People at University centre, University of Iceland

Jón Atli Benediktsson, Rector of the University of Iceland, sent the following message to University staff and students today (10 May 2021):

"Dear students and colleagues,

The restrictions on University of Iceland operations were relaxed today, to the effect that mixing between students from different infection control zones is now permitted. The new rules will be in effect up to and including 26 May. Events for guests from outside the University are also now permitted, subject to the general restrictions on University operations. The following rules are now in effect:

  • Teaching and learning at the University of Iceland is permitted, on the condition that students and staff maintain a distance of 1 metre and that the number of people in each classroom or reading room does not exceed 100.
  • Rules on mixing between groups and limits on gatherings do not apply in common spaces at the University, such as entrances, toilets and corridors, on the condition that people wear face masks.
  • Mixing between student groups is permitted.
  • For practical teaching and clinical training, where it is not possible to maintain a physical distance, students and teaching staff must wear face masks.
  • Other events that do not fall under the definition of teaching or learning are permitted in University buildings, with the above restrictions.
  • The University of Iceland will ensure good ventilation and that common surfaces in classrooms are disinfected between classes.
  • Shared equipment and common surfaces will also be disinfected at least once a day.

This relaxation of restrictions is indeed a sign that things are looking up in our struggle against COVID-19, but it remains extremely important that we all do what we can to prevent infection. Our success depends on a united effort.

Good luck this week, dear students and colleagues, not least those of you sitting exams which are now taking place under difficult circumstances. You all deserve a huge amount of praise for your resilience and adaptability, ensuring that we at the University of Iceland have been able to continue our vital work.

Jón Atli Benediktsson, Rector"

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