The University recently launched a new service for international staff. The UI Relocation Service is a new platform aimed to service both international staff and their recruiters.
The number of international staff has been growing in recent years with increased international funding at the University of Iceland. This positive development has created a need for a new service, especially aimed at incoming new international staff and their recruiters.
It is imperative to facilitate smooth and fast arrival in Iceland for the newly recruited. Integration to Icelandic society is also a crucial factor in keeping employees for a longer period of time. Professional assistance can be the key to make it happen.
The service is divided into few categories:
- Residence Permits - non-European Citizens
- Fast-Track Service Icelandic ID number - European Citizens
- Housing Assistance
- Spouse Network
- General Information
Service for:
- Academic Staff
- Guest Lecturers
- Post-Docs
- Phd Students
The service is available for the whole University of Iceland but is developed and hosted at the School of Engineering and Natural Sciences.