Language skills
Programme length
Full time study for two academic years.
Study mode
Face-to-face learning
Application status
International students:
Students with Icelandic or Nordic citizenship:

  • Would you like to learn more about black holes and galaxies?
  • Would you like the opportunity to research dark matter?
  • Do you want to learn how to use satellites and gamma-ray bursts in scientific research?
  • Are you interested in plasma physics?
  • Do you enjoy magnet research?

On the MS programme in physics, students will broaden and deepen their knowledge of a chosen field of physics and acquire a systematic understanding of the most up-to-date knowledge in that field.

Applicants must have completed a BS degree with a minimum grade of 6.5. There must also be an available supervisor among permanent teaching staff on the programme.

Programme structure

The programme is 120 ECTS and is organised as two years of full-time study.

The programme is made up of:

  • Courses, 30 - 60 ECTS
  • Master's thesis, 60 - 90 ECTS

Two courses are restricted electives, but other courses are chosen with the help of the supervisor, either from the University of Iceland or another university.

Students may choose between the following specialisations:

  • Theoretical physics (offered in collaboration with Nordita)
  • General physics

Organisation of teaching

The programme is taught in Icelandic or English.

Students generally go on exchange abroad for part of the programme.

There are various grants available for students to fund work on the thesis research project.


After completing the programme, students should:

  • be able to design, plan, develop and execute research projects in their chosen field.
  • have learned how to use the main research tools and equipment used in their chosen field.
  • be able to define research topics and present research questions and hypotheses in an independent and professional manner.


Completing a Master's degree in physics allows you to apply for doctoral studies.

  1. A BS degree or equivalent with minimum average grade of 6.5. In addition to the BS degree there may be some preliminary course requirements before starting the actual MS programme. Acceptance is dependent on the availability of a supervisor within the department.  
  2. All international applicants, whose native language is not English, are required to provide results of the TOEFL (79) or IELTS (6.5) tests as evidence of English proficiency.
  3. Applicants are asked to submit a letter of motivation, 1 pages, where they should state the reasons they want to pursue graduate work, their academic goals and a suggestion or outline for a final paper.
  4. Letters of recommendation (2) should be submitted. These should be from faculty members or others who are familiar with your academic work and qualified to evaluate your potential for graduate study. Please ask your referees to send their letters of recommendation directly to the University of Iceland electronically by e-mail (PDF file as attachment) to admission@hi.is

120 ECTS have to be completed for the qualification, organized as a two-year programme. The MS thesis is 60 or 90 ECTS credits and courses or other studies 60 or 30 ECTS credits.

The following documents must accompany an application for this programme:
  • CV
  • Statement of purpose
  • Reference 1, Name and email
  • Reference 2, Name and email
  • Supervisor/supervising teacher at the University of Iceland
  • Certified copies of diplomas and transcripts
  • Proof of English proficiency

Further information on supporting documents can be found here

Programme structure

Check below to see how the programme is structured.

Year unspecified | Whole year courses
Mentor in Sprettur (GKY001M)
Free elective course within the programme
5 ECTS, credits
Course Description

In the course, the student's task consists in being a mentor for participants that are upper secondary school students and university students in the project "Sprettur". Mentors' main role is to support and encourage participants in their studies and social life. As well as creating a constructive relationship with the participants, being a positive role model, and participating in events organized in Sprettur. The mentor role centers around building relationships and spending meaningful time together with the commitment to support participants. 

Sprettur is a project that supports students with an immigrant or refugee background who come from families with little or no university education. The students in this course are mentors of the participants and are paired together based on a common field of interest. Each mentor is responsible for supporting two participants. Mentors plan activities with participants and spend three hours a month (from August to May) with Sprettur’s participants, three hours a month in a study group and attend five seminars that are spread over the school year. Students submit journal entries on Canvas in November and March. Diary entries are based on reading material and students' reflections on the mentorship. Compulsory attendance in events, study groups, and seminars. The course is taught in Icelandic and English. 

Students must apply for a seat in the course. Applicants go through an interview process and 15-30 students are selected to participate. 

See the digital application form. 

More information about Sprettur can be found here: www.hi.is/sprettur  

Language of instruction: Icelandic/English
Face-to-face learning
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Fall
Final project (EÐL441L)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description
Description missing
Language of instruction: Icelandic/English
Part of the total project/thesis credits
Year unspecified | Fall
Ergodicity and its breaking in classical and quantum systems (EÐL528M)
Free elective course within the programme
10 ECTS, credits
Course Description

Overall aim: To provide an advanced perspective on fundamental concepts of thermalization, arrow of time both in classical and quantum perspective.

Main topics: Non-equilibrium thermodynamics, quantum thermalization, ergodicity hypothesis.

Language of instruction: English
Face-to-face learning
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Fall
Selected Topics in Modern Astrophysics (EÐL022M)
Free elective course within the programme
10 ECTS, credits
Course Description

This course provides a general overview of diverse topics in modern astrophysics. The focus of the course might vary from year to year. In this term (Fall 2021), the topic will be high-energy astrophysics.

Language of instruction: English
Face-to-face learning
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Fall
Advanced Topics in Classical Physics (EÐL101M)
Free elective course within the programme
10 ECTS, credits
Course Description

Overall aim: To provide a twenty-first century perspective on fundamental concepts of major areas of classical physics which are not seen (or not covered at enough depth) at the undergraduate level.

Main topics:
- Fluid Dynamics -- Module covered during the first half of the course
- Statistical Physics -- Module covered during the second half of the course

- Cristobal Arratia, Assistant Professor, Nordita, teaches Fluid Dynamics
- Per Moosavi, Researcher, Stockholm University, teaches Statistical Physics

Language of instruction: English
Face-to-face learning
Year unspecified | Fall
Advanced Topics in Electrodynamics (EÐL102M)
Free elective course within the programme
10 ECTS, credits
Course Description

This course provides a comprehensive introduction to advanced and modern topics in Electrodynamics aimed at undergraduate and master's students. The course assumes familiarity with Newtonian mechanics, but the main concepts of special relativity and vector calculus are covered initially. 

Language of instruction: English
Face-to-face learning
Distance learning
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Fall
Computational Physics F (EÐL114F)
Free elective course within the programme
10 ECTS, credits
Course Description

Introduction to how numerical analysis is used to explore the properties of physical systems. Programming environment and graphical representation. The application of functional bases for solving models in quantum and statistical mechanics. Communication with Linux-clusters and remote machines. The course is taught in English or Icelandic according to the needs of the students.

Programming language: FORTRAN-2008 with OpenMP directives for parallel processing.

Language of instruction: Icelandic/English
Face-to-face learning
Year unspecified | Fall
Condensed Matter Physics 1 (EÐL520M)
Free elective course within the programme
8 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course is an introduction to some basic concepts of condensed matter physics. Curriculum: Chemical bonds, crystal structure, crystal symmetry, the reciprocal lattice. Vibrational modes of crystals, phonons, specific heat, thermal conductivity. The free electron model, band structure of condensed matter, effective mass. Metals, insulators and semiconductors. The course includes three labs.

Language of instruction: Icelandic/English
Face-to-face learning
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Fall
Quantum Mechanics 2 (EÐL521M)
Free elective course within the programme
10 ECTS, credits
Course Description

Identical particles, second quantization. Density operators, pure and mixed quantum states. Symmetries in quantum mechanics, the rotation group, addition of angular momenta, tensor operators, Wigner-Eckardt theorem. Interaction of atoms and radiation, spontaneous emission. Feynman path integrals.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Distance learning
Year unspecified | Fall
Astrophysics (EÐL527M)
Free elective course within the programme
8 ECTS, credits
Course Description

Seminar course on topics of current interest in astrophysics and cosmology.

Language of instruction: Icelandic/English
Face-to-face learning
Year unspecified | Fall
Thesis skills: project management, writing skills and presentation (VON001F)
Free elective course within the programme
4 ECTS, credits
Course Description

Introduction to the scientific method. Ethics of science and within the university community.
The role of the student, advisors and external examiner. Effective and honest communications.
Conducting a literature review, using bibliographic databases and reference handling. Thesis structure, formulating research questions, writing and argumentation. How scientific writing differs from general purpose writing. Writing a MS study plan and proposal. Practical skills for presenting tables and figures, layout, fonts and colors. Presentation skills. Project management for a thesis, how to divide a large project into smaller tasks, setting a work plan and following a timeline. Life after graduate school and being employable.

Language of instruction: English
Face-to-face learning
Online learning
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Final project (EÐL441L)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description
Description missing
Language of instruction: Icelandic/English
Part of the total project/thesis credits
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Solid State Physics 2 (EÐL206M)
Free elective course within the programme
8 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The goal is to introduce the limits of single particle models of condensed matter and explore particle interactions. Curriculum: Electric- and magnetic susceptibility in insulating and semiconducting materials. Electron transport, the Boltzmann equation and the relaxation time approximation. Limits of single particle models. Interactions and many particle approximations. Exchange interaction and magnetic properties of condensed matter, Heisenberg model, spin waves. Superconductivity, the BCS model and the Ginzburg-Landau equation.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Face-to-face learning
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Quantum Field Theory (EÐL208M)
Free elective course within the programme
10 ECTS, credits
Course Description

Aim: To introduce perturbative quantum field theory and some of its applications in modern physics. 

Main topics: relativistic quantum mechanics, bosonic and fermionic fields, interactions in perturbation theory, Feynman diagram methods, scattering processes and particle decay, elementary processes in quantum electrodynamics (QED).

Language of instruction: English
Face-to-face learning
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Introduction to Astrophysics (EÐL407G)
Free elective course within the programme
8 ECTS, credits
Course Description

An introduction to astrophysical problems with emphasis on underlying physical principles. -- The nature of stars. Equations of state, stellar energy generation, radiative transfer. Stellar structure and evolution. Gravitational collapse and supernova explosions. Physics of white dwarfs, neutron stars and black holes. Compact binary systems. X-ray sources. Pulsars. Galaxies, their structure, formation and evolution. Active galaxies. The interstellar medium. Cosmic magnetic fields. Cosmic rays. An introduction to physical cosmology.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Face-to-face learning
Year unspecified | Spring 1
General Relativity (EÐL610M)
Free elective course within the programme
10 ECTS, credits
Course Description

This course provides a basic introduction to Einstein's relativity theory: Special relativity, four-vectors and tensors. General relativity, spacetime curvature, the equivalence principle, Einstein's equations, experimental tests within the solar system, gravitational waves, black holes, cosmology.

Teachers: Benjamin Knorr and Ziqi Yan, postdocs at Nordita

Language of instruction: Icelandic/English
Face-to-face learning
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Introduction to Nanotechnology (EÐL624M)
Free elective course within the programme
8 ECTS, credits
Course Description

Nanostructures and Nanomaterials, Nanoparticles, Nanowires, Thin films, thin film growth, growth modes, transport properties.  Characterization of nanomaterials, Crystallography,Particle Size Determination, Surface Structure, Scanning Tunneling Microscope, Atomic Force Microscope, X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray reflectometry (XRR), Scanning Electron Microscpe (SEM), and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). Scaling of transistors, MOSFET, and finFET. Carbon Nanoscructures, Graphene and Carbon nanotubes. Lithography. Nanostructred Ferromagnetism. Nano-optics,  Plasmonics, metamaterials, cloaking and invinsibility. Molecular Electronics.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Face-to-face learning
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Statistical Methods in Data Analysis (EÐL209M)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

Many real-world systems—such as social networks, ecosystems, brain networks, and communication infrastructures—are inherently complex. These systems exhibit emergent behaviors that cannot be predicted by studying their individual components alone. The significance of studying these complex systems was highlighted by the 2021 Nobel Prize in Physics, awarded for groundbreaking research in this area.

Network science provides powerful tools for modeling and understanding complex systems, and offers data-driven approaches to uncovering their underlying structures and dynamics. This course introduces students to fundamental statistical methods with a particular focus on their application within network science. It is designed to provide a comprehensive foundation in the principles and techniques essential for network modeling, analysis, and statistical inference in complex networks.

Students will explore:

  1. Network Structure – Core concepts include random networks, such as configuration models, degree distribution, centrality measures, and community structures.
  2. Network Dynamics – Key dynamic processes on networks, such as diffusion, random walks, epidemic spread modeling, percolation, and branching processes.
  3. Statistical Inference on Networks – Techniques for inferring structure and dynamics from networked data, covering topics like network reconstruction, community detection, and dynamic inference.
Language of instruction: English
Face-to-face learning
First year | Fall
Advanced Topics in Classical Physics (EÐL101M)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
10 ECTS, credits
Course Description

Overall aim: To provide a twenty-first century perspective on fundamental concepts of major areas of classical physics which are not seen (or not covered at enough depth) at the undergraduate level.

Main topics:
- Fluid Dynamics -- Module covered during the first half of the course
- Statistical Physics -- Module covered during the second half of the course

- Cristobal Arratia, Assistant Professor, Nordita, teaches Fluid Dynamics
- Per Moosavi, Researcher, Stockholm University, teaches Statistical Physics

Language of instruction: English
Face-to-face learning
First year | Fall
Advanced Topics in Electrodynamics (EÐL102M)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
10 ECTS, credits
Course Description

This course provides a comprehensive introduction to advanced and modern topics in Electrodynamics aimed at undergraduate and master's students. The course assumes familiarity with Newtonian mechanics, but the main concepts of special relativity and vector calculus are covered initially. 

Language of instruction: English
Face-to-face learning
Distance learning
First year | Spring 1
Quantum Field Theory (EÐL208M)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
10 ECTS, credits
Course Description

Aim: To introduce perturbative quantum field theory and some of its applications in modern physics. 

Main topics: relativistic quantum mechanics, bosonic and fermionic fields, interactions in perturbation theory, Feynman diagram methods, scattering processes and particle decay, elementary processes in quantum electrodynamics (QED).

Language of instruction: English
Face-to-face learning
First year | Spring 1
General Relativity (EÐL610M)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
10 ECTS, credits
Course Description

This course provides a basic introduction to Einstein's relativity theory: Special relativity, four-vectors and tensors. General relativity, spacetime curvature, the equivalence principle, Einstein's equations, experimental tests within the solar system, gravitational waves, black holes, cosmology.

Teachers: Benjamin Knorr and Ziqi Yan, postdocs at Nordita

Language of instruction: Icelandic/English
Face-to-face learning
Second year | Fall
Final project (EÐL441L)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description
Description missing
Language of instruction: Icelandic/English
Part of the total project/thesis credits
Second year | Spring 1
Final project (EÐL441L)
A mandatory (required) course for the programme
0 ECTS, credits
Course Description
Description missing
Language of instruction: Icelandic/English
Part of the total project/thesis credits
Year unspecified | Whole year courses
Mentor in Sprettur (GKY001M)
Free elective course within the programme
5 ECTS, credits
Course Description

In the course, the student's task consists in being a mentor for participants that are upper secondary school students and university students in the project "Sprettur". Mentors' main role is to support and encourage participants in their studies and social life. As well as creating a constructive relationship with the participants, being a positive role model, and participating in events organized in Sprettur. The mentor role centers around building relationships and spending meaningful time together with the commitment to support participants. 

Sprettur is a project that supports students with an immigrant or refugee background who come from families with little or no university education. The students in this course are mentors of the participants and are paired together based on a common field of interest. Each mentor is responsible for supporting two participants. Mentors plan activities with participants and spend three hours a month (from August to May) with Sprettur’s participants, three hours a month in a study group and attend five seminars that are spread over the school year. Students submit journal entries on Canvas in November and March. Diary entries are based on reading material and students' reflections on the mentorship. Compulsory attendance in events, study groups, and seminars. The course is taught in Icelandic and English. 

Students must apply for a seat in the course. Applicants go through an interview process and 15-30 students are selected to participate. 

See the digital application form. 

More information about Sprettur can be found here: www.hi.is/sprettur  

Language of instruction: Icelandic/English
Face-to-face learning
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Attendance required in class
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Fall
Selected Topics in Modern Astrophysics (EÐL022M)
Restricted elective course, conditions apply
10 ECTS, credits
Course Description

This course provides a general overview of diverse topics in modern astrophysics. The focus of the course might vary from year to year. In this term (Fall 2021), the topic will be high-energy astrophysics.

Language of instruction: English
Face-to-face learning
Attendance required in class
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Fall
Computational Physics F (EÐL114F)
Restricted elective course, conditions apply
10 ECTS, credits
Course Description

Introduction to how numerical analysis is used to explore the properties of physical systems. Programming environment and graphical representation. The application of functional bases for solving models in quantum and statistical mechanics. Communication with Linux-clusters and remote machines. The course is taught in English or Icelandic according to the needs of the students.

Programming language: FORTRAN-2008 with OpenMP directives for parallel processing.

Language of instruction: Icelandic/English
Face-to-face learning
Year unspecified | Fall
Condensed Matter Physics 1 (EÐL520M)
Restricted elective course, conditions apply
8 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The course is an introduction to some basic concepts of condensed matter physics. Curriculum: Chemical bonds, crystal structure, crystal symmetry, the reciprocal lattice. Vibrational modes of crystals, phonons, specific heat, thermal conductivity. The free electron model, band structure of condensed matter, effective mass. Metals, insulators and semiconductors. The course includes three labs.

Language of instruction: Icelandic/English
Face-to-face learning
Year unspecified | Fall
Astrophysics (EÐL527M)
Restricted elective course, conditions apply
8 ECTS, credits
Course Description

Seminar course on topics of current interest in astrophysics and cosmology.

Language of instruction: Icelandic/English
Face-to-face learning
Year unspecified | Fall
Functional Analysis (STÆ507M)
Restricted elective course, conditions apply
10 ECTS, credits
Course Description

Banach spaces and Hilbert spaces and their main properties. Duals of Banach spaces. Convolutions. The Fourier transform on LBanach spaces and Hilbert spaces and their main properties. Duals of Banach spaces. Convolutions. The Fourier transform on L 1(R). The Plancherel theorem. Equicontinuity, the Arzelà-Ascoli theorem. The Stone-Weierstrass approximation theorem. Linear operators on Hilbert spaces, in particular compact operators. The spectral theorem. The Hahn-Banach theorem. The Baire category theorem. The uniform boundedness theorem, the open mapping theorem and the closed graph theorem.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Face-to-face learning
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Fall
Differential Geometry (STÆ519M)
Restricted elective course, conditions apply
10 ECTS, credits
Course Description

Curves, surfaces and manifolds in Euclidean space. Differentiable manifolds, vector fields and tensor fields. Hypersurfaces in Euclidean space, first and second fundamental forms, curvature, convex hypersurfaces. Inner geometry of surfaces. Riemannian manifolds, geodesics. The Gauss-Bonnet theorem for surfaces.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Face-to-face learning
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Fall
Dark matter & Astroparticle Cosmology (EÐL025M)
Free elective course within the programme
10 ECTS, credits
Course Description

The core subject matter of this course is the evolution of the dark matter distribution from the Hot Big Bang through to the present day. We will develop methods to compute the dark matter density across time and find methods to test the results of these calculations. We will also cover elements of cosmology generally and consider methods for establishing the nature of dark matter, from observations of galaxy properties through to laboratory experiments.

Language of instruction: English
Face-to-face learning
Attendance required in class
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Fall
Quantum field theory 2 (EÐL701M)
Free elective course within the programme
10 ECTS, credits
Course Description

Path integral formulation of quantum field theory, anomalies, Ward identities, regularization and renormalization. Yang-mills theory, spontaneous symmetry breaking and the Higgs mechanism.

This is a reading course.

Language of instruction: English
Distance learning
Attendance required in class
Year unspecified | Fall
Ergodicity and its breaking in classical and quantum systems (EÐL528M)
Free elective course within the programme
10 ECTS, credits
Course Description

Overall aim: To provide an advanced perspective on fundamental concepts of thermalization, arrow of time both in classical and quantum perspective.

Main topics: Non-equilibrium thermodynamics, quantum thermalization, ergodicity hypothesis.

Language of instruction: English
Face-to-face learning
Year unspecified | Fall
Thesis skills: project management, writing skills and presentation (VON001F)
Free elective course within the programme
4 ECTS, credits
Course Description

Introduction to the scientific method. Ethics of science and within the university community.
The role of the student, advisors and external examiner. Effective and honest communications.
Conducting a literature review, using bibliographic databases and reference handling. Thesis structure, formulating research questions, writing and argumentation. How scientific writing differs from general purpose writing. Writing a MS study plan and proposal. Practical skills for presenting tables and figures, layout, fonts and colors. Presentation skills. Project management for a thesis, how to divide a large project into smaller tasks, setting a work plan and following a timeline. Life after graduate school and being employable.

Language of instruction: English
Face-to-face learning
Online learning
Not taught this semester
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Stochastic Processes (STÆ415M)
Free elective course within the programme
10 ECTS, credits
Course Description

Introduction to stochastic processes with main emphasis on Markov chains.

Subject matter: Hitting time, classification of states, irreducibility, period, recurrence (positive and null), transience, regeneration, coupling, stationarity, time-reversibility, coupling from the past, branching processes, queues, martingales, Brownian motion.

Language of instruction: Icelandic
Face-to-face learning
The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
Year unspecified | Spring 1
Statistical Methods in Data Analysis (EÐL209M)
Free elective course within the programme
6 ECTS, credits
Course Description

Many real-world systems—such as social networks, ecosystems, brain networks, and communication infrastructures—are inherently complex. These systems exhibit emergent behaviors that cannot be predicted by studying their individual components alone. The significance of studying these complex systems was highlighted by the 2021 Nobel Prize in Physics, awarded for groundbreaking research in this area.

Network science provides powerful tools for modeling and understanding complex systems, and offers data-driven approaches to uncovering their underlying structures and dynamics. This course introduces students to fundamental statistical methods with a particular focus on their application within network science. It is designed to provide a comprehensive foundation in the principles and techniques essential for network modeling, analysis, and statistical inference in complex networks.

Students will explore:

  1. Network Structure – Core concepts include random networks, such as configuration models, degree distribution, centrality measures, and community structures.
  2. Network Dynamics – Key dynamic processes on networks, such as diffusion, random walks, epidemic spread modeling, percolation, and branching processes.
  3. Statistical Inference on Networks – Techniques for inferring structure and dynamics from networked data, covering topics like network reconstruction, community detection, and dynamic inference.
Language of instruction: English
Face-to-face learning
Year unspecified
  • Whole year courses
  • GKY001M
    Mentor in Sprettur
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    5 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In the course, the student's task consists in being a mentor for participants that are upper secondary school students and university students in the project "Sprettur". Mentors' main role is to support and encourage participants in their studies and social life. As well as creating a constructive relationship with the participants, being a positive role model, and participating in events organized in Sprettur. The mentor role centers around building relationships and spending meaningful time together with the commitment to support participants. 

    Sprettur is a project that supports students with an immigrant or refugee background who come from families with little or no university education. The students in this course are mentors of the participants and are paired together based on a common field of interest. Each mentor is responsible for supporting two participants. Mentors plan activities with participants and spend three hours a month (from August to May) with Sprettur’s participants, three hours a month in a study group and attend five seminars that are spread over the school year. Students submit journal entries on Canvas in November and March. Diary entries are based on reading material and students' reflections on the mentorship. Compulsory attendance in events, study groups, and seminars. The course is taught in Icelandic and English. 

    Students must apply for a seat in the course. Applicants go through an interview process and 15-30 students are selected to participate. 

    See the digital application form. 

    More information about Sprettur can be found here: www.hi.is/sprettur  

    Face-to-face learning
    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Fall
  • EÐL441L
    Final project
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description
    Description missing
    Part of the total project/thesis credits
  • EÐL528M
    Ergodicity and its breaking in classical and quantum systems
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Overall aim: To provide an advanced perspective on fundamental concepts of thermalization, arrow of time both in classical and quantum perspective.

    Main topics: Non-equilibrium thermodynamics, quantum thermalization, ergodicity hypothesis.

    Face-to-face learning
  • Not taught this semester
    Selected Topics in Modern Astrophysics
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course provides a general overview of diverse topics in modern astrophysics. The focus of the course might vary from year to year. In this term (Fall 2021), the topic will be high-energy astrophysics.

    Face-to-face learning
    Attendance required in class
  • EÐL101M
    Advanced Topics in Classical Physics
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Overall aim: To provide a twenty-first century perspective on fundamental concepts of major areas of classical physics which are not seen (or not covered at enough depth) at the undergraduate level.

    Main topics:
    - Fluid Dynamics -- Module covered during the first half of the course
    - Statistical Physics -- Module covered during the second half of the course

    - Cristobal Arratia, Assistant Professor, Nordita, teaches Fluid Dynamics
    - Per Moosavi, Researcher, Stockholm University, teaches Statistical Physics

    Face-to-face learning
  • EÐL102M
    Advanced Topics in Electrodynamics
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course provides a comprehensive introduction to advanced and modern topics in Electrodynamics aimed at undergraduate and master's students. The course assumes familiarity with Newtonian mechanics, but the main concepts of special relativity and vector calculus are covered initially. 

    Face-to-face learning
    Distance learning
  • Not taught this semester
    Computational Physics F
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Introduction to how numerical analysis is used to explore the properties of physical systems. Programming environment and graphical representation. The application of functional bases for solving models in quantum and statistical mechanics. Communication with Linux-clusters and remote machines. The course is taught in English or Icelandic according to the needs of the students.

    Programming language: FORTRAN-2008 with OpenMP directives for parallel processing.

    Face-to-face learning
  • EÐL520M
    Condensed Matter Physics 1
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is an introduction to some basic concepts of condensed matter physics. Curriculum: Chemical bonds, crystal structure, crystal symmetry, the reciprocal lattice. Vibrational modes of crystals, phonons, specific heat, thermal conductivity. The free electron model, band structure of condensed matter, effective mass. Metals, insulators and semiconductors. The course includes three labs.

    Face-to-face learning
  • Not taught this semester
    Quantum Mechanics 2
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Identical particles, second quantization. Density operators, pure and mixed quantum states. Symmetries in quantum mechanics, the rotation group, addition of angular momenta, tensor operators, Wigner-Eckardt theorem. Interaction of atoms and radiation, spontaneous emission. Feynman path integrals.

    Distance learning
  • EÐL527M
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Seminar course on topics of current interest in astrophysics and cosmology.

    Face-to-face learning
  • VON001F
    Thesis skills: project management, writing skills and presentation
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    4 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Introduction to the scientific method. Ethics of science and within the university community.
    The role of the student, advisors and external examiner. Effective and honest communications.
    Conducting a literature review, using bibliographic databases and reference handling. Thesis structure, formulating research questions, writing and argumentation. How scientific writing differs from general purpose writing. Writing a MS study plan and proposal. Practical skills for presenting tables and figures, layout, fonts and colors. Presentation skills. Project management for a thesis, how to divide a large project into smaller tasks, setting a work plan and following a timeline. Life after graduate school and being employable.

    Face-to-face learning
    Online learning
  • Spring 2
  • EÐL441L
    Final project
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description
    Description missing
    Part of the total project/thesis credits
  • Not taught this semester
    Solid State Physics 2
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The goal is to introduce the limits of single particle models of condensed matter and explore particle interactions. Curriculum: Electric- and magnetic susceptibility in insulating and semiconducting materials. Electron transport, the Boltzmann equation and the relaxation time approximation. Limits of single particle models. Interactions and many particle approximations. Exchange interaction and magnetic properties of condensed matter, Heisenberg model, spin waves. Superconductivity, the BCS model and the Ginzburg-Landau equation.

    Face-to-face learning
  • EÐL208M
    Quantum Field Theory
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Aim: To introduce perturbative quantum field theory and some of its applications in modern physics. 

    Main topics: relativistic quantum mechanics, bosonic and fermionic fields, interactions in perturbation theory, Feynman diagram methods, scattering processes and particle decay, elementary processes in quantum electrodynamics (QED).

    Face-to-face learning
  • EÐL407G
    Introduction to Astrophysics
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    An introduction to astrophysical problems with emphasis on underlying physical principles. -- The nature of stars. Equations of state, stellar energy generation, radiative transfer. Stellar structure and evolution. Gravitational collapse and supernova explosions. Physics of white dwarfs, neutron stars and black holes. Compact binary systems. X-ray sources. Pulsars. Galaxies, their structure, formation and evolution. Active galaxies. The interstellar medium. Cosmic magnetic fields. Cosmic rays. An introduction to physical cosmology.

    Face-to-face learning
  • EÐL610M
    General Relativity
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course provides a basic introduction to Einstein's relativity theory: Special relativity, four-vectors and tensors. General relativity, spacetime curvature, the equivalence principle, Einstein's equations, experimental tests within the solar system, gravitational waves, black holes, cosmology.

    Teachers: Benjamin Knorr and Ziqi Yan, postdocs at Nordita

    Face-to-face learning
  • EÐL624M
    Introduction to Nanotechnology
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Nanostructures and Nanomaterials, Nanoparticles, Nanowires, Thin films, thin film growth, growth modes, transport properties.  Characterization of nanomaterials, Crystallography,Particle Size Determination, Surface Structure, Scanning Tunneling Microscope, Atomic Force Microscope, X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray reflectometry (XRR), Scanning Electron Microscpe (SEM), and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). Scaling of transistors, MOSFET, and finFET. Carbon Nanoscructures, Graphene and Carbon nanotubes. Lithography. Nanostructred Ferromagnetism. Nano-optics,  Plasmonics, metamaterials, cloaking and invinsibility. Molecular Electronics.

    Face-to-face learning
  • EÐL209M
    Statistical Methods in Data Analysis
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Many real-world systems—such as social networks, ecosystems, brain networks, and communication infrastructures—are inherently complex. These systems exhibit emergent behaviors that cannot be predicted by studying their individual components alone. The significance of studying these complex systems was highlighted by the 2021 Nobel Prize in Physics, awarded for groundbreaking research in this area.

    Network science provides powerful tools for modeling and understanding complex systems, and offers data-driven approaches to uncovering their underlying structures and dynamics. This course introduces students to fundamental statistical methods with a particular focus on their application within network science. It is designed to provide a comprehensive foundation in the principles and techniques essential for network modeling, analysis, and statistical inference in complex networks.

    Students will explore:

    1. Network Structure – Core concepts include random networks, such as configuration models, degree distribution, centrality measures, and community structures.
    2. Network Dynamics – Key dynamic processes on networks, such as diffusion, random walks, epidemic spread modeling, percolation, and branching processes.
    3. Statistical Inference on Networks – Techniques for inferring structure and dynamics from networked data, covering topics like network reconstruction, community detection, and dynamic inference.
    Face-to-face learning
First year
  • Fall
  • EÐL101M
    Advanced Topics in Classical Physics hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Overall aim: To provide a twenty-first century perspective on fundamental concepts of major areas of classical physics which are not seen (or not covered at enough depth) at the undergraduate level.

    Main topics:
    - Fluid Dynamics -- Module covered during the first half of the course
    - Statistical Physics -- Module covered during the second half of the course

    - Cristobal Arratia, Assistant Professor, Nordita, teaches Fluid Dynamics
    - Per Moosavi, Researcher, Stockholm University, teaches Statistical Physics

    Face-to-face learning
  • EÐL102M
    Advanced Topics in Electrodynamics hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course provides a comprehensive introduction to advanced and modern topics in Electrodynamics aimed at undergraduate and master's students. The course assumes familiarity with Newtonian mechanics, but the main concepts of special relativity and vector calculus are covered initially. 

    Face-to-face learning
    Distance learning
  • Spring 2
  • EÐL208M
    Quantum Field Theory hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Aim: To introduce perturbative quantum field theory and some of its applications in modern physics. 

    Main topics: relativistic quantum mechanics, bosonic and fermionic fields, interactions in perturbation theory, Feynman diagram methods, scattering processes and particle decay, elementary processes in quantum electrodynamics (QED).

    Face-to-face learning
  • EÐL610M
    General Relativity hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course provides a basic introduction to Einstein's relativity theory: Special relativity, four-vectors and tensors. General relativity, spacetime curvature, the equivalence principle, Einstein's equations, experimental tests within the solar system, gravitational waves, black holes, cosmology.

    Teachers: Benjamin Knorr and Ziqi Yan, postdocs at Nordita

    Face-to-face learning
  • Fall
  • EÐL441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description
    Description missing
    Part of the total project/thesis credits
  • Spring 2
  • EÐL441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description
    Description missing
    Part of the total project/thesis credits
  • Whole year courses
  • GKY001M
    Mentor in Sprettur hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    5 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In the course, the student's task consists in being a mentor for participants that are upper secondary school students and university students in the project "Sprettur". Mentors' main role is to support and encourage participants in their studies and social life. As well as creating a constructive relationship with the participants, being a positive role model, and participating in events organized in Sprettur. The mentor role centers around building relationships and spending meaningful time together with the commitment to support participants. 

    Sprettur is a project that supports students with an immigrant or refugee background who come from families with little or no university education. The students in this course are mentors of the participants and are paired together based on a common field of interest. Each mentor is responsible for supporting two participants. Mentors plan activities with participants and spend three hours a month (from August to May) with Sprettur’s participants, three hours a month in a study group and attend five seminars that are spread over the school year. Students submit journal entries on Canvas in November and March. Diary entries are based on reading material and students' reflections on the mentorship. Compulsory attendance in events, study groups, and seminars. The course is taught in Icelandic and English. 

    Students must apply for a seat in the course. Applicants go through an interview process and 15-30 students are selected to participate. 

    See the digital application form. 

    More information about Sprettur can be found here: www.hi.is/sprettur  

    Face-to-face learning
    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Fall
  • Not taught this semester
    Selected Topics in Modern Astrophysics hide
    Restricted elective course
    Restricted elective course, conditions apply
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course provides a general overview of diverse topics in modern astrophysics. The focus of the course might vary from year to year. In this term (Fall 2021), the topic will be high-energy astrophysics.

    Face-to-face learning
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Computational Physics F hide
    Restricted elective course
    Restricted elective course, conditions apply
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Introduction to how numerical analysis is used to explore the properties of physical systems. Programming environment and graphical representation. The application of functional bases for solving models in quantum and statistical mechanics. Communication with Linux-clusters and remote machines. The course is taught in English or Icelandic according to the needs of the students.

    Programming language: FORTRAN-2008 with OpenMP directives for parallel processing.

    Face-to-face learning
  • EÐL520M
    Condensed Matter Physics 1 hide
    Restricted elective course
    Restricted elective course, conditions apply
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is an introduction to some basic concepts of condensed matter physics. Curriculum: Chemical bonds, crystal structure, crystal symmetry, the reciprocal lattice. Vibrational modes of crystals, phonons, specific heat, thermal conductivity. The free electron model, band structure of condensed matter, effective mass. Metals, insulators and semiconductors. The course includes three labs.

    Face-to-face learning
  • EÐL527M
    Astrophysics hide
    Restricted elective course
    Restricted elective course, conditions apply
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Seminar course on topics of current interest in astrophysics and cosmology.

    Face-to-face learning
  • STÆ507M
    Functional Analysis hide
    Restricted elective course
    Restricted elective course, conditions apply
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Banach spaces and Hilbert spaces and their main properties. Duals of Banach spaces. Convolutions. The Fourier transform on LBanach spaces and Hilbert spaces and their main properties. Duals of Banach spaces. Convolutions. The Fourier transform on L 1(R). The Plancherel theorem. Equicontinuity, the Arzelà-Ascoli theorem. The Stone-Weierstrass approximation theorem. Linear operators on Hilbert spaces, in particular compact operators. The spectral theorem. The Hahn-Banach theorem. The Baire category theorem. The uniform boundedness theorem, the open mapping theorem and the closed graph theorem.

    Face-to-face learning
    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
  • Not taught this semester
    Differential Geometry hide
    Restricted elective course
    Restricted elective course, conditions apply
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Curves, surfaces and manifolds in Euclidean space. Differentiable manifolds, vector fields and tensor fields. Hypersurfaces in Euclidean space, first and second fundamental forms, curvature, convex hypersurfaces. Inner geometry of surfaces. Riemannian manifolds, geodesics. The Gauss-Bonnet theorem for surfaces.

    Face-to-face learning
    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
  • Not taught this semester
    Dark matter & Astroparticle Cosmology hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The core subject matter of this course is the evolution of the dark matter distribution from the Hot Big Bang through to the present day. We will develop methods to compute the dark matter density across time and find methods to test the results of these calculations. We will also cover elements of cosmology generally and consider methods for establishing the nature of dark matter, from observations of galaxy properties through to laboratory experiments.

    Face-to-face learning
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Quantum field theory 2 hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Path integral formulation of quantum field theory, anomalies, Ward identities, regularization and renormalization. Yang-mills theory, spontaneous symmetry breaking and the Higgs mechanism.

    This is a reading course.

    Distance learning
    Attendance required in class
  • EÐL528M
    Ergodicity and its breaking in classical and quantum systems hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Overall aim: To provide an advanced perspective on fundamental concepts of thermalization, arrow of time both in classical and quantum perspective.

    Main topics: Non-equilibrium thermodynamics, quantum thermalization, ergodicity hypothesis.

    Face-to-face learning
  • VON001F
    Thesis skills: project management, writing skills and presentation hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    4 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Introduction to the scientific method. Ethics of science and within the university community.
    The role of the student, advisors and external examiner. Effective and honest communications.
    Conducting a literature review, using bibliographic databases and reference handling. Thesis structure, formulating research questions, writing and argumentation. How scientific writing differs from general purpose writing. Writing a MS study plan and proposal. Practical skills for presenting tables and figures, layout, fonts and colors. Presentation skills. Project management for a thesis, how to divide a large project into smaller tasks, setting a work plan and following a timeline. Life after graduate school and being employable.

    Face-to-face learning
    Online learning
  • Spring 2
  • Not taught this semester
    Stochastic Processes hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Introduction to stochastic processes with main emphasis on Markov chains.

    Subject matter: Hitting time, classification of states, irreducibility, period, recurrence (positive and null), transience, regeneration, coupling, stationarity, time-reversibility, coupling from the past, branching processes, queues, martingales, Brownian motion.

    Face-to-face learning
    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
  • EÐL209M
    Statistical Methods in Data Analysis hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Many real-world systems—such as social networks, ecosystems, brain networks, and communication infrastructures—are inherently complex. These systems exhibit emergent behaviors that cannot be predicted by studying their individual components alone. The significance of studying these complex systems was highlighted by the 2021 Nobel Prize in Physics, awarded for groundbreaking research in this area.

    Network science provides powerful tools for modeling and understanding complex systems, and offers data-driven approaches to uncovering their underlying structures and dynamics. This course introduces students to fundamental statistical methods with a particular focus on their application within network science. It is designed to provide a comprehensive foundation in the principles and techniques essential for network modeling, analysis, and statistical inference in complex networks.

    Students will explore:

    1. Network Structure – Core concepts include random networks, such as configuration models, degree distribution, centrality measures, and community structures.
    2. Network Dynamics – Key dynamic processes on networks, such as diffusion, random walks, epidemic spread modeling, percolation, and branching processes.
    3. Statistical Inference on Networks – Techniques for inferring structure and dynamics from networked data, covering topics like network reconstruction, community detection, and dynamic inference.
    Face-to-face learning
Second year
  • Fall
  • EÐL101M
    Advanced Topics in Classical Physics hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Overall aim: To provide a twenty-first century perspective on fundamental concepts of major areas of classical physics which are not seen (or not covered at enough depth) at the undergraduate level.

    Main topics:
    - Fluid Dynamics -- Module covered during the first half of the course
    - Statistical Physics -- Module covered during the second half of the course

    - Cristobal Arratia, Assistant Professor, Nordita, teaches Fluid Dynamics
    - Per Moosavi, Researcher, Stockholm University, teaches Statistical Physics

    Face-to-face learning
  • EÐL102M
    Advanced Topics in Electrodynamics hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course provides a comprehensive introduction to advanced and modern topics in Electrodynamics aimed at undergraduate and master's students. The course assumes familiarity with Newtonian mechanics, but the main concepts of special relativity and vector calculus are covered initially. 

    Face-to-face learning
    Distance learning
  • Spring 2
  • EÐL208M
    Quantum Field Theory hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Aim: To introduce perturbative quantum field theory and some of its applications in modern physics. 

    Main topics: relativistic quantum mechanics, bosonic and fermionic fields, interactions in perturbation theory, Feynman diagram methods, scattering processes and particle decay, elementary processes in quantum electrodynamics (QED).

    Face-to-face learning
  • EÐL610M
    General Relativity hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course provides a basic introduction to Einstein's relativity theory: Special relativity, four-vectors and tensors. General relativity, spacetime curvature, the equivalence principle, Einstein's equations, experimental tests within the solar system, gravitational waves, black holes, cosmology.

    Teachers: Benjamin Knorr and Ziqi Yan, postdocs at Nordita

    Face-to-face learning
  • Fall
  • EÐL441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description
    Description missing
    Part of the total project/thesis credits
  • Spring 2
  • EÐL441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description
    Description missing
    Part of the total project/thesis credits
  • Whole year courses
  • GKY001M
    Mentor in Sprettur hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    5 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In the course, the student's task consists in being a mentor for participants that are upper secondary school students and university students in the project "Sprettur". Mentors' main role is to support and encourage participants in their studies and social life. As well as creating a constructive relationship with the participants, being a positive role model, and participating in events organized in Sprettur. The mentor role centers around building relationships and spending meaningful time together with the commitment to support participants. 

    Sprettur is a project that supports students with an immigrant or refugee background who come from families with little or no university education. The students in this course are mentors of the participants and are paired together based on a common field of interest. Each mentor is responsible for supporting two participants. Mentors plan activities with participants and spend three hours a month (from August to May) with Sprettur’s participants, three hours a month in a study group and attend five seminars that are spread over the school year. Students submit journal entries on Canvas in November and March. Diary entries are based on reading material and students' reflections on the mentorship. Compulsory attendance in events, study groups, and seminars. The course is taught in Icelandic and English. 

    Students must apply for a seat in the course. Applicants go through an interview process and 15-30 students are selected to participate. 

    See the digital application form. 

    More information about Sprettur can be found here: www.hi.is/sprettur  

    Face-to-face learning
    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Fall
  • Not taught this semester
    Selected Topics in Modern Astrophysics hide
    Restricted elective course
    Restricted elective course, conditions apply
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course provides a general overview of diverse topics in modern astrophysics. The focus of the course might vary from year to year. In this term (Fall 2021), the topic will be high-energy astrophysics.

    Face-to-face learning
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Computational Physics F hide
    Restricted elective course
    Restricted elective course, conditions apply
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Introduction to how numerical analysis is used to explore the properties of physical systems. Programming environment and graphical representation. The application of functional bases for solving models in quantum and statistical mechanics. Communication with Linux-clusters and remote machines. The course is taught in English or Icelandic according to the needs of the students.

    Programming language: FORTRAN-2008 with OpenMP directives for parallel processing.

    Face-to-face learning
  • EÐL520M
    Condensed Matter Physics 1 hide
    Restricted elective course
    Restricted elective course, conditions apply
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is an introduction to some basic concepts of condensed matter physics. Curriculum: Chemical bonds, crystal structure, crystal symmetry, the reciprocal lattice. Vibrational modes of crystals, phonons, specific heat, thermal conductivity. The free electron model, band structure of condensed matter, effective mass. Metals, insulators and semiconductors. The course includes three labs.

    Face-to-face learning
  • EÐL527M
    Astrophysics hide
    Restricted elective course
    Restricted elective course, conditions apply
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Seminar course on topics of current interest in astrophysics and cosmology.

    Face-to-face learning
  • STÆ507M
    Functional Analysis hide
    Restricted elective course
    Restricted elective course, conditions apply
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Banach spaces and Hilbert spaces and their main properties. Duals of Banach spaces. Convolutions. The Fourier transform on LBanach spaces and Hilbert spaces and their main properties. Duals of Banach spaces. Convolutions. The Fourier transform on L 1(R). The Plancherel theorem. Equicontinuity, the Arzelà-Ascoli theorem. The Stone-Weierstrass approximation theorem. Linear operators on Hilbert spaces, in particular compact operators. The spectral theorem. The Hahn-Banach theorem. The Baire category theorem. The uniform boundedness theorem, the open mapping theorem and the closed graph theorem.

    Face-to-face learning
    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
  • Not taught this semester
    Differential Geometry hide
    Restricted elective course
    Restricted elective course, conditions apply
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Curves, surfaces and manifolds in Euclidean space. Differentiable manifolds, vector fields and tensor fields. Hypersurfaces in Euclidean space, first and second fundamental forms, curvature, convex hypersurfaces. Inner geometry of surfaces. Riemannian manifolds, geodesics. The Gauss-Bonnet theorem for surfaces.

    Face-to-face learning
    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
  • Not taught this semester
    Dark matter & Astroparticle Cosmology hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The core subject matter of this course is the evolution of the dark matter distribution from the Hot Big Bang through to the present day. We will develop methods to compute the dark matter density across time and find methods to test the results of these calculations. We will also cover elements of cosmology generally and consider methods for establishing the nature of dark matter, from observations of galaxy properties through to laboratory experiments.

    Face-to-face learning
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Quantum field theory 2 hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Path integral formulation of quantum field theory, anomalies, Ward identities, regularization and renormalization. Yang-mills theory, spontaneous symmetry breaking and the Higgs mechanism.

    This is a reading course.

    Distance learning
    Attendance required in class
  • EÐL528M
    Ergodicity and its breaking in classical and quantum systems hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Overall aim: To provide an advanced perspective on fundamental concepts of thermalization, arrow of time both in classical and quantum perspective.

    Main topics: Non-equilibrium thermodynamics, quantum thermalization, ergodicity hypothesis.

    Face-to-face learning
  • VON001F
    Thesis skills: project management, writing skills and presentation hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    4 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Introduction to the scientific method. Ethics of science and within the university community.
    The role of the student, advisors and external examiner. Effective and honest communications.
    Conducting a literature review, using bibliographic databases and reference handling. Thesis structure, formulating research questions, writing and argumentation. How scientific writing differs from general purpose writing. Writing a MS study plan and proposal. Practical skills for presenting tables and figures, layout, fonts and colors. Presentation skills. Project management for a thesis, how to divide a large project into smaller tasks, setting a work plan and following a timeline. Life after graduate school and being employable.

    Face-to-face learning
    Online learning
  • Spring 2
  • Not taught this semester
    Stochastic Processes hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Introduction to stochastic processes with main emphasis on Markov chains.

    Subject matter: Hitting time, classification of states, irreducibility, period, recurrence (positive and null), transience, regeneration, coupling, stationarity, time-reversibility, coupling from the past, branching processes, queues, martingales, Brownian motion.

    Face-to-face learning
    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
  • EÐL209M
    Statistical Methods in Data Analysis hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Many real-world systems—such as social networks, ecosystems, brain networks, and communication infrastructures—are inherently complex. These systems exhibit emergent behaviors that cannot be predicted by studying their individual components alone. The significance of studying these complex systems was highlighted by the 2021 Nobel Prize in Physics, awarded for groundbreaking research in this area.

    Network science provides powerful tools for modeling and understanding complex systems, and offers data-driven approaches to uncovering their underlying structures and dynamics. This course introduces students to fundamental statistical methods with a particular focus on their application within network science. It is designed to provide a comprehensive foundation in the principles and techniques essential for network modeling, analysis, and statistical inference in complex networks.

    Students will explore:

    1. Network Structure – Core concepts include random networks, such as configuration models, degree distribution, centrality measures, and community structures.
    2. Network Dynamics – Key dynamic processes on networks, such as diffusion, random walks, epidemic spread modeling, percolation, and branching processes.
    3. Statistical Inference on Networks – Techniques for inferring structure and dynamics from networked data, covering topics like network reconstruction, community detection, and dynamic inference.
    Face-to-face learning
Year unspecified
  • Fall
  • EÐL101M
    Advanced Topics in Classical Physics hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Overall aim: To provide a twenty-first century perspective on fundamental concepts of major areas of classical physics which are not seen (or not covered at enough depth) at the undergraduate level.

    Main topics:
    - Fluid Dynamics -- Module covered during the first half of the course
    - Statistical Physics -- Module covered during the second half of the course

    - Cristobal Arratia, Assistant Professor, Nordita, teaches Fluid Dynamics
    - Per Moosavi, Researcher, Stockholm University, teaches Statistical Physics

    Face-to-face learning
  • EÐL102M
    Advanced Topics in Electrodynamics hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course provides a comprehensive introduction to advanced and modern topics in Electrodynamics aimed at undergraduate and master's students. The course assumes familiarity with Newtonian mechanics, but the main concepts of special relativity and vector calculus are covered initially. 

    Face-to-face learning
    Distance learning
  • Spring 2
  • EÐL208M
    Quantum Field Theory hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Aim: To introduce perturbative quantum field theory and some of its applications in modern physics. 

    Main topics: relativistic quantum mechanics, bosonic and fermionic fields, interactions in perturbation theory, Feynman diagram methods, scattering processes and particle decay, elementary processes in quantum electrodynamics (QED).

    Face-to-face learning
  • EÐL610M
    General Relativity hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course provides a basic introduction to Einstein's relativity theory: Special relativity, four-vectors and tensors. General relativity, spacetime curvature, the equivalence principle, Einstein's equations, experimental tests within the solar system, gravitational waves, black holes, cosmology.

    Teachers: Benjamin Knorr and Ziqi Yan, postdocs at Nordita

    Face-to-face learning
  • Fall
  • EÐL441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description
    Description missing
    Part of the total project/thesis credits
  • Spring 2
  • EÐL441L
    Final project hide
    Mandatory (required) course
    A mandatory (required) course for the programme
    0 ECTS, credits
    Course Description
    Description missing
    Part of the total project/thesis credits
  • Whole year courses
  • GKY001M
    Mentor in Sprettur hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    5 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    In the course, the student's task consists in being a mentor for participants that are upper secondary school students and university students in the project "Sprettur". Mentors' main role is to support and encourage participants in their studies and social life. As well as creating a constructive relationship with the participants, being a positive role model, and participating in events organized in Sprettur. The mentor role centers around building relationships and spending meaningful time together with the commitment to support participants. 

    Sprettur is a project that supports students with an immigrant or refugee background who come from families with little or no university education. The students in this course are mentors of the participants and are paired together based on a common field of interest. Each mentor is responsible for supporting two participants. Mentors plan activities with participants and spend three hours a month (from August to May) with Sprettur’s participants, three hours a month in a study group and attend five seminars that are spread over the school year. Students submit journal entries on Canvas in November and March. Diary entries are based on reading material and students' reflections on the mentorship. Compulsory attendance in events, study groups, and seminars. The course is taught in Icelandic and English. 

    Students must apply for a seat in the course. Applicants go through an interview process and 15-30 students are selected to participate. 

    See the digital application form. 

    More information about Sprettur can be found here: www.hi.is/sprettur  

    Face-to-face learning
    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
    Attendance required in class
  • Fall
  • Not taught this semester
    Selected Topics in Modern Astrophysics hide
    Restricted elective course
    Restricted elective course, conditions apply
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    This course provides a general overview of diverse topics in modern astrophysics. The focus of the course might vary from year to year. In this term (Fall 2021), the topic will be high-energy astrophysics.

    Face-to-face learning
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Computational Physics F hide
    Restricted elective course
    Restricted elective course, conditions apply
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Introduction to how numerical analysis is used to explore the properties of physical systems. Programming environment and graphical representation. The application of functional bases for solving models in quantum and statistical mechanics. Communication with Linux-clusters and remote machines. The course is taught in English or Icelandic according to the needs of the students.

    Programming language: FORTRAN-2008 with OpenMP directives for parallel processing.

    Face-to-face learning
  • EÐL520M
    Condensed Matter Physics 1 hide
    Restricted elective course
    Restricted elective course, conditions apply
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The course is an introduction to some basic concepts of condensed matter physics. Curriculum: Chemical bonds, crystal structure, crystal symmetry, the reciprocal lattice. Vibrational modes of crystals, phonons, specific heat, thermal conductivity. The free electron model, band structure of condensed matter, effective mass. Metals, insulators and semiconductors. The course includes three labs.

    Face-to-face learning
  • EÐL527M
    Astrophysics hide
    Restricted elective course
    Restricted elective course, conditions apply
    8 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Seminar course on topics of current interest in astrophysics and cosmology.

    Face-to-face learning
  • STÆ507M
    Functional Analysis hide
    Restricted elective course
    Restricted elective course, conditions apply
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Banach spaces and Hilbert spaces and their main properties. Duals of Banach spaces. Convolutions. The Fourier transform on LBanach spaces and Hilbert spaces and their main properties. Duals of Banach spaces. Convolutions. The Fourier transform on L 1(R). The Plancherel theorem. Equicontinuity, the Arzelà-Ascoli theorem. The Stone-Weierstrass approximation theorem. Linear operators on Hilbert spaces, in particular compact operators. The spectral theorem. The Hahn-Banach theorem. The Baire category theorem. The uniform boundedness theorem, the open mapping theorem and the closed graph theorem.

    Face-to-face learning
    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
  • Not taught this semester
    Differential Geometry hide
    Restricted elective course
    Restricted elective course, conditions apply
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Curves, surfaces and manifolds in Euclidean space. Differentiable manifolds, vector fields and tensor fields. Hypersurfaces in Euclidean space, first and second fundamental forms, curvature, convex hypersurfaces. Inner geometry of surfaces. Riemannian manifolds, geodesics. The Gauss-Bonnet theorem for surfaces.

    Face-to-face learning
    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
  • Not taught this semester
    Dark matter & Astroparticle Cosmology hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    The core subject matter of this course is the evolution of the dark matter distribution from the Hot Big Bang through to the present day. We will develop methods to compute the dark matter density across time and find methods to test the results of these calculations. We will also cover elements of cosmology generally and consider methods for establishing the nature of dark matter, from observations of galaxy properties through to laboratory experiments.

    Face-to-face learning
    Attendance required in class
  • Not taught this semester
    Quantum field theory 2 hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Path integral formulation of quantum field theory, anomalies, Ward identities, regularization and renormalization. Yang-mills theory, spontaneous symmetry breaking and the Higgs mechanism.

    This is a reading course.

    Distance learning
    Attendance required in class
  • EÐL528M
    Ergodicity and its breaking in classical and quantum systems hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Overall aim: To provide an advanced perspective on fundamental concepts of thermalization, arrow of time both in classical and quantum perspective.

    Main topics: Non-equilibrium thermodynamics, quantum thermalization, ergodicity hypothesis.

    Face-to-face learning
  • VON001F
    Thesis skills: project management, writing skills and presentation hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    4 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Introduction to the scientific method. Ethics of science and within the university community.
    The role of the student, advisors and external examiner. Effective and honest communications.
    Conducting a literature review, using bibliographic databases and reference handling. Thesis structure, formulating research questions, writing and argumentation. How scientific writing differs from general purpose writing. Writing a MS study plan and proposal. Practical skills for presenting tables and figures, layout, fonts and colors. Presentation skills. Project management for a thesis, how to divide a large project into smaller tasks, setting a work plan and following a timeline. Life after graduate school and being employable.

    Face-to-face learning
    Online learning
  • Spring 2
  • Not taught this semester
    Stochastic Processes hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    10 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Introduction to stochastic processes with main emphasis on Markov chains.

    Subject matter: Hitting time, classification of states, irreducibility, period, recurrence (positive and null), transience, regeneration, coupling, stationarity, time-reversibility, coupling from the past, branching processes, queues, martingales, Brownian motion.

    Face-to-face learning
    The course is taught if the specified conditions are met
  • EÐL209M
    Statistical Methods in Data Analysis hide
    Elective course
    Free elective course within the programme
    6 ECTS, credits
    Course Description

    Many real-world systems—such as social networks, ecosystems, brain networks, and communication infrastructures—are inherently complex. These systems exhibit emergent behaviors that cannot be predicted by studying their individual components alone. The significance of studying these complex systems was highlighted by the 2021 Nobel Prize in Physics, awarded for groundbreaking research in this area.

    Network science provides powerful tools for modeling and understanding complex systems, and offers data-driven approaches to uncovering their underlying structures and dynamics. This course introduces students to fundamental statistical methods with a particular focus on their application within network science. It is designed to provide a comprehensive foundation in the principles and techniques essential for network modeling, analysis, and statistical inference in complex networks.

    Students will explore:

    1. Network Structure – Core concepts include random networks, such as configuration models, degree distribution, centrality measures, and community structures.
    2. Network Dynamics – Key dynamic processes on networks, such as diffusion, random walks, epidemic spread modeling, percolation, and branching processes.
    3. Statistical Inference on Networks – Techniques for inferring structure and dynamics from networked data, covering topics like network reconstruction, community detection, and dynamic inference.
    Face-to-face learning
Additional information

The University of Iceland collaborates with over 400 universities worldwide. This provides a unique opportunity to pursue part of your studies at an international university thus gaining added experience and fresh insight into your field of study.

Students generally have the opportunity to join an exchange programme, internship, or summer courses. However, exchanges are always subject to faculty approval.

Students have the opportunity to have courses evaluated as part of their studies at the University of Iceland, so their stay does not have to affect the duration of their studies.

A physics degree can open up opportunities in various technical and research careers that require a basic education in the physical sciences. Physicists can become researchers, teachers or administrators.

They are specially trained to carry out basic research and technical development work and go on to find careers in a wide range of fields.

Examples include:

  • Research institutes
  • Engineering firms
  • R&D departments in high-tech companies
  • Entrepreneurial companies
  • Hospitals

The list is not exhaustive.

There is no specific student organisation for this programme, but students meet frequently in the Student Cellar.

Students' comments
Students appreciate the University of Iceland for its strong academic reputation, modern campus facilities, close-knit community, and affordable tuition.
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