The University Knowledge Train will depart again in May and has four destinations around Iceland this spring. The formidable crew on board offers fun courses and workshops for both students and teachers and puts on a science festival organised in close collaboration with locals.

The University Knowledge Train has toured since the University of Iceland's centennial in 2011 with the aim to communicate science to young people in a vibrant and diverse manner, support the work in Icelandic primary schools, and strengthen the ties to people of all ages around Iceland. On board the train are, among others, University scientists, lecturers, and graduate students, who also work as facilitators at the University's Science Centre and University of Youth. 

The train will stop at the following four destinations this spring:

  • Hvolsvöllur (5 - 6 May)
  • Grindavík (12 - 14 May)
  • Dalvík (19 - 21 May) 
  • Ólafsvík (26 - 28 May).

The University Knowledge Train has received the Rannís Science communication awards, has stopped at over forty municipalities all over Iceland, and has been warmly received in each and every location. It is thus always exciting to embark on the journey each year as the programme is always organised in close collaboration with the municipalities and their schools. 

The train has not escaped the great pandemic. The train was grounded entirely in spring 2020 and in spring 2021 the organisation was framed for the most part by the pandemic. This year it looks like the train can run on schedule without any obstacles and offer ambitious and extremely interesting courses at each of its destinations.

The Knowledge Train continues with teachers' workshops, a novelty implemented last year and offered in addition to courses for pupils. The University's Science Centre has in recent years offered diverse workshops to teachers emphasising practical education and experiments in Reykjavik. There has been a great demand for continuing education of this kind and now selected workshops will be offered to teachers in other municipalities. 

A Science Festival will be organised at most destinations open to everyone regardless of their age to come see the wonders of science through fun games, gadgets, and challenges. Participation is free of charge, and everyone is welcome.

Information on the Knowledge Train schedule can be retrieved online.

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