Rector elections 2015

On Monday 13 April 2015, elections took place for the position of rector of the University of Iceland. The candidates were Professor Einar Steingrímsson, Professor Guðrún Nordal and Professor Jón Atli Benediktsson. Polling took place between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m., and voting was conducted online.

Number of voters on the electoral roll and voter turnout 

14,110 individuals were on the electoral roll: 1,486 members of staff and 12,624 students. A total of 1,286 members of staff (86.6% of staff on the electoral roll) and 5,080 students (40.2% of students on the electoral roll) voted. Altogether, 6,366 votes were cast. The overall voter turnout was therefore 45.1%. 71 absentee votes were cast and the number of blank votes was 206 (3.2% of the total votes cast). The number of valid votes was therefore 6,160. The votes were divided as detailed below:

Voters on the electoral roll
Number of voters Male Female
14,110 4,998 9,112


Votes cast and turnout
Composition of electoral roll Number of voters on electoral roll Male voted Female voted Total voted Turnout
On electoral roll 14,110        
Of which staff with a university degree 1,268 530 585 1,115 87.93%
Of which staff without a university degree 218 73 98 171 78.44%
Of which students 12,624 1,900 3,180 5,080 40.24%
Total voter turnout       6,366 45.12%


Election results

The votes of University teaching staff and other staff holding university degrees were worth 60% of the votes cast. Student votes were worth 30% of the votes cast and votes by other eligible parties were worth 10% of the votes cast. Taking into consideration the weighting of different groups of voters, the votes were divided amongst the candidates as detailed below:

Results - weighted votes: Proportion %
Candidate Votes cast Weighted value
Einar Steingrímsson 9.7% 10.0%
Guðrún Nordal 39.4% 40.1%
Jón Atli Benediktsson 48.9% 49.9%
Blank 2.0%  
Invalid 0.0%  
Total 100.0% 100.0%


The number of valid votes cast in the elections for rector was 6,160. Votes were divided between the candidates according to the different groups of voters as detailed below:

Results according to different groups of voters – numbers of votes
All votes cast Einar Steingrímsson Guðrún Nordal Jón Atli Benediktsson Blank Total votes
Staff holding university degrees, whole vote 45 372 513 12 942
Staff holding university degrees, half vote 13 66 91 3 173
Other staff, whole vote 8 80 58 2 148
Other staff, half vote 3 12 8 0 23
Students 1,030 1,754 2,107 189 5,080
Total 1,099 2,284 2,777 206 6,366


Since no candidate received a majority of the votes cast, as is stipulated in paragraph 2 of item 7, Article 6 of the Regulation for the University of Iceland no. 569/2009, a second election shall be held between Guðrún Nordal and Jón Atli Benediktsson on Monday 20 April 2015.

13 April 2015
Election board for the elections for rector 2015

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