- Do you want to expand your specialist knowledge in a specific area of geology?
- Are you interested in energy and natural resources?
- Do you want to improve your research skills?
- Would you like to learn more about renewable energy?
- Is climate change an important issue for you?
The MS in geology is a two-year research-based programme at the Faculty of Earth Sciences, part of the University of Iceland's School of Engineering and Natural Sciences.
Unlike the undergraduate programme, the Master's programme is primarily focused on research.
Students are trained to analyse and interpret scientific data, for example in the context of natural hazard monitoring, in which geology is central.
Programme structure
The programme is 120 ECTS and is organised as two years of full-time study.
The programme is made up of:
- Mandatory courses, 7.5 - 17.5 ECTS
- Elective courses, 102.5 - 112.5 ECTS
- Master's thesis, 60 ECTS
A wide range of elective courses are offered, enabling students to tailor the programme to suit their own interests.
Students may choose between these specialisations:
- Geology
- Geochemistry, petrology
- Quaternary Geology
- Volcanology
- Renewable Energy - Geochemistry. See more programmes with a specialisation in renewable energy.
Organisation of teaching
The language of instruction is Icelandic and/or English, while textbooks are generally in English.
Main objectives
The programme aims to improve students' research skills and provide them with essential training in the analysis and interpretation of scientific data.
Students will acquire knowledge of a specialised area of geology.
Completing a Master's degree in an earth science allows you to apply for doctoral studies.
- BS degree in geology or similar subjects with minimum average grade of 7,25 from the University of Iceland (on a scale from 1 to 10) or a comparable degree and average grade from another university. In addition to the BS degree there may be some preliminary courses requirements before starting the actual MS programme.
- All international applicants, whose native language is not English, are required to provide results of the TOEFL (79) or IELTS (6.5) tests as evidence of English proficiency.
- Applicants are asked to submit a letter of motivation, 1 page, where they should state the reasons they want to pursue graduate work, their academic goals and a suggestion or outline for a final paper.
- Letters of recommendation (2) should be submitted. These should be from faculty members or others who are familiar with your academic work and qualified to evaluate your potential for graduate study. Please ask your referees to send their letters of recommendation directly to the University of Iceland electronically by e-mail (PDF file as attachment) to transcript@hi.is
A two-year theoretical and practical programme of studies at level 2.2 in geology in the Faculty of Earth Sciences, School of Engineering and Natural Sciences of the University of Iceland. The programme provides 120 ECTS credits and qualifies for the degree of magister scientiarum, MS. The MS thesis is 60 ECTS credits and courses equal 60 ECTS credits. The MS degree fulfils the formal requirements for access to doctoral studies at level 3.
- CV
- Statement of purpose
- Reference 1, Name and email
- Reference 2, Name and email
- Certified copies of diplomas and transcripts
- Proof of English proficiency
Further information on supporting documents can be found here
Programme structure
Check below to see how the programme is structured.
- Year unspecified
- Fall
- Thesis skills: project management, writing skills and presentation
- Year unspecified
- Continuum Mechanics and Heat Transfer
- Not taught this semesterGeophysical Inversion
- Geothermal energy
- Not taught this semesterGlaciology
- Not taught this semesterSolid Earth Geochemistry
- Advanced Volcanology – eruption and shallow conduit processes
- Climate change: past, present and future
- Quaternary Environments
- Not taught this semesterGeophysical Exploration
- Introduction to the Geology of Iceland
- Advanced petrology
- Groundwater Hydrology
- Geochemical analysis
- Earth's surface geochemistry
- Volcanology
- Not taught this semesterEnergy and resources of the Earth
- Reading course for the Master's Degree in Geology
- Reading course for the Master's Degree in Geology
- Seminar on Current Geological Events
- Application of Remote Sensing in Earth Sciences
- Not taught this semesterVolcanic succession in Iceland and climate evolution in Iceland
- Not taught this semesterSeismology
- Not taught this semesterGlaciers, volcanoes and jökulhlaups
- Geothermal Reservoir Physics/Engineering
- Numerical modelling in Earth Sciences
- Measurements and Models in Geodynamics
- Final project
- Final project
- Final project
- Presentation skills in earth sciences
Thesis skills: project management, writing skills and presentation (VON001F)
Introduction to the scientific method. Ethics of science and within the university community.
The role of the student, advisors and external examiner. Effective and honest communications.
Conducting a literature review, using bibliographic databases and reference handling. Thesis structure, formulating research questions, writing and argumentation. How scientific writing differs from general purpose writing. Writing a MS study plan and proposal. Practical skills for presenting tables and figures, layout, fonts and colors. Presentation skills. Project management for a thesis, how to divide a large project into smaller tasks, setting a work plan and following a timeline. Life after graduate school and being employable.
Continuum Mechanics and Heat Transfer (JEÐ503M)
Objectives: To introduce continuum mechanics, fluid dynamics and heat transfer and their application to problems in physics and geophysics. I. Stress and strain, stress fields, stress tensor, bending of plates, models of material behaviour: elastic, viscous, plastic materials. II. Fluids, viscous fluids, laminar and turbulent flow, equation of continuity, Navier-Stokes equation. III. Heat transfer: Heat conduction, convection, advection and geothermal resources. Examples and problems from various branches of physics will be studied, particularly from geophysics.
Teaching statement: To do well in this course, students should actively participate in the discussions, attend lectures, give student presentations and deliver the problem sets assigned in the course. Students will gain knowledge through the lectures, but it is necessary to do the exercises to understand and train the use of the concepts. The exercises are intergrated in the text of the book, it is recommended to do them while reading the text. Instructors will strive to make the concepts and terminology accessible, but it is expected that students study independently and ask questions if something is unclear. In order to improve the course and its content, it is appreciated that students participate in the course evaluation, both the mid-term and the end of term course evaluation.
Geophysical Inversion (JEÐ113F)
The course is held in the second half of the fall term (7 weeks) every other year (odd numbers).
A theoretical course in discrete geophysical inverse theory and application of inverse theory to geophysical exploration and other geophysical problems. Students will gain experience in interpreting and analysing observations with inverse theory. The course will follow the first 7 chapters of the textbook: Geophysical Data Analysis: Discrete Inverse Theory by William Menke. The material covered is Forward and inverse problems in geophysics, statistial concepts and confidence limits, generalized, maximum likelihood and lenght inverse methods to solve linear Gaussian Inverse problems. Nonuniqueness and localized averages, conjugate gradient, regularization and approximate inverses, applications of vector spaces. Lectures on theoretical foundations and applications and practicals where inverse theory is applied to geophysical problems. Student will solve problems each week related to the lectures and exercise classes will be used to gain experience in applying methods and numerical algorithms. Journal arcticles about application of inverse methods in Geophysics will be reviewed and presented by students during the course.
Final grade will be based on homework (6 x 5 %), contribution and participation during the semester (20%), presentation of inverse paper (10%) and a final take-home exam (40%). To be eligible to sit the final exam students are required to give a presentation of inverse paper related to their field of interest and complete at least 4 out of 6 homework assignments.
Geothermal energy (JAR508M)
Heat budget of the Earth, heat transport to the Earth´s surface. Geothermal systems and their structure, renewability of geothermal systems, methodology in geothermal development, estimation of resource size, fluid origin and chemistry, water-rock interaction, environmental impact of utilization, well testing and well data integration. The coruse is taught during 7 week period first part of the fall semester. It consists of lectures, practical, student lectures, student posters, essay and exams. The course is taught in English.
Glaciology (JAR622M)
Glaciers in the world are responding fast to climate change, they are therefore important indicators for assessing changes, but have also impact on the climate system through for example albedo feedback and sea level rise. In this course glaciers will be studied, their distribution in the world, how glacier ice is formed from snow, how they move and respond to climate change. Focus will be on Icelandic glaciers, their energy and mass balance, interaction of geothermal activity and glaciers in Iceland and reoccurring floods, jökulhlaups, from the main ice cap. During the course students will learn terminology and concepts that will equip them to understand and contribute to discussions of climate change and the role of glaciers in the climate system. Background in high school physics and math is useful, as numerical problems concerning temperature, energy budget, mass balance and flow of glaciers will be solved in groups. Glacier measurement techniques will be introduced and at the end of the course ablation stakes will be installed in Sólheimajökull on the south coast of Iceland in a two day fielld excursion. Participation in the field trip is mandatory.
Solid Earth Geochemistry (JAR133F)
Taught if enrolled in by the sufficient number of students. May be taught as a reading course.
Lectures: The course will provide a geochemical overview of the solid Earth. Focus will be on understanding processes taking place in the solid Earth and associated timescales by means of trace element and isotope geochemistry. Topics include trace elemental systematics, radioactive decay, long- and short-lived radiogenic isotopes, stable isotopes, noble gases, mantle reservoirs, igneous petrogenesis, mantle degassing, origin of the atmosphere and the hydrosphere, the deep mantle and geochemical cycles. Special attention will be paid to the use of trace elements and isotopes as tracers of magmatic processes with case studies on magma genesis and evolution at divergent and convergent plate boundaries and the origin of continents.
Practical: Practical examples will include quantitative treatment of trace elements during high-temperature geochemical processes as well as the determination of the associated timescales from both long- and short-lived isotopes.
Organisation: This course runs for 7 weeks and includes 4 lectures and 2 practical sessions per week. Student presentation and accompanying hand-in report.
Assessment: Assessment in this course is based on assigned exercises, student presentation and accompanying hand-in report and via take home exam.
Advanced Volcanology – eruption and shallow conduit processes (JAR258F)
Volcanic eruptions are one of the principal forces that affect and modify the Earth’s surface. The resulting volatile emissions not only replenish and maintain our atmosphere but are also known to have significant impact atmospheric properties and its circulation. Tephra fall in substantial quantity can ruin vegetation over large swaths of land. Ash-rich plumes can disrupt aviation on a hemispheric scale as well as cause damage to infrastructure like power lines and fresh-water resources. Pyroclastic density currents (PDCs) are a common consequence of explosive eruptions and can produce lasting damage to areas in vicinity of volcanoes. Not all of the consequences are negative, ash fall in moderation it can act as a fertilizer for vegetation, sulphur-rich fumes enhance the grape harvest and the ash layers can be very useful as marker layers for correlation and dating of sedimentary sequences across regions.
The principal theme in this course is the ERUPTION, where the emphasis is on (i) shallow conduit processes (i.e., ascent rate, magma degassing and magma discharge) that control magma expansion (±fragmentation) and eruption intensity, (ii) the processes that govern the dispersal of the erupted products (i.e., lava and tephra) and (iii) the volcanic hazards that can be posed by lava flows, tephra fall and gas emissions. This is a seven-week course and is set up such that the first 3-4 weeks will be filled with lectures and discussion sessions on the topics mentioned above. In the latter half of the course the students will be divided into groups of 2-3 students to work on the course project. The project is two-pronged; one part that deals with key eruption parameters and another part aimed at eruption related hazards. Two days in the field will be used to collect information, measurements, and samples of eruption products from a selected area for further analysis in the laboratory. This data and the toolbox VETOOLS will then be used by each group to underpin an assessment of the volcanic hazards in the study area. The results will be turned in as a report set up as an article in an international journal. The expected student workload in this the course is about 150 hours (c.a. 20 hours per credit = hours per week).
Taught in the Spring, block 2, each year.
Climate change: past, present and future (JAR257F)
The course will survey and critically evaluate recent developments in the analysis of climate changes during Earth's geologic history. Various modes of natural climate variability on decadal to millennial timescales will be studied. Theories regarding forcing mechanisms, both internal and external to the Earth system, will be discussed. Present and future climate trends will be considered in the context of this past variability. The instructor will conduct the course in seminar format with background lectures. Students will be required to make presentations on assigned readings from the current literature and write a final term paper relevant to the course’s topic. Additionally, students will present their review of papers in class over the semester and help lead the discussions. Smaller exercises will be given to students over the seven weeks.
This is a seven-weeks course with six contact hours per week in form of lectures, group meetings and practical sessions. The expected student workload in this the course is about 190 hours (25 hours per credit unit), of which planned contact hours are 40.
Quaternary Environments (JAR516M)
The aim of the course is to give a comprehensive summary of the environmental change that occurred during the Quaternary period with special reference to Iceland. Contents: The characteristics of the Quaternary and geological evidence for global climatic change. Variations of Earth´s orbital parameters. Dating methods. Glacial debris transport and glacial sedimentation on land and in water. Evidence for climate change in glacier ice and marine and lake sediment. Volcanic activity and the environment. Paleoclimate reconstruction. The glacial and climatic history of Iceland and the North Atlantic Ocean. Grading: Final project 35%, assignments during the semester 30%, presentations 15%, Take home exam 20%. Part of the term project will be a comprehensive search for references to be used by students as they write their term paper and prepare a presentation to be given in class.
Geophysical Exploration (JEÐ504M)
A full semester course – 14 weeks.
a) One week field work at the beginning of autumn term. Several geophysical methods applied to a practical problem.
b) Geophysical exploration methods and their application in the search for energy resources and minerals. Theoretical basis, instruments, measurement procedures, data processing and interpretation. Seismic reflection and refraction, gravity, magnetics, electrical methods, borehole logging. Practical work includes computations, model experiments. Interpretation and preparation of report on field work done at beginning of course.
Introduction to the Geology of Iceland (JAR107M)
The course runs for 14 weeks. It starts with an 4 day excursion in SW and S Iceland. They are conducted as day trips. The excursions are always in the first week before official start of the semester at the School of Engineering and Natural sciences. Thus students attending the course must make sure that they arrive to Iceland in good time.
- The excursions focus on both constructive and destructive geological processes
- Following the excursions an intensive program of lectures covering the main aspects of Icelandic geology will occupy five additional weeks. The themes of the lectures are on volcanology, tephrochronology, tectonics, petrology, glacier, glacial geology, oceanography, geochemistry, Cenozoic climate history and natural hazards.
- The course evaluation composes of writing up a report on the excursion (20%), and a final exam(80%)
Advanced petrology (JAR603M)
In this course the student will learn about the origin, generation and evolution of magmas on Earth. A special consideration will be given to processes related to evolution and modification of magma as it passes through the crust.
Lectures will cover physics, chemistry and phase relations of magmas in mantle and crustal environments and igneous thermobarometry.
Practical sessions will cover basic methods of assessing magma origin and evolution. These include phase equilibria/thermodynamics; thermobarometry calculations; and modeling partial melting and fractional crystallization processes. Special emphasis will be on data interpretation and understanding uncertainties during data processing.
The course runs for 7 weeks in the first half of the spring semester (weeks 1-7) and includes 3 lectures and 4 practical sessions per week.
Groundwater Hydrology (JEÐ502M)
A 7-week intensive course (first 7 weeks of fall term).
Taught if sufficient number of students. May be taugth as a reading course.
Occurrence of groundwater, the water content of soil, properties and types of aquifers (porosity, retention, yield, storage coefficients; unconfined, confined, leaky, homogeneous, isotropic aquifers). Principles of groundwater flow. Darcy's law, groundwater potential, potentiometric surface, hydraulic conductivity, transmissivity, permeability, determination of hydraulic conductivity in homogeneous and anisotropic aquifers, permeability, flow lines and flow nets, refraction of flow lines, steady and unsteady flow in confined, unconfined and leaky aquifers, general flow equations. Groundwater flow to wells, drawdown and recovery caused by pumping wells, determination of aquifer parameters from time-drawdown data, well loss, capacity and efficiency. Sea-water intrusion in coastal aquifers. Mass transport of solutes by groundwater flow. Quality and pollution of groundwater. Case histories from groundwater studies in Iceland. Numerical models of groundwater flow. Students carry out an interdisciplinary project on groundwater hydrology and management.
Geochemical analysis (JAR215F)
The course Geochemical Analysis consists of lectures and laboratory practical. In the course topics covered include sampling of cold water, geothermal water and steam, sampling of minerals and rocks, sample preparation, accuracy and precision of chemical analysis, theoretical background of selected analytical instruments and analytical procedures including spectrophotometry, atomic emission and mass spectrometry (ICP-OES and ICP-MS), potentiometric measurement of ion activities, liquid and gas chromatography, wet chemical methods, XRD, SEM and EMPA. The course will be taught for 14 weeks; during weeks 1-7 there will be on-line material to cover (lecture notes, reading materials etc), essay writing and on-line and final exams of the topics covered whereas during the week 8-14 we will have laboratory practical. The caurse is taught in English.
Earth's surface geochemistry (JAR134F)
In this course we will discuss the geochemical processes occurring at and near the Earth’s surface. The course will consist of lectures, practical and exercises.
The course will cover topics including:
- Geochemical thermodynamics and kinetics of aqueous solutions and water-rock interaction
- Dissolved elements in solution and aqueous speciation
- Geochemical cycles
- Chemical weathering
- Geothermal fluid geochemistry
- Fluid-rock interaction
- Stable isotope geochemistry of fluids and during fluid-rock interaction
- Application of geochemical modeling in fluid geochemistry.
Volcanology (JAR514M)
Volcanic eruptions are one of the principal forces that affect and modify the Earth’s surface. The resulting volatile emissions not only replenish and maintain our atmosphere, but are also known to have significant impact atmospheric properties and its circulation. Volcanism has also played a critical role in forming a significant fraction of mineral resources currently exploited by man. As such, volcanic phenomena influence directly or indirectly many (if not all) sub-disciplines of Earth Sciences. Consequently, a basic understanding of how volcanoes work and how they contribute to the earth system cycles is a valuable knowledge to any student in geosciences.
The basic principles of volcanology are covered in this course including the journey of magma from source to surface plus the general processes that control eruptions and dispersal of erupted products. We also cover the principles of eruption monitoring as well as volcano-climate.
Practical sessions will be held weekly and are aimed at solving problems via calculations, data analysis and arguments. One field trip to Reykjanes.
Energy and resources of the Earth (JAR513M)
sustainable development. To approach sustainability we need a holistic vision which takes into account three major foundations: environment, economy and society. The course will give an overview of Earth´s energy resources, generation and use of fossil fuels, non-renewable and renewable energy sources - including the non-renewable resources of coal, oil, gas, uranium and thorium. The course will cover resources that need to be carefully exploited such as geothermal, hydro- and bio-energy. Other topics of the course include renewable energy based on the sun, wind, tides and waves. The course will also outline the most important natural resources that are used for technology, infrastructue of society and in agriculture, including metals, fertilizers, soil and water. The course will cover how resources are formed, are used, how long they will last and what effect the use has on the environment, the economy and society. Understanding the socio-economic system that drives natural resource consumption patterns is key to assessing the sustainability of resource management. Thus, recycling of non-renewable resources is also discussed in addition to recent prosperity thinking based on the circular economy and wellbeing economy.
Reading course for the Master's Degree in Geology (JAR107F, JAR209F)
The supervising committee and the MS-student meet for one semester on a weekly basis to discuss research articles, review articles, and parts of books selected by the committee for that purpose. The reading material shall be related to the student's field of research, but without overlapping with it, so as to broaden the horizons of the student. The course is completed with a short thesis on the subject and an oral examination.
Reading course for the Master's Degree in Geology (JAR107F, JAR209F)
The supervising committee and the MS-student meet for one semester on a weekly basis to discuss research articles, review articles, and parts of books selected by the committee for that purpose. The reading material shall be related to the student's field of research, but without overlapping with it, so as to broaden the horizons of the student. The course is completed with a short thesis on the subject and an oral examination.
Seminar on Current Geological Events (JEÐ205F)
The topic of this course is geological events on a global scale, s.a. earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, landslides, etc. and will be discussed in weekly meetings during the semester. Events of the preceding week will be studied using all available data, web pages and written documents. Students are expected to review at least one paper during the semester on background information.
Course layout: Each week a student is assigned the task of monitoring news of geological events such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, and landslides. He will give a report of these in the following week's class and present background information on the most significant events. The course can be repeated up to three times for 2 credit units each time.
Application of Remote Sensing in Earth Sciences (JAR251F)
Weekly projects where students will be introduced to the following remote sensing fields:
1. Google Earth Engine: Data processing, scripts and interpretation. Thermal data from satellites in connection with volcanology or related fields. Theory of thermal remote sensing. Atmospheric correction methods. Additional project on environmental change, using multispectral data.Two weeks.
2. Remote Sensing with Drones: Legal issues and challenges regarding data collection. Different platforms, sensors and other equipment. Planning data collection in connection with area and resolution. Processing: Mosaic, surface models (3D) and classification. Connection with different field of study, interpretation. Several data types will be tested: Optical, thermal, lidar. Various programs and equipment. Two weeks.
3. Ground Penetrating Radar. Properties and usage of GPR in earth sciences and archaeology. Field trip to collect data and train students in using the equipment. Interpretation of GPR data and merging with other datasets. Drones and field spectroradiometers will be tested in the same field trip. One week.
4. Multi Beam Data. Lecture on properties and usage of MBD for bathymetric charting. Interpretation of MBD in geology. Session in a computer lab where bathymetric data will be used for creating 3D maps. One week.
5. Radar Remote Sensing. Properties of radar data from satellites and how they can be used in environmental sciences and in real time monitoring of the environment. SNAP program will be used, and students can select a project to work on: Flood mapping, pollution monitoring, changes in land elevation. One week.
The students will systematically register their data to a Geographical Information System. Different image processing and GIS methods: Georeferencing, enhancement, classification, calibration, edge detection, change detection, interpolation, 3D analysis, volume calculations and models.
Volcanic succession in Iceland and climate evolution in Iceland (JAR256F)
This is a field course that runs in late May for 12 days (ten days in the field and two days for preparation, finalization and travel to and from).
The theme of the field course is the geology of a ‘hot spot’ situated in a sub-arctic region addressing the sub-themes: volcano-tectonics, magmatism, volcanism, sedimentology, glacial geology and geomorphology in an active volcanic province that periodically has been glaciated, where the interaction of volcanism and climate will be emphasised.
The underpinning aims of this field course are to deploy interactive approaches for training in:
- Formulating working hypothesis for the area under investigation and set up the approach / methodology by which the hypothesis can be tested in the field within the time frame available.
- Conducting logging and lithological descriptions of classical volcanic successions featuring range of extrusive, intrusive and sedimentary rocks / deposits as well as extensional and strike-slip tectonics.
- Analysing landscape of in and outside of an active volcanic terrain and evaluate the role of volcanism versus climate (i.e. glaciation and erosion) in its development.
Seismology (JEÐ505M)
Stress and strain tensors, wave-equations for P- and S-waves. Body waves and guided waves. Seismic waves: P-, S-, Rayleigh- and Love-waves. Free oscillations of the Earth. Seismographs, principles and properties. Sources of earthquakes: Focal mechanisms, seismic moment, magnitude scales, energy, frequency spectrum, intensity. Distribution of earthquakes and depths, geological framework. Seismic waves and the internal structure of the Earth.
The course is either tought in a traditional way (lectures, exercises, projects) or as a reading course where the students read textbooks and give a written or oral account of their studies.
Glaciers, volcanoes and jökulhlaups (JAR130F)
A seven-week course in the first half of the fall semester.
Glaciers presently cover about 10% of Iceland, including some of the most volcanically areas. During glacial periods almost all volcanic activity occurred within glaciers. Eruptions under glaciers occur in other parts of the world, notably in the Andes, Alaska and Antarctica. Magma-water interaction greatly affects the style of volcanic activity, facilitating pillow lava formation, magma fragmentation and explosive activity. Jökulhlaups (glacier outburst floods) emerge from subglacial geothermal areas, ice-dammed lakes and due to melting of ice in volcanic eruptions. They can have major geomorphological impacts. The course will cover the interaction of glaciers, water and eruptions, jökulhlaups and associated geomorphology. Students will acquire knowledge on the main concepts relating to eruptions under glaciers, jökulhlaups beneath and outside glaciers, including their geomorphological impact, erosion and sedimentation.
The course is arranged in such a way that it suits students with different backgrounds. The first part is the same for all students while the second part will be more oriented towards diverse interests, where students can choose one of three areas of emphasis.
Organization: Lectures, practicals and discussion sessions with set assignments in the first five weeks. The last two weeks includes students writing an essay and give a presentation on the topic of the essay. The course includes a one-day excursion in SW-Iceland where formations created in subglacial volcanic activity will be explored.
Geothermal Reservoir Physics/Engineering (JEÐ116F)
A 7-week intensive course (later 7 weeks of autumn term). Taught if sufficient number of students. May be taugth as a reading course.
The course gives basic insight into geothermal reservoir engineering, on how to monitor, conceptualize, model and manage geothermal reservoirs. Contents: Heat conduction and convection, well logging, heat and fluid transfer in geothermal reservoirs, well test analysis, resource assessment, lumped parameter modelling, two phase flow, numerical models, reservoir management, reinjection, production strategies and sustainability.
Course layout: Lectures, practical sessions, exercises/projects, student lecture on a selected topic and a one-day well logging field exercise.
Numerical modelling in Earth Sciences (JAR129F)
A 7 week intensive course taught in the latter part of the fall term.
In the course methods to simulate a number of dynamical processes in Earth Sciences will be explored and applied in realistic problem settings. Processes include surface energy balance, mass balance, heat transfer, slow flow of continuous medium (for example ice or lava), movement of water within continuum. Heat transfer and mass flow models that are applied in the Earth System will be studied. Numerical methods and approximations, analytical solutions and numerical solutions are applied e.g. the Finite Difference Method for solving differential equations. Students carry out 3 independet projects where the methods studied in the course are applied.
Measurements and Models in Geodynamics (JEÐ209F)
Held in the first half of spring term. Taught if sufficient number of students. May be taugth as a reading course.
The course covers the details of crustal deformation measurements and models of geodynamic processes. Emphasis is on two space geodetic techniques, Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) geodesy and interferometric analysis of synthetic aperture radar images (InSAR), but covers as well as borehole strain, levelling and ground tilt measurement. Theoretical principles as well as practical applications of these techniques are covered. Participants will gain experience in data acquisition, data processing with advanced software packages, and evaluation of error sources and uncertainties. The course covers the role of crustal deformation measurements for exploration of geodynamic processes including plate movements, plate boundary deformation, volcano deformation, earthquake deformation and response to load changes on the surface of the Earth, such as glacio-isostacy. Analytical models of deformation processes are presented and numerical models introduced. Each course participant will carry out an independent project relating to some aspects of crustal deformation data processing, modelling and interpretation of an inferred deformation field in terms of an underlying geodynamic process.
Final project (JAR441L, JAR441L, JAR441L)
- The topic of the Master's thesis must be chosen under the guidance of the supervisor and the Faculty Coordinator of the student. The supervisor of the thesis project can be a researcher outside the University of Iceland. The thesis represents 60 credits. All Master's student have been assigned to a Faculty Coordinator from the beginning of their studies, who advises the student regarding the organization of the program. If a student does not have a supervisor for the final project, he / she must turn to the Faculty Coordinator for assistance.
- The choice of topic is primarily the responsibility of the student in collaboration with his or her project supervisor. The topic of the project should fall within the student's area of study, i.e. course of study and chosen specialisation.
- Final project exam is divided into two parts: Oral examination and open lecture
- Present at the oral exam is the student, supervisor, examiner and members of the Master's committee. The student presents a brief introduction on his / her project. It is important that the objectives and research question(s) are clearly stated, and that main findings and lessons to be drawn from the project are discussed.
- According to the rules of the Master's program, all students who intend to graduate from the School of Engineering and Natural Sciences need to give a public lecture on their final project. There are three Master's Days at the school per year or for each graduation where the students present their projects with an open lecture.
- All students graduating from the University of Iceland shall submit an electronic copy of their final Master's thesis to Skemman.is. Skemman is the digital repository for all Icelandic universities and is maintained by the National and University Library.
- According to regulations of University of Iceland all MS thesis should have open access after they have been submitted to Skemman.
Final project (JAR441L, JAR441L, JAR441L)
- The topic of the Master's thesis must be chosen under the guidance of the supervisor and the Faculty Coordinator of the student. The supervisor of the thesis project can be a researcher outside the University of Iceland. The thesis represents 60 credits. All Master's student have been assigned to a Faculty Coordinator from the beginning of their studies, who advises the student regarding the organization of the program. If a student does not have a supervisor for the final project, he / she must turn to the Faculty Coordinator for assistance.
- The choice of topic is primarily the responsibility of the student in collaboration with his or her project supervisor. The topic of the project should fall within the student's area of study, i.e. course of study and chosen specialisation.
- Final project exam is divided into two parts: Oral examination and open lecture
- Present at the oral exam is the student, supervisor, examiner and members of the Master's committee. The student presents a brief introduction on his / her project. It is important that the objectives and research question(s) are clearly stated, and that main findings and lessons to be drawn from the project are discussed.
- According to the rules of the Master's program, all students who intend to graduate from the School of Engineering and Natural Sciences need to give a public lecture on their final project. There are three Master's Days at the school per year or for each graduation where the students present their projects with an open lecture.
- All students graduating from the University of Iceland shall submit an electronic copy of their final Master's thesis to Skemman.is. Skemman is the digital repository for all Icelandic universities and is maintained by the National and University Library.
- According to regulations of University of Iceland all MS thesis should have open access after they have been submitted to Skemman.
Final project (JAR441L, JAR441L, JAR441L)
- The topic of the Master's thesis must be chosen under the guidance of the supervisor and the Faculty Coordinator of the student. The supervisor of the thesis project can be a researcher outside the University of Iceland. The thesis represents 60 credits. All Master's student have been assigned to a Faculty Coordinator from the beginning of their studies, who advises the student regarding the organization of the program. If a student does not have a supervisor for the final project, he / she must turn to the Faculty Coordinator for assistance.
- The choice of topic is primarily the responsibility of the student in collaboration with his or her project supervisor. The topic of the project should fall within the student's area of study, i.e. course of study and chosen specialisation.
- Final project exam is divided into two parts: Oral examination and open lecture
- Present at the oral exam is the student, supervisor, examiner and members of the Master's committee. The student presents a brief introduction on his / her project. It is important that the objectives and research question(s) are clearly stated, and that main findings and lessons to be drawn from the project are discussed.
- According to the rules of the Master's program, all students who intend to graduate from the School of Engineering and Natural Sciences need to give a public lecture on their final project. There are three Master's Days at the school per year or for each graduation where the students present their projects with an open lecture.
- All students graduating from the University of Iceland shall submit an electronic copy of their final Master's thesis to Skemman.is. Skemman is the digital repository for all Icelandic universities and is maintained by the National and University Library.
- According to regulations of University of Iceland all MS thesis should have open access after they have been submitted to Skemman.
Presentation skills in earth sciences (JAR242F)
A weekly seminar held during both terms. Relevant topics in earth science are explored through lectures and the reading of papers by participants. Each student is expected to give one talk per term.
- Fall
- VON001FThesis skills: project management, writing skills and presentationMandatory (required) course4A mandatory (required) course for the programme4 ECTS, creditsCourse Description
Introduction to the scientific method. Ethics of science and within the university community.
The role of the student, advisors and external examiner. Effective and honest communications.
Conducting a literature review, using bibliographic databases and reference handling. Thesis structure, formulating research questions, writing and argumentation. How scientific writing differs from general purpose writing. Writing a MS study plan and proposal. Practical skills for presenting tables and figures, layout, fonts and colors. Presentation skills. Project management for a thesis, how to divide a large project into smaller tasks, setting a work plan and following a timeline. Life after graduate school and being employable.Face-to-face learningOnline learningPrerequisites- Year unspecified
JEÐ503MContinuum Mechanics and Heat TransferElective course7,5Free elective course within the programme7,5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionObjectives: To introduce continuum mechanics, fluid dynamics and heat transfer and their application to problems in physics and geophysics. I. Stress and strain, stress fields, stress tensor, bending of plates, models of material behaviour: elastic, viscous, plastic materials. II. Fluids, viscous fluids, laminar and turbulent flow, equation of continuity, Navier-Stokes equation. III. Heat transfer: Heat conduction, convection, advection and geothermal resources. Examples and problems from various branches of physics will be studied, particularly from geophysics.
Teaching statement: To do well in this course, students should actively participate in the discussions, attend lectures, give student presentations and deliver the problem sets assigned in the course. Students will gain knowledge through the lectures, but it is necessary to do the exercises to understand and train the use of the concepts. The exercises are intergrated in the text of the book, it is recommended to do them while reading the text. Instructors will strive to make the concepts and terminology accessible, but it is expected that students study independently and ask questions if something is unclear. In order to improve the course and its content, it is appreciated that students participate in the course evaluation, both the mid-term and the end of term course evaluation.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesNot taught this semesterJEÐ113FGeophysical InversionElective course7,5Free elective course within the programme7,5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe course is held in the second half of the fall term (7 weeks) every other year (odd numbers).
A theoretical course in discrete geophysical inverse theory and application of inverse theory to geophysical exploration and other geophysical problems. Students will gain experience in interpreting and analysing observations with inverse theory. The course will follow the first 7 chapters of the textbook: Geophysical Data Analysis: Discrete Inverse Theory by William Menke. The material covered is Forward and inverse problems in geophysics, statistial concepts and confidence limits, generalized, maximum likelihood and lenght inverse methods to solve linear Gaussian Inverse problems. Nonuniqueness and localized averages, conjugate gradient, regularization and approximate inverses, applications of vector spaces. Lectures on theoretical foundations and applications and practicals where inverse theory is applied to geophysical problems. Student will solve problems each week related to the lectures and exercise classes will be used to gain experience in applying methods and numerical algorithms. Journal arcticles about application of inverse methods in Geophysics will be reviewed and presented by students during the course.
Final grade will be based on homework (6 x 5 %), contribution and participation during the semester (20%), presentation of inverse paper (10%) and a final take-home exam (40%). To be eligible to sit the final exam students are required to give a presentation of inverse paper related to their field of interest and complete at least 4 out of 6 homework assignments.Face-to-face learningThe course is taught if the specified conditions are metPrerequisitesAttendance required in classCourse taught second half of the semesterJAR508MGeothermal energyElective course7,5Free elective course within the programme7,5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionHeat budget of the Earth, heat transport to the Earth´s surface. Geothermal systems and their structure, renewability of geothermal systems, methodology in geothermal development, estimation of resource size, fluid origin and chemistry, water-rock interaction, environmental impact of utilization, well testing and well data integration. The coruse is taught during 7 week period first part of the fall semester. It consists of lectures, practical, student lectures, student posters, essay and exams. The course is taught in English.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classCourse taught first half of the semesterNot taught this semesterJAR622MGlaciologyElective course7,5Free elective course within the programme7,5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionGlaciers in the world are responding fast to climate change, they are therefore important indicators for assessing changes, but have also impact on the climate system through for example albedo feedback and sea level rise. In this course glaciers will be studied, their distribution in the world, how glacier ice is formed from snow, how they move and respond to climate change. Focus will be on Icelandic glaciers, their energy and mass balance, interaction of geothermal activity and glaciers in Iceland and reoccurring floods, jökulhlaups, from the main ice cap. During the course students will learn terminology and concepts that will equip them to understand and contribute to discussions of climate change and the role of glaciers in the climate system. Background in high school physics and math is useful, as numerical problems concerning temperature, energy budget, mass balance and flow of glaciers will be solved in groups. Glacier measurement techniques will be introduced and at the end of the course ablation stakes will be installed in Sólheimajökull on the south coast of Iceland in a two day fielld excursion. Participation in the field trip is mandatory.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classCourse taught first half of the semesterNot taught this semesterJAR133FSolid Earth GeochemistryElective course7,5Free elective course within the programme7,5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionTaught if enrolled in by the sufficient number of students. May be taught as a reading course.
Lectures: The course will provide a geochemical overview of the solid Earth. Focus will be on understanding processes taking place in the solid Earth and associated timescales by means of trace element and isotope geochemistry. Topics include trace elemental systematics, radioactive decay, long- and short-lived radiogenic isotopes, stable isotopes, noble gases, mantle reservoirs, igneous petrogenesis, mantle degassing, origin of the atmosphere and the hydrosphere, the deep mantle and geochemical cycles. Special attention will be paid to the use of trace elements and isotopes as tracers of magmatic processes with case studies on magma genesis and evolution at divergent and convergent plate boundaries and the origin of continents.
Practical: Practical examples will include quantitative treatment of trace elements during high-temperature geochemical processes as well as the determination of the associated timescales from both long- and short-lived isotopes.
Organisation: This course runs for 7 weeks and includes 4 lectures and 2 practical sessions per week. Student presentation and accompanying hand-in report.
Assessment: Assessment in this course is based on assigned exercises, student presentation and accompanying hand-in report and via take home exam.
Face-to-face learningThe course is taught if the specified conditions are metPrerequisitesAttendance required in classCourse taught second half of the semesterJAR258FAdvanced Volcanology – eruption and shallow conduit processesElective course7,5Free elective course within the programme7,5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionVolcanic eruptions are one of the principal forces that affect and modify the Earth’s surface. The resulting volatile emissions not only replenish and maintain our atmosphere but are also known to have significant impact atmospheric properties and its circulation. Tephra fall in substantial quantity can ruin vegetation over large swaths of land. Ash-rich plumes can disrupt aviation on a hemispheric scale as well as cause damage to infrastructure like power lines and fresh-water resources. Pyroclastic density currents (PDCs) are a common consequence of explosive eruptions and can produce lasting damage to areas in vicinity of volcanoes. Not all of the consequences are negative, ash fall in moderation it can act as a fertilizer for vegetation, sulphur-rich fumes enhance the grape harvest and the ash layers can be very useful as marker layers for correlation and dating of sedimentary sequences across regions.
The principal theme in this course is the ERUPTION, where the emphasis is on (i) shallow conduit processes (i.e., ascent rate, magma degassing and magma discharge) that control magma expansion (±fragmentation) and eruption intensity, (ii) the processes that govern the dispersal of the erupted products (i.e., lava and tephra) and (iii) the volcanic hazards that can be posed by lava flows, tephra fall and gas emissions. This is a seven-week course and is set up such that the first 3-4 weeks will be filled with lectures and discussion sessions on the topics mentioned above. In the latter half of the course the students will be divided into groups of 2-3 students to work on the course project. The project is two-pronged; one part that deals with key eruption parameters and another part aimed at eruption related hazards. Two days in the field will be used to collect information, measurements, and samples of eruption products from a selected area for further analysis in the laboratory. This data and the toolbox VETOOLS will then be used by each group to underpin an assessment of the volcanic hazards in the study area. The results will be turned in as a report set up as an article in an international journal. The expected student workload in this the course is about 150 hours (c.a. 20 hours per credit = hours per week).Taught in the Spring, block 2, each year.
Face-to-face learningThe course is taught if the specified conditions are metPrerequisitesAttendance required in classCourse taught second half of the semesterJAR257FClimate change: past, present and futureElective course7,5Free elective course within the programme7,5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe course will survey and critically evaluate recent developments in the analysis of climate changes during Earth's geologic history. Various modes of natural climate variability on decadal to millennial timescales will be studied. Theories regarding forcing mechanisms, both internal and external to the Earth system, will be discussed. Present and future climate trends will be considered in the context of this past variability. The instructor will conduct the course in seminar format with background lectures. Students will be required to make presentations on assigned readings from the current literature and write a final term paper relevant to the course’s topic. Additionally, students will present their review of papers in class over the semester and help lead the discussions. Smaller exercises will be given to students over the seven weeks.
This is a seven-weeks course with six contact hours per week in form of lectures, group meetings and practical sessions. The expected student workload in this the course is about 190 hours (25 hours per credit unit), of which planned contact hours are 40.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classCourse taught first half of the semesterJAR516MQuaternary EnvironmentsElective course7,5Free elective course within the programme7,5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe aim of the course is to give a comprehensive summary of the environmental change that occurred during the Quaternary period with special reference to Iceland. Contents: The characteristics of the Quaternary and geological evidence for global climatic change. Variations of Earth´s orbital parameters. Dating methods. Glacial debris transport and glacial sedimentation on land and in water. Evidence for climate change in glacier ice and marine and lake sediment. Volcanic activity and the environment. Paleoclimate reconstruction. The glacial and climatic history of Iceland and the North Atlantic Ocean. Grading: Final project 35%, assignments during the semester 30%, presentations 15%, Take home exam 20%. Part of the term project will be a comprehensive search for references to be used by students as they write their term paper and prepare a presentation to be given in class.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesCourse taught first half of the semesterNot taught this semesterJEÐ504MGeophysical ExplorationElective course7,5Free elective course within the programme7,5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionA full semester course – 14 weeks.
a) One week field work at the beginning of autumn term. Several geophysical methods applied to a practical problem.
b) Geophysical exploration methods and their application in the search for energy resources and minerals. Theoretical basis, instruments, measurement procedures, data processing and interpretation. Seismic reflection and refraction, gravity, magnetics, electrical methods, borehole logging. Practical work includes computations, model experiments. Interpretation and preparation of report on field work done at beginning of course.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesCourse taught first half of the semesterJAR107MIntroduction to the Geology of IcelandElective course7,5Free elective course within the programme7,5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe course runs for 14 weeks. It starts with an 4 day excursion in SW and S Iceland. They are conducted as day trips. The excursions are always in the first week before official start of the semester at the School of Engineering and Natural sciences. Thus students attending the course must make sure that they arrive to Iceland in good time.
- The excursions focus on both constructive and destructive geological processes
- Following the excursions an intensive program of lectures covering the main aspects of Icelandic geology will occupy five additional weeks. The themes of the lectures are on volcanology, tephrochronology, tectonics, petrology, glacier, glacial geology, oceanography, geochemistry, Cenozoic climate history and natural hazards.
- The course evaluation composes of writing up a report on the excursion (20%), and a final exam(80%)
PrerequisitesAttendance required in classJAR603MAdvanced petrologyElective course7,5Free elective course within the programme7,5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionIn this course the student will learn about the origin, generation and evolution of magmas on Earth. A special consideration will be given to processes related to evolution and modification of magma as it passes through the crust.
Lectures will cover physics, chemistry and phase relations of magmas in mantle and crustal environments and igneous thermobarometry.
Practical sessions will cover basic methods of assessing magma origin and evolution. These include phase equilibria/thermodynamics; thermobarometry calculations; and modeling partial melting and fractional crystallization processes. Special emphasis will be on data interpretation and understanding uncertainties during data processing.
The course runs for 7 weeks in the first half of the spring semester (weeks 1-7) and includes 3 lectures and 4 practical sessions per week.Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesCourse taught first half of the semesterJEÐ502MGroundwater HydrologyElective course7,5Free elective course within the programme7,5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionA 7-week intensive course (first 7 weeks of fall term).
Taught if sufficient number of students. May be taugth as a reading course.
Occurrence of groundwater, the water content of soil, properties and types of aquifers (porosity, retention, yield, storage coefficients; unconfined, confined, leaky, homogeneous, isotropic aquifers). Principles of groundwater flow. Darcy's law, groundwater potential, potentiometric surface, hydraulic conductivity, transmissivity, permeability, determination of hydraulic conductivity in homogeneous and anisotropic aquifers, permeability, flow lines and flow nets, refraction of flow lines, steady and unsteady flow in confined, unconfined and leaky aquifers, general flow equations. Groundwater flow to wells, drawdown and recovery caused by pumping wells, determination of aquifer parameters from time-drawdown data, well loss, capacity and efficiency. Sea-water intrusion in coastal aquifers. Mass transport of solutes by groundwater flow. Quality and pollution of groundwater. Case histories from groundwater studies in Iceland. Numerical models of groundwater flow. Students carry out an interdisciplinary project on groundwater hydrology and management.
Face-to-face learningThe course is taught if the specified conditions are metPrerequisitesCourse taught first half of the semesterJAR215FGeochemical analysisElective course7,5Free elective course within the programme7,5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe course Geochemical Analysis consists of lectures and laboratory practical. In the course topics covered include sampling of cold water, geothermal water and steam, sampling of minerals and rocks, sample preparation, accuracy and precision of chemical analysis, theoretical background of selected analytical instruments and analytical procedures including spectrophotometry, atomic emission and mass spectrometry (ICP-OES and ICP-MS), potentiometric measurement of ion activities, liquid and gas chromatography, wet chemical methods, XRD, SEM and EMPA. The course will be taught for 14 weeks; during weeks 1-7 there will be on-line material to cover (lecture notes, reading materials etc), essay writing and on-line and final exams of the topics covered whereas during the week 8-14 we will have laboratory practical. The caurse is taught in English.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesJAR134FEarth's surface geochemistryElective course7,5Free elective course within the programme7,5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionIn this course we will discuss the geochemical processes occurring at and near the Earth’s surface. The course will consist of lectures, practical and exercises.
The course will cover topics including:
- Geochemical thermodynamics and kinetics of aqueous solutions and water-rock interaction
- Dissolved elements in solution and aqueous speciation
- Geochemical cycles
- Chemical weathering
- Geothermal fluid geochemistry
- Fluid-rock interaction
- Stable isotope geochemistry of fluids and during fluid-rock interaction
- Application of geochemical modeling in fluid geochemistry.
Face-to-face learningThe course is taught if the specified conditions are metPrerequisitesAttendance required in classCourse taught second half of the semesterCourse DescriptionVolcanic eruptions are one of the principal forces that affect and modify the Earth’s surface. The resulting volatile emissions not only replenish and maintain our atmosphere, but are also known to have significant impact atmospheric properties and its circulation. Volcanism has also played a critical role in forming a significant fraction of mineral resources currently exploited by man. As such, volcanic phenomena influence directly or indirectly many (if not all) sub-disciplines of Earth Sciences. Consequently, a basic understanding of how volcanoes work and how they contribute to the earth system cycles is a valuable knowledge to any student in geosciences.
The basic principles of volcanology are covered in this course including the journey of magma from source to surface plus the general processes that control eruptions and dispersal of erupted products. We also cover the principles of eruption monitoring as well as volcano-climate.
Practical sessions will be held weekly and are aimed at solving problems via calculations, data analysis and arguments. One field trip to Reykjanes.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classNot taught this semesterJAR513MEnergy and resources of the EarthElective course7,5Free elective course within the programme7,5 ECTS, creditsCourse Descriptionsustainable development. To approach sustainability we need a holistic vision which takes into account three major foundations: environment, economy and society. The course will give an overview of Earth´s energy resources, generation and use of fossil fuels, non-renewable and renewable energy sources - including the non-renewable resources of coal, oil, gas, uranium and thorium. The course will cover resources that need to be carefully exploited such as geothermal, hydro- and bio-energy. Other topics of the course include renewable energy based on the sun, wind, tides and waves. The course will also outline the most important natural resources that are used for technology, infrastructue of society and in agriculture, including metals, fertilizers, soil and water. The course will cover how resources are formed, are used, how long they will last and what effect the use has on the environment, the economy and society. Understanding the socio-economic system that drives natural resource consumption patterns is key to assessing the sustainability of resource management. Thus, recycling of non-renewable resources is also discussed in addition to recent prosperity thinking based on the circular economy and wellbeing economy.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classJAR107F, JAR209FReading course for the Master's Degree in GeologyElective course7,5/7,5Free elective course within the programme7,5/7,5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe supervising committee and the MS-student meet for one semester on a weekly basis to discuss research articles, review articles, and parts of books selected by the committee for that purpose. The reading material shall be related to the student's field of research, but without overlapping with it, so as to broaden the horizons of the student. The course is completed with a short thesis on the subject and an oral examination.
PrerequisitesJAR107F, JAR209FReading course for the Master's Degree in GeologyElective course7,5/7,5Free elective course within the programme7,5/7,5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe supervising committee and the MS-student meet for one semester on a weekly basis to discuss research articles, review articles, and parts of books selected by the committee for that purpose. The reading material shall be related to the student's field of research, but without overlapping with it, so as to broaden the horizons of the student. The course is completed with a short thesis on the subject and an oral examination.
PrerequisitesJEÐ205FSeminar on Current Geological EventsElective course2,5Free elective course within the programme2,5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe topic of this course is geological events on a global scale, s.a. earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, landslides, etc. and will be discussed in weekly meetings during the semester. Events of the preceding week will be studied using all available data, web pages and written documents. Students are expected to review at least one paper during the semester on background information.
Course layout: Each week a student is assigned the task of monitoring news of geological events such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, and landslides. He will give a report of these in the following week's class and present background information on the most significant events. The course can be repeated up to three times for 2 credit units each time.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classJAR251FApplication of Remote Sensing in Earth SciencesElective course7,5Free elective course within the programme7,5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionWeekly projects where students will be introduced to the following remote sensing fields:
1. Google Earth Engine: Data processing, scripts and interpretation. Thermal data from satellites in connection with volcanology or related fields. Theory of thermal remote sensing. Atmospheric correction methods. Additional project on environmental change, using multispectral data.Two weeks.
2. Remote Sensing with Drones: Legal issues and challenges regarding data collection. Different platforms, sensors and other equipment. Planning data collection in connection with area and resolution. Processing: Mosaic, surface models (3D) and classification. Connection with different field of study, interpretation. Several data types will be tested: Optical, thermal, lidar. Various programs and equipment. Two weeks.
3. Ground Penetrating Radar. Properties and usage of GPR in earth sciences and archaeology. Field trip to collect data and train students in using the equipment. Interpretation of GPR data and merging with other datasets. Drones and field spectroradiometers will be tested in the same field trip. One week.
4. Multi Beam Data. Lecture on properties and usage of MBD for bathymetric charting. Interpretation of MBD in geology. Session in a computer lab where bathymetric data will be used for creating 3D maps. One week.
5. Radar Remote Sensing. Properties of radar data from satellites and how they can be used in environmental sciences and in real time monitoring of the environment. SNAP program will be used, and students can select a project to work on: Flood mapping, pollution monitoring, changes in land elevation. One week.
The students will systematically register their data to a Geographical Information System. Different image processing and GIS methods: Georeferencing, enhancement, classification, calibration, edge detection, change detection, interpolation, 3D analysis, volume calculations and models.Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classCourse taught second half of the semesterNot taught this semesterJAR256FVolcanic succession in Iceland and climate evolution in IcelandElective course7,5Free elective course within the programme7,5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThis is a field course that runs in late May for 12 days (ten days in the field and two days for preparation, finalization and travel to and from).
The theme of the field course is the geology of a ‘hot spot’ situated in a sub-arctic region addressing the sub-themes: volcano-tectonics, magmatism, volcanism, sedimentology, glacial geology and geomorphology in an active volcanic province that periodically has been glaciated, where the interaction of volcanism and climate will be emphasised.
The underpinning aims of this field course are to deploy interactive approaches for training in:
- Formulating working hypothesis for the area under investigation and set up the approach / methodology by which the hypothesis can be tested in the field within the time frame available.
- Conducting logging and lithological descriptions of classical volcanic successions featuring range of extrusive, intrusive and sedimentary rocks / deposits as well as extensional and strike-slip tectonics.
- Analysing landscape of in and outside of an active volcanic terrain and evaluate the role of volcanism versus climate (i.e. glaciation and erosion) in its development.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classCourse taught second half of the semesterNot taught this semesterJEÐ505MSeismologyElective course7,5Free elective course within the programme7,5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionStress and strain tensors, wave-equations for P- and S-waves. Body waves and guided waves. Seismic waves: P-, S-, Rayleigh- and Love-waves. Free oscillations of the Earth. Seismographs, principles and properties. Sources of earthquakes: Focal mechanisms, seismic moment, magnitude scales, energy, frequency spectrum, intensity. Distribution of earthquakes and depths, geological framework. Seismic waves and the internal structure of the Earth.
The course is either tought in a traditional way (lectures, exercises, projects) or as a reading course where the students read textbooks and give a written or oral account of their studies.
Face-to-face learningThe course is taught if the specified conditions are metPrerequisitesCourse taught first half of the semesterNot taught this semesterJAR130FGlaciers, volcanoes and jökulhlaupsElective course7,5Free elective course within the programme7,5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionA seven-week course in the first half of the fall semester.
Glaciers presently cover about 10% of Iceland, including some of the most volcanically areas. During glacial periods almost all volcanic activity occurred within glaciers. Eruptions under glaciers occur in other parts of the world, notably in the Andes, Alaska and Antarctica. Magma-water interaction greatly affects the style of volcanic activity, facilitating pillow lava formation, magma fragmentation and explosive activity. Jökulhlaups (glacier outburst floods) emerge from subglacial geothermal areas, ice-dammed lakes and due to melting of ice in volcanic eruptions. They can have major geomorphological impacts. The course will cover the interaction of glaciers, water and eruptions, jökulhlaups and associated geomorphology. Students will acquire knowledge on the main concepts relating to eruptions under glaciers, jökulhlaups beneath and outside glaciers, including their geomorphological impact, erosion and sedimentation.
The course is arranged in such a way that it suits students with different backgrounds. The first part is the same for all students while the second part will be more oriented towards diverse interests, where students can choose one of three areas of emphasis.
Organization: Lectures, practicals and discussion sessions with set assignments in the first five weeks. The last two weeks includes students writing an essay and give a presentation on the topic of the essay. The course includes a one-day excursion in SW-Iceland where formations created in subglacial volcanic activity will be explored.
Face-to-face learningThe course is taught if the specified conditions are metPrerequisitesAttendance required in classCourse taught first half of the semesterJEÐ116FGeothermal Reservoir Physics/EngineeringElective course7,5Free elective course within the programme7,5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionA 7-week intensive course (later 7 weeks of autumn term). Taught if sufficient number of students. May be taugth as a reading course.
The course gives basic insight into geothermal reservoir engineering, on how to monitor, conceptualize, model and manage geothermal reservoirs. Contents: Heat conduction and convection, well logging, heat and fluid transfer in geothermal reservoirs, well test analysis, resource assessment, lumped parameter modelling, two phase flow, numerical models, reservoir management, reinjection, production strategies and sustainability.
Course layout: Lectures, practical sessions, exercises/projects, student lecture on a selected topic and a one-day well logging field exercise.
Face-to-face learningThe course is taught if the specified conditions are metPrerequisitesCourse taught second half of the semesterJAR129FNumerical modelling in Earth SciencesElective course7,5Free elective course within the programme7,5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionA 7 week intensive course taught in the latter part of the fall term.
In the course methods to simulate a number of dynamical processes in Earth Sciences will be explored and applied in realistic problem settings. Processes include surface energy balance, mass balance, heat transfer, slow flow of continuous medium (for example ice or lava), movement of water within continuum. Heat transfer and mass flow models that are applied in the Earth System will be studied. Numerical methods and approximations, analytical solutions and numerical solutions are applied e.g. the Finite Difference Method for solving differential equations. Students carry out 3 independet projects where the methods studied in the course are applied.
Face-to-face learningThe course is taught if the specified conditions are metPrerequisitesAttendance required in classCourse taught second half of the semesterJEÐ209FMeasurements and Models in GeodynamicsElective course7,5Free elective course within the programme7,5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionHeld in the first half of spring term. Taught if sufficient number of students. May be taugth as a reading course.
The course covers the details of crustal deformation measurements and models of geodynamic processes. Emphasis is on two space geodetic techniques, Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) geodesy and interferometric analysis of synthetic aperture radar images (InSAR), but covers as well as borehole strain, levelling and ground tilt measurement. Theoretical principles as well as practical applications of these techniques are covered. Participants will gain experience in data acquisition, data processing with advanced software packages, and evaluation of error sources and uncertainties. The course covers the role of crustal deformation measurements for exploration of geodynamic processes including plate movements, plate boundary deformation, volcano deformation, earthquake deformation and response to load changes on the surface of the Earth, such as glacio-isostacy. Analytical models of deformation processes are presented and numerical models introduced. Each course participant will carry out an independent project relating to some aspects of crustal deformation data processing, modelling and interpretation of an inferred deformation field in terms of an underlying geodynamic process.Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesCourse taught first half of the semesterJAR441L, JAR441L, JAR441LFinal projectMandatory (required) course0/0/0A mandatory (required) course for the programme0/0/0 ECTS, creditsCourse Description- The topic of the Master's thesis must be chosen under the guidance of the supervisor and the Faculty Coordinator of the student. The supervisor of the thesis project can be a researcher outside the University of Iceland. The thesis represents 60 credits. All Master's student have been assigned to a Faculty Coordinator from the beginning of their studies, who advises the student regarding the organization of the program. If a student does not have a supervisor for the final project, he / she must turn to the Faculty Coordinator for assistance.
- The choice of topic is primarily the responsibility of the student in collaboration with his or her project supervisor. The topic of the project should fall within the student's area of study, i.e. course of study and chosen specialisation.
- Final project exam is divided into two parts: Oral examination and open lecture
- Present at the oral exam is the student, supervisor, examiner and members of the Master's committee. The student presents a brief introduction on his / her project. It is important that the objectives and research question(s) are clearly stated, and that main findings and lessons to be drawn from the project are discussed.
- According to the rules of the Master's program, all students who intend to graduate from the School of Engineering and Natural Sciences need to give a public lecture on their final project. There are three Master's Days at the school per year or for each graduation where the students present their projects with an open lecture.
- All students graduating from the University of Iceland shall submit an electronic copy of their final Master's thesis to Skemman.is. Skemman is the digital repository for all Icelandic universities and is maintained by the National and University Library.
- According to regulations of University of Iceland all MS thesis should have open access after they have been submitted to Skemman.
Self-studyPrerequisitesPart of the total project/thesis creditsJAR441L, JAR441L, JAR441LFinal projectMandatory (required) course0/0/0A mandatory (required) course for the programme0/0/0 ECTS, creditsCourse Description- The topic of the Master's thesis must be chosen under the guidance of the supervisor and the Faculty Coordinator of the student. The supervisor of the thesis project can be a researcher outside the University of Iceland. The thesis represents 60 credits. All Master's student have been assigned to a Faculty Coordinator from the beginning of their studies, who advises the student regarding the organization of the program. If a student does not have a supervisor for the final project, he / she must turn to the Faculty Coordinator for assistance.
- The choice of topic is primarily the responsibility of the student in collaboration with his or her project supervisor. The topic of the project should fall within the student's area of study, i.e. course of study and chosen specialisation.
- Final project exam is divided into two parts: Oral examination and open lecture
- Present at the oral exam is the student, supervisor, examiner and members of the Master's committee. The student presents a brief introduction on his / her project. It is important that the objectives and research question(s) are clearly stated, and that main findings and lessons to be drawn from the project are discussed.
- According to the rules of the Master's program, all students who intend to graduate from the School of Engineering and Natural Sciences need to give a public lecture on their final project. There are three Master's Days at the school per year or for each graduation where the students present their projects with an open lecture.
- All students graduating from the University of Iceland shall submit an electronic copy of their final Master's thesis to Skemman.is. Skemman is the digital repository for all Icelandic universities and is maintained by the National and University Library.
- According to regulations of University of Iceland all MS thesis should have open access after they have been submitted to Skemman.
Self-studyPrerequisitesPart of the total project/thesis creditsJAR441L, JAR441L, JAR441LFinal projectMandatory (required) course0/0/0A mandatory (required) course for the programme0/0/0 ECTS, creditsCourse Description- The topic of the Master's thesis must be chosen under the guidance of the supervisor and the Faculty Coordinator of the student. The supervisor of the thesis project can be a researcher outside the University of Iceland. The thesis represents 60 credits. All Master's student have been assigned to a Faculty Coordinator from the beginning of their studies, who advises the student regarding the organization of the program. If a student does not have a supervisor for the final project, he / she must turn to the Faculty Coordinator for assistance.
- The choice of topic is primarily the responsibility of the student in collaboration with his or her project supervisor. The topic of the project should fall within the student's area of study, i.e. course of study and chosen specialisation.
- Final project exam is divided into two parts: Oral examination and open lecture
- Present at the oral exam is the student, supervisor, examiner and members of the Master's committee. The student presents a brief introduction on his / her project. It is important that the objectives and research question(s) are clearly stated, and that main findings and lessons to be drawn from the project are discussed.
- According to the rules of the Master's program, all students who intend to graduate from the School of Engineering and Natural Sciences need to give a public lecture on their final project. There are three Master's Days at the school per year or for each graduation where the students present their projects with an open lecture.
- All students graduating from the University of Iceland shall submit an electronic copy of their final Master's thesis to Skemman.is. Skemman is the digital repository for all Icelandic universities and is maintained by the National and University Library.
- According to regulations of University of Iceland all MS thesis should have open access after they have been submitted to Skemman.
Self-studyPrerequisitesPart of the total project/thesis creditsJAR242FPresentation skills in earth sciencesMandatory (required) course3,5A mandatory (required) course for the programme3,5 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionA weekly seminar held during both terms. Relevant topics in earth science are explored through lectures and the reading of papers by participants. Each student is expected to give one talk per term.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in classCourse taught first half of the semester