A research team at the University of Iceland's Faculty of Business Administration recently received recognition for their contribution to the annual conference Academy of Management (AOM). An article from the group was nominated as one of the best; an honour bestowed on only 5% of the articles submitted. The research team is comprised of Gylfi Dalmann Aðalsteinsson, Svala Guðmundsdóttir and Þórhallur Guðlaugsson; all members of the academic staff at the University of Iceland's Faculty of Business Administration.
AOM is one of the oldest and most respected academic associations in the field of administration; founded in 1936 by a few American professors at top universities in the US. The members are currently over 19 thousand from 120 countries. The organisation’s operations are extensive and divided into 25 divisions and interest groups. The article in question was submitted to the International Management group, which focuses on content pertaining to the theory, research, and practice of management with a cross-border or cross-cultural dimension. The articles submitted this year were 7,042 of which around 45% were accepted for the conference, while 310 articles were nominated as one of the best ones, or 4.4% of the total articles submitted. Participants at the conference were 11,010 from 90 countries; the Icelandic participants were 7. It was a great encouragement for the group to receive a recognition in a field considered one of the most important to research scholars in the field of administration.
The article is entitled „The diplomatic spouse: The relationship between adjustment, social support and satisfaction with life,“ and the aim of the study was to examine the correlation between adjustment, social support, and satisfaction with life for expatriate spouses in 24 European countries. The results showed a strong relationship between these factors and the research model explained nearly 30% of the variability in participant’s satisfaction with life from both adjustment and emotional support.
The research team has worked together since 2010, and worked on studies in the field of international administration, national culture, and work market studies. The team has published 9 articles in both domestic and international journals and received special recognition for their contribution in an international conference in 2015. The results of that study were published in the University Journal; Stjórnmál og stjórnsýsla (Politics and public administration) in 2015; the article is entitled „Icelandic national culture compared to national cultures of 25 OECD member states using VSM94“.