For students with disability/illness or fewer opportunities

The Erasmus+ programme places great emphasis on inclusion to enable more students to study abroad. This is achieved through special financial support for those facing various barriers.

Students at the University of Iceland who participate in an Erasmus+ exchange or traineeship have the opportunity to apply for inclusion grants through the International Division. The grant application is submitted at the same time as the application for the study period abroad.

Students can apply for an inclusion grant to cover barriers they may face due to disability or health-related issues (physical or mental). This grant is in addition to the standard Erasmus+ subsistence and/or travel grant.

Students who intend to apply for this grant are encouraged to contact the International Division after submitting their application for exchange studies, traineeships, or short-term mobility. It is also possible to seek information from the International Division before applying.

The grant is based on actual costs, meaning that students must submit receipts for the expenses covered by the grant.

Examples of eligible expenses:

  • Additional salary costs for a personal assistant (for the duration of the stay)
  • Travel and accommodation costs for a personal assistant
  • Special accommodation to meet the student's needs
  • Costs related to mobility services
  • Transportation costs for necessary equipment


Students can apply for a top-up grant based on a fixed amount of €250 per month, which is in addition to the standard Erasmus+ subsistence grant. For short-term exchanges, the fixed amount is €100 for 5-14 days and €150 for 15-30 days.

Eligibility criteria for the 2024-2025 academic year:

  • Students who are immigrants or children of immigrants*
  • Students with refugee status
  • Students who are experiencing or have experienced serious illness, chronic illness, or mental health challenges
  • Students with physical disabilities, developmental disorders, visual/hearing impairments, or learning disabilities
  • Students with children under the age of 18

Additional criteria from the 2025-2026 academic year:

  • Students facing financial barriers
  • Students residing in rural areas**


* An immigrant is an individual born abroad whose parents and grandparents were also born abroad. Second-generation immigrants are individuals born in Iceland to two immigrant parents.

** Students residing outside the capital area (according to the definition of the capital area by Statistics Iceland).

Note: The grant does not multiply even if a student meets more than one eligibility criterion.

Students are encouraged to visit the Inclusive Mobility website, where they can find information about inclusion and the services offered by universities and other institutions for international students. The website provides details on specific universities and countries, as well as student experiences.

You should make a thorough inquiry about facilities and services for students with disabilities at the host institution. You must also inform the host institution of your disability or illness as soon as possible to ensure you receive the best possible services from the start of your studies.

The following websites contain useful information about access and services for university students with disabilities:

More information on Erasmus+ disability or illness grant


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