People sitting in the sun outside of University centre in the summertime
Preparation is the key
Viking and Medieval Norse Studies and Medieval Icelandic Studies

The first semester in the Viking and Medieval Norse Studies and the Medieval Icelandic Studies programmes is devoted to laying the foundation for further course work and thesis research through intensive survey courses on the Old Norse-Icelandic literary corpus, the medieval history of Iceland and Scandinavia, and the Old Norse-Icelandic literary language.

As the Old Norse-Icelandic literary corpus is vast, incoming students must get a head start by reading selected works in translation and acquainting themselves with the current scholarship. 

Inquiries regarding the application form should be directed to

Inquiries about the study programmes should be directed to


Before applying

Read carefully all the information below to prepare as well as you can for your study.

It is necessary to get an overview of the Old Norse-Icelandic literary corpus by reading the major works in translation. Sections will be read in the original language as part of the coursework in the program.

Incoming students are expected to have read at least the following works in translation before starting in the Viking and Medieval Norse Studies programme or Medieval Icelandic Studies programme:

  • Egils saga
  • Hrafnkels saga
  • Laxdæla saga
  • Njáls saga
  • Snorri's Edda (the Prose Edda)
  • Eddic poetry: at least the poems Vǫluspá, Hávamál, and Þrymskviða


These works are accessible in several different translations into English and various other languages. An online catalogue of saga translations is run by the National and University Library of Iceland. A variety of editions and translations have also been published by the Viking Society for Northern Research, some of which are available for free download.

The Sagas of Icelanders: A Selection with a Preface by Jane Smiley and an introduction by Robert Kellogg (Penguin Books, New York, 2001) contains a selection of Icelandic sagas in English translation, including Egils saga, Vatnsdœla saga, Laxdœla saga, Hrafnkels saga, Gísla saga, Gunnlaugs saga, and the Vinland sagas, with illustrations, tables, and maps.

There is an English translation of Njáls saga by Robert Cook (Penguin Books, London, 2002), of The Poetic Edda by Carolyne Larrington (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1996) and Snorri Sturluson's Edda by Anthony Faulkes (Everyman, London, 1987).

When reading the medieval Icelandic sagas, the Icelandic Saga Map is a useful resource.

A Companion to Old Norse-Icelandic Literature and Culture, edited by Rory McTurk (Malden: Blackwell Publishing, 2007) contains 29 articles by leading scholars, covering a variety of topics that are central in the field of Old Norse-Icelandic studies.

Before starting in the Viking and Medieval Norse Studies programme or the Medieval Icelandic Studies program, incoming students are expected to have read at least the following fifteen articles from this volume:

  • Ch. 5: “Eddic Poetry” by Terry Gunnell
  • Ch. 6: “Family Sagas” by Vésteinn Ólason
  • Ch. 8: “Historical Background: Iceland 870–1400” by Helgi Þorláksson
  • Ch. 10: “Language” by Michael Barnes 
  • Ch. 11: “Late Prose Fiction” by Matthew Driscoll
  • Ch. 14: “Manuscripts and Palaeography” by Guðvarður Már Gunnlaugsson  
  • Ch. 16: “Orality and Literacy in the Sagas of Icelanders” by Gísli Sigurðsson
  • Ch. 17: “Pagan Myth and Religion” by Peter Orton
  • Ch. 19: “Prose of Christian Instruction” by Svanhildur Óskarsdóttir
  • Ch. 21: “Romance (Translated riddarasögur)” by Jürg Glauser
  • Ch. 22: “Royal Biography” by Ármann Jakobsson
  • Ch. 24: “Sagas of Contemporary History (Sturlunga saga): Texts and Research” by Úlfar Bragason
  • Ch. 25: “Sagas of Icelandic Prehistory (fornaldarsögur)” by Torfi H. Tulinius
  • Ch. 27: “Skaldic Poetry” by Diana Whaley
  • Ch. 28: “Social Institutions” by Gunnar Karlsson 

The remaining articles are also important, and incoming students are encouraged to read as many of them as possible.

Before enrolling in the Medieval Icelandic Studies programme or the Viking and Medieval Norse Studies programme, all students are required to complete the free online introductory course:

The Medieval Icelandic Sagas - course UOI001X run by the University of Iceland at edX.

A passing grade of 50% is required.

To enable us to keep track of your course progress and results, we kindly ask you to send us the edX username or the e-mail address used at to 

The course must be completed before starting the programme, no later than August 15 of your year of enrollment.

Below are suggestions for additional preparatory reading before starting the Viking and Medieval Norse Studies programme or the Medieval Icelandic Studies programme. Most of these works will be found on the syllabus of the courses in the programme.

Many of the books listed are available in affordable paperback editions that will allow students to start building their scholarly library. Books published in Iceland can be purchased from the University of Iceland Book Store — Bóksala stúdenta.

Old Norse–Icelandic Literature, History, Religion, and Archaeology

Below are books that provide a solid introduction to a wide range of themes relating to the Old Norse world, such as literary history, history, religion, and archaeology. Some are collections of papers on a variety of subjects while others are more specialized monographs. Many are available in paperback editions.

  • Abram, Christopher. 2011. Myths of the Pagan North: The Gods of the Norsemen. New York: Continuum.
  • Ármann Jakobsson. 2013. Nine Saga Studies: The Critical Interpretation of the Icelandic Sagas. Reykjavík: University of Iceland Press.
  • Ármann Jakobsson and Sverrir Jakobsson (eds.). 2017. The Routledge Research Companion to the Medieval Icelandic Sagas. London and New York: Routledge.
  • Brink, Stefan and Neil Price (eds.). 2008. The Viking World. New York: Routledge.
  • Byock, Jesse L. 2001. Viking Age Iceland. London: Penguin Books.
  • Clunies Ross, Margaret. 2010. The Cambridge Introduction to the Old Norse-Icelandic Saga. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Driscoll, Matthew, Silvia Hufnagel, Philip Lavender, and Beeke Stegmann (eds.). 2018. The legendary legacy: Transmission and reception of the Fornaldarsögur Norðurlanda. Odense: University Press of Southern Denmark.
  • Fitzhugh, William F. and Elisabeth Ward (eds.). 2000. Vikings: The North Atlantic Saga. Washington: Smithsonian Books.
  • Gísli Sigurðsson. 2004. The Medieval Icelandic Saga and Oral Tradition: A Discourse on Method. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. Electronic edition available at Harvard University Press.
  • Glauser, Jürg, Pernille Hermann, and Stephen A. Mitchell (eds.). 2019. Handbook of Pre-Modern Nordic Memory Studies: Interdisciplinary Approaches. Berlin: De Gruyter.
  • Guðrún Nordal. 2001. Tools of Literacy: The Role of Skaldic Verse in Icelandic Textual Culture of the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
  • Lethbridge, Emily and Svanhildur Óskarsdóttir (eds.). 2018. New Studies in the Manuscript Tradition of Njáls saga: The historia mutila of Njála. Kalamazoo: Medieval Institute Publications, Western Michigan University.
  • Lindow, John. 2001. Norse Mythology: A Guide to Gods, Heroes, Rituals, and Beliefs. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Miller, William Ian. 1990. Bloodtaking and Peacemaking. Feud, Law, and Society in Saga Iceland. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. 
  • Phelpstead, Carl. 2020. An Introduction to the Sagas of Icelanders. Gainesville: University Press of Florida.
  • Roesdahl, Else. 1991. The Vikings. Second edition. London: Penguin.
  • Quinn, Judy and Emily Lethbridge. 2010. Creating the Medieval Saga: Versions, Variability and Editorial Interpretations of Old Norse Saga literature, Odense: University Press of Southern Denmark.
  • Torfi Tulinius. 2014. The Enigma of Egill. The Saga, the Viking Poet, and Snorri Sturluson. Ithaca: Cornell University Library.
  • Vésteinn Ólason. 1998. Dialogues with the Viking Age. Narration and Representation in the Sagas of the Icelanders. Reykjavík: Heimskringla.
  • Wolf, Kirsten and Natalie M. van Deusen. 2016. The Saints in Old Norse and Early Modern Icelandic Poetry. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Even if knowledge of Icelandic is not an entry requirement in the program, it is a good idea to get a head start on the language before the fall semester. Skills in reading Old Norse-Icelandic primary sources such as the sagas and the Eddas in the original language are of enormous importance and consequently, great emphasis is placed on the language in the program.

Accordingly, the focus will be on the earlier varieties of Icelandic (Old Icelandic/Old Norse), but the structural difference between Old Icelandic and Modern Icelandic is sufficiently small to provide access to the modern language as well.

Also, for reading out loud the Modern Icelandic pronunciation will be used (rather than a reconstructed pronunciation), a practice that will facilitate understanding and speaking the modern language.

Learning Modern Icelandic

Icelandic Online is a free online beginner’s course in Modern Icelandic designed and run by the Centre for Research in the Humanities and The Vigdís Finnbogadóttir Institute for Foreign Languages at the University of Iceland and the Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies.

It consists of five free online self-study courses. In addition, it includes two distance learning courses with the aid of an instructor (for a moderate fee).

All incoming students in Viking and Medieval Norse Studies are strongly encouraged to complete at least Icelandic Online 1 and 2 before enrolling.

There are also several textbooks available for studying Modern Icelandic, including:

  • Auður Einarsdóttir, Guðrún Theódórsdóttir, María Garðarsdóttir, and Sigríður Þorvaldsdóttir. 2002. Learning Icelandic. Reykjavík: Mál og menning. [Textbook + exercises with a CD.]
  • Helga Hilmisdóttir and Jacek Kozlowski. 2009. Beginner’s Icelandic. With 2 Audio CDs. Hippocrene Books.
  • Hildur Jónsdóttir. 2010. Complete Icelandic With Two Audio CDs: A Teach Yourself Guide. McGraw-Hill.
  • Neijmann, Daisy. 2001. Colloquial Icelandic: The Complete Course for Beginners. New York: Routledge.
  • Stefán Einarsson. 1945. Icelandic. Grammar, Texts, Glossary. Baltimore:The Johns Hopkins University Press. [Reprinted several times.]


Learning Old Icelandic

There are also several textbooks focusing on Old Icelandic; most notably:

  • Barnes, Michael, and Anthony Faulkes. 2004–2005. A New Introduction to Old Norse 1–3. Viking Society for Northern Research, University College, London ( – This is a very useful three-volume set containing 1. Grammar, 2. Reader, and 3. Glossary. Not very expensive, but can also be downloaded free from the Viking Society website (look for the heading: A NEW INTRODUCTION TO OLD NORSE).
  • Byock, Jesse L. 2013–2014. Viking Language 1–2. Jules William Press. See the Viking Language website.
  • Gordon, E.V. 1957. An Introduction to Old Norse. Second edition revised by A.R. Taylor. Oxford University Press. – Texts, notes, grammar, and a glossary in a single volume; very useful. Reprinted several times, but still somewhat expensive. It might be a good idea to get a used copy (on or elsewhere).

The dictionary by Cleasby and Vigfusson still is the most comprehensive Old Icelandic–English dictionary. It is expensive, but the free online edition is very useful. Zoëga’s dictionary, which is based on Cleasby and Vigfusson’s dictionary, is strongly recommended as it is available in an affordable paperback reprint.

Beygingarlýsing íslensks nútímamáls is an online guide to Modern Icelandic inflections and conjugations courtesy of the Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies (with an interface in Icelandic).

Also, check out the website of The Viking Society for Northern Research. There you will find a list of their publications, many of which are available for free download.

Miðaldastofa is the University of Iceland Centre for Medieval Studies. Check out the lectures and events offered.  

Prepare your application

Read carefully all the information below to prepare as well as you can for your application.

  1. A Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution
    Applicants must hold a Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution or provide documentation to the effect that they will earn such a degree before enrolment in the programme. Applicants receiving their Bachelor’s degree in the spring or summer of the year of application should submit transcripts documenting their undergraduate career up to that point as part of their application. Successful applicants will be asked to submit their final transcript (graduation certificate) before enrolment in the autumn. 
  2. Adequate undergraduate training to pursue graduate studies in the Medieval Icelandic Studies or Viking and medieval Norse studies
    The programme is designed for international students who hold a Bachelor’s degree with a medieval component in at least one of the following areas: literature, history, religion, linguistics, anthropology, archaeology, art history or folklore. The medieval component is typically a university course with a medieval element. Prior knowledge of Old Icelandic/Old Norse is not required, but applicants are strongly encouraged to complete levels 1–2 of the free online course Icelandic Online before enrolment. See also above on the Preparatory Reading List.
  3. Satisfactory Grade Average
    In their undergraduate career, applicants must have achieved a minimum grade-point average of 7.25 out of 10 on the University of Iceland grading scale which corresponds roughly to a grade-point average (GPA) of 3.0 (B) on a 4.0-scale in the United States or an average of 67 in the United Kingdom, although this may also depend on the distribution of grades at the university in question.
  4. Adequate command of English
    The language of instruction is English.  Adequate command of spoken and written English is required for admission. Applicants whose native language is a language other than English are required to provide proof of English proficiency by submitting scores from one of the following tests:
    - The English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) test. A minimum score of 83.
    - The International English Language Testing System (IELTS). A minimum score of 6.5.

    Official scores from the tests must be submitted directly from TOEFL/ETS or IELTS.
    The University of Iceland institutional code for all versions of TOEFL is 7949, it is not necessary to specify a department.
  5. Completion of the Preparatory Reading List before enrolment
    As the Old Norse-Icelandic literary corpus is vast, incoming students must get a head start by reading selected works in translation and acquainting themselves with some of the current scholarship before enrolment in the programme in August. The Preparatory Reading List is intended as a tool for incoming students preparing for the Medieval Icelandic studies and the Viking and Norse studies programmes. 

Please note that the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) is not required for admission to the Medieval Icelandic studies and the Viking and Norse studies programmes.

Satisfying the admission requirements does not guarantee admission. Only a limited number of students can be admitted to the programme each year, and the number of well-qualified applicants may exceed the number of places available. It may, therefore, be necessary to reject well-qualified applicants.

Incomplete applications will not be processed.

Late applications are not accepted.

When you enter the Online Application System you can choose Icelandic or English interfaces. 

All uploaded files must be PDF files marked with your name and the name of a document, for example:

On the online application form, you will be asked to provide the following information:

  • Programme to study - choose the programme you want to study from a drop-down list.
    • "Viking and Medieval Norse Studies, MA120 ECTS"  or
    • "Medieval Icelandic Studies, MA 90 ECTS"
  • Personal information including a clear colour scan of the photo page of of your passport (PDF file). 
  • Previous education: academic degrees awarded with names of institutions, dates, and subjects.
  • Supporting documents to be uploaded:
    • Curriculum Vitae (CV)
    • Statement of purpose
    • Scanned transcripts of academic record 
  • References: Two confidential letters of recommendation should be sent directly by the referee to the University of Iceland. On the online application form, you should provide names and academic titles, telephone numbers, and the institutional and e-mail addresses of your referees. It is important that the letters of reference be confidential and sent directly by the referee to the University of Iceland.
  • Transcript: Transcripts of academic records should be submitted both electronically AND in hard copy or a digitally verifiable electronic format. You are required to submit official transcripts bearing the seal of the institution and the signature of the registrar or other appropriate officials. A scanned version should be uploaded with the online application form.
  • Proof of English proficiency - TOEFL/ETS or IELTS

The Curriculum Vitae (CV) is submitted online with the application form.

In addition to your personal contact information and general educational history, some of which will overlap with the information you provide on the online application form, you should list:

  • academic degrees completed, indicate your cumulative grade-point average (GPA)
  • if you have not completed your degree, state your current grade-point average
  • relevant extracurricular activities
  • your teaching experience 
  • conference and other presentations and publications
  • honours and awards
  • employment history 


Your Curriculum Vitae (CV) should be uploaded and submitted as a PDF file, with your online application.

Please include your name in the file name along with a descriptive title, for example:

The Statement of Purpose is submitted online with the application form.

You are required to submit a statement of your academic interests and future career goals. Your statement should not exceed 2,000 words and must be written in English.

It is important to address all the points below in the order given:

1. Academic background

Describe the academic experience that now motivates you to pursue graduate studies in Viking and Medieval Norse Studies or Medieval Icelandic Studies at the University of Iceland. Explain in the following way how your academic background has prepared you for this graduate programme by:

  • Listing the academic courses (with course codes and course names as they appear on your transcript) completed or in progress that has prepared you in particular and given you a solid foundation for graduate work in this field
  • Briefly describe the contents of each course and reference the main textbooks used
  • Describing projects or papers that you have completed in these courses and that you found particularly useful and rewarding
  • Listing languages that you have studied with emphasis on non-modern languages (e.g., Old English, Latin, etc.)
  • Discussing relevant works, such as medieval literature or other scholarly works, that you have read outside of class and that will prepare you for the Viking and Medieval Norse Studies or Medieval Icelandic Studies course options
  • Discussing any other activity or training that will prepare you for the programme


2. Academic interests within the programme

Describe your main academic interests within the Viking and Medieval Norse Studies or Medieval Icelandic Studies programmes. Which area(s) would you like to concentrate on in your coursework and for your Master’s thesis? Please note that you are expected to state and explain your current interests, but this is not binding in any way.


3. Career goals

Briefly describe your future career goals. Why is a Master's degree in Viking and Medieval Norse Studies or Medieval Icelandic Studies important for your future goals?


4. For the Viking and Medieval Norse Studies programme only: Your preference for the 3rd and 4th semesters
The first two semesters of Viking and Medieval Norse Studies take place at the University of Iceland. The third semester takes place at either Aarhus University, Denmark, the University of Copenhagen, Denmark, or the University of Oslo, Norway. The fourth and final semester is reserved for writing a Master’s thesis at either the University of Iceland or the University of Oslo.
Please indicate which study track within the Viking and Medieval and Norse Studies Programme you would like to pursue in the second year: Where would you like to spend the third semester (University of Oslo, Aarhus University, or University of Copenhagen)? If going to Oslo for the third semester, what would be your preference for the fourth semester (University of Iceland or University of Oslo)? Please explain how your choice relates to your academic goals. Please note that you are expected to state and explain your preference, but this is not a binding decision.


Your statement of purpose—written in English and not exceeding 2,000 words—should be uploaded and submitted as a PDF file together with your online application.

Please include your name in the file name along with a descriptive title, for example:

You are required to submit official transcripts of academic records: a list of courses, grades, and credit hours and, if applicable, degree conferred and diploma supplements (from European universities) bearing the seal of the institution and signature of the registrar or other appropriate official.

These transcripts and diploma supplements should be in:

  • English, Norwegian (bokmål or Nynorsk), Faroese, Danish, Swedish or Finnish.

If official records are not available in one of these languages, the originals should be accompanied by a certified English translation. 

Note that a translation cannot be submitted instead of the original records; the original records must be submitted as well.


A scanned copy of the transcript

A complete scanned version of the transcripts, clear and readable, colour or black and white, should be uploaded and submitted as a PDF file together with your online application. Make sure to include the transcript legend, often found on the reverse page of the transcript.

Please include your name in the file name along with a descriptive title, for example:  Jane_Smith_transcripts.pdf


The official transcript

The official transcript is submitted either as a digitally verifiable electronic transcript sent directly from the issuing university to OR an official hard copy mailed directly to:

University of Iceland
Student Registration—International Applications
Saemundargotu 4
IS-102 Reykjavik

Application documents should not be sent to any other address at the University of Iceland.

Two confidential letters of recommendation should be submitted as part of the application. These should be from faculty members who have taught you in person and are thus familiar with your academic work and career and qualified to evaluate your potential for graduate study.

Note that non-academic letters (such as from employers) are not accepted. The letters should be written in English on headed stationery and signed by the referee (electronic word processing documents cannot be accepted).

It is important that the letters of recommendation be confidential and sent by the referee directly to the University of Iceland. All letters of recommendation will be treated in confidence by the University of Iceland authorities.

Please observe that the University of Iceland does not have a web portal for receiving letters of recommendation. You will have to contact your referees yourself and ask them to submit the letters.

Letters of recommendation may be submitted:

electronically by e-mail (PDF file as an attachment) to with "Viking and Medieval Norse Studies" or “Medieval Icelandic Studies” according to your study programme, in the subject line. Please observe that the letter of recommendation needs to be on headed stationery and signed by the referee; electronic word-processing documents cannot be accepted. 

or by mail to:

University of Iceland
Student Registration—International Applications
Saemundargotu 4
IS-102 Reykjavik

Application documents should not be sent to any other address at the University of Iceland.

You should list your referees on the online application form.

The letters of recommendation must be received by the University of Iceland by the application deadline of February 1st, 2025.

The language of instruction is English. Adequate command of spoken and written English is required for admission. Applicants whose native language is a language other than English are required to provide proof of English proficiency by submitting scores from one of the following tests:

Official scores from the tests must be submitted directly from TOEFL/ETS or IELTS.
The minimum score of 83.
The minimum score is 6.5.

Further on English Proficienc Requirements

Carefully review your application and all supporting materials before submitting it. Make sure nothing is missing. Incomplete applications will not be processed.

Electronic application form 

  • Is your contact information correct?
  • Have you provided a permanent email address that will not expire in the foreseeable future?
  • Have all the required documents been uploaded with the application:
    • clear colour scan of the photo page of your passport
    • curriculum vitae (CV)
    • statement of purpose
    • scanned transcripts of academic record
  • Are all supporting files in PDF format?
  • Do all file names include your name and content description (Jane_Smith_transcripts.pdf, etc.)?

Curriculum Vitae

  • Is your CV complete and up to date?
  • Does it include your GPA?

Statement of purpose

  • Does your statement of purpose address all the points described in the application requirements?
  • Why do you feel prepared to undertake graduate work in the field of Viking and Medieval Norse Studies / Medieval Icelandic Studies? Is that explained in your statement?
  • Which courses, in particular, have prepared you for graduate studies in this field? Is that explained in your statement?
  • What are your main academic interests within the programme? Is that explained in your statement?
  • Why is a master’s degree in Viking and Medieval Norse Studies / Medieval Icelandic Studies a good career move for you? Have you explained that in your statement?


Transcripts of academic record

  • Have you verified that all scans are complete? Are you confident that no pages are missing?
  • Is the transcript legend included?
  • Are all scans clear and legible?
  • Have you made arrangements to have hard copies of the transcripts sent to the University of Iceland by your home institution?


Letters of recommendation

  • Are your referees academics who have taught you or supervised your academic work? Please note that non-academic letters are not accepted.
  • Have you made it clear to your two referees that the letters should be confidential? You should not have access to them.
  • Have you asked your two referees to send their letters directly to the University of Iceland?
  • Have you informed your two referees of the February 1st deadline?


Note that incomplete applications will not be processed.


Once the application has been submitted, the applicant may monitor its status via the University of Iceland Application Portal. 

Applicants will be notified of their application results no later than beginning of April. Initial notification of admission will be sent by email to the email address given in the application. Please make sure we have your current email address. A formal letter of admission will follow.

Useful to know
Finger pointing out word in old manuscript
Icelandic króna
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