Bjarnheiður Kristinsdóttir (She/Her)
Assistant Professor
Mathematics and mathematics education
Faculty of Subject Teacher Education
- 2021 Ph.D. University of Iceland Mathematics education
- 2008 M.Sc. Technical University Bergakademie Freiberg Dipl.-math. applied mathematics
- 2006 B.Sc. University of Iceland B.Sc. in mathematics
- 2002 Menntaskólinn í Reykjavík Matriculation (University Entrance Examination)
Courses 2024 - 2025
- SNU205F - The teaching of natural sciences and mathematics and practical training 2
- SNU203M - Computational thinking
- SNU402M - Applied mathematics in teaching and learning
- INT261L - Final project
- STÆ104G - Mathematical Analysis I
- SNU503M - Various approaches to teaching mathematics in upper secondary schools
- VON001G - Undirbúningur í stærðfræði
- SNU103F - The Teaching of Natural Sciences and Mathematics and practical training 1