The University of Iceland offers 180 ECTS undergraduate programmes. Graduates receive a Bachelor's degree.
In some subjects, an undergraduate degree can be divided into a 120 ECTS major and a 60 ECTS minor in separate subjects.
If you want to take a major and a minor, you must start by applying for the major.
You can choose a minor after you have started your major. Students usually select a minor after completing the first year of their major.
Generally, minors included in the UI course catalogue are recognised by all UI faculties that offer 120 ECTS majors.
Once you have chosen a minor, you should contact the Faculty at which your major is taught to make sure that your chosen combination is permitted.
One thing to consider is that courses taken in the major and minor may not be the same or very similar. If this is relevant in your case, you should contact student services at your Faculty for advice on how to structure your programme.
To have the minor added to your academic record, please email nemskra@hi.is from your UI email address.
Remember to include your national ID number (kennitala) in the email.
Your degree certificate will state that you have graduated with a Bachelor's degree in the major subject.
Information about your minor will appear on your academic transcript and the diploma supplement that accompanies the degree certificate.
Your degree will be equal to any other 180 ECTS Bachelor's degree and you will be able to apply for a wide range of graduate programmes.