University Council at the University of Iceland 2016

A new University Council has been appointed for the period of 2016-2018 according to the Act on Public Higher Education Institutions, no. 85/2008. A fully appointed council was gathered for the first time last 8 September. Eiríkur Rögnvaldsson, Professor of Icelandic language and linguistics, Faculty of Icelandic and Comparative Cultural Studies, UI School of Humanities, was voted vice-chair of the council.

Members of the University Council are:

  • Jón Atli Benediktsson, Professor at the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Rector of UI, chair
  • Eiríkur Rögnvaldsson, Professor of Icelandic language and linguistics, UI School of Humanities, representative of University community, and vice-chair of the council.
  • Ásthildur Margrét Othardsóttir, Consultant and Chair of the Board of Directors of Marel hf, representative nominated by the University Council.
  • Erna Hauksdóttir, former Director of the Icelandic Travel Industry Association (SAF), representative of the Minister of Education, Science and Culture.
  • Guðrún Geirsdóttir, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Teacher Education, School of Education, and Faculty Administrative Officer of the Centre for Teaching and Learning, representative of the University community.
  • Orri Hauksson, CEO of Síminn.
  • Ragna Árnadóttir, Deputy CEO of the National Power Company of Iceland, nominated by the University Council.
  • Ragna Sigurðardóttir, Medical Student, representative of the student body.
  • Stefán Hrafn Jónsson, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Social and Human Science, UI School of Social Sciences, representative of the University community.
  • Tómas Þorvaldsson, Partner and Attorney at law of Vík Law Firm, nominated by the University Council.
  • Þengill Björnsson, engineering student, representative of the student body.

Deputy members:

  • Amalía Björnsdóttir Professor at the Faculty of Teacher Education, School of Education (for Eiríkur Rögnvaldsson).
  • Borgar Þór Einarsson, Lawyer (for Orri Hauksson).
  • Eyrún Fríða Árnadóttir, student at the Faculty of Education Studies (for Þengill Björnsson).
  • Ingibjörg Gunnarsdóttir, Professor at the Faculty of Food Science and Nutrition, School of Health Sciences (for Guðrún Gestsdóttir).
  • María Rut Kristinsdóttir, Specialist at the Ministry of the Interior (for Erna Hauksdóttir)
  • Rúnar Unnþórsson, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science, School of Engineering and Natural Sciences (for Stefán Hrafn Jónsson).
  • Svanhildur Konráðsdóttir, Director of Culture and Tourism - City of Reykjavík (for Ásthildur Margrét Otharsdóttir, Ragna Árnadóttir and Tómas Þorvaldsson).
  • Tryggvi Másson, student in business administration (for Ragna Sigurðardóttir).

The University Council meeting minutes are on the University web (in Icelandic).

We wish the new University Council success in their work.

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