A part of Suðurgata south of Brynjólfsgata will be closed from Monday 7 March due to the construction of an underpass between the Vigdís Finnbogadóttir Institute of Foreign Languages and the University Centre. It is estimated that Suðurgata will re-open at the end of July. Southerly – westerly traffic will thus be diverted via Brynjólfsgata, Dunhagi and Hjarðarhagi to Suðurgata.
Suðurgata will also be closed to the north at Sturlugata (by Árnagarður – The Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies). Nothwardly – easterly traffic will thus be diverted via Sturlugata and Sæmundargata to Hringbraut.
The diagram below shows where Suðurgata is closed and detours.