About exams

The general exam periods are from 2 to 18 December and 25 April to 10 May, as stipulated in the central UI regulation. However, the exact dates of the exam periods may vary.

See further details in the academic calendar in the sidebar of this page. 

Makeup exams (due to illness) are held after the general exam periods in December and May, during a four to six-day period, as further determined by the Director of Examinations.

Exam timetables are published by the end of September for the autumn semester and by the end of January for the spring semester.

The timetable for makeup exams, held after the end of the general exam periods in December and May, is published as soon as possible, i.e. as soon as registration information is available.

Information on exam locations is posted in the 'exam timetables' section below.

More about exams

Registered UI students can see their personal timetable in Ugla by clicking My Ugla → My courses → My examination timetable

Students must show a photo ID at the exam location.

University buildings and maps of campus

The UI has started using Inspera Assessment software.

Inspera provides a dedicated and comprehensive platform for secure online exams. For further information and instructions on digital exams, see
digital exams - Inspera in Ugla.

Project managers for digital exams

Guðmundur Hafsteinn Viðarsson, tel. +354 525 4312

Matthías Sigurður Magnússon, tel. +354 525 4341

Ólafur Freyr Hjálmsson, tel. +354 525 5227

UI students can apply for permission to take their exams abroad.

Students must find an appropriate exam location and supervisor/invigilator. The exam should take place at a university or embassy/­consulate. Both distance students and on-site students at UI can apply for permission to take their exams off-campus, at learning centres within Iceland.

Rules for distance exams

The same rules apply to distance exams and on-campus exams.

  1. Candidates may not assist or seek help from other candidates with completing the exam. Neither may a registered student, who is not sitting the exam, help candidates
  2. Candidates may not speak to one another, nor may they bring books, materials, or equipment with them other than those authorised by a member of teaching staff, unless otherwise specifically provided for in faculty rules.


Fee for distance exams

A fee of ISK 3,000 is charged if the distance exam takes place within Iceland, while a fee of ISK 5,000 is charged for exams taken abroad.

If a student takes more than one distance exam within the same exam period, the full fee is charged for the first exam, but half fees for subsequent exams. Please note that any expenses related to the exam location must be paid by the student.

Please note: There are no exam fees for regular distance studies organised by the University of Iceland.


Requesting distance exams

If you want to take a distance exam, regardless of whether you are an on-site or distance student, you will need to fill in an online form in Ugla: Distance exams – Sites and courses.

UI students who wish to take their examinations abroad or at a domestic learning centre, also need to submit this form: Application for Distance Examination.

Further information and all necessary steps are detailed in the online application forms linked above.

For any additional information, please contact:

Thorgeir Freyr Sveinsson, Project Manager at the Centre for Distance Examinations
Tel: +354 525 5910
Email: fjarprof@hi.is

Specific rules apply regarding communication, identification documents, aids, etc in exams.

Most important points

  1. Inspera candidate IDs vary between exams. They are displayed in the top left corner of the screen after the exam is started.
  2. Use of smart and communication devices is strictly prohibited in the exam room. Make sure they are switched off to prevent bandwidth overload.
  3. Any communication with other candidates or external parties is forbidden during the exam.
  4. Mark all your answer sheets with your Inspera candidate ID. Use your name and Icelandic ID number (kennitala) if this exam is not an Inspera exam.
  5. Extra answer sheets will be provided upon request.
  6. Removal of any papers from the exam room is forbidden.
  7. Students are not permitted to leave the exam room during the first third of the set exam time.
  8. As appropriate, students found breaking these rules will be expelled from the exam or the course. Sanctions apply as stated in current legislation and regulations for the University of Iceland.


Further on examination rules

Further examination provisions are found in the Rules for the University of Iceland. For example, Article 58 addresses examination procedures and rules:

"The University Director of Examinations shall handle the preparation and direction of examinations in consultation with the administrative staff of schools and faculties.

Students taking examinations may not assist other examinees in completing the examination paper or seek help from others in so doing. Nor may a registered student, who is not taking an examination, provide such assistance.

Persons taking examinations may not speak to one another, nor may they bring books, materials or equipment with them other than those authorized by the instructor(s), unless otherwise specifically provided for in the faculty rules. The same shall apply to other assignment work by students unless otherwise decided by the instructor.

A violation of the provisions of this and other examination rules, adopted by the Council, shall be liable to expulsion from the examination hall and, as the case may be, sanctions as provided for in Article 19 of the Act on Public Higher Education Institutions, no. 85/2008.

Students shall mark their examination papers with an examination number, allocated to each student by the student registry, and the grades published using the same identification. Faculties may, however, set rules for the exemption from this principle.

The University Council shall adopt detailed rules on examination supervision and implementation of examinations."

If you are ill and unable to sit an exam, you must notify Student Registration by sending an email to nemskra@hi.is, within three days of the exam date.

Please specify:

  • Your name
  • ID number
  • Number and name of the course

The same applies if a student's child becomes ill.

Please note that a medical certificate is not required but notification must be sent within three days of the exam date. 

The duration of a written exam is generally three hours. Disabled students may be entitled to extra time if conditions are met. 
Students are assigned specific numbered seats in the exam room. You can see your assigned number in Ugla the day before the exam. Exam seats are also posted on a list of candidates the same day as the exam takes place.

You will need to show photo ID at the exam location.

Faculties are responsible for teaching and exams. Instructors are responsible for individual exams, but each faculty determines how exams are arranged, within the framework set by legislation or University Council regulations.

The Director of Examinations is responsible for the preparation and administration of exams, in consultation with schools and faculties.

Further details on exams, such as information on withdrawal, makeup exams (due to illness), resit exams, etc. can be found in the course catalogue and in Ugla - the UI intranet.


The Exams Office

The Exams Office and the Distance Exams Centre are located on the third floor of the Setberg building
Tel: +354 525 5278
Email: profstjori@hi.is

Director of Examinations
Sigurður Ingi Árnason, tel: +354 525 5278

Project managers for Exams Office

Sigurður Ingi Árnason,
Tel: +354 525 5278

Guðmundur Hafsteinn Viðarsson, online exams
Tel: +354 525 4312,

Matthías Sigurður Magnússon, online exams
Tel: +354 525 4341

Ólafur Freyr Hjálmsson, online exams
Tel: +354 525 5227

Project manager for Distance Exams Centre

Thorgeir Freyr Sveinsson
tel: +354 525 5910
Email: fjarprof@hi.is


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