Drawing of a person sitting in front of a computer

The Division of Academic Affairs has developed support material on their website kennari.hi.is that can be useful to teachers within and outside of the University of Iceland in better understanding digital access in their courses. This addition is part of the university's commitment to implementing the Equal Rights Policy, which includes, among other things, universal design in relation to teaching methods and learning environments. 

On the website kennari.hi.is, teachers can now get an overview of whether their course meets accessibility requirements. By answering a few questions on the website about accessibility issues in their courses, teachers receive results indicating what is well done and what can be improved.

Why does digital accessibility matter?

Good digital access in a course contributes to ensuring that all students benefit from all aspects that the course has to offer.  This includes designing and selecting course material and technology that supports accessibility and eliminates obstacles for students.

Digital accessibility also involves inclusion, considering diversity and the different needs of students. Course material and technology should thus also be accessible for people with visual, hearing, mobility, and/or cognitive impairments, as well as older individuals, or others who may have difficulty using the content or technology.  Digital accessibility enhances the learning experience, increases efficiency in the learning environment, and benefits everyone; including those who are not dealing with disabilities of any kind.

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