
Vilhjálmur Árnason

Professor Emeritus Professor emeritus
School of Humanities
Faculty of Philosophy, History and Archaeology
Aðalbygging -  A-332

My research interests have been largely related to two events and activities in Iceland in recent years which have raised important questions in applied ethics and socio-political philosophy: 1. The construction of a population database as a resource for genetic research and subsequently the use of genetic information in research and health care. 2. The investigation of the causes and aftermath of the financial collapse and how that was facilitated by weak professional and democratic practices.

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  • 1993 PostDoc Freie Universität and Max-Planck Institut für Bildungsforschung, Berlin Alexander von Humboldt fellow
  • 1982 Ph.D. Purdue University Doctoral studies
  • 1980 M.A. Purdue University M.A. in philosophy
  • 1979 Teacher's certificate University of Iceland Teacher's certificate in philosophy and comparative literature
  • 1978 B.A. B.A. in philosophy and comparative literature í heimspeki, febrúar Faculty of Philosophy, University of Iceland. University of Iceland
  • 1973 stúdentspróf Laugarvatn Gymnasium gymnasium studies