Jóna Guðrún Jónsdóttir
Adjunct Lecturer
Adjunct Lecturer in drama and theatre education education
School of Education
Faculty of subject teacher education
Faculty of subject teacher education
Skipholt 37 -
- 2020 Meistarapróf University of Iceland M.Ed. in Arts Education
- 2005 University of Iceland Teaching qualification
- 1993 Iceland Academy of the Arts Drama
Courses 2024 - 2025
- UME601G - Academic writing and conference
- LSS202G - Movement and dramatic expression, inside and outside
- SFG005G - Social Studies Teaching and Creative Learning
- KME002F - The joy of language: Effective preschool and compulory school activitieskindergarten
- LVG207M - Children's plays, for children and with children
- FAG401F - Teaching and learning -subject teaching
- KME205G - Creativity and play: Art, drama and music
- LVG207G - Arts II: Drama, fine art, music
- LVG406G - Drama teacher
- LVG407G - Drama teacher, implementation and theory
- HMM242F - Communication channels II. Oral presentations, exhibitions, digital communication
- KME206G - Pedagogy of Compulsory School
- LSK004G - Movement and dramatic expression, inside and outside
- LVG601L - Final project
- LVG401L - Final project
- LVG601L - Final project
- KME102G - Introduction to Learning and Instruction
- LVG008G - From an idea to a performance
- GKY301G - Development of language and literacy
- SFG006G - Life skills – ethics education
- LVG108M - Dramafusion –communication in drama
- LSS102F - Leadership, communication and collaboration
- LSS309G - Sustainability, nature and arts
- LVG601L - Final project
- LVG401L - Final project