Over 140 international students began their studies at the University of Iceland this semester, thereof 107 exchange students. They were all invited to a welcome ceremony where the rector of the University of Iceland addressed them as well as Stefan Hermanowicz from the Students’ international committee. Friðrika Harðardóttir, Director of the International Office welcomed the students and told them about the days ahead.
The welcome reception marked the beginning of a two day orientation for international students to get them acquainted with the campus and University life. The orientation includes courses, organised walks around campus, introductions in individual schools and events organised by the student council. The courses included Icelandic in 90 minutes, The Keys to Success at the University of Iceland, organised by the UI Student and Career Counselling, where students are are given pointers on how to succeed in their studies at the University, and enjoy their stay in Iceland.
The aim of orientation days is to introduce University support services and help students adjust to a new culture and mingle with other students.