Over 2,000 receive their diplomas in both undergraduate- and graduate studies from the University of Iceland tomorrow, Saturday 22 June in Laugardalshöll. Just as in previous years there will be two graduation ceremonies.
However, this year the first ceremony, starting at 10 a.m. is for candidates in undergraduate studies receiving their BA, B.Ed., and BS diplomas. A total of 1,165 candidates complete their undergraduate studies at this time. Among them are the first students to complete their entire BS in sport and health sciences after the studies were moved from Laugarvatn to Reykjavík.
The second ceremony, at 2 pm, is for graduate students who are completing their graduate studies, i.e. MA, M.Ed. and MS. A total of 845 candidates complete their studies. Among them are the first students to complete an MS degree in physical therapy, and the very first to receive an M.Ed. in inclusive education.
The diplomas will be awarded in the following order by schools: School of Social Sciences, School of Health Sciences, School of Humanities, School of Education, and School of Engineering and Natural Sciences. Diplomas from the School of Social Sciences will be 557 in total, 491 from the School of Health Sciences, 276 from the School of Humanities, 364 from the School of Education, and 322 from the School of Engineering and Natural Sciences.
The total of graduating students from the University of Iceland on 22 June is thus 2,010.
The rector of the University of Iceland will address the ceremony as well as Númi Sveinsson, BS in Mechanical Engineering, and Aðalbjörg Birgisdóttir, MS in physical therapy, on behalf of the graduates.
The graduates from the University of Iceland in February were 444 in total, making the total number this year of graduating students from the University of Iceland 2,454.