Gísli Magnússon
Faculty of Languages and Cultures
Faculty of Languages and Cultures
Veröld - Hús Vigdísar -
Courses 2024 - 2025
- DAN206G - Danish Literature of the 20th Century
- DAN422G - Iceland in Danish Literature – a Journey from Romanticism to the Present Day
- SKA603G - Contemporary Scandinavian Literature
- DAN261L - Final Project
- DAN241L - Final Project
- DAN331L - MA-thesis in Danish Teaching
- NLF441L - MA-thesis in Nordic Studies
- DAN307G - Danish Literary History to 1900
- ÞÝS702F - German Cultural History B
- DAN110G - Contemporary Danish Literature
- NLF108F - Nordic Modernism and Avant-Garde - From Edith Södergran to Anarchy on the Internet
- ABF334G - Nordic Literature of Modern Times
- DAN261L - Final Project
- DAN331L - MA-thesis in Danish Teaching
- NLF441L - MA-thesis in Nordic Studies