- Are you interested in tourism?
- Do you want to learn how to develop tourist destinations in an environmentally and culturally sustainable way?
- Do you want to contribute to innovation and product development in tourism?
- Do you enjoy planning and organising?
- Do you want to tackle diverse projects under the guidance of Iceland's leading experts in tourism?
- Do you want to open up future opportunities in challenging careers?
This programme provides students with a good foundation for careers involving scientific calculations and statistics.
Students can choose between these specialisations:
- Modelling and scientific computing
- Statistics and Data Science
- Insurance Mathematics
- Financial Mathematics
All students take the same core courses, but different electives are available depending on specialisation.
All specialisations provide students with a solid foundation in mathematics, IT skills and statistical calculations.
Course topics include:
- Scientific computing
- Predictive modelling
- Statistical tests
- Ecological modelling
- Stock assessment
- Stochastic processes
- Design optimisation
- Simulation
- Applications of differential equations
- Dynamics
A BS in applied mathematics does not confer any specific professional recognition.
Icelandic matriculation examination or a comparable qualification including a minimum number of credits (e) in the following subjects: Mathematics 30e and science 30e of which 10e should be in physics.
Good knowledge of both Icelandic and English is indispensable. Most courses in the undergraduate program are taught in Icelandic.
Applicants for undergraduate studies must demonstrate proficiency in Icelandic that is at least level B2 according to the european language framework.
Proficiency in Icelandic can be demonstrated with an Icelandic matriculation (stúdetnspróf) exam or an assessment in Icelandic conducted by an authorized testing agency.
180 ECTS credits have to be completed for the qualification, organized as a three year programme. Courses totalling 142 ECTS credits are compulsory, 33 ECTS credits are elective courses. Elective courses from other faculties can be chosen with consent from the department.
Programme structure
Check below to see how the programme is structured.
- First year
- Fall
- Macroeconomics I
- Financial Economics I
- Mathematical Analysis IA
- Mathematical Analysis I
- Linear Algebra A
- Computer Science 1a
- Spring 1
- Financial Economics II
- Operations Research
- Computers, operating systems and digital literacy basics
- Probability and Statistics
- Mathematical Analysis II
- Introduction to Probability Theory
Macroeconomics I (HAG103G)
The course aims to give the students an insight into the main theories, concepts, topics, and principles of macroeconomics and macroeconomic activity. The course stresses both the analytical content and applied usefulness of the topics covered and how they relate to various current economic issues at home and abroad. A sound knowledge of macroeconomics prepares students for various other economics courses, and for life.
Financial Economics I (HAG106G)
The aim is to provide a theoretical as well as practical overview in financial economics. The efficient markets and the portfolio theory are covered as well as the Markowitz model. Risk, and risk assessment under uncertainty and using the utility function are introduced. Students will get practice in value assessment methods, CAPM, as well as fixed income analysis. Stock valuation and fundamentals of derivatives calculations such as the B&S model are covered.
Projects are based on understanding of concepts introduced in the course and their usage. In addition projects are based on Excel usage.
Mathematical Analysis IA (STÆ101G)
Main emphasis is on the differential and integral calculus of functions of a single variable. The systems of real and complex numbers. Least upper bound and greatest lower bound. Natural numbers and induction. Mappings and functions. Sequences and limits. Series and convergence tests. Conditionally convergent series. Limits and continuous functions. Trigonometric functions. Differentiation. Extreme values. The mean value theorem and polynomial approximation. Integration. The fundamental theorem of calculus. Logarithmic and exponential functions, hyperbolic and inverse trigonometric functions. Methods for finding antiderivatives. Real power series. First-order differential equations. Complex valued functions and second-order differential equations.
Mathematical Analysis I (STÆ104G)
This is a foundational course in single variable calculus. The prerequisites are high school courses on algebra, trigonometry. derivatives, and integrals. The course aims to create a foundation for understanding of subjects such as natural and physical sciences, engineering, economics, and computer science. Topics of the course include the following:
- Real numbers.
- Limits and continuous functions.
- Differentiable functions, rules for derivatives, derivatives of higher order, applications of differential calculus (extremal value problems, linear approximation).
- Transcendental functions.
- Mean value theorem, theorems of l'Hôpital and Taylor.
- Integration, the definite integral and rules/techniques of integration, primitives, improper integrals.
- Fundamental theorem of calculus.
- Applications of integral calculus: Arc length, area, volume, centroids.
- Ordinary differential equations: First-order separable and homogeneous differential equations, first-order linear equations, second-order linear equations with constant coefficients.
- Sequences and series, convergence tests.
- Power series, Taylor series.
Linear Algebra A (STÆ106G)
Basics of linear algebra over the reals with emphasis on the theoretical side.
Subject matter: Systems of linear equations, matrices, Gauss-Jordan reduction. Vector spaces and their subspaces. Linearly independent sets, bases and dimension. Linear maps, range space and nullspace.
The dot product, length and angle measures. Volumes in higher dimensions and the cross product in threedimensional space. Flats, parametric descriptions and descriptions by equations. Orthogonal projections and orthonormal bases. Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization. Determinants and inverses of matrices. Eigenvalues, eigenvectors and diagonalization.
Computer Science 1a (TÖL105G)
Programming in Python (for computations in engineering and science): Main commands and statements (computations, control statements, in- and output), definition and execution of functions, datatypes (numbers, matrices, strings, logical values, records), operations and built-in functions, array and matrix computation, file processing, statistics, graphics. Object-oriented programming: classes, objects, constructors and methods. Concepts associated with design and construction of program systems: Programming environment and practices, design and documentation of function and subroutine libraries, debugging and testing of programmes.
Financial Economics II (HAG208G)
The aim of this course is threefold. First, to introduce the fundamentals of financial accounting in order for the students being able to read and understand corporate financial statements. Second, teach the students to analyse and calculate the main important multiples from financial statements as well as being able to interpret their meaning to potential users of this information. Third, the students should be able to conduct fair value estimates of the corporate entities using information from their financial accounts.
Operations Research (IÐN401G)
This course will introduce the student to decision and optimization models in operations research. On completing the course the student will be able to formulate, analyze, and solve mathematical models, which represent real-world problems, and critically interpret their results. The course will cover linear programming and the simplex algorithm, as well as related analytical topics. It will also introduce special types of mathematical models, including transportation, assignment, network, and integer programming models. The student will become familiar with a modeling language for linear programming.
Computers, operating systems and digital literacy basics (TÖL205G)
In this course, we study several concepts related to digital literacy. The goal of the course is to introduce the students to a broad range of topics without necessarily diving deep into each one.
The Unix operating system is introduced. The file system organization, often used command-line programs, the window system, command-line environment, and shell scripting. We cover editors and data wrangling in the shell. We present version control systems (git), debugging methods, and methods to build software. Common concepts in the field of cryptography are introduced as well as concepts related to virtualization and containers.
Probability and Statistics (STÆ203G)
Basic concepts in probability and statistics based on univariate calculus.
Sample space, events, probability, equal probability, independent events, conditional probability, Bayes rule, random variables, distribution, density, joint distribution, independent random variables, condistional distribution, mean, variance, covariance, correlation, law of large numbers, Bernoulli, binomial, Poisson, uniform, exponential and normal random variables. Central limit theorem. Poisson process. Random sample, statistics, the distribution of the sample mean and the sample variance. Point estimate, maximum likelihood estimator, mean square error, bias. Interval estimates and hypotheses testing form normal, binomial and exponential samples. Simple linear regression. Goodness of fit tests, test of independence.
Mathematical Analysis II (STÆ205G)
Open and closed sets. Mappings, limits and continuity. Differentiable mappings, partial derivatives and the chain rule. Jacobi matrices. Gradients and directional derivatives. Mixed partial derivatives. Curves. Vector fields and flow. Cylindrical and spherical coordinates. Taylor polynomials. Extreme values and the classification of stationary points. Extreme value problems with constraints. Implicit functions and local inverses. Line integrals, primitive functions and exact differential equations. Double integrals. Improper integrals. Green's theorem. Simply connected domains. Change of variables in double integrals. Multiple integrals. Change of variables in multiple integrals. Surface integrals. Integration of vector fields. The theorems of Stokes and Gauss.
Introduction to Probability Theory (STÆ210G)
This is an extension of the course "Probability and Statistics" STÆ203G. The basic concepts of probability are considered in more detail with emphasis on definitions and proofs. The course is a preparation for the two M-courses in probability and the two M-courses in statistics that are taught alternately every other year.
Topics beyond those discussed in the probability part of STÆ203G:
Kolmogorov's definition. Proofs of propositions on compound events and conditional probability. Proofs for discrete and continuous variables of propositions on expectation, variance, covariance, correlation, and conditional expectation and variance. Proofs of propositions for Bernoulli, binomial, Poisson, geometric, uniform, exponential, and gamma variables. Proof of the tail-summing proposition for expectation and the application to the geometric variable. Proof of the proposition on memoryless and exponential variables. Derivation of the distribution of sums of independent variables such as binomial, Poisson, normal, and gamma variables. Probability and moment generating functions.
- Second year
- Fall
- Applied Linear Statistical Models
- Financial Markets
- Mathematical Analysis III
- Data Base Theory and Practice
- Spring 1
- Not taught this semesterStochastic Processes
- Theoretical Numerical Analysis
- Sets and Metric Spaces
- Mathematical Analysis IV
- Numerical Analysis
Applied Linear Statistical Models (STÆ312M)
The course focuses on simple and multiple linear regression as well as analysis of variance (ANOVA), analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) and binomial regression. The course is a natural continuation of a typical introductory course in statistics taught in various departments of the university.
We will discuss methods for estimating parameters in linear models, how to construct confidence intervals and test hypotheses for the parameters, which assumptions need to hold for applying the models and what to do when they are not met.
Students will work on projects using the statistical software R.
Financial Markets (VIÐ505G)
Financial institutions are a pillar of civilized society, supporting people in their productive ventures and managing the economic risks they take on. The workings of these institutions are important to comprehend, if we are to predict their actions today and their evolution in the coming information age. The course strives to offer understanding of the theory of finance and its relation to the history, strengths and imperfections of such institutions as banking, insurance, securities, futures, and other derivatives markets, and the future of these institutions over the next century. The Icelandic Banking System collapse offers myriad of examples and cases that provide a fruitful ground for learning. A frequent reference will be made to those throughout the course.
Mathematical Analysis III (STÆ302G)
Functions of a complex variable. Analytic functions. The exponential function, logarithms and roots. Cauchy's Integral Theorem and Cauchy's Integral Formula. Uniform convergence. Power series. Laurent series. Residue integration method. Application of complex function theory to fluid flows. Ordinary differential equations and systems of ordinary differential equations. Linear differential equations with constant coefficients. Systems of linear differential equations. The matrix exponential function. Various methods for obtaining a particular solution. Green's functions for initial value problems. Flows and the phase plane. Nonlinear systems of ordinary differential equations in the plane, equilibrium points, stability and linear approximations. Series solutions and the method of Frobenius. Use of Laplace transforms in solving differential equations.
Data Base Theory and Practice (TÖL303G)
Databases and database management systems. Physical data organization. Data modelling using the Entity-Relationship model and the Relational model. Relational algebra and calculus. The SQL query language. Design theory for relational data bases, functional dependencies, decomposition of relational schemes, normal forms. Query optimization. Concurrency control techniques and crash recovery. Database security and authorization. Data warehousing.
Stochastic Processes (STÆ415M)
Introduction to stochastic processes with main emphasis on Markov chains.
Subject matter: Hitting time, classification of states, irreducibility, period, recurrence (positive and null), transience, regeneration, coupling, stationarity, time-reversibility, coupling from the past, branching processes, queues, martingales, Brownian motion.
Theoretical Numerical Analysis (STÆ412G)
This is an extension of the course "Numerical Analysis" STÆ405G. The material of Numerical Analysis (STÆ405G) is studied in more detail and more theoretically with emphasis on proofs.
Sets and Metric Spaces (STÆ202G)
Elements of set theory: Sets. Mappings. Relations, equivalence relations, orderings. Finite, infinite, countable and uncountable sets. Equipotent sets. Construction of the number systems. Metric spaces: Open sets and closed sets, convergent sequences and Cauchy sequences, cluster points of sets and limit points of sequences. Continuous mappings, convergence, uniform continuity. Complete metric spaces. Uniform convergence and interchange of limits. The Banach fixed point theorem; existence theorem about solutions of first-order differential equations. Completion of metric spaces. Compact metric spaces. Connected sets. Infinite series, in particular function series.
Mathematical Analysis IV (STÆ401G)
Aim: To introduce the student to Fourier analysis and partial differential equations and their applications.
Subject matter: Fourier series and orthonormal systems of functions, boundary-value problems for ordinary differential equations, the eigenvalue problem for Sturm-Liouville operators, Fourier transform. The wave equation, diffusion equation and Laplace's equation solved on various domains in one, two and three dimensions by methods based on the first part of the course, separation of variables, fundamental solution, Green's functions and the method of images.
Numerical Analysis (STÆ405G)
Fundamental concepts on approximation and error estimates. Solutions of systems of linear and non-linear equations. PLU decomposition. Interpolating polynomials, spline interpolation and regression. Numerical differentiation and integration. Extrapolation. Numerical solutions of initial value problems of systems of ordinary differential equations. Multistep methods. Numerical solutions to boundary value problems for ordinary differential equations.
Grades are given for programning projects and in total they amount to 30% of the final grade. The student has to receive the minimum grade of 5 for both the projects and the final exam.
- Third year
- Fall
- Theory of linear models
- Theoretical Statistics
- Bayesian Data Analysis
- Financial Instruments
- Algebra
- Spring 1
- Research Project
- Mathematical Seminar
- Applied data analysis
- Business Law B - Introduction to Financial Law
Theory of linear models (STÆ310M)
Simple and multiple linear regression, analysis of variance and covariance, inference, variances and covariances of estimators, influence and diagnostic analyses using residual and influence measures, simultaneous inference. General linear models as projections with ANOVA as special case, simultaneous inference of estimable functions. R is used in assignments. Solutions to assignments are returned in LaTeX and PDF format.
In addition selected topics will be visited, e.g. generalized linear models (GLMs), nonlinear regression and/or random/mixed effects models and/or bootstrap methods etc.
Students will present solutions to individually assigned
projects/exercises, each of which is handed in earlier through a web-page.
This course is taught in semesters of even-numbered years.
Theoretical Statistics (STÆ313M)
Likelihood, Sufficient Statistic, Sufficiency Principle, Nuisance Parameter, Conditioning Principle, Invariance Principle, Likelihood Theory. Hypothesis Testing, Simple and Composite Hypothesis, The Neyman-Pearson Lemma, Power, UMP-Test, Invariant Tests. Permutation Tests, Rank Tests. Interval Estimation, Confidence Interval, Confidence, Confidence Region. Point Estimation, Bias, Mean Square Error. Assignments are returned using LaTeX and consitute 20% of the final grade.
Bayesian Data Analysis (STÆ529M)
Goal: To train students in applying methods of Bayesian statistics for analysis of data. Topics: Theory of Bayesian inference, prior distributions, data distributions and posterior distributions. Bayesian inference for parameters of univariate and multivariate distributions: binomial; normal; Poisson; exponential; multivariate normal; multinomial. Model checking and model comparison: Bayesian p-values; deviance information criterion (DIC). Bayesian computation: Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods; the Gibbs sampler; the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm; convergence diagnostistics. Linear models: normal linear models; hierarchical linear models; generalized linear models. Emphasis on data analysis using software, e.g. Matlab and R.
Financial Instruments (VIÐ503G)
This course starts with looking at interest rate markets and how the zero coupon curve is derived. Valuation of different kind of bonds is covered along with the characteristics and risk factors of the major listed bonds, with special emphasis on the Icelandic market. Next the valuation of derivatives is covered along with the main characteristics. Special emphasis is placed on futures/forwards, swaps and options. The reasons behind derivatives trading are covered and what the main risk factors are.
Algebra (STÆ303G)
Groups, examples and basic concepts. Symmetry groups. Homomorphisms and normal subgroups. Rings, examples and basic concepts. Integral domains. Ring homomorphisms and ideals. Polynomial rings and factorization of polynomials. Special topics.
Research Project (STÆ262L)
Research Project
Mathematical Seminar (STÆ402G)
This course is intended for students who have completed at least 120 ECTS credits. Students who have not completed 120 ECTS credits and are interested in taking the course must obtain the approval of the supervisor prior to signing up for the course.
Each student prepares and studies a selected well-defined topic of mathematics or statistics and will be assigned a mentor related to that topic. Topics vary from year to year. A list of possible topics is released at the start of or prior to the course and students can also suggest topics (provided that a mentor can be found). Students write a thesis on their selected topic and prepare and give a lecture on the topic at a student conference. During the course, students provide each other with constructive critique both regarding the thesis writing and the preparation of the lecture. In addition to presenting their own projects at the student conference, students take active part, listen to their fellow course members and ask questions.
Applied data analysis (MAS202M)
The course focuses on statistical analysis using the R environment. It is assumed that students have basic knowledge of statistics and the statistical software R. Students will learn to apply a broad range of statistical methods in R (such as classification methods, resampling methods, linear model selection and tree-based methods). The course on 12 weeks and will be on "flipped" form. This means that no lectures will be given but students will read some material and watch videos before attending classes. Students will then work on assignments during the classes.
Business Law B - Introduction to Financial Law (VIÐ601G)
The course reviews legislation and legal issues that concern the financial markets, corporate finance and operations. Legal environment of financial compaines will be reviewed, securities law, liability for experts, a chapter in the penal code act regarding wealth deeds and legal issues related to acquisitions and sales of corporations, due diligence, etc. The course will also review contracts and documents in the financial market, including loan-, purchase- and shareholder agreements.
- Year unspecified
- Fall
- Engineering Economics
- R Programming
- Not taught this semesterGraph Theory
- Not taught this semesterNumerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations
- Data Base Theory and Practice
- Introduction to Financial Accounting
- Microeconomics I
- Business Law A
- Individual Taxation
- Financial Statements A
- Not taught this semesterVarious approaches to teaching mathematics in upper secondary schools
- Spring 1
- Generalized Linear Models
- Not taught this semesterLife Insurance Mathematics
- Non-Life Insurance Mathematics
- Microeconomics II
- Applied data analysis
- Not taught this semesterMeasure and Integration Theory
- Introduction to Measure-Theoretic Probability
- Management Accounting
- Financial Accounting
- Finance II
- Financial Statements B
- Mathematics for Physicists II
- Mathematics for Physicists I
- Portfolio Management
Engineering Economics (IÐN502G)
The objective of the course is that students get the skills to:
1. Understand the main concepts in accounting, cost theory and investment theory.
2. Be able to use methods of measuring the economic feasibility of technical projects.
3. Be able to develop computer models to assess the profitability of investments, the value of companies and pricing of bonds
Among topics included are accounting, cost theory, cash flow analysis, investment theory, measures of profitability including net present value and internal rate of return, and the building of profitability models. The course ends with a group assignment where the students exercise the development of computer models for feasibility assessment of projects.
R Programming (MAS102M)
Students will perform traditional statistical analysis on real data sets. Special focus will be on regression methods, including multiple regression analysis. Students will apply sophisticated methods of graphical representation and automatic reporting. Students will hand in a projects where they apply the above mentioned methods on real datasets in order to answer research questions
Graph Theory (STÆ520M)
Graphs, homomorphisms and isomorphisms of graphs. Subgraphs, spanning subgraphs. Paths, connected graphs. Directed graphs. Bipartite graphs. Euler graphs and Hamilton graphs; the theorems of Chvátal, Pósa, Ore and Dirac. Tournaments. Trees, spanning trees, the matrix-tree theorem, Cayley's theorem. Weighted graphs, the algorithms of Kruskal and Dijkstra. Networks, the max-flow-min-cut theorem, the algorithm of Ford and Fulkerson, Menger's theorem. Matchings, Berge's theorem, Hall's marriage theorem, the König-Egerváry theorem, the Kuhn-Munkres algorithm. Inseparable and two-connected graphs. Planar graphs, Euler's formula, Kuratowski's theorem, dual graphs. Embeddings of graphs in surfaces, the Ringel-Youngs-Mayer theorem. Colourings, Heawood's coloring theorem, Brooks's theorem, chromatic polynomial; edge colourings, Vizing's theorem.
Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations (STÆ537M)
The aim of the course is to study numerical methods to solve partial differential equations and their implementation.
Data Base Theory and Practice (TÖL303G)
Databases and database management systems. Physical data organization. Data modelling using the Entity-Relationship model and the Relational model. Relational algebra and calculus. The SQL query language. Design theory for relational data bases, functional dependencies, decomposition of relational schemes, normal forms. Query optimization. Concurrency control techniques and crash recovery. Database security and authorization. Data warehousing.
Introduction to Financial Accounting (VIÐ103G)
This course is intended to do the student able to read corporate financial statements. Fundamentals of financial accounting and financial reporting are introduced. The double entry model explained through the accounting equation. Presentation of the conceptual framework for accounting: assumptions, principles and concepts. The logical relationship between individual chapters in financial statements is in foreground. Whose things have influence on shareholders equity? Main methods of financial statement analysis are presented, especially ratio analysis. Extensive exercises are covered in separate group sessions.
Microeconomics I (VIÐ105G)
The aim of the course is to teach students the basic principles of economic thinking and main theories and concepts in microeconomics. The topics covered include: Markets, specialisation and trade. Supply, demand, elascticity and government policies. Efficiency and welfare. The Icelandic tax system and the effects of taxation on market activity. Externalities, public goods and common resources. Firm behaviour and the organisation of industry. Consumer choice. Labour market, earnings and discrimination. Assymetric information, political economy, behavioural economics.
Business Law A (VIÐ302G)
This course deals with law and regulation applicable to commercial transactions and business organizations. The purpose of the course is to prepare students for the legal challenges they can expect to encounter as entrepreneurs and managers of private businesses . Topics covered include contracts, torts, negotiable instruments, security and guarantees, and bankruptcy. Laws applicable to business organization will also be studied and the fundamentals of securities laws.
Individual Taxation (VIÐ501G)
The course covers the principles of Icelandic tax law concerning tax liability and taxable income, including which items are tax deductible. A special emphasis will be placed on the filing of sources of income for individuals and the self-employed through solving problems and cases. The filing of tax returns for individuals, couples, and businesses will be introduced. The determination of benefits and tax credit will be discussed. The fundamental principles of tax law will be covered, along with re-assessment of taxes and the consequences of fraudulent filing. An overview will be given of the key principles of the laws on value added tax and the social insurance fee. Upon completion of the course a student shall be able to file tax returns for individuals and small businesses as well as appeal tax assessments that he/she deems incorrect.
Financial Statements A (VIÐ505M)
This course is designed for students on the F- and R-line (finance and accounting). The purpose with the course is that the students obtains knowledge and understanding on matters that management of companies needs to have to prepare financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. In the course students, will learn about generally accepted accounting principles according to international accountings standards (IFRS) and icelandic GAAP. Among topics: Financial accounting and accounting standards, income statement, balance sheet and cash flow. Revenue recognition and cost accounting, inventories, accounts receivables, PPE, intangible assets, income tax, impairment test, accounting for financial instruments, liabilities and equity. Students will need to solve assignments during the course.
Various approaches to teaching mathematics in upper secondary schools (SNU503M)
In this course, students learn to plan mathematics teaching in upper secondary school using various approaches to provide access for all. An emphasis will be put on exploring different teaching environments and teaching methods that build on research on the teaching and learning of mathematics. In the course, the aims of learning mathematics both in Iceland and its neighboring countries will be discussed based on curricular and governmental documents. Students will read about and get a chance to try out various ways to assess and analyze students’ mathematical achievements. The course format includes lectures, project work, presentations, topic studies connected to practice, and critical topic discussion. An emphasis will be put on students’ discussion about challenges and their search for solutions to problems related to the teaching and learning of mathematics.
Generalized Linear Models (STÆ421M)
Generalized linear regression models. Exponential dispersion models. Poisson processes and tests for overdispersion. Survival regression models. Nonlinear effects and basis expansions. Parametric, semiparametric and nonparametric likelihood methods. Partial likelihood methods. Generalized linear regression analysis in R.
Life Insurance Mathematics (STÆ413G)
Payment flows; mortality theory; overview of the main forms of insurance; the principle of equivalence; prospective reserves and differential equations for these; cost; general Markov chains in life insurance with applications to disability insurance and multi-life insurance; profits and bonuses; market rate products.
Non-Life Insurance Mathematics (STÆ414G)
The course will give an overview of some important elements of non-life insurance and reinsurance. Models for claim numbers, the Poisson, mixed Poisson and renewal process. Stochastic models for non-life insurance risks, in particular the compound Poisson, compound mixed Poisson and renewal models. The Cramer-Lundberg and the renewal model as basic risk models. Methods for approximating the distribution of risk models. Small and large claim distributions and their properties. Premium calculation principles for the total claim amount of a portfolio. Experience rating: calculation of the premium in a policy. Reinsurance treaties and their properties. Bayesian methods in a non-life insurance context, in particular the Bayes and linear Bayes estimators for calculating the premium in a policy.
Microeconomics II (HAG201G)
Intermediate microeconomic theory. Basic factors of price theory, uncertainty, including analysis of demand, costs of production and supply relationships, and price and output determination under various market structures, market failures and public choice.
Applied data analysis (MAS202M)
The course focuses on statistical analysis using the R environment. It is assumed that students have basic knowledge of statistics and the statistical software R. Students will learn to apply a broad range of statistical methods in R (such as classification methods, resampling methods, linear model selection and tree-based methods). The course on 12 weeks and will be on "flipped" form. This means that no lectures will be given but students will read some material and watch videos before attending classes. Students will then work on assignments during the classes.
Measure and Integration Theory (STÆ402M)
Measure spaces, measures, outer measures. The Lebesgue measure on Rn. Measurable functions, the monotone convergence theorem, Fatou’s Lemma. Integrable functions, Lebesgue’s dominated convergence theorem and applications. Inequalities of Hölder and Minkowski, Lp-spaces, simple facts about Banach and Hilbert spaces. Fourier series. Product of measure spaces, theorems of Tonelli and Fubini. Complex measures. Jordan decomposition and Lebesgue decomposition of measures, Radon-Níkodým theorem. Continuous linear functionals on Lp-spaces. Image measures, transformation formula for the Lebesgue measure on Rn.
Introduction to Measure-Theoretic Probability (STÆ418M)
Probability based on measure-theory.
Subject matter: Probability, extension theorems, independence, expectation. The Borel-Cantelli theorem and the Kolmogorov 0-1 law. Inequalities and the weak and strong laws of large numbers. Convergence pointwise, in probability, with probability one, in distribtution, and in total variation. Coupling methods. The central limit theorem. Conditional probability and expectation.
Management Accounting (VIÐ204G)
Introduction to management accounting. Most important cost terms will be presented and cost-volume-profit analysis. Different accounting systems around manufacturing costs and allocation of indirect costs. The difference between absorption costing and variable costing. Budgeting, standard costing and variance analysis. Performance evaluation of different departments and products and cost allocation. After this course the students should understand well the importance of management accounting for decision making in business.
Financial Accounting (VIÐ401G)
This course is a continuation of the introductory course. The main emphasis here is on the preparation of financial statement, fx. allowance for doubtful accounts, depreciation af property, plant and equipment, goodwill and other intangible assets, inventories valuation, fair value of securities and equities, deferred taxes etc. Preparation of cash-flow statement. In this context the Icelandic legal regulation of accounting and International Financial Accounting Standards (IFRS/IAS) are being dealt with. Calculation of income tax will be presented. Extensive exercises are covered in separate group sessions. After this course students should be capable of preparing financial statement for a comparatively simple company.
Finance II (VIÐ402G)
Good corporate governance and skilled financial management are the key ingredients for a successfully run corporation. Finance II builds on the course Finance I, and has its main focus on the corporation and how it is being run from financial management point of view. The course covers topics in corporate governance, how incentives are embedded in the operation of the firm and what economic and financial outcomes are to be expected from the incentive structure. The main focus of the course is financial management; the firm’s capital structure, short and long term financing, capital budgeting, dividend policies, short term financial planning as well as financial distress.
Financial Statements B (VIÐ604M)
This course is a continuation of Financial Statements A, which is taught in the fall semester. It is expected that students of this course are fully familiar with the content of the course Financial Statements A.
The course will cover the principles in accounting under both IFRS and Icelandic law. Topics: cash flow, income tax, earnings per share, financial instruments, finance leases, assets held for sale and discontinued operations, investment properties, provision, information in the financial statements and related parties.
Assignments are part of the course, and students will need submit them.
Reserved the righttochangethecoursedescription.
Mathematics for Physicists II (EÐL408G)
Python tools related to data analysis and manipulation of graphs. Differential equations and their use in the description of physical systems. Partial differential equations and boundary value problems. Special functions and their relation to important problems in physics. We will emphasize applications and problem solving.
Mathematics for Physicists I (STÆ211G)
Python tools related to data analysis and plotting. Mathematical concepts such as vectors, matrices, differential operators in three dimensions, coordinate transformations, partial differential equations and Fourier series and their relation to undergraduate courses in physics and engineering. We will emphasize applications and problem solving.
Portfolio Management (VIÐ604G)
The theory behind decisions of investors and corporations regarding building and managing asset and liability portfolios. Risk management of corporations will also be covered.
The course is taught in English
- Fall
- HAG103GMacroeconomics IMandatory (required) course6A mandatory (required) course for the programme6 ECTS, creditsCourse Description
The course aims to give the students an insight into the main theories, concepts, topics, and principles of macroeconomics and macroeconomic activity. The course stresses both the analytical content and applied usefulness of the topics covered and how they relate to various current economic issues at home and abroad. A sound knowledge of macroeconomics prepares students for various other economics courses, and for life.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesHAG106GFinancial Economics IMandatory (required) course6A mandatory (required) course for the programme6 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe aim is to provide a theoretical as well as practical overview in financial economics. The efficient markets and the portfolio theory are covered as well as the Markowitz model. Risk, and risk assessment under uncertainty and using the utility function are introduced. Students will get practice in value assessment methods, CAPM, as well as fixed income analysis. Stock valuation and fundamentals of derivatives calculations such as the B&S model are covered.
Projects are based on understanding of concepts introduced in the course and their usage. In addition projects are based on Excel usage.Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesSTÆ101GMathematical Analysis IARestricted elective course8Restricted elective course, conditions apply8 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionMain emphasis is on the differential and integral calculus of functions of a single variable. The systems of real and complex numbers. Least upper bound and greatest lower bound. Natural numbers and induction. Mappings and functions. Sequences and limits. Series and convergence tests. Conditionally convergent series. Limits and continuous functions. Trigonometric functions. Differentiation. Extreme values. The mean value theorem and polynomial approximation. Integration. The fundamental theorem of calculus. Logarithmic and exponential functions, hyperbolic and inverse trigonometric functions. Methods for finding antiderivatives. Real power series. First-order differential equations. Complex valued functions and second-order differential equations.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesSTÆ104GMathematical Analysis IRestricted elective course6Restricted elective course, conditions apply6 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThis is a foundational course in single variable calculus. The prerequisites are high school courses on algebra, trigonometry. derivatives, and integrals. The course aims to create a foundation for understanding of subjects such as natural and physical sciences, engineering, economics, and computer science. Topics of the course include the following:
- Real numbers.
- Limits and continuous functions.
- Differentiable functions, rules for derivatives, derivatives of higher order, applications of differential calculus (extremal value problems, linear approximation).
- Transcendental functions.
- Mean value theorem, theorems of l'Hôpital and Taylor.
- Integration, the definite integral and rules/techniques of integration, primitives, improper integrals.
- Fundamental theorem of calculus.
- Applications of integral calculus: Arc length, area, volume, centroids.
- Ordinary differential equations: First-order separable and homogeneous differential equations, first-order linear equations, second-order linear equations with constant coefficients.
- Sequences and series, convergence tests.
- Power series, Taylor series.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesSTÆ106GLinear Algebra AMandatory (required) course8A mandatory (required) course for the programme8 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionBasics of linear algebra over the reals with emphasis on the theoretical side.
Subject matter: Systems of linear equations, matrices, Gauss-Jordan reduction. Vector spaces and their subspaces. Linearly independent sets, bases and dimension. Linear maps, range space and nullspace.
The dot product, length and angle measures. Volumes in higher dimensions and the cross product in threedimensional space. Flats, parametric descriptions and descriptions by equations. Orthogonal projections and orthonormal bases. Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization. Determinants and inverses of matrices. Eigenvalues, eigenvectors and diagonalization.Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesTÖL105GComputer Science 1aMandatory (required) course6A mandatory (required) course for the programme6 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionProgramming in Python (for computations in engineering and science): Main commands and statements (computations, control statements, in- and output), definition and execution of functions, datatypes (numbers, matrices, strings, logical values, records), operations and built-in functions, array and matrix computation, file processing, statistics, graphics. Object-oriented programming: classes, objects, constructors and methods. Concepts associated with design and construction of program systems: Programming environment and practices, design and documentation of function and subroutine libraries, debugging and testing of programmes.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisites- Spring 2
HAG208GFinancial Economics IIMandatory (required) course6A mandatory (required) course for the programme6 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe aim of this course is threefold. First, to introduce the fundamentals of financial accounting in order for the students being able to read and understand corporate financial statements. Second, teach the students to analyse and calculate the main important multiples from financial statements as well as being able to interpret their meaning to potential users of this information. Third, the students should be able to conduct fair value estimates of the corporate entities using information from their financial accounts.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesIÐN401GOperations ResearchMandatory (required) course6A mandatory (required) course for the programme6 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThis course will introduce the student to decision and optimization models in operations research. On completing the course the student will be able to formulate, analyze, and solve mathematical models, which represent real-world problems, and critically interpret their results. The course will cover linear programming and the simplex algorithm, as well as related analytical topics. It will also introduce special types of mathematical models, including transportation, assignment, network, and integer programming models. The student will become familiar with a modeling language for linear programming.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesTÖL205GComputers, operating systems and digital literacy basicsMandatory (required) course4A mandatory (required) course for the programme4 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionIn this course, we study several concepts related to digital literacy. The goal of the course is to introduce the students to a broad range of topics without necessarily diving deep into each one.
The Unix operating system is introduced. The file system organization, often used command-line programs, the window system, command-line environment, and shell scripting. We cover editors and data wrangling in the shell. We present version control systems (git), debugging methods, and methods to build software. Common concepts in the field of cryptography are introduced as well as concepts related to virtualization and containers.
Online learningSelf-studyPrerequisitesSTÆ203GProbability and StatisticsMandatory (required) course6A mandatory (required) course for the programme6 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionBasic concepts in probability and statistics based on univariate calculus.
Sample space, events, probability, equal probability, independent events, conditional probability, Bayes rule, random variables, distribution, density, joint distribution, independent random variables, condistional distribution, mean, variance, covariance, correlation, law of large numbers, Bernoulli, binomial, Poisson, uniform, exponential and normal random variables. Central limit theorem. Poisson process. Random sample, statistics, the distribution of the sample mean and the sample variance. Point estimate, maximum likelihood estimator, mean square error, bias. Interval estimates and hypotheses testing form normal, binomial and exponential samples. Simple linear regression. Goodness of fit tests, test of independence.Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesSTÆ205GMathematical Analysis IIMandatory (required) course6A mandatory (required) course for the programme6 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionOpen and closed sets. Mappings, limits and continuity. Differentiable mappings, partial derivatives and the chain rule. Jacobi matrices. Gradients and directional derivatives. Mixed partial derivatives. Curves. Vector fields and flow. Cylindrical and spherical coordinates. Taylor polynomials. Extreme values and the classification of stationary points. Extreme value problems with constraints. Implicit functions and local inverses. Line integrals, primitive functions and exact differential equations. Double integrals. Improper integrals. Green's theorem. Simply connected domains. Change of variables in double integrals. Multiple integrals. Change of variables in multiple integrals. Surface integrals. Integration of vector fields. The theorems of Stokes and Gauss.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesSTÆ210GIntroduction to Probability TheoryMandatory (required) course2A mandatory (required) course for the programme2 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThis is an extension of the course "Probability and Statistics" STÆ203G. The basic concepts of probability are considered in more detail with emphasis on definitions and proofs. The course is a preparation for the two M-courses in probability and the two M-courses in statistics that are taught alternately every other year.
Topics beyond those discussed in the probability part of STÆ203G:
Kolmogorov's definition. Proofs of propositions on compound events and conditional probability. Proofs for discrete and continuous variables of propositions on expectation, variance, covariance, correlation, and conditional expectation and variance. Proofs of propositions for Bernoulli, binomial, Poisson, geometric, uniform, exponential, and gamma variables. Proof of the tail-summing proposition for expectation and the application to the geometric variable. Proof of the proposition on memoryless and exponential variables. Derivation of the distribution of sums of independent variables such as binomial, Poisson, normal, and gamma variables. Probability and moment generating functions.Face-to-face learningPrerequisites- Fall
- STÆ312MApplied Linear Statistical ModelsMandatory (required) course6A mandatory (required) course for the programme6 ECTS, creditsCourse Description
The course focuses on simple and multiple linear regression as well as analysis of variance (ANOVA), analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) and binomial regression. The course is a natural continuation of a typical introductory course in statistics taught in various departments of the university.
We will discuss methods for estimating parameters in linear models, how to construct confidence intervals and test hypotheses for the parameters, which assumptions need to hold for applying the models and what to do when they are not met.
Students will work on projects using the statistical software R.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesVIÐ505GFinancial MarketsMandatory (required) course6A mandatory (required) course for the programme6 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionFinancial institutions are a pillar of civilized society, supporting people in their productive ventures and managing the economic risks they take on. The workings of these institutions are important to comprehend, if we are to predict their actions today and their evolution in the coming information age. The course strives to offer understanding of the theory of finance and its relation to the history, strengths and imperfections of such institutions as banking, insurance, securities, futures, and other derivatives markets, and the future of these institutions over the next century. The Icelandic Banking System collapse offers myriad of examples and cases that provide a fruitful ground for learning. A frequent reference will be made to those throughout the course.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesSTÆ302GMathematical Analysis IIIMandatory (required) course6A mandatory (required) course for the programme6 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionFunctions of a complex variable. Analytic functions. The exponential function, logarithms and roots. Cauchy's Integral Theorem and Cauchy's Integral Formula. Uniform convergence. Power series. Laurent series. Residue integration method. Application of complex function theory to fluid flows. Ordinary differential equations and systems of ordinary differential equations. Linear differential equations with constant coefficients. Systems of linear differential equations. The matrix exponential function. Various methods for obtaining a particular solution. Green's functions for initial value problems. Flows and the phase plane. Nonlinear systems of ordinary differential equations in the plane, equilibrium points, stability and linear approximations. Series solutions and the method of Frobenius. Use of Laplace transforms in solving differential equations.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesTÖL303GData Base Theory and PracticeMandatory (required) course6A mandatory (required) course for the programme6 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionDatabases and database management systems. Physical data organization. Data modelling using the Entity-Relationship model and the Relational model. Relational algebra and calculus. The SQL query language. Design theory for relational data bases, functional dependencies, decomposition of relational schemes, normal forms. Query optimization. Concurrency control techniques and crash recovery. Database security and authorization. Data warehousing.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisites- Spring 2
Not taught this semesterSTÆ415MStochastic ProcessesMandatory (required) course10A mandatory (required) course for the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionIntroduction to stochastic processes with main emphasis on Markov chains.
Subject matter: Hitting time, classification of states, irreducibility, period, recurrence (positive and null), transience, regeneration, coupling, stationarity, time-reversibility, coupling from the past, branching processes, queues, martingales, Brownian motion.Face-to-face learningThe course is taught if the specified conditions are metPrerequisitesSTÆ412GTheoretical Numerical AnalysisMandatory (required) course2A mandatory (required) course for the programme2 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThis is an extension of the course "Numerical Analysis" STÆ405G. The material of Numerical Analysis (STÆ405G) is studied in more detail and more theoretically with emphasis on proofs.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesSTÆ202GSets and Metric SpacesMandatory (required) course8A mandatory (required) course for the programme8 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionElements of set theory: Sets. Mappings. Relations, equivalence relations, orderings. Finite, infinite, countable and uncountable sets. Equipotent sets. Construction of the number systems. Metric spaces: Open sets and closed sets, convergent sequences and Cauchy sequences, cluster points of sets and limit points of sequences. Continuous mappings, convergence, uniform continuity. Complete metric spaces. Uniform convergence and interchange of limits. The Banach fixed point theorem; existence theorem about solutions of first-order differential equations. Completion of metric spaces. Compact metric spaces. Connected sets. Infinite series, in particular function series.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesSTÆ401GMathematical Analysis IVMandatory (required) course6A mandatory (required) course for the programme6 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionAim: To introduce the student to Fourier analysis and partial differential equations and their applications.
Subject matter: Fourier series and orthonormal systems of functions, boundary-value problems for ordinary differential equations, the eigenvalue problem for Sturm-Liouville operators, Fourier transform. The wave equation, diffusion equation and Laplace's equation solved on various domains in one, two and three dimensions by methods based on the first part of the course, separation of variables, fundamental solution, Green's functions and the method of images.Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesSTÆ405GNumerical AnalysisMandatory (required) course6A mandatory (required) course for the programme6 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionFundamental concepts on approximation and error estimates. Solutions of systems of linear and non-linear equations. PLU decomposition. Interpolating polynomials, spline interpolation and regression. Numerical differentiation and integration. Extrapolation. Numerical solutions of initial value problems of systems of ordinary differential equations. Multistep methods. Numerical solutions to boundary value problems for ordinary differential equations.
Grades are given for programning projects and in total they amount to 30% of the final grade. The student has to receive the minimum grade of 5 for both the projects and the final exam.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisites- Fall
- STÆ310MTheory of linear modelsRestricted elective course6Restricted elective course, conditions apply6 ECTS, creditsCourse Description
Simple and multiple linear regression, analysis of variance and covariance, inference, variances and covariances of estimators, influence and diagnostic analyses using residual and influence measures, simultaneous inference. General linear models as projections with ANOVA as special case, simultaneous inference of estimable functions. R is used in assignments. Solutions to assignments are returned in LaTeX and PDF format.
In addition selected topics will be visited, e.g. generalized linear models (GLMs), nonlinear regression and/or random/mixed effects models and/or bootstrap methods etc.
Students will present solutions to individually assigned
projects/exercises, each of which is handed in earlier through a web-page.This course is taught in semesters of even-numbered years.
Face-to-face learningOnline learningThe course is taught if the specified conditions are metPrerequisitesSTÆ313MTheoretical StatisticsRestricted elective course10Restricted elective course, conditions apply10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionLikelihood, Sufficient Statistic, Sufficiency Principle, Nuisance Parameter, Conditioning Principle, Invariance Principle, Likelihood Theory. Hypothesis Testing, Simple and Composite Hypothesis, The Neyman-Pearson Lemma, Power, UMP-Test, Invariant Tests. Permutation Tests, Rank Tests. Interval Estimation, Confidence Interval, Confidence, Confidence Region. Point Estimation, Bias, Mean Square Error. Assignments are returned using LaTeX and consitute 20% of the final grade.
Face-to-face learningOnline learningThe course is taught if the specified conditions are metPrerequisitesSTÆ529MBayesian Data AnalysisRestricted elective course8Restricted elective course, conditions apply8 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionGoal: To train students in applying methods of Bayesian statistics for analysis of data. Topics: Theory of Bayesian inference, prior distributions, data distributions and posterior distributions. Bayesian inference for parameters of univariate and multivariate distributions: binomial; normal; Poisson; exponential; multivariate normal; multinomial. Model checking and model comparison: Bayesian p-values; deviance information criterion (DIC). Bayesian computation: Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods; the Gibbs sampler; the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm; convergence diagnostistics. Linear models: normal linear models; hierarchical linear models; generalized linear models. Emphasis on data analysis using software, e.g. Matlab and R.
Face-to-face learningThe course is taught if the specified conditions are metPrerequisitesVIÐ503GFinancial InstrumentsMandatory (required) course6A mandatory (required) course for the programme6 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThis course starts with looking at interest rate markets and how the zero coupon curve is derived. Valuation of different kind of bonds is covered along with the characteristics and risk factors of the major listed bonds, with special emphasis on the Icelandic market. Next the valuation of derivatives is covered along with the main characteristics. Special emphasis is placed on futures/forwards, swaps and options. The reasons behind derivatives trading are covered and what the main risk factors are.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesSTÆ303GAlgebraMandatory (required) course8A mandatory (required) course for the programme8 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionGroups, examples and basic concepts. Symmetry groups. Homomorphisms and normal subgroups. Rings, examples and basic concepts. Integral domains. Ring homomorphisms and ideals. Polynomial rings and factorization of polynomials. Special topics.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisites- Spring 2
STÆ262LResearch ProjectRestricted elective course0Restricted elective course, conditions apply0 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionResearch Project
Self-studyPrerequisitesPart of the total project/thesis creditsSTÆ402GMathematical SeminarRestricted elective course4Restricted elective course, conditions apply4 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThis course is intended for students who have completed at least 120 ECTS credits. Students who have not completed 120 ECTS credits and are interested in taking the course must obtain the approval of the supervisor prior to signing up for the course.
Each student prepares and studies a selected well-defined topic of mathematics or statistics and will be assigned a mentor related to that topic. Topics vary from year to year. A list of possible topics is released at the start of or prior to the course and students can also suggest topics (provided that a mentor can be found). Students write a thesis on their selected topic and prepare and give a lecture on the topic at a student conference. During the course, students provide each other with constructive critique both regarding the thesis writing and the preparation of the lecture. In addition to presenting their own projects at the student conference, students take active part, listen to their fellow course members and ask questions.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesMAS202MApplied data analysisMandatory (required) course6A mandatory (required) course for the programme6 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe course focuses on statistical analysis using the R environment. It is assumed that students have basic knowledge of statistics and the statistical software R. Students will learn to apply a broad range of statistical methods in R (such as classification methods, resampling methods, linear model selection and tree-based methods). The course on 12 weeks and will be on "flipped" form. This means that no lectures will be given but students will read some material and watch videos before attending classes. Students will then work on assignments during the classes.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesVIÐ601GBusiness Law B - Introduction to Financial LawMandatory (required) course6A mandatory (required) course for the programme6 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe course reviews legislation and legal issues that concern the financial markets, corporate finance and operations. Legal environment of financial compaines will be reviewed, securities law, liability for experts, a chapter in the penal code act regarding wealth deeds and legal issues related to acquisitions and sales of corporations, due diligence, etc. The course will also review contracts and documents in the financial market, including loan-, purchase- and shareholder agreements.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisites- Fall
- IÐN502GEngineering EconomicsElective course6Free elective course within the programme6 ECTS, creditsCourse Description
The objective of the course is that students get the skills to:
1. Understand the main concepts in accounting, cost theory and investment theory.
2. Be able to use methods of measuring the economic feasibility of technical projects.
3. Be able to develop computer models to assess the profitability of investments, the value of companies and pricing of bonds
Among topics included are accounting, cost theory, cash flow analysis, investment theory, measures of profitability including net present value and internal rate of return, and the building of profitability models. The course ends with a group assignment where the students exercise the development of computer models for feasibility assessment of projects.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesCourse DescriptionStudents will perform traditional statistical analysis on real data sets. Special focus will be on regression methods, including multiple regression analysis. Students will apply sophisticated methods of graphical representation and automatic reporting. Students will hand in a projects where they apply the above mentioned methods on real datasets in order to answer research questions
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesNot taught this semesterSTÆ520MGraph TheoryElective course8Free elective course within the programme8 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionGraphs, homomorphisms and isomorphisms of graphs. Subgraphs, spanning subgraphs. Paths, connected graphs. Directed graphs. Bipartite graphs. Euler graphs and Hamilton graphs; the theorems of Chvátal, Pósa, Ore and Dirac. Tournaments. Trees, spanning trees, the matrix-tree theorem, Cayley's theorem. Weighted graphs, the algorithms of Kruskal and Dijkstra. Networks, the max-flow-min-cut theorem, the algorithm of Ford and Fulkerson, Menger's theorem. Matchings, Berge's theorem, Hall's marriage theorem, the König-Egerváry theorem, the Kuhn-Munkres algorithm. Inseparable and two-connected graphs. Planar graphs, Euler's formula, Kuratowski's theorem, dual graphs. Embeddings of graphs in surfaces, the Ringel-Youngs-Mayer theorem. Colourings, Heawood's coloring theorem, Brooks's theorem, chromatic polynomial; edge colourings, Vizing's theorem.
Face-to-face learningThe course is taught if the specified conditions are metPrerequisitesNot taught this semesterSTÆ537MNumerical Methods for Partial Differential EquationsElective course8Free elective course within the programme8 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe aim of the course is to study numerical methods to solve partial differential equations and their implementation.
Face-to-face learningThe course is taught if the specified conditions are metPrerequisitesTÖL303GData Base Theory and PracticeElective course6Free elective course within the programme6 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionDatabases and database management systems. Physical data organization. Data modelling using the Entity-Relationship model and the Relational model. Relational algebra and calculus. The SQL query language. Design theory for relational data bases, functional dependencies, decomposition of relational schemes, normal forms. Query optimization. Concurrency control techniques and crash recovery. Database security and authorization. Data warehousing.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesVIÐ103GIntroduction to Financial AccountingElective course6Free elective course within the programme6 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThis course is intended to do the student able to read corporate financial statements. Fundamentals of financial accounting and financial reporting are introduced. The double entry model explained through the accounting equation. Presentation of the conceptual framework for accounting: assumptions, principles and concepts. The logical relationship between individual chapters in financial statements is in foreground. Whose things have influence on shareholders equity? Main methods of financial statement analysis are presented, especially ratio analysis. Extensive exercises are covered in separate group sessions.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesCourse DescriptionThe aim of the course is to teach students the basic principles of economic thinking and main theories and concepts in microeconomics. The topics covered include: Markets, specialisation and trade. Supply, demand, elascticity and government policies. Efficiency and welfare. The Icelandic tax system and the effects of taxation on market activity. Externalities, public goods and common resources. Firm behaviour and the organisation of industry. Consumer choice. Labour market, earnings and discrimination. Assymetric information, political economy, behavioural economics.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesCourse DescriptionThis course deals with law and regulation applicable to commercial transactions and business organizations. The purpose of the course is to prepare students for the legal challenges they can expect to encounter as entrepreneurs and managers of private businesses . Topics covered include contracts, torts, negotiable instruments, security and guarantees, and bankruptcy. Laws applicable to business organization will also be studied and the fundamentals of securities laws.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesCourse DescriptionThe course covers the principles of Icelandic tax law concerning tax liability and taxable income, including which items are tax deductible. A special emphasis will be placed on the filing of sources of income for individuals and the self-employed through solving problems and cases. The filing of tax returns for individuals, couples, and businesses will be introduced. The determination of benefits and tax credit will be discussed. The fundamental principles of tax law will be covered, along with re-assessment of taxes and the consequences of fraudulent filing. An overview will be given of the key principles of the laws on value added tax and the social insurance fee. Upon completion of the course a student shall be able to file tax returns for individuals and small businesses as well as appeal tax assessments that he/she deems incorrect.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesVIÐ505MFinancial Statements AElective course6Free elective course within the programme6 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThis course is designed for students on the F- and R-line (finance and accounting). The purpose with the course is that the students obtains knowledge and understanding on matters that management of companies needs to have to prepare financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. In the course students, will learn about generally accepted accounting principles according to international accountings standards (IFRS) and icelandic GAAP. Among topics: Financial accounting and accounting standards, income statement, balance sheet and cash flow. Revenue recognition and cost accounting, inventories, accounts receivables, PPE, intangible assets, income tax, impairment test, accounting for financial instruments, liabilities and equity. Students will need to solve assignments during the course.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesNot taught this semesterSNU503MVarious approaches to teaching mathematics in upper secondary schoolsElective course10Free elective course within the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionIn this course, students learn to plan mathematics teaching in upper secondary school using various approaches to provide access for all. An emphasis will be put on exploring different teaching environments and teaching methods that build on research on the teaching and learning of mathematics. In the course, the aims of learning mathematics both in Iceland and its neighboring countries will be discussed based on curricular and governmental documents. Students will read about and get a chance to try out various ways to assess and analyze students’ mathematical achievements. The course format includes lectures, project work, presentations, topic studies connected to practice, and critical topic discussion. An emphasis will be put on students’ discussion about challenges and their search for solutions to problems related to the teaching and learning of mathematics.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in class- Spring 2
STÆ421MGeneralized Linear ModelsElective course4Free elective course within the programme4 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionGeneralized linear regression models. Exponential dispersion models. Poisson processes and tests for overdispersion. Survival regression models. Nonlinear effects and basis expansions. Parametric, semiparametric and nonparametric likelihood methods. Partial likelihood methods. Generalized linear regression analysis in R.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesNot taught this semesterSTÆ413GLife Insurance MathematicsElective course8Free elective course within the programme8 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionPayment flows; mortality theory; overview of the main forms of insurance; the principle of equivalence; prospective reserves and differential equations for these; cost; general Markov chains in life insurance with applications to disability insurance and multi-life insurance; profits and bonuses; market rate products.
Face-to-face learningThe course is taught if the specified conditions are metPrerequisitesSTÆ414GNon-Life Insurance MathematicsElective course8Free elective course within the programme8 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe course will give an overview of some important elements of non-life insurance and reinsurance. Models for claim numbers, the Poisson, mixed Poisson and renewal process. Stochastic models for non-life insurance risks, in particular the compound Poisson, compound mixed Poisson and renewal models. The Cramer-Lundberg and the renewal model as basic risk models. Methods for approximating the distribution of risk models. Small and large claim distributions and their properties. Premium calculation principles for the total claim amount of a portfolio. Experience rating: calculation of the premium in a policy. Reinsurance treaties and their properties. Bayesian methods in a non-life insurance context, in particular the Bayes and linear Bayes estimators for calculating the premium in a policy.
Face-to-face learningThe course is taught if the specified conditions are metPrerequisitesCourse DescriptionIntermediate microeconomic theory. Basic factors of price theory, uncertainty, including analysis of demand, costs of production and supply relationships, and price and output determination under various market structures, market failures and public choice.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesMAS202MApplied data analysisElective course6Free elective course within the programme6 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe course focuses on statistical analysis using the R environment. It is assumed that students have basic knowledge of statistics and the statistical software R. Students will learn to apply a broad range of statistical methods in R (such as classification methods, resampling methods, linear model selection and tree-based methods). The course on 12 weeks and will be on "flipped" form. This means that no lectures will be given but students will read some material and watch videos before attending classes. Students will then work on assignments during the classes.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesNot taught this semesterSTÆ402MMeasure and Integration TheoryElective course8Free elective course within the programme8 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionMeasure spaces, measures, outer measures. The Lebesgue measure on Rn. Measurable functions, the monotone convergence theorem, Fatou’s Lemma. Integrable functions, Lebesgue’s dominated convergence theorem and applications. Inequalities of Hölder and Minkowski, Lp-spaces, simple facts about Banach and Hilbert spaces. Fourier series. Product of measure spaces, theorems of Tonelli and Fubini. Complex measures. Jordan decomposition and Lebesgue decomposition of measures, Radon-Níkodým theorem. Continuous linear functionals on Lp-spaces. Image measures, transformation formula for the Lebesgue measure on Rn.
Face-to-face learningThe course is taught if the specified conditions are metPrerequisitesSTÆ418MIntroduction to Measure-Theoretic ProbabilityElective course10Free elective course within the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionProbability based on measure-theory.
Subject matter: Probability, extension theorems, independence, expectation. The Borel-Cantelli theorem and the Kolmogorov 0-1 law. Inequalities and the weak and strong laws of large numbers. Convergence pointwise, in probability, with probability one, in distribtution, and in total variation. Coupling methods. The central limit theorem. Conditional probability and expectation.
Face-to-face learningThe course is taught if the specified conditions are metPrerequisitesVIÐ204GManagement AccountingElective course6Free elective course within the programme6 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionIntroduction to management accounting. Most important cost terms will be presented and cost-volume-profit analysis. Different accounting systems around manufacturing costs and allocation of indirect costs. The difference between absorption costing and variable costing. Budgeting, standard costing and variance analysis. Performance evaluation of different departments and products and cost allocation. After this course the students should understand well the importance of management accounting for decision making in business.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesCourse DescriptionThis course is a continuation of the introductory course. The main emphasis here is on the preparation of financial statement, fx. allowance for doubtful accounts, depreciation af property, plant and equipment, goodwill and other intangible assets, inventories valuation, fair value of securities and equities, deferred taxes etc. Preparation of cash-flow statement. In this context the Icelandic legal regulation of accounting and International Financial Accounting Standards (IFRS/IAS) are being dealt with. Calculation of income tax will be presented. Extensive exercises are covered in separate group sessions. After this course students should be capable of preparing financial statement for a comparatively simple company.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesCourse DescriptionGood corporate governance and skilled financial management are the key ingredients for a successfully run corporation. Finance II builds on the course Finance I, and has its main focus on the corporation and how it is being run from financial management point of view. The course covers topics in corporate governance, how incentives are embedded in the operation of the firm and what economic and financial outcomes are to be expected from the incentive structure. The main focus of the course is financial management; the firm’s capital structure, short and long term financing, capital budgeting, dividend policies, short term financial planning as well as financial distress.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesVIÐ604MFinancial Statements BElective course6Free elective course within the programme6 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThis course is a continuation of Financial Statements A, which is taught in the fall semester. It is expected that students of this course are fully familiar with the content of the course Financial Statements A.
The course will cover the principles in accounting under both IFRS and Icelandic law. Topics: cash flow, income tax, earnings per share, financial instruments, finance leases, assets held for sale and discontinued operations, investment properties, provision, information in the financial statements and related parties.
Assignments are part of the course, and students will need submit them.Reserved the righttochangethecoursedescription.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesEÐL408GMathematics for Physicists IIElective course2Free elective course within the programme2 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionPython tools related to data analysis and manipulation of graphs. Differential equations and their use in the description of physical systems. Partial differential equations and boundary value problems. Special functions and their relation to important problems in physics. We will emphasize applications and problem solving.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesSTÆ211GMathematics for Physicists IElective course2Free elective course within the programme2 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionPython tools related to data analysis and plotting. Mathematical concepts such as vectors, matrices, differential operators in three dimensions, coordinate transformations, partial differential equations and Fourier series and their relation to undergraduate courses in physics and engineering. We will emphasize applications and problem solving.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesCourse DescriptionThe theory behind decisions of investors and corporations regarding building and managing asset and liability portfolios. Risk management of corporations will also be covered.
The course is taught in English
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesSecond year- Fall
- HAG103GMacroeconomics IMandatory (required) course6A mandatory (required) course for the programme6 ECTS, creditsCourse Description
The course aims to give the students an insight into the main theories, concepts, topics, and principles of macroeconomics and macroeconomic activity. The course stresses both the analytical content and applied usefulness of the topics covered and how they relate to various current economic issues at home and abroad. A sound knowledge of macroeconomics prepares students for various other economics courses, and for life.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesHAG106GFinancial Economics IMandatory (required) course6A mandatory (required) course for the programme6 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe aim is to provide a theoretical as well as practical overview in financial economics. The efficient markets and the portfolio theory are covered as well as the Markowitz model. Risk, and risk assessment under uncertainty and using the utility function are introduced. Students will get practice in value assessment methods, CAPM, as well as fixed income analysis. Stock valuation and fundamentals of derivatives calculations such as the B&S model are covered.
Projects are based on understanding of concepts introduced in the course and their usage. In addition projects are based on Excel usage.Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesSTÆ101GMathematical Analysis IARestricted elective course8Restricted elective course, conditions apply8 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionMain emphasis is on the differential and integral calculus of functions of a single variable. The systems of real and complex numbers. Least upper bound and greatest lower bound. Natural numbers and induction. Mappings and functions. Sequences and limits. Series and convergence tests. Conditionally convergent series. Limits and continuous functions. Trigonometric functions. Differentiation. Extreme values. The mean value theorem and polynomial approximation. Integration. The fundamental theorem of calculus. Logarithmic and exponential functions, hyperbolic and inverse trigonometric functions. Methods for finding antiderivatives. Real power series. First-order differential equations. Complex valued functions and second-order differential equations.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesSTÆ104GMathematical Analysis IRestricted elective course6Restricted elective course, conditions apply6 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThis is a foundational course in single variable calculus. The prerequisites are high school courses on algebra, trigonometry. derivatives, and integrals. The course aims to create a foundation for understanding of subjects such as natural and physical sciences, engineering, economics, and computer science. Topics of the course include the following:
- Real numbers.
- Limits and continuous functions.
- Differentiable functions, rules for derivatives, derivatives of higher order, applications of differential calculus (extremal value problems, linear approximation).
- Transcendental functions.
- Mean value theorem, theorems of l'Hôpital and Taylor.
- Integration, the definite integral and rules/techniques of integration, primitives, improper integrals.
- Fundamental theorem of calculus.
- Applications of integral calculus: Arc length, area, volume, centroids.
- Ordinary differential equations: First-order separable and homogeneous differential equations, first-order linear equations, second-order linear equations with constant coefficients.
- Sequences and series, convergence tests.
- Power series, Taylor series.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesSTÆ106GLinear Algebra AMandatory (required) course8A mandatory (required) course for the programme8 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionBasics of linear algebra over the reals with emphasis on the theoretical side.
Subject matter: Systems of linear equations, matrices, Gauss-Jordan reduction. Vector spaces and their subspaces. Linearly independent sets, bases and dimension. Linear maps, range space and nullspace.
The dot product, length and angle measures. Volumes in higher dimensions and the cross product in threedimensional space. Flats, parametric descriptions and descriptions by equations. Orthogonal projections and orthonormal bases. Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization. Determinants and inverses of matrices. Eigenvalues, eigenvectors and diagonalization.Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesTÖL105GComputer Science 1aMandatory (required) course6A mandatory (required) course for the programme6 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionProgramming in Python (for computations in engineering and science): Main commands and statements (computations, control statements, in- and output), definition and execution of functions, datatypes (numbers, matrices, strings, logical values, records), operations and built-in functions, array and matrix computation, file processing, statistics, graphics. Object-oriented programming: classes, objects, constructors and methods. Concepts associated with design and construction of program systems: Programming environment and practices, design and documentation of function and subroutine libraries, debugging and testing of programmes.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisites- Spring 2
HAG208GFinancial Economics IIMandatory (required) course6A mandatory (required) course for the programme6 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe aim of this course is threefold. First, to introduce the fundamentals of financial accounting in order for the students being able to read and understand corporate financial statements. Second, teach the students to analyse and calculate the main important multiples from financial statements as well as being able to interpret their meaning to potential users of this information. Third, the students should be able to conduct fair value estimates of the corporate entities using information from their financial accounts.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesIÐN401GOperations ResearchMandatory (required) course6A mandatory (required) course for the programme6 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThis course will introduce the student to decision and optimization models in operations research. On completing the course the student will be able to formulate, analyze, and solve mathematical models, which represent real-world problems, and critically interpret their results. The course will cover linear programming and the simplex algorithm, as well as related analytical topics. It will also introduce special types of mathematical models, including transportation, assignment, network, and integer programming models. The student will become familiar with a modeling language for linear programming.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesTÖL205GComputers, operating systems and digital literacy basicsMandatory (required) course4A mandatory (required) course for the programme4 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionIn this course, we study several concepts related to digital literacy. The goal of the course is to introduce the students to a broad range of topics without necessarily diving deep into each one.
The Unix operating system is introduced. The file system organization, often used command-line programs, the window system, command-line environment, and shell scripting. We cover editors and data wrangling in the shell. We present version control systems (git), debugging methods, and methods to build software. Common concepts in the field of cryptography are introduced as well as concepts related to virtualization and containers.
Online learningSelf-studyPrerequisitesSTÆ203GProbability and StatisticsMandatory (required) course6A mandatory (required) course for the programme6 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionBasic concepts in probability and statistics based on univariate calculus.
Sample space, events, probability, equal probability, independent events, conditional probability, Bayes rule, random variables, distribution, density, joint distribution, independent random variables, condistional distribution, mean, variance, covariance, correlation, law of large numbers, Bernoulli, binomial, Poisson, uniform, exponential and normal random variables. Central limit theorem. Poisson process. Random sample, statistics, the distribution of the sample mean and the sample variance. Point estimate, maximum likelihood estimator, mean square error, bias. Interval estimates and hypotheses testing form normal, binomial and exponential samples. Simple linear regression. Goodness of fit tests, test of independence.Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesSTÆ205GMathematical Analysis IIMandatory (required) course6A mandatory (required) course for the programme6 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionOpen and closed sets. Mappings, limits and continuity. Differentiable mappings, partial derivatives and the chain rule. Jacobi matrices. Gradients and directional derivatives. Mixed partial derivatives. Curves. Vector fields and flow. Cylindrical and spherical coordinates. Taylor polynomials. Extreme values and the classification of stationary points. Extreme value problems with constraints. Implicit functions and local inverses. Line integrals, primitive functions and exact differential equations. Double integrals. Improper integrals. Green's theorem. Simply connected domains. Change of variables in double integrals. Multiple integrals. Change of variables in multiple integrals. Surface integrals. Integration of vector fields. The theorems of Stokes and Gauss.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesSTÆ210GIntroduction to Probability TheoryMandatory (required) course2A mandatory (required) course for the programme2 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThis is an extension of the course "Probability and Statistics" STÆ203G. The basic concepts of probability are considered in more detail with emphasis on definitions and proofs. The course is a preparation for the two M-courses in probability and the two M-courses in statistics that are taught alternately every other year.
Topics beyond those discussed in the probability part of STÆ203G:
Kolmogorov's definition. Proofs of propositions on compound events and conditional probability. Proofs for discrete and continuous variables of propositions on expectation, variance, covariance, correlation, and conditional expectation and variance. Proofs of propositions for Bernoulli, binomial, Poisson, geometric, uniform, exponential, and gamma variables. Proof of the tail-summing proposition for expectation and the application to the geometric variable. Proof of the proposition on memoryless and exponential variables. Derivation of the distribution of sums of independent variables such as binomial, Poisson, normal, and gamma variables. Probability and moment generating functions.Face-to-face learningPrerequisites- Fall
- STÆ312MApplied Linear Statistical ModelsMandatory (required) course6A mandatory (required) course for the programme6 ECTS, creditsCourse Description
The course focuses on simple and multiple linear regression as well as analysis of variance (ANOVA), analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) and binomial regression. The course is a natural continuation of a typical introductory course in statistics taught in various departments of the university.
We will discuss methods for estimating parameters in linear models, how to construct confidence intervals and test hypotheses for the parameters, which assumptions need to hold for applying the models and what to do when they are not met.
Students will work on projects using the statistical software R.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesVIÐ505GFinancial MarketsMandatory (required) course6A mandatory (required) course for the programme6 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionFinancial institutions are a pillar of civilized society, supporting people in their productive ventures and managing the economic risks they take on. The workings of these institutions are important to comprehend, if we are to predict their actions today and their evolution in the coming information age. The course strives to offer understanding of the theory of finance and its relation to the history, strengths and imperfections of such institutions as banking, insurance, securities, futures, and other derivatives markets, and the future of these institutions over the next century. The Icelandic Banking System collapse offers myriad of examples and cases that provide a fruitful ground for learning. A frequent reference will be made to those throughout the course.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesSTÆ302GMathematical Analysis IIIMandatory (required) course6A mandatory (required) course for the programme6 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionFunctions of a complex variable. Analytic functions. The exponential function, logarithms and roots. Cauchy's Integral Theorem and Cauchy's Integral Formula. Uniform convergence. Power series. Laurent series. Residue integration method. Application of complex function theory to fluid flows. Ordinary differential equations and systems of ordinary differential equations. Linear differential equations with constant coefficients. Systems of linear differential equations. The matrix exponential function. Various methods for obtaining a particular solution. Green's functions for initial value problems. Flows and the phase plane. Nonlinear systems of ordinary differential equations in the plane, equilibrium points, stability and linear approximations. Series solutions and the method of Frobenius. Use of Laplace transforms in solving differential equations.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesTÖL303GData Base Theory and PracticeMandatory (required) course6A mandatory (required) course for the programme6 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionDatabases and database management systems. Physical data organization. Data modelling using the Entity-Relationship model and the Relational model. Relational algebra and calculus. The SQL query language. Design theory for relational data bases, functional dependencies, decomposition of relational schemes, normal forms. Query optimization. Concurrency control techniques and crash recovery. Database security and authorization. Data warehousing.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisites- Spring 2
Not taught this semesterSTÆ415MStochastic ProcessesMandatory (required) course10A mandatory (required) course for the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionIntroduction to stochastic processes with main emphasis on Markov chains.
Subject matter: Hitting time, classification of states, irreducibility, period, recurrence (positive and null), transience, regeneration, coupling, stationarity, time-reversibility, coupling from the past, branching processes, queues, martingales, Brownian motion.Face-to-face learningThe course is taught if the specified conditions are metPrerequisitesSTÆ412GTheoretical Numerical AnalysisMandatory (required) course2A mandatory (required) course for the programme2 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThis is an extension of the course "Numerical Analysis" STÆ405G. The material of Numerical Analysis (STÆ405G) is studied in more detail and more theoretically with emphasis on proofs.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesSTÆ202GSets and Metric SpacesMandatory (required) course8A mandatory (required) course for the programme8 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionElements of set theory: Sets. Mappings. Relations, equivalence relations, orderings. Finite, infinite, countable and uncountable sets. Equipotent sets. Construction of the number systems. Metric spaces: Open sets and closed sets, convergent sequences and Cauchy sequences, cluster points of sets and limit points of sequences. Continuous mappings, convergence, uniform continuity. Complete metric spaces. Uniform convergence and interchange of limits. The Banach fixed point theorem; existence theorem about solutions of first-order differential equations. Completion of metric spaces. Compact metric spaces. Connected sets. Infinite series, in particular function series.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesSTÆ401GMathematical Analysis IVMandatory (required) course6A mandatory (required) course for the programme6 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionAim: To introduce the student to Fourier analysis and partial differential equations and their applications.
Subject matter: Fourier series and orthonormal systems of functions, boundary-value problems for ordinary differential equations, the eigenvalue problem for Sturm-Liouville operators, Fourier transform. The wave equation, diffusion equation and Laplace's equation solved on various domains in one, two and three dimensions by methods based on the first part of the course, separation of variables, fundamental solution, Green's functions and the method of images.Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesSTÆ405GNumerical AnalysisMandatory (required) course6A mandatory (required) course for the programme6 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionFundamental concepts on approximation and error estimates. Solutions of systems of linear and non-linear equations. PLU decomposition. Interpolating polynomials, spline interpolation and regression. Numerical differentiation and integration. Extrapolation. Numerical solutions of initial value problems of systems of ordinary differential equations. Multistep methods. Numerical solutions to boundary value problems for ordinary differential equations.
Grades are given for programning projects and in total they amount to 30% of the final grade. The student has to receive the minimum grade of 5 for both the projects and the final exam.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisites- Fall
- STÆ310MTheory of linear modelsRestricted elective course6Restricted elective course, conditions apply6 ECTS, creditsCourse Description
Simple and multiple linear regression, analysis of variance and covariance, inference, variances and covariances of estimators, influence and diagnostic analyses using residual and influence measures, simultaneous inference. General linear models as projections with ANOVA as special case, simultaneous inference of estimable functions. R is used in assignments. Solutions to assignments are returned in LaTeX and PDF format.
In addition selected topics will be visited, e.g. generalized linear models (GLMs), nonlinear regression and/or random/mixed effects models and/or bootstrap methods etc.
Students will present solutions to individually assigned
projects/exercises, each of which is handed in earlier through a web-page.This course is taught in semesters of even-numbered years.
Face-to-face learningOnline learningThe course is taught if the specified conditions are metPrerequisitesSTÆ313MTheoretical StatisticsRestricted elective course10Restricted elective course, conditions apply10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionLikelihood, Sufficient Statistic, Sufficiency Principle, Nuisance Parameter, Conditioning Principle, Invariance Principle, Likelihood Theory. Hypothesis Testing, Simple and Composite Hypothesis, The Neyman-Pearson Lemma, Power, UMP-Test, Invariant Tests. Permutation Tests, Rank Tests. Interval Estimation, Confidence Interval, Confidence, Confidence Region. Point Estimation, Bias, Mean Square Error. Assignments are returned using LaTeX and consitute 20% of the final grade.
Face-to-face learningOnline learningThe course is taught if the specified conditions are metPrerequisitesSTÆ529MBayesian Data AnalysisRestricted elective course8Restricted elective course, conditions apply8 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionGoal: To train students in applying methods of Bayesian statistics for analysis of data. Topics: Theory of Bayesian inference, prior distributions, data distributions and posterior distributions. Bayesian inference for parameters of univariate and multivariate distributions: binomial; normal; Poisson; exponential; multivariate normal; multinomial. Model checking and model comparison: Bayesian p-values; deviance information criterion (DIC). Bayesian computation: Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods; the Gibbs sampler; the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm; convergence diagnostistics. Linear models: normal linear models; hierarchical linear models; generalized linear models. Emphasis on data analysis using software, e.g. Matlab and R.
Face-to-face learningThe course is taught if the specified conditions are metPrerequisitesVIÐ503GFinancial InstrumentsMandatory (required) course6A mandatory (required) course for the programme6 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThis course starts with looking at interest rate markets and how the zero coupon curve is derived. Valuation of different kind of bonds is covered along with the characteristics and risk factors of the major listed bonds, with special emphasis on the Icelandic market. Next the valuation of derivatives is covered along with the main characteristics. Special emphasis is placed on futures/forwards, swaps and options. The reasons behind derivatives trading are covered and what the main risk factors are.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesSTÆ303GAlgebraMandatory (required) course8A mandatory (required) course for the programme8 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionGroups, examples and basic concepts. Symmetry groups. Homomorphisms and normal subgroups. Rings, examples and basic concepts. Integral domains. Ring homomorphisms and ideals. Polynomial rings and factorization of polynomials. Special topics.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisites- Spring 2
STÆ262LResearch ProjectRestricted elective course0Restricted elective course, conditions apply0 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionResearch Project
Self-studyPrerequisitesPart of the total project/thesis creditsSTÆ402GMathematical SeminarRestricted elective course4Restricted elective course, conditions apply4 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThis course is intended for students who have completed at least 120 ECTS credits. Students who have not completed 120 ECTS credits and are interested in taking the course must obtain the approval of the supervisor prior to signing up for the course.
Each student prepares and studies a selected well-defined topic of mathematics or statistics and will be assigned a mentor related to that topic. Topics vary from year to year. A list of possible topics is released at the start of or prior to the course and students can also suggest topics (provided that a mentor can be found). Students write a thesis on their selected topic and prepare and give a lecture on the topic at a student conference. During the course, students provide each other with constructive critique both regarding the thesis writing and the preparation of the lecture. In addition to presenting their own projects at the student conference, students take active part, listen to their fellow course members and ask questions.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesMAS202MApplied data analysisMandatory (required) course6A mandatory (required) course for the programme6 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe course focuses on statistical analysis using the R environment. It is assumed that students have basic knowledge of statistics and the statistical software R. Students will learn to apply a broad range of statistical methods in R (such as classification methods, resampling methods, linear model selection and tree-based methods). The course on 12 weeks and will be on "flipped" form. This means that no lectures will be given but students will read some material and watch videos before attending classes. Students will then work on assignments during the classes.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesVIÐ601GBusiness Law B - Introduction to Financial LawMandatory (required) course6A mandatory (required) course for the programme6 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe course reviews legislation and legal issues that concern the financial markets, corporate finance and operations. Legal environment of financial compaines will be reviewed, securities law, liability for experts, a chapter in the penal code act regarding wealth deeds and legal issues related to acquisitions and sales of corporations, due diligence, etc. The course will also review contracts and documents in the financial market, including loan-, purchase- and shareholder agreements.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisites- Fall
- IÐN502GEngineering EconomicsElective course6Free elective course within the programme6 ECTS, creditsCourse Description
The objective of the course is that students get the skills to:
1. Understand the main concepts in accounting, cost theory and investment theory.
2. Be able to use methods of measuring the economic feasibility of technical projects.
3. Be able to develop computer models to assess the profitability of investments, the value of companies and pricing of bonds
Among topics included are accounting, cost theory, cash flow analysis, investment theory, measures of profitability including net present value and internal rate of return, and the building of profitability models. The course ends with a group assignment where the students exercise the development of computer models for feasibility assessment of projects.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesCourse DescriptionStudents will perform traditional statistical analysis on real data sets. Special focus will be on regression methods, including multiple regression analysis. Students will apply sophisticated methods of graphical representation and automatic reporting. Students will hand in a projects where they apply the above mentioned methods on real datasets in order to answer research questions
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesNot taught this semesterSTÆ520MGraph TheoryElective course8Free elective course within the programme8 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionGraphs, homomorphisms and isomorphisms of graphs. Subgraphs, spanning subgraphs. Paths, connected graphs. Directed graphs. Bipartite graphs. Euler graphs and Hamilton graphs; the theorems of Chvátal, Pósa, Ore and Dirac. Tournaments. Trees, spanning trees, the matrix-tree theorem, Cayley's theorem. Weighted graphs, the algorithms of Kruskal and Dijkstra. Networks, the max-flow-min-cut theorem, the algorithm of Ford and Fulkerson, Menger's theorem. Matchings, Berge's theorem, Hall's marriage theorem, the König-Egerváry theorem, the Kuhn-Munkres algorithm. Inseparable and two-connected graphs. Planar graphs, Euler's formula, Kuratowski's theorem, dual graphs. Embeddings of graphs in surfaces, the Ringel-Youngs-Mayer theorem. Colourings, Heawood's coloring theorem, Brooks's theorem, chromatic polynomial; edge colourings, Vizing's theorem.
Face-to-face learningThe course is taught if the specified conditions are metPrerequisitesNot taught this semesterSTÆ537MNumerical Methods for Partial Differential EquationsElective course8Free elective course within the programme8 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe aim of the course is to study numerical methods to solve partial differential equations and their implementation.
Face-to-face learningThe course is taught if the specified conditions are metPrerequisitesTÖL303GData Base Theory and PracticeElective course6Free elective course within the programme6 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionDatabases and database management systems. Physical data organization. Data modelling using the Entity-Relationship model and the Relational model. Relational algebra and calculus. The SQL query language. Design theory for relational data bases, functional dependencies, decomposition of relational schemes, normal forms. Query optimization. Concurrency control techniques and crash recovery. Database security and authorization. Data warehousing.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesVIÐ103GIntroduction to Financial AccountingElective course6Free elective course within the programme6 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThis course is intended to do the student able to read corporate financial statements. Fundamentals of financial accounting and financial reporting are introduced. The double entry model explained through the accounting equation. Presentation of the conceptual framework for accounting: assumptions, principles and concepts. The logical relationship between individual chapters in financial statements is in foreground. Whose things have influence on shareholders equity? Main methods of financial statement analysis are presented, especially ratio analysis. Extensive exercises are covered in separate group sessions.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesCourse DescriptionThe aim of the course is to teach students the basic principles of economic thinking and main theories and concepts in microeconomics. The topics covered include: Markets, specialisation and trade. Supply, demand, elascticity and government policies. Efficiency and welfare. The Icelandic tax system and the effects of taxation on market activity. Externalities, public goods and common resources. Firm behaviour and the organisation of industry. Consumer choice. Labour market, earnings and discrimination. Assymetric information, political economy, behavioural economics.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesCourse DescriptionThis course deals with law and regulation applicable to commercial transactions and business organizations. The purpose of the course is to prepare students for the legal challenges they can expect to encounter as entrepreneurs and managers of private businesses . Topics covered include contracts, torts, negotiable instruments, security and guarantees, and bankruptcy. Laws applicable to business organization will also be studied and the fundamentals of securities laws.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesCourse DescriptionThe course covers the principles of Icelandic tax law concerning tax liability and taxable income, including which items are tax deductible. A special emphasis will be placed on the filing of sources of income for individuals and the self-employed through solving problems and cases. The filing of tax returns for individuals, couples, and businesses will be introduced. The determination of benefits and tax credit will be discussed. The fundamental principles of tax law will be covered, along with re-assessment of taxes and the consequences of fraudulent filing. An overview will be given of the key principles of the laws on value added tax and the social insurance fee. Upon completion of the course a student shall be able to file tax returns for individuals and small businesses as well as appeal tax assessments that he/she deems incorrect.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesVIÐ505MFinancial Statements AElective course6Free elective course within the programme6 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThis course is designed for students on the F- and R-line (finance and accounting). The purpose with the course is that the students obtains knowledge and understanding on matters that management of companies needs to have to prepare financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. In the course students, will learn about generally accepted accounting principles according to international accountings standards (IFRS) and icelandic GAAP. Among topics: Financial accounting and accounting standards, income statement, balance sheet and cash flow. Revenue recognition and cost accounting, inventories, accounts receivables, PPE, intangible assets, income tax, impairment test, accounting for financial instruments, liabilities and equity. Students will need to solve assignments during the course.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesNot taught this semesterSNU503MVarious approaches to teaching mathematics in upper secondary schoolsElective course10Free elective course within the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionIn this course, students learn to plan mathematics teaching in upper secondary school using various approaches to provide access for all. An emphasis will be put on exploring different teaching environments and teaching methods that build on research on the teaching and learning of mathematics. In the course, the aims of learning mathematics both in Iceland and its neighboring countries will be discussed based on curricular and governmental documents. Students will read about and get a chance to try out various ways to assess and analyze students’ mathematical achievements. The course format includes lectures, project work, presentations, topic studies connected to practice, and critical topic discussion. An emphasis will be put on students’ discussion about challenges and their search for solutions to problems related to the teaching and learning of mathematics.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesAttendance required in class- Spring 2
STÆ421MGeneralized Linear ModelsElective course4Free elective course within the programme4 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionGeneralized linear regression models. Exponential dispersion models. Poisson processes and tests for overdispersion. Survival regression models. Nonlinear effects and basis expansions. Parametric, semiparametric and nonparametric likelihood methods. Partial likelihood methods. Generalized linear regression analysis in R.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesNot taught this semesterSTÆ413GLife Insurance MathematicsElective course8Free elective course within the programme8 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionPayment flows; mortality theory; overview of the main forms of insurance; the principle of equivalence; prospective reserves and differential equations for these; cost; general Markov chains in life insurance with applications to disability insurance and multi-life insurance; profits and bonuses; market rate products.
Face-to-face learningThe course is taught if the specified conditions are metPrerequisitesSTÆ414GNon-Life Insurance MathematicsElective course8Free elective course within the programme8 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe course will give an overview of some important elements of non-life insurance and reinsurance. Models for claim numbers, the Poisson, mixed Poisson and renewal process. Stochastic models for non-life insurance risks, in particular the compound Poisson, compound mixed Poisson and renewal models. The Cramer-Lundberg and the renewal model as basic risk models. Methods for approximating the distribution of risk models. Small and large claim distributions and their properties. Premium calculation principles for the total claim amount of a portfolio. Experience rating: calculation of the premium in a policy. Reinsurance treaties and their properties. Bayesian methods in a non-life insurance context, in particular the Bayes and linear Bayes estimators for calculating the premium in a policy.
Face-to-face learningThe course is taught if the specified conditions are metPrerequisitesCourse DescriptionIntermediate microeconomic theory. Basic factors of price theory, uncertainty, including analysis of demand, costs of production and supply relationships, and price and output determination under various market structures, market failures and public choice.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesMAS202MApplied data analysisElective course6Free elective course within the programme6 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe course focuses on statistical analysis using the R environment. It is assumed that students have basic knowledge of statistics and the statistical software R. Students will learn to apply a broad range of statistical methods in R (such as classification methods, resampling methods, linear model selection and tree-based methods). The course on 12 weeks and will be on "flipped" form. This means that no lectures will be given but students will read some material and watch videos before attending classes. Students will then work on assignments during the classes.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesNot taught this semesterSTÆ402MMeasure and Integration TheoryElective course8Free elective course within the programme8 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionMeasure spaces, measures, outer measures. The Lebesgue measure on Rn. Measurable functions, the monotone convergence theorem, Fatou’s Lemma. Integrable functions, Lebesgue’s dominated convergence theorem and applications. Inequalities of Hölder and Minkowski, Lp-spaces, simple facts about Banach and Hilbert spaces. Fourier series. Product of measure spaces, theorems of Tonelli and Fubini. Complex measures. Jordan decomposition and Lebesgue decomposition of measures, Radon-Níkodým theorem. Continuous linear functionals on Lp-spaces. Image measures, transformation formula for the Lebesgue measure on Rn.
Face-to-face learningThe course is taught if the specified conditions are metPrerequisitesSTÆ418MIntroduction to Measure-Theoretic ProbabilityElective course10Free elective course within the programme10 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionProbability based on measure-theory.
Subject matter: Probability, extension theorems, independence, expectation. The Borel-Cantelli theorem and the Kolmogorov 0-1 law. Inequalities and the weak and strong laws of large numbers. Convergence pointwise, in probability, with probability one, in distribtution, and in total variation. Coupling methods. The central limit theorem. Conditional probability and expectation.
Face-to-face learningThe course is taught if the specified conditions are metPrerequisitesVIÐ204GManagement AccountingElective course6Free elective course within the programme6 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionIntroduction to management accounting. Most important cost terms will be presented and cost-volume-profit analysis. Different accounting systems around manufacturing costs and allocation of indirect costs. The difference between absorption costing and variable costing. Budgeting, standard costing and variance analysis. Performance evaluation of different departments and products and cost allocation. After this course the students should understand well the importance of management accounting for decision making in business.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesCourse DescriptionThis course is a continuation of the introductory course. The main emphasis here is on the preparation of financial statement, fx. allowance for doubtful accounts, depreciation af property, plant and equipment, goodwill and other intangible assets, inventories valuation, fair value of securities and equities, deferred taxes etc. Preparation of cash-flow statement. In this context the Icelandic legal regulation of accounting and International Financial Accounting Standards (IFRS/IAS) are being dealt with. Calculation of income tax will be presented. Extensive exercises are covered in separate group sessions. After this course students should be capable of preparing financial statement for a comparatively simple company.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesCourse DescriptionGood corporate governance and skilled financial management are the key ingredients for a successfully run corporation. Finance II builds on the course Finance I, and has its main focus on the corporation and how it is being run from financial management point of view. The course covers topics in corporate governance, how incentives are embedded in the operation of the firm and what economic and financial outcomes are to be expected from the incentive structure. The main focus of the course is financial management; the firm’s capital structure, short and long term financing, capital budgeting, dividend policies, short term financial planning as well as financial distress.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesVIÐ604MFinancial Statements BElective course6Free elective course within the programme6 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThis course is a continuation of Financial Statements A, which is taught in the fall semester. It is expected that students of this course are fully familiar with the content of the course Financial Statements A.
The course will cover the principles in accounting under both IFRS and Icelandic law. Topics: cash flow, income tax, earnings per share, financial instruments, finance leases, assets held for sale and discontinued operations, investment properties, provision, information in the financial statements and related parties.
Assignments are part of the course, and students will need submit them.Reserved the righttochangethecoursedescription.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesEÐL408GMathematics for Physicists IIElective course2Free elective course within the programme2 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionPython tools related to data analysis and manipulation of graphs. Differential equations and their use in the description of physical systems. Partial differential equations and boundary value problems. Special functions and their relation to important problems in physics. We will emphasize applications and problem solving.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesSTÆ211GMathematics for Physicists IElective course2Free elective course within the programme2 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionPython tools related to data analysis and plotting. Mathematical concepts such as vectors, matrices, differential operators in three dimensions, coordinate transformations, partial differential equations and Fourier series and their relation to undergraduate courses in physics and engineering. We will emphasize applications and problem solving.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesCourse DescriptionThe theory behind decisions of investors and corporations regarding building and managing asset and liability portfolios. Risk management of corporations will also be covered.
The course is taught in English
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesThird year- Fall
- HAG103GMacroeconomics IMandatory (required) course6A mandatory (required) course for the programme6 ECTS, creditsCourse Description
The course aims to give the students an insight into the main theories, concepts, topics, and principles of macroeconomics and macroeconomic activity. The course stresses both the analytical content and applied usefulness of the topics covered and how they relate to various current economic issues at home and abroad. A sound knowledge of macroeconomics prepares students for various other economics courses, and for life.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesHAG106GFinancial Economics IMandatory (required) course6A mandatory (required) course for the programme6 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThe aim is to provide a theoretical as well as practical overview in financial economics. The efficient markets and the portfolio theory are covered as well as the Markowitz model. Risk, and risk assessment under uncertainty and using the utility function are introduced. Students will get practice in value assessment methods, CAPM, as well as fixed income analysis. Stock valuation and fundamentals of derivatives calculations such as the B&S model are covered.
Projects are based on understanding of concepts introduced in the course and their usage. In addition projects are based on Excel usage.Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesSTÆ101GMathematical Analysis IARestricted elective course8Restricted elective course, conditions apply8 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionMain emphasis is on the differential and integral calculus of functions of a single variable. The systems of real and complex numbers. Least upper bound and greatest lower bound. Natural numbers and induction. Mappings and functions. Sequences and limits. Series and convergence tests. Conditionally convergent series. Limits and continuous functions. Trigonometric functions. Differentiation. Extreme values. The mean value theorem and polynomial approximation. Integration. The fundamental theorem of calculus. Logarithmic and exponential functions, hyperbolic and inverse trigonometric functions. Methods for finding antiderivatives. Real power series. First-order differential equations. Complex valued functions and second-order differential equations.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesSTÆ104GMathematical Analysis IRestricted elective course6Restricted elective course, conditions apply6 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionThis is a foundational course in single variable calculus. The prerequisites are high school courses on algebra, trigonometry. derivatives, and integrals. The course aims to create a foundation for understanding of subjects such as natural and physical sciences, engineering, economics, and computer science. Topics of the course include the following:
- Real numbers.
- Limits and continuous functions.
- Differentiable functions, rules for derivatives, derivatives of higher order, applications of differential calculus (extremal value problems, linear approximation).
- Transcendental functions.
- Mean value theorem, theorems of l'Hôpital and Taylor.
- Integration, the definite integral and rules/techniques of integration, primitives, improper integrals.
- Fundamental theorem of calculus.
- Applications of integral calculus: Arc length, area, volume, centroids.
- Ordinary differential equations: First-order separable and homogeneous differential equations, first-order linear equations, second-order linear equations with constant coefficients.
- Sequences and series, convergence tests.
- Power series, Taylor series.
Face-to-face learningPrerequisitesSTÆ106GLinear Algebra AMandatory (required) course8A mandatory (required) course for the programme8 ECTS, creditsCourse DescriptionBasics of linear algebra over the reals with emphasis on the theoretical side.