
Elsa Eiríksdóttir

Professor Vocational education, upper secondary education, and educational psychology
School of Education
Faculty of subject teacher education
Phone number
Stakkahlíð - Enni -  E-203
Office hours

Office hours by appointment


My research interests include upper secondary education, vocational education and training, and how people learn procedural skills. My current research focuses on vocational education and training (VET), especially the status of VET and the integration of learning at school and the workplace in a dual VET system. My background is in educational psychology, and I have also looked at how people use information to help them understand and learn what to do, and how to present and design instruction based on tasks and learning situations to improve performance and learning. Additionally, I have been involved in various studies related to secondary school education in Iceland and educational policy.

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  • 2011 PhD Georgia Insitute of Technology, Atlanta, Bandaríkjunum PhD in Psychology
  • 2007 Meistarapróf Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Bandaríkjunum MSc in Psychology
  • 1999 BA University of Iceland BA in Psychology
Courses 2024 - 2025