Sigríður Ólafsdóttir
Associate Professor
Associate professor
School of Education
Faculty of subject teacher education
Faculty of subject teacher education
Stakkahlíð - Enni -
- 2016 Viðbótardiplóma University of Iceland Teaching studies for higher education
- 2015 Doktorspróf University of Iceland PhD
- 2010 Meistarapróf University of Iceland MA
- 1997 Aukagrein Erasmus University Rotterdam Advanced topics in Human Resource Management
- 1996 Grunndiplóma Commissie van de Wet op het voortgezet onderwijs. Groningen, Netherlands Dutch as a second language
- 1994 Dipl.Ed. University of Iceland Teaching credentials
- 1993 BA University of Iceland BA in French
- 1980 Skiptinám Roehampton Institute of Higher Education, London Studies in Education and French
- 1979 Certificate London School of Foreign Trade Commerce
- 1978 Stúdentspróf Commercial College of Iceland College
Courses 2024 - 2025