Kimberley Anderson

The School of Health Sciences invites all students and staff to participate in a conference promoting the latest developments in biomedical and health sciences in Iceland taking place in Háskólatorg on 3 and 4 January 2017. The programme includes around 300 presentations and many interesting sessions entirely in English.

This years programme consists of 173 lectures in 37 sessions, of which 16 will be in English, and 113 poster presentations, covering most aspects of the biomedical and health sciences. Topics include everything from molecular biology and clinical microbiology to sports and mental and physical health during the lifespan. The sessions are interdisciplinary in order to connect people from different fields.

The conference is held every other year but this is the first time sessions in the conference will be offered in English. The School of Health Sciences felt it was important to include the growing number of international students and staff at the UI. Authors were given the possibility to submit their abstracts in English, given they would present them in English as well. The result is 79 presentations in 16 sessions entirely in English.

The conference abstracts will be published in Læknablaðið supplement journal that will be distributed during the conference and made available on the University of Iceland website.

Everyone is invited to participate and there is not conference fee.

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