Silhouette of a person outside Lögberg and University centre

The University of Iceland will grant students with outstanding results on their matriculation exams who choose to enrol at the University, scholarships from the Student Achievement and Incentive Fund of the University of Iceland. A call for applications has been issued, and the deadline for application is 5 June

Since 2008 over 300 new students have received scholarships from the fund. Each scholarship amounts to 300,000 Ikr, plus 75,000 Ikr as a refund for the registration fee. 
This year special emphasis will be placed on students applying for studies in education, and students who have Icelandic as a second language. 

The choice of recipients is based on: 

  • outstanding results in matriculation exams
  • social activity 
  • achievements in other fields, such as sports or arts
  • great progress in studies, or excellent results despite difficult circumstances

Applications and further information can be found here: Sjóðavef Háskóla Íslands (in Icelandic)

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