Guðrún Steinþórsdóttir
Adjunct Lecturer
School of Education
Faculty of subject teacher education
Faculty of subject teacher education
Courses 2024 - 2025
- KME204F - Language Development and Literacy
- ABF224G - Contemporary literature
- ÍET213F - Teaching literature
- LSS207G - Children´s literature – Literature for young children
- KME002F - The joy of language: Effective preschool and compulory school activitieskindergarten
- ÍET205G - Icelandic as a school subject II
- ÍET210F - The teaching of the Icelandic language and teaching practice 2
- ÍET214F - Literacy and subject teaching
- ÍSL614M - Stylistics
- ABF842F - Fantasies
- ÍET103G - Icelandic in the classroom I
- ÍET104G - Icelandic as a school subject I
- ÍET104F - The Teaching of the Icelandic Language and teaching practice 1
- LÆK226G - The Clinical Approach: Communication - doctor/patient I
- LÆK412G - The Clinical Approach: The doctor, his patient and the illness II