People playing piano and cello at University centre

International Days will be held on 6-8 November. The programme will include presentations about opportunities to study abroad, an International Festival, a pub quiz, karaoke, and more.

International Days is an annual programme of events at UI designed to raise awareness of international collaboration at the University and the huge range of opportunities available to students and staff all over the world.

Presentations about exchange studies and traineeships abroad available to UI students will be held every day. Students can also learn about opportunities for short-term study abroad, designed to enable even more students to go on exchange.

There will be a circle dialogue entitled Intercultural Awareness and Inclusive Practices: Enhancing the Wellbeing of the University’s International Community. The aim of this circle dialogue is to explore together as a learning community some of the challenges and opportunities that international students (including immigrants, refugees, exchange students and other international students) face on a daily basis when adapting to the culture of higher education in Iceland. The UI diversity officer will present some of the activities and spaces that have been created at the University in order to promote inclusion and intercultural awareness.

Students on exchange programmes or traineeships abroad will take over the International Division and UI Instagram accounts to provide an insight into what it is like to study abroad and answer people’s questions.

Students and staff can also take part in a lottery with the chance to win great prizes.

The Student Cellar will be one of the focal points of the International Days programme, hosting several fun evening events.


The main event of International Days will be the International Festival in the University Centre on Thursday 7 November between 11.30 am and 1.30 pm. Students will be able to learn about exchange programmes, traineeships and more.

Former and current exchange students, embassy representatives and representatives from many different Icelandic institutions and organisations will be on hand to answer questions. Staff from UI schools and faculties and the International Division will also be available to provide information on studying abroad.
UI staff can come and explore staff exchange and other opportunities available through the Erasmus+ programme.

Further information and full programme for International Days

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