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The University of Iceland is a partner in a  project: “Human Rights & Business - Social Dialogue post-COVID19”, funded by a grant from Active Citizens Fund – National Programme: K1m-0457 (page in Polish), financed from EEA Funds. 

The project, led by Polish Institute of Human Rights and Business (PIHRB) (page in Polish), aims at developing a new model of social consultations with deliberative elements and testing it in pilot implementations carried out in three cities in Poland. 

Professors Jón Ólafsson and Salvör Nordal at the University of Iceland have contributed to the project with a research-based report on the Icelandic Constitutional Process, lessons from which will serve as a reference point and an inspiration for conceptualizing the new format for social dialogue in the Polish post-COVID19 context. It is expected that due to COVID-19 crisis restrictions, all the consultations will be held online. The pilot consultations revolves around selected business and human rights issues covered in the 2nd National Action Plan for the implementation of the UN Guiding Principles on Human Rights & Business, and together with the results of a national level survey it will provide input into the government consultations. 

The report and insights from the Democratic Constitutional Design project led by prof. Jón Ólafsson will also be presented at the international Conference on “The new forms of social dialogue” organized by PIHRB, the University of Iceland and the European Parliament’s Office to Poland in September 2021.

Further information about the project can be found at the project website. (in Polish only). 

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