The book Images of the North. Histories – Identities – Ideas, recently received the annual silver awards of the Association for Borderlands Studies. Sverrir Jakobsson, Professor in Medieval History at the University of Iceland’s Faculty of Icelandic and Comparative Cultural Studies edited the book. It was published in connection with the research project Iceland and Images of the North; a collaboration between over twenty scholars from various fields who have studied the image of Iceland and the North in the past and present. The project was funded by Rannís – The Icelandic Research Fund, The University of Montréal, Hólar University, and Reykjavík Academy.
The Association for Borderlands Studies awards prizes each year for books published in the field of social or natural sciences and humanities on research on borders and borderlands. The Association was founded in 1976, emphasizing the borderland of the United States and Mexico. Today the Association focuses on interdisciplinary research with the participation of over a hundred educational, research and administrative institutes, and NGOs in America, Asia, Africa and Europe.
Rodopi published the volume edited by Sverrir Jakobsson in 2009 as a part of the series Studia Imagologica. Further information are on the Rodopi website. http://www.brill.com/products/book/images-north