
Jón Emil Guðmundsson

Assistant Professor Astrophysics
School of Engineering and Natural Sciences
Faculty of Physical Sciences
Phone number
VR-3 -  V03-104

I am an assistant professor in astrophysics at the School of Engineering and Natural Sciences at the University of Iceland. My research is focused on the development of novel devices and techniques for the microwave regime motivated by studies of the large scale structure of the Universe. I am involved in multiple experimental efforts studying the polarization of the cosmic microwave background — the oldest light in the Universe — in an attempt to shed light on the physics at the beginning of time. These include the Taurus balloon-borne experiment, the Simons Observatory, and the LiteBIRD satellite. Our research group is leading efforts in optical design, simulation, and testing for optical devices used on these experiments. I am also working on the development of novel metamaterial resonators that enable searches for axion dark matter. This work is performed in the context of the ALPHA experimental collaboration.

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  • 2014 Ph.D. Princeton University Physics
  • 2011 MA Princeton University Physics
  • 2008 BS University of Iceland Physics
Courses 2024 - 2025