Future of democracy

EDDA Research Center will be hosting an international conference entitled Future of Democracy on May 20–21 at the lecture hall of the National Museum of Iceland (Þjóðminjasafn). This two-day conference includes a screening of the documentary A Blueberry Soup by Eileen Jerret and will be followed by a citizens meeting at the Reykjavík City Theatre (Borgarleikhúsið). 

The conference will deal with various aspects of participatory and deliberative approaches, asking how and in what respect they can improve democracy and democratic choices. In addition, practitioners, activists and researchers will present actual democratic experiments for discussions. These  focus on both Icelandic cases and experiments from around the world. The aim of the conference is to be a forum for useful critical discussion of innovative projects and exercises. 

Participants come from around the world and include Hélène Landemore, Associate Professor of Law at Yale University, Lawrence Lessig, Law Professor at Harvard University,  Stephania Xydia, one of the founders of Place Identity in Greece, David Carrillo, Executive Director of the California Constitution Center, Maija Setälä, Professor at Turku University and Luca Bergamo, Secretary general at Culture Action Europe. 

The conference will be held in English and is a part of the project Democratic Experiments run by Edda Research Centre.

Further information: http://edda.hi.is

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