University of Iceland, Main building
Election for the position of Rector

Election days for the Rectorial Election at the University of Iceland will be on 18 and 19 March 2025. Voting will start at 9 am on the first day and finish at 5 pm on the second day.

If no candidate receives a majority of votes, a second round will be held between the two candidates who received the most votes. The second round, if necessary, will be held one week after results of the first election have been published.

Electoral register

Students and staff can check whether they appear on the electoral register by clicking here.

If your name does not appear on the electoral register and you believe that it should, or if you believe you are on the wrong electoral register or your vote has not been given the correct weight, you can appeal the issue to The deadline for appeals is 11:59 pm on 11 March.

Eight applicants were deemed to have met these requirements, one has withdrawn his application.

Candidates for the position of Rector
in alphabetical order by first names



Björn Þorsteinsson


Björn Þorsteinsson, Professor of Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy, History and Archaeology at the School of Humanities, University of Iceland


  • 2016 –: Professor of Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy, History and Archaeology, University of Iceland (UI)
  • 2015–2016: Assistant professor of philosophy, Faculty of History and Philosophy at UI
  • 2012–2014 and 2007–2009: Research fellow, Institute of Philosophy, UI
  • 2009–2012: Postdoctoral researcher, Institute of Philosophy
  • 2004–14: Part-time lecturer, School of Humanities and School of Health Sciences at UI, Iceland University of the Arts and Continuing Education at UI
  • 2008–2010: Co-editor of Ritið, journal of the Institute of the Humanities at UI
  • 2005–2015: Co-editor of book series Lærdómsrit Hins íslenzka bókmenntafélags
  • 1997-1999: editor at Mál og menning publishers.

Administrative and leadership experience:

  • 2023–: one of five PIs of project Freedom to Make Sense, recipient of Centre of Excellence grant from Icelandic Centre for Research
  • 2016–2020: chair, Department of Philosophy, Faculty of History and Philosophy, UI
  • 2018–2020: chair, Humanities Teaching Committee, UoI; representative, UoI’s Central Teaching Committee
  • 2017–: chair, Brynjólfur Bjarnason Philosophy Fund;
  • 2016–2017: chair, Publishing Fund, Iceland University of the Arts
  • 2016–2017: representative, UI’s Scientific Committee
  • 2016–18: chair, School of Humanities Evaluative Committee, UI’s Research Fund; representative on Research Fund’s central committee
  • 2014–2016: chair, Institute of Philosophy, UI; representative, board of Institute of Humanities.

Family: Married to Sigrún Alba Sigurðardóttur, writer, cultural theorist and curator, three daughters

Social media:


Ganna Pogrebna


Ganna Pogrebna, Professor, Executive Director at AI and Cyber Futures Institute, Charles Sturt University; Lead for Behavioural Data Science, The Alan Turing Institute; Honourary Professor of Behavioural Business Analytics and Data Science 


Award-winning academic leader, top-published interdisciplinary scholar, executive, and strategic advisor with over 20 years of experience. Recognised as a Tech Women 100 Winner UK (2019), Women in AI 2024 Winner (Asia-Pacific, Risk and Cybersecurity), and a finalist in the AI Awards Australia (AI Female Leader of the Year 2024).

Proven expertise in managing high-impact projects (AUD 30 million in research funding over the past decade) and fostering global partnerships.

Delivered strategic projects for the public and private sectors, including Google, Telstra, HSBC, and the Office of National Intelligence Australia. A thought leader in AI, cybersecurity, and behavioural data science.

Administrative and leadership experience:

Ganna has a strong track record in strategic leadership, research management, and institutional development. As Executive Director at the AI and Cyber Futures Institute (AICF), she established a high-impact research and education centre, driving interdisciplinary research, industry collaboration, and policy engagement.

As Lead for Behavioural Data Science at The Alan Turing Institute, she managed cross-disciplinary initiatives in AI, cybersecurity, and behavioural science. She held leadership roles at the University of Warwick and the University of Birmingham, fostering industry partnerships, managing large-scale projects, and strengthening research impact.

Ganna has also led global research collaborations, advised policymakers, and developed executive education programs.

Family: Married, has a son.

Social media:


Ingibjörg Gunnarsdóttir


Ingibjörg Gunnarsdóttir, Professor at the Faculty of Food Science and Nutrition at the UI School of Health Sciences and Pro-rector for science


  • 2023 - Pro-rector for Research (and Society from 2025), University of Iceland
  • 2024 - Dean of the School of Health Sciences, temporary role from March 1st to June 30th
  • 2010 - Professor, Faculty of Food Science and Nutrition, School of Health Sciences, University of Iceland
  • 2013 - 2023 - Unit for Nutrition Research, Head of Department
  • 2013 – 2023 - Head of Department of Clinical Nutrition at Landspitali University Hospital
  • 2006 - 2010 - Associate Professor, University of Iceland

Administrative and leadership experience: 
Extensive experience in management within the University of Iceland  (UI) and a leading role in national and international research. Human resources as well as professional and financial responsibility at the Department of Clinical Nutrition, Landspitali University Hospital.

  • 2023 - Science Committee (Chair), UI
  • 2023 - Promotion and Tenure Committee (Chair), UI
  • 2023 - Evaluation System for Public Higher Education Institutions (Chair)
  • 2023 - Director of the Graduate School, UI
  • 2019 - Landspitali Scientific Council, appointed by the CEO 2019-2023 and 2023-2027
  • 2018 - 2022 - Vice-chair of the University Council, UI
  • 2015 - 2022 - Rector’s permanent representative in Selection Committees, UI

Family: Spouse: Olafur Heimir Gudmundsson and children: Elias Rafn (b. 2000), Gunnar Heimir (b. 2002) and Bjorgvin Ingi (b. 2004).

Kolbrún Páls


Kolbrún Þ. Pálsdóttir, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Health Promotion, Sports and Leisure Studies and dean of the UI School of Education


  • Dean, School of Education (SoE) since 2018
  • 2017 Associate Professor, School of Education, University of Iceland, 
  • 2013 Assistant Professor, School of Education, University of Iceland
  • 2004-2008 Department Leader, Tónabær Leisure Center, Reykjavik City
  • 2002-2004 Leader of Laugarsel, Leisure-time centre for 6-9 year-old children


Administrative and leadership experience: 

I have extensive leadership experience within the University as I have led one of the university´s five schools for almost seven years. I have been on the financial board of the University since 2018, lead the board of the Educational Research Institute and chair the board of the Education Innovation Hub. I initiated and chaired the committee on evaluation of prior learning in teacher education 2021 to 2023 and was member of the board of the Continuing Education at HI 2022 to 2024. I was program chair for leisure and youth studies 2013-15, and at the same time, I chaired the committee on masters programs at SoE. I was the chair for the undergraduate program in educational studies 2010 to 2012; the chairperson for the Icelandic Educational Research Association 2017 to 2022 and the leader of the Doctoral Student Association at SoE 2010 to 2012.

Family: I became a young parent and had two daughters when I started my university education in 1992. Later, my husband, Róbert H. Haraldsson, and I had three children. We have five grown children, and recently, our first grandchild joined the family. 

Kolbrún's website

Socila Media:


Magnús Karl


Magnús Karl Magnússon, Professor at the Faculty of Medicine at the UI School of Health Sciences


I have been a professor in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Iceland for sixteen years where I have been engaged in both teaching and research. My academic journey includes comprehensive training and experience in basic medical sciences, through all levels of education and training as well as during my professional career. I have been awarded numerous grants from the Research Fund of the Science and Innovation Council (formerly the Science and Technology Council, VTR), including a large-scale Strategic Program in Genetics that received funding along with project and Center of Excellence grants. 8 PhD students have graduated under my guidance.

Administrative and leadership experience: 

I have held numerous leadership roles. From 2013 to 2016, I served as Dean of the Faculty of Medicine.The Faculty of Medicine is among the largest faculties at the University, encompassing over 100 academic staff members, multiple study programs across all academic levels, as well as extensive research activities. As Dean, I had leadership role, icluding staff recruitment, integration of university and clinical responsibilities for a significant portion of the faculty’s academic staff, and addressing complex personnel matters. Furthermore, I chaired the boards of two interdisciplinary programs within the university: Speech-Language Pathology program  and Centre of Public Health Sciences. 

Family: Widower, two grownup children

Magnús Karl's website

Social media:

Emmanuel Idowu


Oluwafemi E Idowu, Professor of Healthcare Leadership and Strategy and Chief Academic Officer / Provost at Oxford Business College, UK


I consider myself a dynamic and responsive academic, leader, and researcher with almost 35 years of academic and professional roles. I have leadership and change management skills that have been developed through my current and previous management roles.

I have experience in developing strategies and have used this experience to shape the culture and improve performance to meet the university's strategic plan. I have embedded these objectives into staff appraisals with an emphasis on teamwork and shared responsibility.

My management, academic and research interests concentrate on issues of organisation, performance, leadership, and healthcare ethics. My current research examines organisational culture theory and the determinants of workplace performance. In particular, I am interested in the implications and applications of these determinants in organisational behaviour and performance.

Administrative and leadership experience: 

I am passionate about pedagogy with an outstanding track record in teaching and management. I thrive in the invigoration of effective learning tools and the inception of new models for learning and assessment. I have a wide range of teaching and teaching-related experiences across the key areas of leadership, philosophy of medicine and research methodologies.

I have significant public sector professional experience, managing and developing a range of diverse and complex healthcare services, education, and staff development. I am dedicated to the pursuit of high-quality, applied research in organisational behaviour, the development of future thought leaders and to demonstrate impact on management practice.

Family: Married with four children.

Social Media:

Silja Bára Ómarsdóttir


Silja Bára Ómarsdóttir, Professor at the Faculty of Political Science at the UI School of Social Sciences


  • 2020 -: Professor, Faculty of Political Science
  • 2008-2018: Associate professor, Faculty of Political Science
  • 2008-2018: Adjunct professor, Faculty of Political Science

Teaching and research in international affairs, with an emphasis on Iceland’s foreign and security policy, broadly defined.

  • 2006-2008 Director, Institute of International Affairs
  • 2003-2006 Project/division manager, Centre for Gender Equality

Represents the university community on the University Council from 2022. Member of the Teaching Academy. Co-editor in chief at the Scandinavian Political Studies 2023-2025. Serves on boards and committees in- and outside of UI. 

  • PhD 2018, University College Cork
  • MA 1998, University of Southern California
  • BA 1995, Lewis & Clark College.
  • Graduate diplomas in social science research methods and university teaching, UI 2011 and 2012.

Administrative and leadership experience:

  • University Council 2022- 
  • On the board of UI’s Real Estate Company since 2023
  • Director, Institute of International Affairs (IIA) 2006-2008, growing it significantly through grants obtained
  • President of Icelandic Red Cross 2022-, VP 2020-2022, board member, 2018-2020
  • Led development of IRC policy 2020-2030, responsible for its overall work
  • Chair, Gender Equality Council 2019-2021
  • Courses on third-sector management. Member of Global Community for Women’s Leadership which provides training for women leaders in higher education
  • On the board of IIA since 2015, vice-chair since 20217
  • On UI Teaching and Learning Committee 2015-201
  • On the board of the UI Research Fund 2020-2022


Social Media:

Information about the Rectorial Election

The election for rector shall be held no later than seven weeks after the application deadline. The date of the election will be clearly and widely publicised within the University. Voting will take place online over two days, starting at 9 am on the first day and finishing at 5 pm the next day. Counting of votes shall begin immediately after polling ends.

The applicant who receives the majority of votes is considered to be nominated to the position of rector. If no candidate receives a sufficient number of votes, a second election shall be held, one week later, between the two candidates who received the most votes.

Following the election, the University Council will nominate a candidate, whom the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation will then appoint to the office of rector for a five-year term. The new rector of the University of Iceland will take office on 1 July 2025 and serve until 30 June 2030.

The right to vote

Both students and employees at UI have the right to vote in the election for rector, as follows:


Everyone appointed or hired to a position at UI or its institutes with a valid contract of employment has the right to vote.


  • Those working at 0.75 FTE or higher have a full vote, 
  • Those working at 0.37-0.75 FTE have a half vote.
  • Those working at lower than 0.37 FTE do not have a vote.
  • Academic staff at UI’s partner institutes, working on the basis of special laws, shall have a half vote. The institutes in question are:
    • the Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies,
    • the Institute for Experimental Pathology at Keldur
    • the National and University Library.


All students enrolled at the University of Iceland at the start of the election shall have the right to vote.

The employee vote is weighted at 70% and the student vote at 30%.

Students and staff can check whether they appear on the electoral register by clicking here.

If your name does not appear on the electoral register and you believe that it should, or if you believe you are on the wrong electoral register or your vote has not been given the correct weight, you can appeal the issue to The deadline for appeals is 11:59 pm on 11 March.

Election committee

The University Council has appointed an election committee for the upcoming election. The election committee, on behalf of the University Council:

  • oversees creation of electoral registers,
  • sets the election date,
  • manages implementation of the election,
  • rules on appeals concerning the election,
  • arranges absentee voting and handles other aspects of the election.


Members of the election committee are:

  • Víðir Smári Petersen, professor at the Faculty of Law and chair;
  • Aðalheiður Jóhannsdóttir, professor at the Faculty of Law;
  • Ebba Þóra Hvannberg, professor at the Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science;
  • Gréta Dögg Þórisdóttir, student at the Faculty of Law; Jens Ingi Andrésson, student at the Faculty of Law,
  • Sverrir Guðmundsson, project manager at the Division of Science and Innovation.

Rules on the Rectoral Elections

For further information about the election, please see Article 6 of the Regulation for the University of Iceland.

Also in the Rules of procedure on the planning, implementation and organisation of elections for the position of rector of the University of Iceland and creation of electronic electoral registers.


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