People at University centre, University of Iceland

The Watanabe Trust Fund at the University of Iceland calls for applications from students or scholars who wish to carry out a part of their studies or research work in Iceland or Japan.

The application deadline is 15th of January 2016.

Eligible applicants should be Japanese students registered at a Japanese university, planning to study for a certain period at the University of Iceland; or Icelandic students registered at the University of Iceland, planning to study for a certain period at a Japanese university. Scholars and University teachers residing in Japan, who want to visit University of Iceland, and scholars working at the University of Iceland, who intend to visit Japan, can also apply.

The Watanabe Trust fund provides support for up to a 6 months stay for an undergraduate student and up to a 9 months stay for a graduate student at the University of Iceland or a Japanese university. The period of stay shall be during the academic year 2016-2017.

Applicants may be undergraduate students (B.A. B.S., or B.Ed. students) or graduate students (M.A., M.S. or PhD students). Post-doctoral students, scholars and university teachers can also apply.

The scholarships will be in the form of monthly allowances for living expenses. This will be 200.000 ISK per month during the period of stay for a Japanese student staying at the University of Iceland or 150.000 JPY per month during the period of stay for an Icelandic student staying at a Japanese university. Up to 200.000 ISK support will be given for travel expenses. University fees, and other study expenses will not be covered by the scholarship. Scholars and university teachers can also apply for a scholarship up to 500.000 ISK support for a shorter stay than 1 month.

Application forms are available on the Watanabe Trust Fund website. Further information is provided by Hafliði Sævarsson, tel: +354-525-5264, email:

Final reports of previous scholarships recipients can also be found on the website.

Applications should be written in English and submitted electronically together with all additional information.

Applications will be evaluated by the Board of the Watanabe Trust Fund who will then select grantees. The board can decide not to offer the scholarship to any applicants.
Applications shall be submitted to no later than January 15th 2016.

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