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Guðbjörg Linda Rafnsdóttir - Professor
School of Social Sciences
Guðbjörg Linda Rafnsdóttir
Pro-Rector of Science and Professor of Sociology, Faculty of Social and Human Sciences
Oddi / O-327
glr [at]
Faculty of Sociology, Anthropology and Folkloristics
Published Work
Guðbjörg Linda Rafnsdóttir - published work
Curriculum Vitae
Guðbjörg Linda Rafnsdóttir - Curriculum Vitae
Consultation hours
Please send an e-mail to and we will make an appointment
ORCID site
Research portal – Guðbjörg Linda Rafnsdóttir
Courses 2024 - 2025
FÉL009F - Reading Course in Sociology
FÉL091F - Reading Course in Sociology
FÉL001F - Reading Course in Sociology
FÉL090F - Reading Course in Sociology
Lund University
Lund University
University of Iceland
Sociology and Ped
University of Iceland
Certificate in Pedagogy and Education
Professional Experience
2008 -
Professor in Sociology,
The University of Iceland
2016 -
Vice-rector research,
University of Iceland
2008 -
Dean of the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences,
University of Iceland
2011 -
Visiting Scholar:,
California State University
2004 -
Associate Professor in Sociology,
The University of Iceland
1994 -
Head of department and Senior researcher,
Department of Research and Occupational Health
2006 -
Visiting Scholar,
University of York, England
2002 -
Assistant Professor in Sociology,
The University of Iceland
1996 -
Post doc grant awarded by the National Science of Iceland,
University of Iceland
1989 -
Research position,
Lund University, Sweden
1982 -
1982 -
1982 -
Published works
Wages, Demographics, and Gender: Register Analysis among Doctorate Holders in Iceland
Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies
Eleven Years of Gender Data Visualization: A Step Towards More Inclusive Gender Representation
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
Student evaluation of teaching: gender bias in a country at the forefront of gender equality
Higher Education Research & Development
The Well-Being of Primary School Teachers during COVID-19
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Gender Bias in Academic Recruitment? Evidence from a Survey Experiment in the Nordic Region
European Sociological Review
Structural Hindrances or Less Driven Women? Managers' Views on Corporate Quotas
Politics and Gender
Líðan leikskólakennara og leiðbeinenda í leikskólum í kjölfar efnahagshrunsins
Networks, homogeneity and gender in Icelandic business elites
Scandinavian Journal of Management
Gender, agency, and time use among doctorate holders: The case of Iceland
Time and Society
Bullying and Harassment in Downsized Workplaces: What Can We Learn from the 2008 Icelandic Economic Collapse?
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Addressing the Horizontal Gender Division of Labor: A Case Study of Support and Obstacles in a Heavy Industry Plant in Iceland
Sex Roles
Top managers and the gendered interplay of organizations and family life: the case of Iceland
Gender in Management
The politics of diversity: Social and political integration of immigrants in Iceland
Veftímaritið Stjórnmál og stjórnsýsla
Reproducing gender roles through virtual work: The case of senior management
International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics
Top managers and the gendered interplay of organizations and family life: the case of Iceland
Gender in Management: An International Journal
Changes in occupational mental and physical health and health symptoms during the economic recession
Impact Theory - a new and (im)practical way of researching?
Málþing Félags- og mannvísindadeildar
Which ways are available to establish the impact of researching? Isn’t self-report self-evident?
Málstofa á vegum rágjafarnefndar gæðaráðs. Landbúnaðarháskólinn, Keldum.
Gender based violence and the responsibility of organizations.
Jafnréttisdagar Háskóla Íslands
Gender(in)equality in the labor market. Causes and embodiments.
Fræðslufundur BSRB.
The Politics of Diversity: Social and Political integration of Immigrants in Iceland.
Málþing um lýðræði og vald. Háskóla Íslands.
What characterized the work attitudes of Icelanders in 2016?
Ársfundur Félagsvísindastofnunar, Háskóli Íslands.
Women on Executive Boards & as CEOs: What do The Trends Indicate
Frelsi eða fjötrar? Um greiningu sjálfboðaliðastarfa á Íslandi.
Nordic Leadership
Nordic Research Summit for Leadership and Equality
Changes in occupational mental and physical health and health symptoms during the economic recession
Part time jobs - frequencies and causes.
Hótel Natura
Íslenskur sjávarútvegur: Félagsfræðilegur sjónarhóll.
Íslenska þjóðfélagið
Elítur á Íslandi – einsleitni og innbyrðis tengsl
Veftímaritið Stjórnmál og stjórnsýsla
What defined the occupational attitude towards different social groups in 2016?
Ársfundur Félagsvísindastofnunar, Litla Torgi.
Interdisciplinary collaboration: The fundament of progressive knowledge.
Fötlun fyrir tíma fötlunar. Þjóðminjasafni Íslands.
Gender (in)equality in the working life. Causes and Characteristics.
42. þing Alþýðusambands Íslands.
Work Life Balance and ICT. The case of management.
Vinterseminariet, Quality Hotel Havefjell, Lillehammer
Fjölbreytt forysta? Netverksgreining á framkvæmdastjórnum 250 stærstu fyrirtækja á Íslandi
Fyrsta ráðstefna Félags stjórnmálafræðinga. Háskóla Íslands.
,,Erlent starfsfólk á íslenskum vinnumarkaði". Staða og viðhorf.
Fyrsta ráðstefna Félags stjórnmálafræðings. Háskóla Íslands.
The Experience and Practice of Social Support during Major Organizational Changes: The Case of the Bank Collapse in Iceland in 2008
International Journal of Business and Management
Es tan persistente: Sobre el desarrollo de la brecha salarial y de cuidados por razón de género en Islandia.
Brecha salarial y brecha de cuidados
Arctic University Cities
Arctic Circle ráðstefnan. Harpa, Reykjavík.
„This is no gender equality bullshit – just a pure business“. About power and democracy in the 250 largest companies in Iceland.
Dokkan. Oddi, Háskóli Íslands.
"We are like the Poles": On the ambiguous labour market position of young Icelanders
Veftímaritið Stjórnmál og stjórnsýsla
Predictors of Gender Inequalities in the Rank of Full Professor
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research
Work-related health: Organizational factors, risk assessment and well-being
International Handbook of Occupational Therapy Interventions, Second Edition
Hver eru þau - hvert ætla þau? Um völd og lýðræði í 250 stærstu fyrirtækjunum á Íslandi.
Ráðstefna um íslenska þjóðfélagið. Ísafirði.
Gender quotas and the glass ceiling. A case study among the business executives in Iceland.
Glasstaket: Metaforen og mekanismene. Trondheim.
The health and well-being of bankers following downsizing: a comparison of stayers and leavers
Work, Employment and Society
Sickness and sickness absence of remaining employees in a time of economic crisis: A study among employees of municipalities in Iceland
Social Science & Medicine
Gender quotas in the boards of corporations
Samstarfsverkefni KPMG og Háskóla Íslands. Fundur í Soroptimistaklúbbum Reykjavíkur og Seltjarnarness.
Work organization and wellbeing in the wake of recession
Fundur félagsfræðingafélagsins, Odda
Reflecting on Post-doctoral studies at the University of Iceland
Miðstöð framhaldsnáms. Hátíðarsalur HÍ.
Gender quotas in boards of corporations
Félag verkfræðinga
Women and men as business leaders in Iceland
Gender quotas in boards of corporations – Do they increase diversity and quality?
Málþingið: Fjölbreytt og fagleg forysta Tækifæri og áskoranir. Hótel KEA Akureyri.
To work at universities - No problem
Vísindaþing Félagsvísindasviðs. Háskóla Íslands.
Nordic Sociology
Routledge Handbook of European Sociology
Health and well-being among ageing academics and corporate executives.
Age Management. Actual Challenges and Promising Solutions Regarding the Ageing European Population.
Gender, Work and Organization. Working environment through the work life.
Celebrating 60 years of Nordic work environment, Grand Hotel, Reykjavík.
Gender diversity on boards in organizations
Gender quota for the Board of Directors
Employment arrangements and well being following the financial collapse.
Íslenska þjóðfélagið
Virtual Work and Work-Life Balance for Managers
International Journal of Business and Management
Time, Space and Gender
Dynamics of Virtual Work - Gender Perspectives in the Analysis of Virtual Work. Barcelona.
Gender quotas on boards of corporations - causes and consequences
Gender, Work and Organisations, Keele University, UK
Lay off: The experience of women and men in Iceland's financial sector
Samspil fjölskyldu og atvinnulífs. Ísland í alþjóðlegum samanburði.
Þjóðarspegill. Rannsóknir í félagsv´ísindum XV.
Work-Related Health: Organizational Factors, Risk Assessment and Well-Being
International Handbook of Occupational Therapy Interventions
Nordic sociology
Routledge Handbook of European Sociology
Work injuries of 13-17-year-old Icelanders: Causes and consequences,Vinnuslys ungmenna: Orsakir og alvarleiki
Financial crisis and collapsed banks: Psychological distress and work related factors among surviving employees-A nation-wide study
American Journal of Industrial Medicine
Lack of gender diversity in economic decision making
British Sociological Annual Conference, London
Explaining gender inequality in Iceland: what makes the difference?
European Journal of Higher Education
,,Fátt er svo með öllu illt - eða hvað?"
Ráðstefna í þjóðfélagsfræðum. Bifröst.
Gender management with the focus on women in research and development. The case of the Czech Republic and Iceland.
Women and Management: Global Issues and Promising Solutions.
Employment participation and work experience of male cancer survivors: A NOCWO study
Laws regarding gender quota in company managements - attitudes and expectations of managers.
Virtual Work, Gendered time and Inequality among academics and top management
University of Limerick
A gender quota in the boards of Icelandic corporations
Ráðstefna um þjóðfélagsfræði. Háskólanum á Akureyri.
Lack of gender diversity in business leadership. Potential barriers and solutions.
Gender Work and Organization, Keele University
The pinking (or pinkwashing?) of male-dominated industry: A case study in "corporate social responsibility".
American Sociological Association Annual meeting, Denver, Colorado.
Women and men in boardrooms
Rannsóknir í félagsvísindum XII. Þjóðarspegillinn.
Are modern families still battling the interplay of family and work?
Morgunverðarfundur Grand hóteli
Health and well being of women in regards to their occupation.
Eirberg, Háskóla Íslands
Það sjá augun síst sem nefinu er næst. Um samspil fjölskyldu og atvinnulífs.
Endurmenntunardagur Jafnréttisstofu. Hótel Sögu.
Ideological issues and the connection between theories and work
Uppeldi og menntun
Smelter Jobs? Societal changes and employment opportunities for women in East Iceland
Veftímaritið Stjórnmál og stjórnsýsla
Gender Quotas on Company Boards. Women in economic decision making. Exchange of good practices in gender equality
Instituto per la ricerca sociale, Ösb Consulting, European Commission
Women's occupational health.
Women's health (Heilsa kvenna).
Gender quotas and possible barriers women face on the way to top-level positions.
Íslenska þjóðfélagið
Ímyndarstefna og bleik starfsmannastefna fyrirtækja
Ráðstefna um þjóðfélagsfræði. Háskólanum á Akureyri.
A gender quota and inequality in the boards of Icelandic corporations
Rannsóknir í félagsvísindum XI. Þjóðarspegillinn.
State of the art report on bullying at the workplace in the Nordic countries.
EPM technology and the psychosocial work environment
New Technology, Work and Employment
Autonomy and well-being among nordic male and female hospital physicians
Job safety and well being of teachers after the economic collapse.
Ráðstefnurit Netlu - Menntakvika 2011
EPM technology and the psychosocial work environment
New Technology, Work and Employment
Gender quotas and inequality in the management of Icelandic companies.
Rannsóknir í félagsvísindum XII
Lack of Gender Diversity in Business Leadership. Potential Barriers and Solutions - Case of the Nordic Countries.
Diversity is Reality.
Cooperation between universities and practice. Dangers and opportunities.
Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Business and Management due to the 20 years anniversary.
Time and power
The development of the labor market and the well being of employees.
Atvinnuástand á Íslandi. Landflótti eða sóknarfæri? Félagsfræðingafélag Íslands. Grand Hótel.
Balancing Work-family Life in Academia: The Power of Time
Gender, Work & Organization
Gender and the power of time in the Academia
BSA Annual Conference
Women and welfare in the West-Nordic countries
Nordisk Ministerråd
The Internet and academics' workload and work–family balance
The Internet and Higher Education
A Scandinavian Model of Gender Equality?
NORA - Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research
Women and welfare in the West-Nordic countries
Nordisk Ministerråd
The job satisfaction of high school teachers: internal and external factors.
Uppeldi og menntun
Women and welfare in Iceland.
Konur og velferð í Færeyjum, Grænlandi og Íslandi
Kvinder og velfærd i Island
Kvinder og velfærd i Vestnorden
Kvinnur og velfærð í Íslandi
Kvinnur og vælferð i Vestnorden
Islandimi arnat aamma atugartuussuseq
Arnat atugarissaarnerlu Savalimmiuni, Kalaallit Nunaanni, Islandimilu
Equality and nepotism in Iceland. A historical perspective on the Icelandic equality policy.
Gender and Power in the Nordic countries
Women and welfare in the West-Nordic countries
Nordisk Ministerråd
Human relations and well being among elderly people at total a institution
Rannsóknir í félagsvísindum XI
A Scandinavian model of gender equality? Gender equality and welfare politics in Scandinavia. The limits of political ambition?
Nora. Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research
Gender and power in the Icelandic economy
Kvinder og velfærd i Vestnorden
Velfærd og ligestilling i Vestnorden
Norðurlandahúsið i Thorshávn
Well being in the wake of an economic collapse. Comparing three groups.
Rannsóknir í félagsvísindum X. Þjóðarspegillinn.
Crisis, health care system and work related well being
Heilbrigðisþjónusta á tímamótum
Gender and power in the Icelandic economy.
Norræn ráðstefna um kyn og völd. Reykjavík, Grand Hotel.
Gender and nepotism in Iceland
Kön och makt i Norden
Work-related health: Organizational factors and well-being
International Handbook of Occupational Therapy Interventions
Gender and power
Landsfundur jafnréttisnefnda sveitarfélaga. Ísafirði.
Kreppan, heilbrigðiskerfið og vinnutengd líðan.
Morgunverðarfundur Grand Hótel
Gender and power in the Icelandic economy
Gender and Power in the Nordic countries
Book Review: Elin Kvande
Acta Sociologica
Gender and power in the Icelandic labour market
Reykjavík, Grand Hotel.
Gender and power.
Landsfundur jafnréttisnefna sveitarfélaga. Ísafirði.
EPM technology and the psychosocial work environment.
American Sociological Association 104th Annual Meeting, San Francisco.
Work-related health. Organizational factors and Well-being
International Handbook of Occupational Therapy Interventions
Well-being in the wake of economic collapse. Comparison of three groups.
Rannsóknir í félagsvísindum X
Welfare and equality in the West- Nordic countries
Norðurlandahúsið i Thorshávn
Work-Related Health: Organizational Factors and Well-Being
International Handbook of Occupational Therapy Interventions
Working children in Iceland. Policy and the labour market.
A nation-wide study of psychosocial strain at work as a predictor of seeking medical attention.
The Journal of Disability Medicine
Women and Farming. A Gender Perspective.
Stjórnmál og stjórnsýsla
New outlook - new solutions - increased equality
Hverju þarf að breyta? Grand Hótel
Effects of job loss on well being and health: Consequences of the bank crisis
Háskóli Íslands
Autonomy and flexibility. A double-edged sword in a limitless world of work
A respectable book about great women
Stjórnmál og stjórnsýsla
A book relevant well beyond the Nordic countries. Gender equality and welfare politics in Scandinavia. The limits of political ambition?
Nora. Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research
Welfare and equality in the West- Nordic countries
Norðurlandahúsið i Thorshávn
Women in agriculture. A gender perspective
Icelandic Review of Politics & Administration
Work arrangement and occupational well-being among Nordic hospital physicians.
Rannsóknir í félagsvísindum VIII
Work organization and bullying among employees in different occupational groups
A Nordic Network on bullying at the workplace
The relationship between management, health and work related well being.
Læknadagar, Hótel Saga, Reykjavík
Working time arrangements and social consequences – What do we know?
Work family - family work conflict and the well-being of hospital physicians
Rannsóknir í félagsvísindum VIII
Autonomy and flexibility among academic employees. Freedom or chain?
The 40th Nordic Ergonomic Society conference, Reykjavík
What hinders women with fibromyalgia from participation in the labour market?
Rannsóknir í félagsvísindum VIII
Workhours and worklife balance
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health, Supplement
There is a difference between a ram and a sheep!
Krossgötur kynjarannsókna. Ráðstefna um stöðu og leiðir kvenna- og kynjafræða. Háskóla Íslands.
Work, health and welfare in the West Nordic countries
Velferdsforskningsprogrammet. Ráðstefna um velferðarrannsóknir í Vestnorrænu löndunum. Þórshöfn, Færeyjum.
How Icelandic female tachers assess their health.
Working the shift - outlook and expectations
Work, Health and Welfare in the West-Nordic Countries
Work, health and welfare in the west nordic countries
Arbejde, helse og velfærd i Vestnorden
The trade union and the place of men and women in the labour market
Samfélagsleg áhrif verkalýðshreyfringarinnar á 20. öld. Framtíðarsýn á 21. öldinni.
The active Lisa and the labour market
Social Sciences in Iceland: The life and work of sixteen women
The eyes of the city. Surveillance cameras and social control
Persónuvernd í upplýsingasamfélagi
Surveillance in the Icelandic labour market
Persónuvernd í upplýsingasamfélagi
The body of the employee-subject of surveillance
Persónuvernd í upplýsingasamfélagi
Flexible shifts. Attitudes towards shift work
Rannsóknir í félagsvísindum VIII
Employment participation and work experience of female breast cancer and lymphoma survivors from the Nordic Study of Cancer and Work (NOCWO).
Lung Cancer in Women
Surveillance Technology, Work and Gender.
Cyberfeminism in the Nordic Lights: Digital Media and Gender in a Nordic Context
Bonuses in the economy
Ráðstefna á vegum Starfsgreinasambands Íslands. Hótel KEA, Akureyri
Bonuses in the economy
Ráðstefna á vegum Starfsgreinasambands Íslands
The body of the employee - subject of surveillance
Work, health and welfare in the West Nordic countries
Ráðstefna um velferðarrannsóknir í Vestnorrænu löndunum. Velferdsforskningsprogrammet.
You kind of get used to it. Information technology, gender and well being in call centres.
Þjóðarspegillinn. Sjöunda ráðstefna um rannsóknir í félagsvísindum. Háskóla Íslands.
Technology and physically and mentally repetitive work
Workshop om fysiskt och mentalt ensidigt arbete. Stockholm.
All-seeing eye in the world of the stranger. On monitoring and privacy in the wake of 9/11.
Rannsóknir í félagsvísindum VI
The labour movement and the place of women and men in the labour market.
Samfélagsleg áhrif á 20. öld – Framtíðarsýn á 21. öldinni. Ráðstefna í tilefni af 100 ára afmæli Dagsbrúnar. Iðnó.
Working the shift - with flexible stability
Ritröð Rannsóknastofu í vinnuvernd
It's really annoying not to be able to work more
Um vinnu barna og ungmenna. Hótel Cabin.
On surveillance in the wake of 9/11
The British Sociological Association Annual Conference
Does age matter when discussing work arrangements and well being of employees?
Fundur um málefni miðaldra og eldra fólks á vinnumarkaði. Grand hótel, Hvammi.
Should we pay more attention to the work safety of older employees?
Ráðstefna um málefni aldraðra. Tjarnarsal Ráðhúss Reykjavíkur.
Information technology, gender and well being in call centres
Sjöunda ráðstefna um ranns´óknir í félagsvísindum.
Gendered numbers regarding the position of the women of Reykjavik
Listasafn Reykjavíkur – Hafnarhúsinu.
All-seeing eye in the world of the stranger. On monitoring and privacy in the wake of 9/11.
Rannsóknir í félagsvísindum VI. Háskóla Íslands.
The eye of technology and the well being of women and men in Icelandic work places
Information technology and gender
Electronic surveillance in the work place
Fréttabréf um vinnuvernd
Work environment, well-being and gender.
Kynjafræði - Kortlagningar. Fléttur II.
The Icelandic fishing industry at the millenniums. Sociological point of view
Íslensk félagsfræði
Informationsociety - Surveillancesociety
Rannsóknir í félagsvísindum V
Information technology and the electronic surveillance of emlployees
Fræðslufundur BHM, Lágmúla
ICT, work environment and personnel protection
Fyrirlestur á Lokaráðstefnu Markáætlunar um upplýsingatækni og umhverfismál. Hótel Loftleiðum.
Surveillance in the workplace: scope, symptoms and employee outlook
Starfsmenn undir smásjánni? Rafrænt eftirlit með einstaklingum á vinnustöðum. Grand Hótel.
Electronic monitorning in the workplace, freedom or fetters?
Nordisk informatörsmöte. Bifröst.
Unhappy is he who cannot work
Morgunverðarfundur um endurhæfingu og úrræði fyrir atvinnulausa og öryrkja. Grand Hótel.
Surveillance in the workplace: scope, symptoms and employee outlook
Málþing á vegum ELSA – félags evrópskra lögfræðinema. Norræna Húsið.
Women´s Strategies for overcoming Subordination
Fyrirlestur á ráðstefnunni Kvinnorörelser - inspiration, intervention, irritation, Reykjavík
Work organization and employee well being
Aðalfundur BHM, Grand Hótel.
Correlates of probable alcohol abuse among women working in nursing homes
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health
Work organization, well-being and health in geriatric care
Electronic surveillance in the work place
Fréttabréf um vinnuvernd
Bullying, work organization and employee well-being
Work strain and well being among different groups of female personnel in geriatric care
New technology and its impact on well being
Well-being and self-assessed health among different groups of female personnel in geriatric care
Correlates of probable alcohol abuse among women working in nursing homes.
Scandinavian journal of public health
Information technology and the increased surveillance in modern workplaces
Inngangsfyrirlestur á ráðstefnunni Mind and Body in a Techological World
Electronic surveillance in the workplace
Rannsóknir í félagsvísindum IV. Háskóla Íslands.
Women, work environment and well being
Ráðstefna Rannsóknarstofu í kvennafræðum, Odda
The myth of social equality
Fyrirlestur fluttur á Málþingi til heiðurs Þorbirni Broddasyni. Lögberg.
Surveillance in the Icelandic labour market
Rannsóknir í félagsvísindum IV
Information technology and the increased surveillance in modern workplaces
Mind and Body in a Technological World
Psychosocial Risk Factors for Musculoskeletal Symptoms among Women Working in Geriatric Care
American Journal of Industrial Medicine
Equality in the work place - reality or fantasy?
Fyrirlestur á ráðstefnunni Könsmakt i Norden
The fire goes out unless it is fuelled
Málþing um kulnun í starfi. Norræna húsinu.
Information or surveillance?
NIKK Magasin
Information Society, freedom and fetters
NIKK magasin
A few facts on work related stress
Survey on the well being, working environment and health of bank employees
Information or surveillance?
Gender and the effect of electronic surveillance in the workplace
Information Technology, Transnational Democracy and Gender (ITDG) – a Nordic Research Network. Reykjavík.
Psychosocial issues in the workplace
Temamöte för psykosociala frågor i arbetslivet. Helsinki, Finland.
About a gender divided job market
Erindi flutt í tengslum við námskeiðið Konur og stjórnun. Kennaraháskólinn.
Technology, work organization and well-being in the fishery
Sjávarútvegsstofnun Háskóla Íslands
Work organisation and well being
Timaritid Gedvernd
Work environment and well being among personell in geriatric care- research findings
Kynningarfyrirlestur á Vinnueftirliti ríkisins fyrir stjórnendur öldrunarstofnana, félagsmálaráðherra, heilbrigðisráðuneytið o.fl.
Survey on the well being, working environment and health of personnel in geriatric care
Survey on the well being, working environment and health of personnel in Reykjavík's nursery schools
High-tech and the development of the organizational work environment
Tema Nord
High-tech, work organization and gender
Fyrirlestur á vegum Rannsóknarstofu í kvennafræðum
Parent cooperation and the welfare of teenagers
Fyrirlestur fluttur á fundi Foreldra- og kennarafélags Breiðholtsskóla. Breiðholtsskóli.
Organization of work - Social risk factors
Fyrirlestur á XV Nordisk socialforsikringsmöde. Hótel Saga.
The teacher and his work environment
Erindi flutt hjá Félagi Hússtjórnarkennara. Reykjavík.
Organizational work - Social risk factors
Nordisk sociolforskningsmöde
New technology and organization within the Fishing Industry
Arbete, Manniska, Miljo & Nordisk Ergonomi
Gender construction at work in Icelandic fish plants
NORA - Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research
Youth Work in the Nordic Countries
Nordisk Ministerråd
Technology, work organization and gender
Inngangsfyrirlestur fluttur á 20. Nordiska Sociologkenferensen, Globalisering, framentering.
Working conditions leading to burnout
It is harder to see what is up close. Work organization and High-tech
Málþing á vegum Vinnís, Vinnuvistfræðifélags Íslands. Norræna Húsinu.
Development of the fishing industry - position of fishery workers in rural Iceland
Málþing rektors Háskóla Íslands um framtíð búsetu á Íslandi. Hátíðarsal Háskóla Íslands.
Child- and youth work in the Nordic countries
Arbetsmiljöutskottet Norræna ráðherranefndin. Stokkhólmur.
Sexual harassment in the workplace. Survey findings.
Málþing um kynferðislega áreitni á vinnustöðum. Hvað er til ráða? Hótel Sögu.
Technology and work
Nordatlantisk konferance om arbetsmiljö i fiskindustrin. Hirsthals, Danmörku.
Work and technology
Fyrirlestur fluttur á Nordiskt möte för aretsmiljöinformatöre
Why are nursery school teachers mostly women?
Erindi flutt á ráðstefnu Félags leikskólakennara. Hótel Sögu.
Gender and Fishery-villages. Sociological point of view.
Rannsóknir í félagsvísindum II
Job burnout
Fyrirlestur fluttur á fræðslufundi hjá Sparisjóði Hafnarfjarðar
Sexual harassment at work
Vinnueftirlit ríkisins og Skrifstofa jafnréttismála
Gender, norm and knowledge in the fishing industry,Arbetsnorm, kön och kunskap inom fiskeriet
Sociologisk Forskning
Work - safety and facilities of women
Erindi flutt á fundi Inner Wheel. Hafnarfirði.
You may not be physically tired, but you are tired inside
Tema Nord
School skills
Erindi flutt á námskeiði foreldra 6 ára barna. Breiðholtsskóla.
To dignify the man - but wear out the women. Work environment and well-being.
Flögð og fögur skinn
Heroes or slaves? Self-preservation among Icelandic women.
Íslenskar kvennarannsóknir
Work stress - work safety
Erindi flutt á fundi félagsráðgjafa á Landspítalanum.
Aptitude for school
Erindi flutt á námskeiði foreldra 6 ára barna. Breiðholtsskóla.
Work - safety and facilities of women
Opinber fyrirlestur á vegum Rannsóknarstofu í kvennafræðum. Norræna Húsinu.
Heroes or slaves? The social standing of Icelandic women
Erindi hjá Félagi félagsráðgjafa. Kornhlöðuloftinu.
Vertu að þá vinnst um síðir. Um vinnuskipulag og vinnuvernd.
Stress - women's enemy
Job burnout
Erindi flutt hjá félagi Bókasafnsfræðinga. Odda.
Gender division
Fyrirlestur fluttur á Nordiskt Arbejdsgiverekonference. Hótel Kea.
Research on job safety in the fishing industry
Erindi flutt á Ráðstefnu fiskverkafólks, Hótel Íslandi.
Women's Strategies for overcoming Subordination. A discussion of Women's Unions in Iceland.
Lund University Press
Natural aptitude or qualifications? - women workers in the fishing industry
NAM – 44 Nordiska arbetsmiljömötet. Nådendal, Finnlandi.
Heroes or slaves? Survival instincts of Icelandic women.
Ráðstefna um íslenskar kvennarannsóknir, Háskóla Íslands.
You may not be physically tired, but you are tired inside
Fyrirlestur fluttur á Nordatlantik Konferance om arbetsmiljö i fiskindustrin. Tromsö, Noregi.
Women´'s Strategies for overcoming Subordination. A discussion of Women´'s Unions in Iceland.
Lund University Press
Political and eonomic power - how can you achieve it?
Opinber fyrirlestur fluttur á ráðstefnu norrænna ráðherra "Delad makt och harlighet - ett jamstallt Norden år 2000"
Anpassning och duglighet. Om arbetarkvinnors överlevnadsstrategi
Nordisk Kontakt
Women's Trade or integration
Erindi flutt á SAC:s Kvinnoseminarium. Nobynäs Kursgård, Svíþjóð.
The place of qualitative research in Iceland
Flutt á vegum Rannsóknastofu í kvennafræðum. Háskóli Íslands.
Gender divided Unions - an effective way for women?
Fyrirlestur fluttur á Jafnréttisþingi á Hótel Sögu
Women's Work - Men's Work. A Discussion of Theories about the Gender Division at the Labour Market
Sociologiska institutionen
Woman's work - Man's work - Discussion of theories of gender division of labor and its impact on women
Lunds Universitet
Is less time being spent on housework?
A few words on Marxism
Iceland's new womens movement. The redstockings movement.
Óútgefin BA ritgerð í félagsfræði frá Háskóla Íslands
Keywords for Specialisation:
Working Life
Work life balance
Gender Segregation
Gender Quotas
Occupational Health
Artificial Intelligence
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