Researchers' Night

The Icelandic eagle; sand box experiments with volcanoes and tectonics; the success of the Icelandic national teams in soccer, microorganisms at work in food, healthy diet, democracy in writing constitutions, the effect of smart technology on the Icelandic language, increased sustainability and recycling in textiles, and food security in the world in the world are among the challenges researcher and students at the University of Iceland will tackle during the European Researchers' Night in Laugardagshöll next Saturday, 28 September from 3 - 8 p.m. 

The European Researchers' Night is held simultaneously in many European Cities to show science and the scientists behind the research in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere to the general public, and to raise awareness of the work of researchers and their contribution to contemporary society. The Researchers' Night was held in Iceland last year for the first time in four years, and thousands of people came to meet with representatives of universities, science institutions, and companies introducing their operations. 

Emphasis is placed on presenting research and projects in a dynamic and interactive manner for all ages. This will also be the case this year so everyone ought to find something interesting at the University of Iceland's booths and stations in Laugardalshöll.

Participants should visit the Web of Science for interesting and fun brainteasers and the Science Centre which will be full of fun gadgets to try. Furthermore, all kinds of chemicals will be cooking in the chemistry booth; to name but a few of the options on offer at the European Researchers' Night.

The European Researchers' Night is open to all and entry is free of charge.

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