- Are you interested in science and research?
- Would you like to be able to debate and interpret research findings?
- Do you want to deepen your knowledge in a chosen field within medical life sciences?
- Do you want to further develop your research skills?
- Do you want to improve your scientific working practices?
The MS in biomedical science is a theoretical, practical and research-based programme that focuses on improving students’ knowledge of the life sciences and preparing them to conduct research in the field.
After completing the programme, students will be well-equipped for more complex and significant research, education and teaching.
Programme structure
The programme is 120 ECTS and is organised as two years of full-time study.
The programme is divided into two parts:
- The first year is a diploma with professional recognition, 60 ECTS
Students take mandatory courses, restricted electives and free electives.
- The second year confers an MS degree, 60 ECTS
Students complete a Master’s research project.
Organisation of teaching
This programme is taught in Icelandic and most textbooks are in English.
Main objectives
The programme has two main objectives. Firstly, to prepare students for careers in biomedical science with a diploma completed in the first year. Secondly, to provide an MS degree after two years.
Completing the programme may allow a student to apply for doctoral studies.
Students who are admitted to the MS programme must have completed a BS degree in Biomedical science or an equivalent degree or examination. The average mark required for a BS degree or equivalent should generally not be under 6,5 (on a scale of 0-10).
120 ECTS credits have to be completed for the qualification, 60 credits per year or 30 credits per year for half time study. 30 credits must be in courses, but courses can be up to 60 credits.
- CV
- Statement of purpose
- Reference 1, Name and email
- Reference 2, Name and email
- Supervisor/supervising teacher at the University of Iceland
- Certified copies of diplomas and transcripts
- Proof of English proficiency
Further information on supporting documents can be found here
Programme structure
Check below to see how the programme is structured.
This programme does not offer specialisations.
- First year
- Fall
- Management in biomedical science
- Practical Bioinformatics
- Seminar in Biomedical Science
- Biostatistics I
- Interdisciplinary cooperation in health sciences
- General research methods, course for M.Sc. and Ph.D. students - Part 1
- General research methods, course for M.Sc. and Ph.D. students - Part 2
- General research methods, course for M.Sc. and Ph.D. students - Part 3
- Spring 1
- Seminar in Biomedical Science
- Final project
- Stem cells and differentiation
- Methods in immunology
- Biology of Cancer
- General statistics, course for M.Sc. and Ph.D. students
Management in biomedical science (LEI105F)
Items for discussions are:
Quality management in health services, including concepts like accreditation, certification, quality standards and quality manuals.
Safety management, including safety of the work environment, and data safety
Environmental management according to ISO 14000
Knowledge management and information systems
Change management
Project management
Financial management
Human resource management
Practical Bioinformatics (LEI106F)
Basic concepts in bioinformatics will be covered and the main databases for DNA/RNA and amino acid sequences introduced. Different methods of bioinformatics will be discussed such as sequence comparison and searches in protein and DNA/RNA databases. An introduction will be given to sequence comparison and evolutionary biology. An emphasis will be put on students knowing and being able to use the main protein/DNA databases. Also, there will be an introduction to computer programs used in bioinformatics work.
Teaching will take place with lectures and practical problem solving. The course is designed to be practical; assignments must be finished throughout the semester and will thus require the active participation of the student.
Seminar in Biomedical Science (LEI112F)
Students and teachers lecture on and discuss interesting research.
Lectures are given by students and teachers. Conference on research in Biomedical Science. Attendance is compulsory and active participation in discussions is required.
Biostatistics I (LÝÐ105F)
This course is an introduction to statistics in the life sciences. The course covers the following topics. Types of data: categorical data, count data, data on continuous variables. Descriptive statistics; numerical statistics and statistical graphs. Probability distributions, the binomial distribution, the Poisson distribution and the normal distribution. The definitions of a random sample and of a population. Sampling distributions. Confidence intervals and hypothesis testing. Comparison of means between groups. Statistical tests for frequency tables. Linear and logistic regression with ROC analysis. Survival analysis with the methods of Kaplan-Meier and Cox. The course is based on lectures and practical sessions in computer labs. In the practical sessions exercises are solved with the statistical software package R and the RStudio environment.
Interdisciplinary cooperation in health sciences (HVS501M)
The course (2 ECTS) is especially aimed at students who have completed at least three years of undergraduate studies in clinical disciplines within the field of health sciences. It is a prerequisite for the clinical course Interdisciplinary clinical cooperation: The HealthSquare (2 ECTS) (health care service for university students). The course is based on the theories of interprofessional education and various teaching strategies will be used in order to encourage active participation of students. Students will work together in interdisciplinary groups. The course is mainly focused on interdisciplinary theories, professionalism, interdisciplinary cooperation, team work and ethical decisions in health care.
Assessment (pass / fail) is based on project work, activity in project work and exams that take place in electronic form in the teaching cycle.
Teaching arrangements:
Students are divided into interdisciplinary study groups at the beginning of the semester that plan and execute their own meeting times and hand in their final assignments before the end of October.
General research methods, course for M.Sc. and Ph.D. students - Part 1 (LÆK106F)
This course is taught as four independent modules, that the student should choose from based on their prior education and training and to best meet everyone´s educational goals. Successful completion of each module is awarded with 2 ECTS credits. M.Sc. student should at minimum choose three (6 ECTS) and Ph.D. students should at a minimum choose two modules (4 ECTS), and one of the modules chosen needs to be either module number 2 or 3. The student is responsible to notify the course administrator about how many credits they intend to take and what modules before registration ends. Each module contains 3-4 lectures and a project.The modules are:
- Article reading and data presentation
- How to read a paper and present your data
- Reference search and management (computer lab session)
- The scientific method
- ASSIGNMENT - Mini conference. Students will present their research project or paper (7 min)
Introduction to the scientific method
- Research ethics
- The philosophy of science
- Dishonesty in Science
- Quantitative & Qualitative Methods
- ASSIGNMENT – online project
- Grant application, data collection and quality management
- Data handling and safety
- Permission applications/Research animals
- Quality management
- Grant applications
- ASSIGNMENT – preparation of grant application
- Graduate student’s toolbox. This module is taught with the Center for graduate studies at their location in Setberg. This module is targeted towards graduate students (M.Sc./Ph.D.). The objective of the module is teaching graduate students transferable skills that can be applied to both academic research and research-oriented jobs
- Time Management
- Managing the Graduate Student - Advisor relationship
- Academic English
- Academic CV workshop
- ASSIGNMENT – Students write an academic CV in English.
General research methods, course for M.Sc. and Ph.D. students - Part 2 (LÆK0ALF)
This course is taught as four independent modules, that the student should choose from based on their prior education and training and to best meet everyone´s educational goals. Successful completion of each module is awarded with 2 ECTS credits. M.Sc. student should at minimum choose three (6 ECTS) and Ph.D. students should at a minimum choose two modules (4 ECTS), and one of the modules chosen needs to be either module number 2 or 3. The student is responsible to notify the course administrator about how many credits they intend to take and what modules before registration ends. Each module contains 3-4 lectures and a project. A pass for each module is granted for 75% attendance (or watching lecture online) and the timely return of an assignment. The modules are:
- Article reading and data presentation
- How to read a paper and present your data
- Reference search and management (computer lab session)
- The scientific method
- ASSIGNMENT - Mini conference. Students will present their research project or paper (7 min)
Introduction to the scientific method
- Research ethics
- The philosophy of science
- Dishonesty in Science
- Quantitative & Qualitative Methods
- ASSIGNMENT – online project
- Grant application, data collection and quality management
- Data handling and safety
- Permission applications/Research animals
- Quality management
- Grant applications
- ASSIGNMENT – preparation of grant application
- Graduate student’s toolbox. This module is taught with the Center for graduate studies at their location in Setberg. This module is targeted towards graduate students (M.Sc./Ph.D.). The objective of the module is teaching graduate students transferable skills that can be applied to both academic research and research-oriented jobs
- Time Management
- Managing the Graduate Student - Advisor relationship
- Academic English
- Academic CV workshop
- ASSIGNMENT – Students write an academic CV in English.
General research methods, course for M.Sc. and Ph.D. students - Part 3 (LÆK0AMF)
This course is taught as four independent modules, that the student should choose from based on their prior education and training and to best meet everyone´s educational goals. Successful completion of each module is awarded with 2 ECTS credits. M.Sc. student should at minimum choose three (6 ECTS) and Ph.D. students should at a minimum choose two modules (4 ECTS), and one of the modules chosen needs to be either module number 2 or 3. The student is responsible to notify the course administrator about how many credits they intend to take and what modules before registration ends. Each module contains 3-4 lectures and a project. A pass for each module is granted for 75% attendance (or watching lecture online) and the timely return of an assignment. The modules are:
- Article reading and data presentation
- How to read a paper and present your data
- Reference search and management (computer lab session)
- The scientific method
- ASSIGNMENT - Mini conference. Students will present their research project or paper (7 min)
Introduction to the scientific method
- Research ethics
- The philosophy of science
- Dishonesty in Science
- Quantitative & Qualitative Methods
- ASSIGNMENT – online project
- Grant application, data collection and quality management
- Data handling and safety
- Permission applications/Research animals
- Quality management
- Grant applications
- ASSIGNMENT – preparation of grant application
- Graduate student’s toolbox. This module is taught with the Center for graduate studies at their location in Setberg. This module is targeted towards graduate students (M.Sc./Ph.D.). The objective of the module is teaching graduate students transferable skills that can be applied to both academic research and research-oriented jobs
- Time Management
- Managing the Graduate Student - Advisor relationship
- Academic English
- Academic CV workshop
- ASSIGNMENT – Students write an academic CV in English.
Seminar in Biomedical Science (LEI210F)
Students and teachers lecture on and discuss interesting research.
Lectures are given by students and teachers. Conference on research in Biomedical Science. Attendance is compulsory and active participation in discussions is required.
Final project (LEI441L)
Stem cells and differentiation (LÆK028F)
To introduce stem cell research to graduate students in the biomedical sciences, provide an overview of how stem cells can be applied for therapeutic use and to advance our understanding of tissue architecture and disease progression.
In this course we will discuss different stem cell systems and dissect the current knowledge of how these cells maintain self-renewal and/or proceed to differentiation. During the course students will gain insight into both embryonic and somatic stem cell research including hematopoietic, mesenchymal and various epithelial stem cell populations. Furthermore, we will discuss the therapeutic importance of various stem cells and discuss the link between stem cells and diseases such as cancer.
In each lecture one principal investigator (PI) will introduce a particular aspect of the stem cell field (35 min.). Afterwards, one student will present a research article related to that field and discuss how that particular study was conducted. In their presentations, the students need to: 1) Introduce the background of the research article and the history of the concept being investigated. The key here is to understand the reason for why the work was done and why it is important. 2) Describe the aim of the study and the experimental design (methods and material). 3) Discuss the major results/findings (figures and tables). 4) Summarize the context of the work and discuss major conclusions made by the authors. Present your own view, what is good and what is bad in the experimental design and results. Finally discuss future experiments that need to be or should be conducted. After the presentation all students will participate in active discussion. In addition to this, the students must select a couple of articles on a stem cell topic of their immediate interest and write a short report in english (4-6 pages). At the end of the course a seminar is scheduled where each student presents his/her report in short talk (7-10 min.).
Methods in immunology (LÆK071F)
A practical course introducing many commonly used methods in immunology. This will be a hands-on practical course conducted at the laboratory bench. Methods will include: Measurements of humoral immunity: ELISA, ELIspot, complement. Measurements of cellular immune responses: Flow cytometry, fluorescence microscopy, culture and stimulation of cells, measurements of cytokines (ELIspot, cytokine bead assay, cytokine secretion assay), cytotoxicity, chemotaxis, phagocytosis. Antibodies as research tools: Immunostaining (fluorescent and immunoperoxidase), ELISA. The course will take place mostly at Department of Immunology, Landspitali University Hospital. The course will be taught in English if necessary.
Practical sessions will be taught on saturdays or tuesday, wednesday and thursday between 16-21.
Biology of Cancer (LÆK092F)
The course will cover the biological basis of the development of cancer and its characteristics. Each topic will be reviewed first in a lecture and then discussed on the basis of a recent original research paper. Each will be introduced by one student and then discussed by the group. The papers will be distributed at the beginning of the course.
Topics: Introduction, carcinogens, oncogenes/tumour suppressor genes, TP53, stages of carcinogenesis, pre-malignangt lesions, cancer stem cells, animal models, chromosomal instability, genomic instability, evolution of cancer, epigenetics.
Course schedule: The course will consist of 12 double lessons, with a lecture in the first lesson and discussion of a paper in the second lesson.
General statistics, course for M.Sc. and Ph.D. students (LÆK101F)
Compulsory course. The aim of the course is to provide post graduate students with practical and generic skills required in research. Items covered in the course are descriptive statistics, effect statistics, validity and reliability, inferential statistics, common parametric and nonparametric statistical tests and multiple regression analysis. The students are introduced to computer statistical analysis in practical computer classes.
- Second year
- Fall
- Final project
- Spring 1
- Final project
Final project (LEI441L)
Final project (LEI441L)
- Fall
- LEI105FManagement in biomedical scienceMandatory (required) course6A mandatory (required) course for the programme6 ECTS, creditsCourse Description
Items for discussions are:
Quality management in health services, including concepts like accreditation, certification, quality standards and quality manuals.
Safety management, including safety of the work environment, and data safety
Environmental management according to ISO 14000
Knowledge management and information systems
Change management
Project management
Financial management
Human resource managementFace-to-face learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classLEI106FPractical BioinformaticsMandatory (required) course8A mandatory (required) course for the programme8 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionBasic concepts in bioinformatics will be covered and the main databases for DNA/RNA and amino acid sequences introduced. Different methods of bioinformatics will be discussed such as sequence comparison and searches in protein and DNA/RNA databases. An introduction will be given to sequence comparison and evolutionary biology. An emphasis will be put on students knowing and being able to use the main protein/DNA databases. Also, there will be an introduction to computer programs used in bioinformatics work.
Teaching will take place with lectures and practical problem solving. The course is designed to be practical; assignments must be finished throughout the semester and will thus require the active participation of the student.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesLEI112FSeminar in Biomedical ScienceMandatory (required) course2A mandatory (required) course for the programme2 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionStudents and teachers lecture on and discuss interesting research.
Lectures are given by students and teachers. Conference on research in Biomedical Science. Attendance is compulsory and active participation in discussions is required.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classLÝÐ105FBiostatistics IMandatory (required) course6A mandatory (required) course for the programme6 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThis course is an introduction to statistics in the life sciences. The course covers the following topics. Types of data: categorical data, count data, data on continuous variables. Descriptive statistics; numerical statistics and statistical graphs. Probability distributions, the binomial distribution, the Poisson distribution and the normal distribution. The definitions of a random sample and of a population. Sampling distributions. Confidence intervals and hypothesis testing. Comparison of means between groups. Statistical tests for frequency tables. Linear and logistic regression with ROC analysis. Survival analysis with the methods of Kaplan-Meier and Cox. The course is based on lectures and practical sessions in computer labs. In the practical sessions exercises are solved with the statistical software package R and the RStudio environment.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesHVS501MInterdisciplinary cooperation in health sciencesMandatory (required) course2A mandatory (required) course for the programme2 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe course (2 ECTS) is especially aimed at students who have completed at least three years of undergraduate studies in clinical disciplines within the field of health sciences. It is a prerequisite for the clinical course Interdisciplinary clinical cooperation: The HealthSquare (2 ECTS) (health care service for university students). The course is based on the theories of interprofessional education and various teaching strategies will be used in order to encourage active participation of students. Students will work together in interdisciplinary groups. The course is mainly focused on interdisciplinary theories, professionalism, interdisciplinary cooperation, team work and ethical decisions in health care.
Assessment (pass / fail) is based on project work, activity in project work and exams that take place in electronic form in the teaching cycle.
Teaching arrangements:
Students are divided into interdisciplinary study groups at the beginning of the semester that plan and execute their own meeting times and hand in their final assignments before the end of October.Online learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classLÆK106FGeneral research methods, course for M.Sc. and Ph.D. students - Part 1Mandatory (required) course2A mandatory (required) course for the programme2 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThis course is taught as four independent modules, that the student should choose from based on their prior education and training and to best meet everyone´s educational goals. Successful completion of each module is awarded with 2 ECTS credits. M.Sc. student should at minimum choose three (6 ECTS) and Ph.D. students should at a minimum choose two modules (4 ECTS), and one of the modules chosen needs to be either module number 2 or 3. The student is responsible to notify the course administrator about how many credits they intend to take and what modules before registration ends. Each module contains 3-4 lectures and a project.The modules are:
- Article reading and data presentation
- How to read a paper and present your data
- Reference search and management (computer lab session)
- The scientific method
- ASSIGNMENT - Mini conference. Students will present their research project or paper (7 min)
Introduction to the scientific method
- Research ethics
- The philosophy of science
- Dishonesty in Science
- Quantitative & Qualitative Methods
- ASSIGNMENT – online project
- Grant application, data collection and quality management
- Data handling and safety
- Permission applications/Research animals
- Quality management
- Grant applications
- ASSIGNMENT – preparation of grant application
- Graduate student’s toolbox. This module is taught with the Center for graduate studies at their location in Setberg. This module is targeted towards graduate students (M.Sc./Ph.D.). The objective of the module is teaching graduate students transferable skills that can be applied to both academic research and research-oriented jobs
- Time Management
- Managing the Graduate Student - Advisor relationship
- Academic English
- Academic CV workshop
- ASSIGNMENT – Students write an academic CV in English.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classCourse taught in period ILÆK0ALFGeneral research methods, course for M.Sc. and Ph.D. students - Part 2Mandatory (required) course2A mandatory (required) course for the programme2 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThis course is taught as four independent modules, that the student should choose from based on their prior education and training and to best meet everyone´s educational goals. Successful completion of each module is awarded with 2 ECTS credits. M.Sc. student should at minimum choose three (6 ECTS) and Ph.D. students should at a minimum choose two modules (4 ECTS), and one of the modules chosen needs to be either module number 2 or 3. The student is responsible to notify the course administrator about how many credits they intend to take and what modules before registration ends. Each module contains 3-4 lectures and a project. A pass for each module is granted for 75% attendance (or watching lecture online) and the timely return of an assignment. The modules are:
- Article reading and data presentation
- How to read a paper and present your data
- Reference search and management (computer lab session)
- The scientific method
- ASSIGNMENT - Mini conference. Students will present their research project or paper (7 min)
Introduction to the scientific method
- Research ethics
- The philosophy of science
- Dishonesty in Science
- Quantitative & Qualitative Methods
- ASSIGNMENT – online project
- Grant application, data collection and quality management
- Data handling and safety
- Permission applications/Research animals
- Quality management
- Grant applications
- ASSIGNMENT – preparation of grant application
- Graduate student’s toolbox. This module is taught with the Center for graduate studies at their location in Setberg. This module is targeted towards graduate students (M.Sc./Ph.D.). The objective of the module is teaching graduate students transferable skills that can be applied to both academic research and research-oriented jobs
- Time Management
- Managing the Graduate Student - Advisor relationship
- Academic English
- Academic CV workshop
- ASSIGNMENT – Students write an academic CV in English.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classCourse taught in period IILÆK0AMFGeneral research methods, course for M.Sc. and Ph.D. students - Part 3Mandatory (required) course2A mandatory (required) course for the programme2 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThis course is taught as four independent modules, that the student should choose from based on their prior education and training and to best meet everyone´s educational goals. Successful completion of each module is awarded with 2 ECTS credits. M.Sc. student should at minimum choose three (6 ECTS) and Ph.D. students should at a minimum choose two modules (4 ECTS), and one of the modules chosen needs to be either module number 2 or 3. The student is responsible to notify the course administrator about how many credits they intend to take and what modules before registration ends. Each module contains 3-4 lectures and a project. A pass for each module is granted for 75% attendance (or watching lecture online) and the timely return of an assignment. The modules are:
- Article reading and data presentation
- How to read a paper and present your data
- Reference search and management (computer lab session)
- The scientific method
- ASSIGNMENT - Mini conference. Students will present their research project or paper (7 min)
Introduction to the scientific method
- Research ethics
- The philosophy of science
- Dishonesty in Science
- Quantitative & Qualitative Methods
- ASSIGNMENT – online project
- Grant application, data collection and quality management
- Data handling and safety
- Permission applications/Research animals
- Quality management
- Grant applications
- ASSIGNMENT – preparation of grant application
- Graduate student’s toolbox. This module is taught with the Center for graduate studies at their location in Setberg. This module is targeted towards graduate students (M.Sc./Ph.D.). The objective of the module is teaching graduate students transferable skills that can be applied to both academic research and research-oriented jobs
- Time Management
- Managing the Graduate Student - Advisor relationship
- Academic English
- Academic CV workshop
- ASSIGNMENT – Students write an academic CV in English.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classCourse taught in period III- Spring 2
LEI210FSeminar in Biomedical ScienceMandatory (required) course1A mandatory (required) course for the programme1 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionStudents and teachers lecture on and discuss interesting research.
Lectures are given by students and teachers. Conference on research in Biomedical Science. Attendance is compulsory and active participation in discussions is required.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classLEI441LFinal projectMandatory (required) course0A mandatory (required) course for the programme0 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionNN
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesPart of the total project/thesis creditsLÆK028FStem cells and differentiationElective course6Free elective course within the programme6 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionTo introduce stem cell research to graduate students in the biomedical sciences, provide an overview of how stem cells can be applied for therapeutic use and to advance our understanding of tissue architecture and disease progression.
In this course we will discuss different stem cell systems and dissect the current knowledge of how these cells maintain self-renewal and/or proceed to differentiation. During the course students will gain insight into both embryonic and somatic stem cell research including hematopoietic, mesenchymal and various epithelial stem cell populations. Furthermore, we will discuss the therapeutic importance of various stem cells and discuss the link between stem cells and diseases such as cancer.
In each lecture one principal investigator (PI) will introduce a particular aspect of the stem cell field (35 min.). Afterwards, one student will present a research article related to that field and discuss how that particular study was conducted. In their presentations, the students need to: 1) Introduce the background of the research article and the history of the concept being investigated. The key here is to understand the reason for why the work was done and why it is important. 2) Describe the aim of the study and the experimental design (methods and material). 3) Discuss the major results/findings (figures and tables). 4) Summarize the context of the work and discuss major conclusions made by the authors. Present your own view, what is good and what is bad in the experimental design and results. Finally discuss future experiments that need to be or should be conducted. After the presentation all students will participate in active discussion. In addition to this, the students must select a couple of articles on a stem cell topic of their immediate interest and write a short report in english (4-6 pages). At the end of the course a seminar is scheduled where each student presents his/her report in short talk (7-10 min.).
Face-to-face learningThe course is taught if the specified conditions are metPrerequisitesLÆK071FMethods in immunologyElective course6Free elective course within the programme6 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionA practical course introducing many commonly used methods in immunology. This will be a hands-on practical course conducted at the laboratory bench. Methods will include: Measurements of humoral immunity: ELISA, ELIspot, complement. Measurements of cellular immune responses: Flow cytometry, fluorescence microscopy, culture and stimulation of cells, measurements of cytokines (ELIspot, cytokine bead assay, cytokine secretion assay), cytotoxicity, chemotaxis, phagocytosis. Antibodies as research tools: Immunostaining (fluorescent and immunoperoxidase), ELISA. The course will take place mostly at Department of Immunology, Landspitali University Hospital. The course will be taught in English if necessary.
Practical sessions will be taught on saturdays or tuesday, wednesday and thursday between 16-21.
Face-to-face learningThe course is taught if the specified conditions are metPrerequisitesAttendance required in classCourse DescriptionThe course will cover the biological basis of the development of cancer and its characteristics. Each topic will be reviewed first in a lecture and then discussed on the basis of a recent original research paper. Each will be introduced by one student and then discussed by the group. The papers will be distributed at the beginning of the course.
Topics: Introduction, carcinogens, oncogenes/tumour suppressor genes, TP53, stages of carcinogenesis, pre-malignangt lesions, cancer stem cells, animal models, chromosomal instability, genomic instability, evolution of cancer, epigenetics.
Course schedule: The course will consist of 12 double lessons, with a lecture in the first lesson and discussion of a paper in the second lesson.
Face-to-face learningThe course is taught if the specified conditions are metPrerequisitesLÆK101FGeneral statistics, course for M.Sc. and Ph.D. studentsElective course6Free elective course within the programme6 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionCompulsory course. The aim of the course is to provide post graduate students with practical and generic skills required in research. Items covered in the course are descriptive statistics, effect statistics, validity and reliability, inferential statistics, common parametric and nonparametric statistical tests and multiple regression analysis. The students are introduced to computer statistical analysis in practical computer classes.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisites- Fall
- LEI441LFinal projectMandatory (required) course0A mandatory (required) course for the programme0 ECTS, creditsCourse Description
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesPart of the total project/thesis credits- Spring 2
LEI441LFinal projectMandatory (required) course0A mandatory (required) course for the programme0 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionNN
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesPart of the total project/thesis credits
Second year- Fall
- LEI105FManagement in biomedical scienceMandatory (required) course6A mandatory (required) course for the programme6 ECTS, creditsCourse Description
Items for discussions are:
Quality management in health services, including concepts like accreditation, certification, quality standards and quality manuals.
Safety management, including safety of the work environment, and data safety
Environmental management according to ISO 14000
Knowledge management and information systems
Change management
Project management
Financial management
Human resource managementFace-to-face learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classLEI106FPractical BioinformaticsMandatory (required) course8A mandatory (required) course for the programme8 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionBasic concepts in bioinformatics will be covered and the main databases for DNA/RNA and amino acid sequences introduced. Different methods of bioinformatics will be discussed such as sequence comparison and searches in protein and DNA/RNA databases. An introduction will be given to sequence comparison and evolutionary biology. An emphasis will be put on students knowing and being able to use the main protein/DNA databases. Also, there will be an introduction to computer programs used in bioinformatics work.
Teaching will take place with lectures and practical problem solving. The course is designed to be practical; assignments must be finished throughout the semester and will thus require the active participation of the student.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesLEI112FSeminar in Biomedical ScienceMandatory (required) course2A mandatory (required) course for the programme2 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionStudents and teachers lecture on and discuss interesting research.
Lectures are given by students and teachers. Conference on research in Biomedical Science. Attendance is compulsory and active participation in discussions is required.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classLÝÐ105FBiostatistics IMandatory (required) course6A mandatory (required) course for the programme6 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThis course is an introduction to statistics in the life sciences. The course covers the following topics. Types of data: categorical data, count data, data on continuous variables. Descriptive statistics; numerical statistics and statistical graphs. Probability distributions, the binomial distribution, the Poisson distribution and the normal distribution. The definitions of a random sample and of a population. Sampling distributions. Confidence intervals and hypothesis testing. Comparison of means between groups. Statistical tests for frequency tables. Linear and logistic regression with ROC analysis. Survival analysis with the methods of Kaplan-Meier and Cox. The course is based on lectures and practical sessions in computer labs. In the practical sessions exercises are solved with the statistical software package R and the RStudio environment.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesHVS501MInterdisciplinary cooperation in health sciencesMandatory (required) course2A mandatory (required) course for the programme2 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe course (2 ECTS) is especially aimed at students who have completed at least three years of undergraduate studies in clinical disciplines within the field of health sciences. It is a prerequisite for the clinical course Interdisciplinary clinical cooperation: The HealthSquare (2 ECTS) (health care service for university students). The course is based on the theories of interprofessional education and various teaching strategies will be used in order to encourage active participation of students. Students will work together in interdisciplinary groups. The course is mainly focused on interdisciplinary theories, professionalism, interdisciplinary cooperation, team work and ethical decisions in health care.
Assessment (pass / fail) is based on project work, activity in project work and exams that take place in electronic form in the teaching cycle.
Teaching arrangements:
Students are divided into interdisciplinary study groups at the beginning of the semester that plan and execute their own meeting times and hand in their final assignments before the end of October.Online learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classLÆK106FGeneral research methods, course for M.Sc. and Ph.D. students - Part 1Mandatory (required) course2A mandatory (required) course for the programme2 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThis course is taught as four independent modules, that the student should choose from based on their prior education and training and to best meet everyone´s educational goals. Successful completion of each module is awarded with 2 ECTS credits. M.Sc. student should at minimum choose three (6 ECTS) and Ph.D. students should at a minimum choose two modules (4 ECTS), and one of the modules chosen needs to be either module number 2 or 3. The student is responsible to notify the course administrator about how many credits they intend to take and what modules before registration ends. Each module contains 3-4 lectures and a project.The modules are:
- Article reading and data presentation
- How to read a paper and present your data
- Reference search and management (computer lab session)
- The scientific method
- ASSIGNMENT - Mini conference. Students will present their research project or paper (7 min)
Introduction to the scientific method
- Research ethics
- The philosophy of science
- Dishonesty in Science
- Quantitative & Qualitative Methods
- ASSIGNMENT – online project
- Grant application, data collection and quality management
- Data handling and safety
- Permission applications/Research animals
- Quality management
- Grant applications
- ASSIGNMENT – preparation of grant application
- Graduate student’s toolbox. This module is taught with the Center for graduate studies at their location in Setberg. This module is targeted towards graduate students (M.Sc./Ph.D.). The objective of the module is teaching graduate students transferable skills that can be applied to both academic research and research-oriented jobs
- Time Management
- Managing the Graduate Student - Advisor relationship
- Academic English
- Academic CV workshop
- ASSIGNMENT – Students write an academic CV in English.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classCourse taught in period ILÆK0ALFGeneral research methods, course for M.Sc. and Ph.D. students - Part 2Mandatory (required) course2A mandatory (required) course for the programme2 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThis course is taught as four independent modules, that the student should choose from based on their prior education and training and to best meet everyone´s educational goals. Successful completion of each module is awarded with 2 ECTS credits. M.Sc. student should at minimum choose three (6 ECTS) and Ph.D. students should at a minimum choose two modules (4 ECTS), and one of the modules chosen needs to be either module number 2 or 3. The student is responsible to notify the course administrator about how many credits they intend to take and what modules before registration ends. Each module contains 3-4 lectures and a project. A pass for each module is granted for 75% attendance (or watching lecture online) and the timely return of an assignment. The modules are:
- Article reading and data presentation
- How to read a paper and present your data
- Reference search and management (computer lab session)
- The scientific method
- ASSIGNMENT - Mini conference. Students will present their research project or paper (7 min)
Introduction to the scientific method
- Research ethics
- The philosophy of science
- Dishonesty in Science
- Quantitative & Qualitative Methods
- ASSIGNMENT – online project
- Grant application, data collection and quality management
- Data handling and safety
- Permission applications/Research animals
- Quality management
- Grant applications
- ASSIGNMENT – preparation of grant application
- Graduate student’s toolbox. This module is taught with the Center for graduate studies at their location in Setberg. This module is targeted towards graduate students (M.Sc./Ph.D.). The objective of the module is teaching graduate students transferable skills that can be applied to both academic research and research-oriented jobs
- Time Management
- Managing the Graduate Student - Advisor relationship
- Academic English
- Academic CV workshop
- ASSIGNMENT – Students write an academic CV in English.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classCourse taught in period IILÆK0AMFGeneral research methods, course for M.Sc. and Ph.D. students - Part 3Mandatory (required) course2A mandatory (required) course for the programme2 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThis course is taught as four independent modules, that the student should choose from based on their prior education and training and to best meet everyone´s educational goals. Successful completion of each module is awarded with 2 ECTS credits. M.Sc. student should at minimum choose three (6 ECTS) and Ph.D. students should at a minimum choose two modules (4 ECTS), and one of the modules chosen needs to be either module number 2 or 3. The student is responsible to notify the course administrator about how many credits they intend to take and what modules before registration ends. Each module contains 3-4 lectures and a project. A pass for each module is granted for 75% attendance (or watching lecture online) and the timely return of an assignment. The modules are:
- Article reading and data presentation
- How to read a paper and present your data
- Reference search and management (computer lab session)
- The scientific method
- ASSIGNMENT - Mini conference. Students will present their research project or paper (7 min)
Introduction to the scientific method
- Research ethics
- The philosophy of science
- Dishonesty in Science
- Quantitative & Qualitative Methods
- ASSIGNMENT – online project
- Grant application, data collection and quality management
- Data handling and safety
- Permission applications/Research animals
- Quality management
- Grant applications
- ASSIGNMENT – preparation of grant application
- Graduate student’s toolbox. This module is taught with the Center for graduate studies at their location in Setberg. This module is targeted towards graduate students (M.Sc./Ph.D.). The objective of the module is teaching graduate students transferable skills that can be applied to both academic research and research-oriented jobs
- Time Management
- Managing the Graduate Student - Advisor relationship
- Academic English
- Academic CV workshop
- ASSIGNMENT – Students write an academic CV in English.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classCourse taught in period III- Spring 2
LEI210FSeminar in Biomedical ScienceMandatory (required) course1A mandatory (required) course for the programme1 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionStudents and teachers lecture on and discuss interesting research.
Lectures are given by students and teachers. Conference on research in Biomedical Science. Attendance is compulsory and active participation in discussions is required.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classLEI441LFinal projectMandatory (required) course0A mandatory (required) course for the programme0 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionNN
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesPart of the total project/thesis creditsLÆK028FStem cells and differentiationElective course6Free elective course within the programme6 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionTo introduce stem cell research to graduate students in the biomedical sciences, provide an overview of how stem cells can be applied for therapeutic use and to advance our understanding of tissue architecture and disease progression.
In this course we will discuss different stem cell systems and dissect the current knowledge of how these cells maintain self-renewal and/or proceed to differentiation. During the course students will gain insight into both embryonic and somatic stem cell research including hematopoietic, mesenchymal and various epithelial stem cell populations. Furthermore, we will discuss the therapeutic importance of various stem cells and discuss the link between stem cells and diseases such as cancer.
In each lecture one principal investigator (PI) will introduce a particular aspect of the stem cell field (35 min.). Afterwards, one student will present a research article related to that field and discuss how that particular study was conducted. In their presentations, the students need to: 1) Introduce the background of the research article and the history of the concept being investigated. The key here is to understand the reason for why the work was done and why it is important. 2) Describe the aim of the study and the experimental design (methods and material). 3) Discuss the major results/findings (figures and tables). 4) Summarize the context of the work and discuss major conclusions made by the authors. Present your own view, what is good and what is bad in the experimental design and results. Finally discuss future experiments that need to be or should be conducted. After the presentation all students will participate in active discussion. In addition to this, the students must select a couple of articles on a stem cell topic of their immediate interest and write a short report in english (4-6 pages). At the end of the course a seminar is scheduled where each student presents his/her report in short talk (7-10 min.).
Face-to-face learningThe course is taught if the specified conditions are metPrerequisitesLÆK071FMethods in immunologyElective course6Free elective course within the programme6 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionA practical course introducing many commonly used methods in immunology. This will be a hands-on practical course conducted at the laboratory bench. Methods will include: Measurements of humoral immunity: ELISA, ELIspot, complement. Measurements of cellular immune responses: Flow cytometry, fluorescence microscopy, culture and stimulation of cells, measurements of cytokines (ELIspot, cytokine bead assay, cytokine secretion assay), cytotoxicity, chemotaxis, phagocytosis. Antibodies as research tools: Immunostaining (fluorescent and immunoperoxidase), ELISA. The course will take place mostly at Department of Immunology, Landspitali University Hospital. The course will be taught in English if necessary.
Practical sessions will be taught on saturdays or tuesday, wednesday and thursday between 16-21.
Face-to-face learningThe course is taught if the specified conditions are metPrerequisitesAttendance required in classCourse DescriptionThe course will cover the biological basis of the development of cancer and its characteristics. Each topic will be reviewed first in a lecture and then discussed on the basis of a recent original research paper. Each will be introduced by one student and then discussed by the group. The papers will be distributed at the beginning of the course.
Topics: Introduction, carcinogens, oncogenes/tumour suppressor genes, TP53, stages of carcinogenesis, pre-malignangt lesions, cancer stem cells, animal models, chromosomal instability, genomic instability, evolution of cancer, epigenetics.
Course schedule: The course will consist of 12 double lessons, with a lecture in the first lesson and discussion of a paper in the second lesson.
Face-to-face learningThe course is taught if the specified conditions are metPrerequisitesLÆK101FGeneral statistics, course for M.Sc. and Ph.D. studentsElective course6Free elective course within the programme6 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionCompulsory course. The aim of the course is to provide post graduate students with practical and generic skills required in research. Items covered in the course are descriptive statistics, effect statistics, validity and reliability, inferential statistics, common parametric and nonparametric statistical tests and multiple regression analysis. The students are introduced to computer statistical analysis in practical computer classes.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisites- Fall
- LEI441LFinal projectMandatory (required) course0A mandatory (required) course for the programme0 ECTS, creditsCourse Description
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesPart of the total project/thesis credits- Spring 2
LEI441LFinal projectMandatory (required) course0A mandatory (required) course for the programme0 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionNN
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesPart of the total project/thesis credits
Additional information The University of Iceland collaborates with over 400 universities worldwide. This provides a unique opportunity to pursue part of your studies at an international university thus gaining added experience and fresh insight into your field of study.
Students generally have the opportunity to join an exchange programme, internship, or summer courses. However, exchanges are always subject to faculty approval.
Students have the opportunity to have courses evaluated as part of their studies at the University of Iceland, so their stay does not have to affect the duration of their studies.
Biomedical scientists work in areas such as contract research, scientific research and technological development.
An education in this area can open up opportunities in:
- Healthcare institutions
- Food businesses
- Pharmaceutical companies
- Cosmetics companies
- Biotechnology companies
- Industry
- Independent research labs
This list is not exhaustive.
FLOG is the organisation for biomedical science and radiography students at the University of Iceland.
The organisation organises events such as socials for new students, annual galas and workplace tours.
Students' comments Students appreciate the University of Iceland for its strong academic reputation, modern campus facilities, close-knit community, and affordable tuition.Helpful content Study wheel
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