The University of Iceland is among 103 institutes and companies in Iceland that signed a declaration last November vowing to take action in climate issues. The declaration was made in the prelude of the UN Climate Change Conference, COP21, in Paris 30 November to 11 December 2015.
Jón Atli Benediktsson, Rector of the University of Iceland, signed the declaration on behalf of the University. The agreement stipulates that all parties to it must set goals followed by steps to reduce greenhouse gases and waste. The results will consequently be measured and status reports published.
The City of Reykjavík and Festa, Icelandic Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility, initiated the collaboration and the signature marks the formal beginning of the work. The declaration is intended to serve as an inspiration to organisations and companies to reduce emission of greenhouse gases, thus taking initiative and showing responsibility towards the environment and the community.
The group of 103 companies and institutes involved is diverse; comprised of large and small companies, manufacturing companies, industrial- and service companies and universities; some polluting more than others. Combined they employ over 43 thousand people, in addition to over 30 thousand students in the educational institutes involved. The services of these companies and institutions thus involve all Icelanders in one way or another.
The 21st United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP21) was held in Paris at the end of last year, where the world's nations worked on a general and binding agreement on the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. A group of nineteen master students in Environment and Natural Resources at the University of Iceland participated in the conference.