Law students at the University of Iceland 2018

The deadline for individual tax returns is approaching fast; 13 March. Master's students from the Faculty of Law, in collaboration with Deloitte, offer free assistance for individuals who need to file their taxes on the annual Orator's tax day. The tax day will be held on Saturday 10 March between 11 am and 17 pm campus; in Gimli (Háskólatorg) and everyone is free to attend.

Law students at the University of Iceland have assisted with tax returns for almost 40 years; using their expertise for the benefit of the community. This day, furthermore, gives the law students valuable experience in tax law as specialists from Deoloitee will be present to give a helping hand.

A varied group of people has benefited from the tax assistance in recent years, including individuals with independent income, students who have lived abroad, doctoral students. Furthermore, foreigners living in Iceland, who have rarely or never filed taxes in Iceland have made use of this service. The Tax Day has been very popular and the service is open to all, free of charge.

Those who wish to come and get assistance this Saturday are kindly asked to bring the following:

  • The online key for (Veflykill RSK) 
  • Password and/or identity key for online bank.  
  • Contractor’s slip/ticket. 

Some coffee and refreshments will be offered during the assistance.

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