHSP261LBA thesis in PhilosophyRestricted elective course0Restricted elective course, conditions apply0 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe BA dissertation in philosophy is intended to develop the student's ability to examine a chosen philosophical subject or work and to write about it in accepted scholarly fashion. The dissertation is written under the supervision of a member of the regular philosophy teaching staff. Students apply electronically for a supervisor, using a specific form. Further information on the BA dissertation in philosophy is available on the website of the Faculty of Philosophy, History, and Archaeology.
PrerequisitesPart of the total project/thesis creditsHSP722MEthics of natureRestricted elective course6Restricted elective course, conditions apply6 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe course deals with the connection between Man and Nature from the viewpoint of Moral Philosophy. It discusses the main proponents of and theories within Environmental Ethics and describes the roots of differing views of Nature, as well as different ethical orientations, i.e. anthropocentric, ecocentric, and biocentric positions. The course also deals with the integration of environmental and developmental issues, and with the connection between environmentalism and democracy. Amongst central issues discussed are the following: Can Ethics provide guidance in the solution of environmental problems?, What type of beings are worthy of moral considerability?, Can natural phenomena possess intrinsic value?, Do animals have rights?, Is there any fundanmental difference in men's and women's relations to Nature?, and, What is the ethical basis of sustainable development?
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesHSP723MCurrent ethical issuesRestricted elective course10Restricted elective course, conditions apply10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe focus of this course is the application of ethics to pressing problems and debates in contemporary society. Possible methods for solving ethical dilemmas, both on an individual and social basis, are discussed. The selection of topics may change from year to year, but possible topics include free speech, the status of refugees, animal rights, poverty and economic inequality, gender discrimination, racial discrimination, environmental issues, and various issues in health care. The relation between theoretical and applied ethics is discussed. While instruction includes lectures, student participation in discussion is greatly emphasized.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisites- Spring 2
HSP440M, HSP441MSeminar: Pioneers of Philosophical Embodied ThinkingRestricted elective course5Restricted elective course, conditions apply5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionPhilosophical thinking extends beyond mere critical, analytical, and logical reasoning. The mind is extended, embodied, embedded and ecological. Each mind is a manifestation of vast interactions environments, individually creative and intuitive. This seminar delves into the pioneers of embodied thinking within the modern to contemporary history of philosophy (from Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Husserl, Merleau-Ponty, Dewey, James, Beauvoir, Arendt, Weil to Irigaray, Varela, Petitmengin, Gendlin, Noë and Tuana). Besides exploring, philosophies of embodied thinking, a special emphasis is on introducing methodologies derived from these philosophies, and to engage in practices. The objective of these methodologies is to become more aware of the rich backgrounds of lived experience participating in any idea and understanding. Engaging the embodied and ecological dimension of thinking strengthens students in their independent philosophical approach and fosters collaborative skills of understanding thinking together.
The seminar will include a weekend training workshop.Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesHSP440M, HSP441MDirect study in seminar: Pioneers of Philosophical Embodied ThinkingRestricted elective course5Restricted elective course, conditions apply5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionDirect study in seminar: Pioneers of Philosophical Embodied Thinking. Students must finish related seminar to finish the direct study.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesHSP444M, HSP445MSeminar; John Stuart MillRestricted elective course5Restricted elective course, conditions apply5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionIn the seminar we will consider Mill´s lifelong struggle against dogmatism and how it informs his conception of logic, ethics, religion and social philosophy. We will give anti-dogmatic readings of some of his major works including On Liberty, Utilitarianism, The Subjection of Women and System of Logic.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesHSP444M, HSP445MDirect study in seminar: John Stuart MillRestricted elective course5Restricted elective course, conditions apply5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionDirect study in seminar: Philosophical Progress. Students must finish related seminar to finish the direct study.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesHSP410GFilm and PhilosophyRestricted elective course10Restricted elective course, conditions apply10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThis seminar will consider both philosophical questions about movies (e.g. "What is a movie?") and philosophical questions raised in movies (e.g. "What is real?", "What is a marriage?").
The course is taught in English.
PrerequisitesHSP417GContemporary Political PhilosophyRestricted elective course5Restricted elective course, conditions apply5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionIn this course, some of the main themes in contemporary political philosophy will be discussed. Special emphasis will be laid on the egalitarian liberalism of John Rawls and that criticized from the perspectives of libertarianism, communitarianism, feminism, discourse democratic theory and post-structuralism.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesHSP823MBioethics and Ethics of MedicineRestricted elective course6Restricted elective course, conditions apply6 ECTS, credits