Kristín Ingvarsdóttir
Assistant Professor
School of Humanities
Faculty of Languages and Cultures
Faculty of Languages and Cultures
- 2006 Doktorspróf Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo / Institute for the Study of Global Issues Doctor of Social Science
- 2002 Meistarapróf Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo / Institute for the Study of Global Issues Master of Social Science
- 1998 BS CBS -Copenhagen Business School B.S. in International Business Administration with Focus on East Asia
- 1995 Undirbúningsnám University of Copenhagen Japanese Language (compulsory for B.S.)
Courses 2024 - 2025
- JAP208G - Japanese History
- JAP241L - BA-thesis in Japanese Language and Culture
- JAP107G - Japanese Cinema
- JAP106G - Japanese Society and Culture II
- ASK113F - Arctic Politics in International Context
- ÞJÓ110F - Humanimals: Relations between humans and animals
- JAP241L - BA-thesis in Japanese Language and Culture