"It is of utmost importance for the Student Council to protect the interests of the almost 15 thousand students here at the University of Iceland, and the number is growing. The student body is, of course, diverse and we need to ensure that equality is a guiding light in all our operations."
This says Isabel Alejandra Diaz, president of the University of Iceland Student Council, who is currently busy organizing the council centenary. A special event dedicated to the milestone will be broadcast live online on Friday 4 December between 6 and 7.30 P.M.
The centenary of the Student Council is a milestone in student politics, an important feature in Icelandic society since students first voted in December 1920.
Isabel says that it has been more challenging than expected to organise the celebrations in the current situation due to the pandemic.
"We opened the year with an event in Gamla bíó on 31 January, and festivities were planned throughout the year. The Octoberfest, our largest annual event was supposed to be part of the centenary celebrations, but the festival had to be cancelled. We were very sorry to have to do so, but we are confident it was the right thing to do," says Isabel.
"We were able to have a distance bingo in October, a great success, and a pub quiz for international students. There are various items on the agenda for the centenary week and we look forward to telling everyone. Actually we are hoping to prolong the centenary, continue into the next year!"
Even though university students now celebrate their council's centenary, not all Icelanders know what it stands for. Isabel says that the council's role is first and foremost to look out for the interests of students at the University of Iceland. At the Student Rights Office, the representatives of students who provide them with support, help with various issues and speak on their behalf. There is a specialist in student loans, a special interest officer and an international relations officer. She says that the daily operations of the council are thus many and varied, from writing reviews or stipulations to organising events.
Isabel says that the Student Council has been effective on various issues through the years, some have taken a few years to resolve, while others remain active, and each year is a step in the right direction.
"I must mention great milestones like the founding of Icelandic Student Services (FS), where all registered students at the university are members. The goal of FS is to provide students with high quality service at low prices. The student apartments outside Gamli Garður would not be rising if not for the tenacity of students - this was the biggest issue when I started at the university."