Ugla University app

SmáUglan, the University of Iceland app, now has the wind beneath her wings in a more personal and user friendly version. Users can adapt the baby owl, SmáUglan, to their own needs by changing the start-up screen and short cuts, choosing the options you use the most. The new SmáUgla is of course bi-lingual as her big sister so you can choose between Icelandic and English.

Among new features in the app is "my day" which gives you an overview of all your classes, exams, meetings and events each day, all in one place. Your day then changes into your week be tilting the phone on its side. Users can, furthermore, monitor what is happening at the University with news and announcements, see what is for lunch in Háma if you are hungry and see what the Ugla says every day. Students can see all their courses and final grades in the app and staff can clock in and out of work via Vinnustund.

Users only need to register into the app the first time it is used, after that they have the SmáUgla app ready in their pocket; the only thing needed is wi-fi! SmáUgla is a convenient addition and a simple way to access what you use the most in Ugla - intraweb. It is currently accessible in App Store and Google Play.

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