Behaviour and well-being among children in Iceland; academic training and internship in upper secondary schools; internet use and media literacy in children; immigrants' education, and opportunities and vision for the future in creative subjects are among the topics discussed during the annual conference of the University of Iceland's School of Education, Menntakvika, which takes place on 28 and 29 September on Stakkahlíð campus. Participation is free of charge and everyone is welcome. 

The conference is an important forum for experts, academics and people working in the field to learn from each other, share knowledge and promote cooperation in the field of educational sciences.  

This year's theme is education policy and prosperity with a total of 225 talks and 56 conference seminars. In addition to the subjects listed above the topics include a green future and children's welfare; health behaviours; physical activity and health among young people; school environment during a pandemic; preschool and leisure activities from various point-of-views, and schools promoting welfare.

David Reimer - Changing inequality and Educational Transitions

The opening seminar will be held on Thursday, September 28 from 2 - 4.30 PM on the premises of the School of Education, Stakkahlíð. The seminar will examine the connection between educational policies and welfare, a hot topic in the Icelandic education system these days, where emphasis is placed on holistic collaboration on well-being and education in children and young people. There will be a live stream from the opening seminar. 

Gita Steiner-Khamsi, Professor of Comparative and International Education at Columbia-university, gives the keynote of the seminar: The use and abuse of research evidence for policy and planning in education. After her talk there will be a seminar and a panel discussion where Ásmundur Einar Daðason, Minister of Education and Children will address participants and academics within the University, and people from people from the field deliver talks. The programme on Thursday ends with allocation of grants from Þuríður and Steingrímur funds to doctoral students and academics. 

Other seminars and conference talks mostly take place on Friday 29 September as listed in the programme.  

The conference will be free and open to everyone. 

Further information can be found on the Menntakvika website

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