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More preventive work against suicide is needed

“I was curious to know what sort of crisis counselling was available in the schools in cases of suicide or attempted suicide and whether there was enough focus on prevention,” says Ægir Örn Sigurgeirsson, who completed his master’s degree and certification in social work in the spring of 2012. His thesis was based on research on work processes and protocols in the primary schools of Hafnarfjörður in the event of such tragedies in the community.

Sigurgeirsson says that in the last three decades many youths in the town have committed suicide – a terrible blow to the community. He believes the primary school system plays a vital role in identifying and dealing with the mental and social problems of children. “The schools are where the first interventions should take place,” says Sigurgeirsson. The results of the study were relatively positive he says; the schools he studied had good processes and protocols. “On the other hand follow-up with students and staff was insufficient when some time had passed from the events,” he adds. 

“Prevention is engaged in without directly discussing suicide with an eye to work with self-image to empower students as individuals.”

The results also showed that there was no cooperation between the schools in the municipality concerning prevention or crisis counselling. All correspondents nevertheless discussed the importance of sharing information. “I hope they have done so because this discussion must be kept alive so prevention of the suicides of children and youths can be strengthened,” says Sigurgeirsson. 

Supervisor: Hrefna Ólafsdóttir, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Social Work

 Ægir Örn Sigurgeirsson