The University of Iceland's Research Centre in Húsavík was established in fall 2007, followed by the first research. The official opening was on the 4th of December 2008 in a newly renovated house down at the Húsavík Harbour.
The Research Centre directs and supports marine biology research in cooperation with universities and other institutes, in Iceland and abroad, involving both teaching and research projects. Many of the projects focus on cetaceans, but projects also include plankton, seabirds, and climate change research among other marine topics.
The centre is directed by Dr. Marianne Helene Rasmussen, a leading specialist in marine mammal research. Marianne has a PhD. in Science from the University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark. Her thesis (2004) was entitled ”A study of communication and echolocation sounds recorded from free-ranging white-beaked dolphins (Lagenorhynchus albirostris) in Icelandic waters”.