Confronting gendered violence - Conference

RIKK - Institute for Gender, Equality and Difference at the University of Iceland is organizing a Nordic conference on gendered violence with focus on perpetrators held in Helsinki 30 November - 2 December. The conference sets focus on the contexts of perpetrators in the Nordic countries, seeking to find ways to break the cycles of violence.

The purpose of the conference is to generate knowledge within the field and explore different ways to address domestic and intimate partner violence.  The conference will offer a platform for sharing lessons, discussing the implementation of the Istanbul convention and create a dialogue between different actors in the field within the Nordic countries, in addition to forming a Nordic network for professionals focusing on perpetrators. The plan is to establish a network of partners working on the issues of perpetrators.

Both students and staff from the University of Iceland are among lecturers as well as representatives from other Icelandic institutes. Representatives working in the field  from the other Nordic countries will give talks as well. The target group of the conference is different actors working with issues regarding perpetrators of domestic and intimate partner violence, policy makers and practitioners such as NGOs, researchers, institutes and organizations that make the support systems within the Nordic countries. 

The organization is in the hands of RIKK with the collaboration of The National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) in Finland and the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health in the same country. The conference is a part of Finland's contribution, but they currently lead the Nordic Council of Ministers and is supported by the council.

You can follow news on the conference on Twitter, Facebook and on it's website. 

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