Sigrún Aðalbjarnardóttir
Professor Emerita
School of Education
School of Education
School of Education
Professor Emeritus
School of Education
Faculty of education and diversity
Faculty of education and diversity
- 1988 Ed.D. Harvard University, Graduate School of Education, Department of Human Development and Psychology, Ed.D
- 1987 Ministry of Culture and Education Teacher Certification to Teach Psychology and Education at College level
- 1986 Harvard Harvard University Center for Moral Research and Moral Education. Director: Professor Lawrence Kohlberg
- 1984 MA M. A. Harvard University, Graduate School of Education, Department of Human Development and Psychology, M. A.
- 1983 B.A. University of Iceland, Faculty of Social Sciences, B. A. in Education
- 1972 (e.g., University of California, Berkeley, USA, 1974; Kungalv, Sweden Institutes: Several institutes in the areas of curriculum development, didactics, and school administration, as well as developmental psychology, both in Iceland and abroad (e.g., at University of California, Berkeley, USA, Kungalv, Sweden,
- 1970 Stúdentspróf Teacher Training College, University Entrance Examination,
- 1969 Kennarapróf Teacher Training College, Teacher Certification to Teach in Elementary and Secondary schools