The School of Social Sciences offers a range of doctoral programs across all its faculties.
The goal of this programme is to provide doctoral students with academic training and prepare them for scholarly work, including teaching at university or holding specialist positions at research institutions, as well as other demanding responsible positions in society.
The duration of a doctoral program at the School of Social Sciences spans a minimum of three years of full-time study. Doctoral dissertations within the school can take the form of either a single comprehensive work (monograph) or a collection of articles.
The programme concludes with a public doctoral defence, where the doctoral candidate earns the academic title Philosophiae Doctor, PhD from the University of Iceland.
Application for students outside of Nordic countries is 1 February.
Those who have Icelandic Social Security or Nordic citizenship have to 15 April to apply for autumn semester and 15 October to apply for spring semester.
Studies Coordinators
Kolbrún Eggertsdóttir, Head of Quality Administration
Sigrún Daníelsdóttir Flóvenz, Project manager